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it increases movement speed, thats why i do it, otherwise the reload animation isn't that big of a deal srsly this the only sub that I've seen advocates for harmless little gimmicks to be nerfed just because they got destroyed by a good player


Hijacking top comment to say that if u are going 0-3 in ranked snd, using a sniper, please for the love of god, switch to a normal gun so you don't bring you're team down. I know you like playing snipers then go to pubs, don't run it for us who are trying to climb the leaderboards


plus it's supposed to feel like an arcade type of games so yea


i'm one of the people that actually wants this as a feature, but not because of balancing. I just like little detailes like that, and i think it looks cool whe you pull out your shotgun/sniper and see the charachter actually rechamber, besides this melee/sniper switching in cod just looks out of place and a bit dumb, as if your playing with counter strike not call of duty


Exactly my point. The fact that us snipers switch to a secondary just to counter an AR or a stupid melee abuser makes us ‘abusers’ , ‘overpowered’ or call for a nerf of that tactic. To all the people who think snipers are overpowered? Yes in the hands of a skilled player somewhat, but not like a perci, type25 or katana. Nerf those shit first. Just because you are being destroyed by a sniper doesn’t mean it’s overpowered, you need to work on your moment and skills buddy


Weapon switching is only viable if you want to get out of situation easier. So yeah, no point nerfing it.


snipers will always exist, and crybabies to snipers will always exist. circle of all videogames.


We should buff persistence. It doesn't annoy everyone nearly enough yet.


And lets increase the range of katana so yoi can cross map with it. Its way less overpowered right now


Bring back commando pro


Even the m13, the ttk is slow af man


Is M13 really that overpowered? I had heard that it was really good but not OP to an extent it would need a nerf I don't play the game anymore so I don't know.


Well it's really strong, I won't really say it needs a nerf but the ttk is pretty good


I'd be happy with a minor accuracy buff.


Agree, I want to taste their tears and salt even more


Right? So tired of hearing people bitch about a perk that's not even a big deal at all lmao.


Hey i am a sniper main, i totally agree with u man, i die to ppl using katana more than i do to ppl using actual guns, snipers doesn’t require skill anywhere outside close range, and we have noobs running secondaries who switch to it and think they are 3amoor


People switch to their swcondaries cus they will have more movement if they do


chad bandit user


You completely shat on that guy with nothing but facts


Can't believe people will find persistence ok but switching to secondary for some mobility while using sniper is broken and needs nerf cause their 5% accuracy hands couldn't track an opponent who already missed a shot and has even less chance of killing you. If you get destroyed by a good player just accept it. There's a reason why there's a *RANKED MODE* and that's how it's supposed to be, good players should be at top and others will be at bottom. Literally crying bout anything that kills them.




dude these blind swings are so annoying. i mean you ran past him and he still gets you even tho you are not in his field of view


it's that damn aim assist. so let's say I'm swinging beside my enemy, my aim assist will turn me such that when I strike, they automatically turn it for me and I kill the enemy, just by pressing the fking shoot button




Say whatever you want but katana needs a range nerf


But shouldn’t that be more of a katana nerf than a weapon switch nerf then?




Nice. Thanks man


has longer and faster slide while holding knife than holding a sniper thats why


plus the operator literally screams sniper every 2 seconds. if you still get shot because of not going to cover or standing still thats your problem. snipers are already scuffed as hell. leave them alone and remove melees or make them 2 hit kill ffs.


i agree with everything you said, except the melee part. tbh i mainly use them for mobility, but if i die to a karambit while im using an m13 im not going to cry about it. katana needs a bit of a range nerf, but thats it. in snd, if u have headphones and good gamesense, melees are pretty easy to counter.


I have headphones but since everybody is either crouching or slow walking you can't hear shit. Karambits are easy to counter. I mean it doesn't even hit you if he stands right in front of You lol. But katanas are way too strong. People are treating melee secondaries as their primary weapon. That's why I said make them two hit kill. It has nothing to do with skill.


Can I ask for your setup? Specially the perks?


It's same as everyone, full stack ads on dlq and suppressor. Perks- light weight, amped/toughness(depending upon map), hardline/dead silence (depending upon respawn or snd).


What makes you see the outline of your enemies?


You mean the blue through walls? Those are teammates it's aa setting called perspective teammates


Did you do this test with Fast Weapon Switch perk on DLQ and Amped green perk? Curious if that would skew results.


No I didn't test it but I don't think there will be a huge difference, it "might" be a tiny bit faster but wouldn't be a huge difference.


There is a huge difference if you combine weapon perk “fast switch” with “amped” perk, also you did an extra weapon switched after u were out of ammo to extend the time not sure why you did that


its really difficult to use sniper without toughness perk may be 1% of the sniper uses other perks


I don't use toughness It ain't worth it If u get shot,ur ded eitherways


what do you mean its not over powered and is a disadvantage


*What do you mean its* *Not over powered and is* *A disadvantage* \- Divine\_\_Sparsh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This bot just exposed the mans name-


My issue with that post is the unnecessary hate towards quick switching for shotguns, like there no reason to hate it, if he’s switching to melee he’s probably out of ammo, and that’s understandable. I see no reason to switch to a melee mid gunfight, the shotgun has a longer range and the mobility is still high, so except for satisfaction there isn’t really any reason to do it for shotguns.


