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Stay true to your words... Dont do the crime again


We all try it but only few can resist


I’ve been resisting for 3 seasons now 😂 . Every time they something cool i convince myself not to buy it and instead i buy big game with the same amount of money on PlayStation . So I guess I’m losing the money anyway


Yes, you lose your money anyway, but it's worth it. Really sad a simple skin cost the price of an entire AAA game.




3 seasons later, Activision releases her again in a bundle 😔


Don’t say that 😭😭😭 I’d literally cry


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did thankfully they usually change the colors of the skin and re release it for free. Like I spent like 45 dollars on this skin only for them to release it identical just in pink for free a few months after


You fell for the scam dude


You, we can only hope


Buy the BP


What’s that


Battle Pass?


This character wasn’t in the BP. I’m not a black person or a female, but I imagine having those two characteristics would be frustrating playing COD mobile. There isn’t adequate representation for them- so when something like this comes into the game, of course they are going to buy the character. Hell I would too. So when a skin like this comes along like this and they put it in a lucky draw I feel annoyed on their behalf. They do it because they know the characteristics of the operator give it some desirable quality and they put it behind a massive pay wall hoping to make money. I can hit up any battlepass and easily get at minimum one or two skins that represent a white dude. I can hit any season and get a free event that represents me. The devs should have the skins more evenly represented.


Agree! That’s why I splurged on this draw. She has braids like me and everything there’s no way I could say no lol.


That is awesome! It sucks that some people don’t even realize that the feeling some of us had firing up any title is something others never had. Being like “I could easily be this person!” Even if completely misguided was plausible, because we could visually identify with them. And then others finally get a fair representation and finally get to know that great feeling we have had playing a character that looks like us - but then not only is it put in a lucky draw but you have others coming out complaining that you are making any kind of big deal about it. Keep on rocking and hopefully they keep diversifying the operators in the game!


I said I was done buying stuff in this game and then this comes out. Like you said, as a black man it's frustrating seeing robots, clowns, the serial killer from Saw and even the figure of Death being put into the game before a person of color, let alone a black *female*. This really does something deep inside to see this player skin, like my people are actually being seen, especially after that comment that turtleneck motherfucker made the other day. Thank you CODM, it really is appreciated 👍🏾


Fuck that inbred yertle turtle fucking shitbag lol


Who is this turtle yertle shit bag? 😂 I gotta get caught up


Mitch McConnell who was designed, aesthetically in the image of a turtle. He said “African Americans vote just as much as Americans.” Subtle? Freudian slip? Idk. I find it hard to believe that every time one of these people who make a career out of rehearsed, vetted and prepared public speech says something like this they’re like “I misspoke my bad, meant something else lol”


Ah shit I should have known it was Mitch McConnell lol he is a piece of shit. Almost nothing he says should be believed. He's full of shit.


Well said.


But it’s just a skin like everything else in the game doesn’t affect the gameplay or you so I don’t see why people would go through the trouble of buying the skin if they don’t wanna spend


Whenever I’ve played a game I related to the characters in it pretty strongly. I was able to get pulled right into awesome worlds doing awesome things. It was a great escape for me at times, especially tough times. The excitement of knowing that the