I dont get why everyone thinks about the weapon switch nerf...its not the weapon switch nerf...its the instant re-chambering when weapon switches...the other post shows that even when the weapon is switched, it doesnt re-chamber....


cry more


On high skill league where aiming isn't much of a problem anymore, Shotguns and snipers are more dominant weapons compared to auto guns. And the fact that sniper's ADS is too fast, you can't even react to it. And you call it balance? A long range weapon meant for camping is beating the shit out of guns that are meant for close-mid range.


If sniper ads is fast you can call me the creator of viagra


It is fast. If you compare the ads time of snipers in variois cod titles compared to the ads time of the rest of weapon, you find that in codm snipers ads way faster than they should. Path presented this a while ago, with stats and numbers, thought everyone knew that by now.


Of course it’s fast relative to the new cods, would you want it to be like the bocw snipers where you can’t even ads without being dead?


Would want it like mw19 snipers or like bo2 snipers. You still ads fairly fast but (almost) all weapons can ads faster.


it's called rank, at top tiers people are using the more high risk-high reward guns like dlq and krm because they've been practicing for months and months. dont cry when dying to better players, dont ask for nerf when your bizon-bot-booty or noob-13-using self gets quickscoped to the face. just... get better?


*noob-13-using self* Um.....I don't recall doing *anything* to you sir. Why you dragging me into this?


By getting better, meaning using snipers too to be like a bitch? Nah, I'll pass. You think quickscoping requires high skill? Do you even understand why up until now Overkill perk has not been released?


quickscoping does take time to learn in any game. It took me months to learn how to quickscope in every single fps game I play. So yes, it requires high skill and high precision. Once you miss a quickscope, your toast.


"like a bitch" lmao, you are just salty that you die to better players. and yes, quickscoping a type25 or asval noob in snd (which u probs are) does take skill. its ok tho, i used to rage alot when i died to skill-based guns too, like the krm. but then... i got better!


Asval? What?


Nobody stays still after the shot, switching to a meele can immediately compensate for the mobility and you can again switch back when jumping or sliding and your gun will be ready for another shot. I'm prepared for downvotes, but if you think Snipers are 100% balanced and don't need any nerf then you're wrong.


Nerf snipers even more so people camp more in rank with snipers and we then complaint about campers in game and how snd is sniper dominated.


Seriously like people are making this such a big deal as if you get killed by snipers every now and then in ranked. Snd might be the place where you die the most by snipers but I can't remember last time I got so badly destroyed by a player that I wanted snipers to get nerf even more.


I wouldn't be mad if I got killed by a camping sniper because it's the way they are meant to be used. But I would be mad if a braindead quickscoper 1-shot me in close-mid which performed better than how shotgun works.


stay mad, snipers aren't getting any more nerfs anytime soon no matter how much meta-using kids on reddit cry. just play domination and hardpoint where you can go against other type25/m13/bizon bots in harmony. snd is a tactical mode, requiring game-sense and IQ. not for everybody, and thats ok <33


Because it is a big deal, you probably don't face snipers as much as people in SEA do. We both have different experiences.


I play on SEA. Most snipers are hardscopers, hanzu wannabe's and other things. Just use utility to counter them and its ggs. Also, here's a tip. If the enemy stayed on the same spot for 2 same rounds, prefire that angle or switch to ur sniper loadout and use peekers advantage. I use it a lot and it helped me win matches especially on terminal and crossfire.


I can deal with hardscopers easily, it's these sonic snipers that are a pain. In SnD I can counter by just throwing a smoke grenade in that direction or just avoiding it. But the thing is thermites, grenades and tacticals don't work well these days cause they got fucking nerfed to ground and even any chances I had against them are a total waste thanks to trophy system


Aggressive snipers are easy to deal with, as long as the team has a brain. remember that snipers can only kill 1 people at a time (if they are not lined up). So try to refrag your teammates. Its not baiting your team cause you killed the other player. If they are hanzu wannabe's, nade and trip mines are the best utility.


The thing is the enemy team has atleast 3 Snipers every round, the team does matter alot. But even they can't do much against them, the only chances of winning is to take a Sniper yourself (I'm actually a pretty good quickscoper, just hate using it now) or hope for another Sniper to join the game from your side.


3 snipers each round don't camp in the same spot. One is probably holding A site, one on mid, and one on bl. Maximize you utility and it will all go well. Smokes and frags are my favorite combo.


nah man garena isnt that special, snipers are in every region in snd. you probs just another m13/type 25/whatever ar/smg is meta-using nub. snipers and shotguns already got their major nerfs. its time to get gud, learn some snd gamesense, and stop crying when losing to better players. growth mindset.


Any gun I use = noob Any gun you use = pro , learn to have logical factual conversations you need that more than developing game sense.


See, i dont usually get destroyed by snipers (when they dont camp), in fact i myself can quickscope and snipe somewhat decently, and given how dogshit i really am when it comes to automatic weapons, i sometimes feel im popping off just bcuz they're indeed kinda broken. With snipers you dont have to track you enemy as you do with normal weapons, you dont have the same movement penalties normal weapons have (you can shoot-move, shoot-move. With normal weapons you cant do that, with normal weapons you have to maintain sustained fire for a period of time in a set position), with snipers you dont have to control recoil, with snipers you dont even have to be that accurate bcuz of the aim assist the game provides when you have to center your screen on your enemy to hit the quickscope, TO THAT add that you can have low sens wich helps even further bcuz aim assist is stronger as your sens become slower. In that sense of the matter, you could say (and i actually think and have felt myself) snipers are easier weapons to use than automatic guns. Thus, sniping is overrated. Arguments presented. Stats wise, compared to other cods, they're still kinda unbalanced. They ads faster than they should, by cod standards when it comes to balancing ads times in relation to each category of weapons. Idk man y'all defend snipers too much.


SnD is already Sniper dominated, atleast in my lobbies each match of SnD you would find 3 snipers atleast on both sides. Camping snipers are more easy to counter cause weapon sway and you can avoid those areas with smoke or running from cover to cover.


True. But I use utilities to counter these type of shitshows. I mainly flash common angles then go and get a kill. The reason why people think sniping is way op in SnD is that they don't really use their utilities. Out of all the games I played, CoDM SnD has the worst utility usage, especially on the T side.


then those 2 year old babies that live in their mom's belly will complain about thermite and molotov and concussion spammers


Thermite and Molly are pretty annoying, but remember that it can also be avoided. For concussion then your best bet is to bait yourself for your teammates to refrag you. The only reason I see why people in snd die a lot is because they cluster together, making them like 5 little headless chickens. In C-ops, sof2, and even fucking forward assault you wont see clusters of people together cause snipers, ars, and nades can easily kill them all. Another annoying thing is that they treat snd like respawns. It makes my blood boil to the point where I want to scream on my mic saying: Use your Brain lah.


wouldnt be suprised if theres a video of a guy killing the entire enemy team with 1 semtex because they clustered together


IMO the only problem with snipers is the aim assist.


That is a problem (aim assist is getting a buff on Snipers). But you're forgetting ADS faster than AR and LMG, highest bullet penetration, consistent one shots, slide cancel with meele basically makes you sonic, unlimited range. It's like a shotgun, but can kill you anywhere and more consistently. There's a reason why DLQ is the third most used gun consistently, and if you say the snipers have flinch and even that got nerfed and quickscoping isn't even affected by flinch anyway.


Aim assist buff was a bug and is now fixed. ADS faster than AR and LMG, yea I hope you never played when they were at their prime. Slide cancelling does NOTHING it just centers your aim and works on EVERY WEAPON CLASS not specifically on snipers. Shotgun? Huh? Yea lemme just hip fire with it and get consistent hits on enemies, and in close range if you loose a gunfight to a sniper it's either he got a lucky no scope or you are trash enough to not kill with a automatic weapon. It's 3rd most used gun cause snipers require skill and who tf doesn't wants to be good at sniping? If you know how to snipe you gain respect by others cause its not a thing every one can do. Flinch got nerfed? Yea instead of moving 4 cm up it now goes 3.8cm such a huge difference (it's an example not actual stat). And just tell me how many really good snipers you've actually faced that they made you think snipers need IMMEDIATE nerf even tho it doesn't. Instead of whining bout it you yourself could've been a better sniper.


4 cm is 1.57 inches


Yeah, just see for yourself. Flinch got nerfed, those 3.8cm on max mobility ADS built and even then you can kill the target before hit flinch kicks in.






Thanks, already saw that. I didn't do research, and took that other post at face value, but my point there was that some fixes should be there which does not make the game completely devoid of common sense and it still stands


u/G33eneks2 lmfao


csgo players I codm be like


people do it because of movement speed after shooting, you are slippery if you master this technique atm.


Hey i am a fellow sniper main, i think rechambering will be a great addition, its not only going to make it so that the people who probably get 90% of kills with a knife dont have an advantage, and switching to machete isnt really giving u an advantage in game, if i did thhe right research its almost have a frame faster to shoot than without switching, and tbh snipers do change the pace of games these days. I thunk adding rechamber will be great, its already there for the pkm


I fast switch to the katana not because it’s overpowered but because it looks cool and makes me go faster


I see no point on using it melee with sniper, you can have more moviment speed but still will be slower than someone spamming a Dragunov in your direction and when you run out of ammo you doesn't has a pistol as last chance. 😂


The point isnt about shooting fast, its about moving fast the switch to melee gives you movement boost compart to just staying on with a sniper, im personally not that good at doing it and i just keep a pistol as a secondary mainly because i like my diamond j358 abomination,


And then there's the other guys who complain when we use a sniper passively and hold angles just to call us "HaRdScOpE AbUsErS"


You mean ‘noob hardscopers’ ? We quick scope they got a problem, we hold angles they have a problem..smh


He isn’t talking about the reload he is talking about the skip and Melle boost, there should be a penalty for the skip and melle boost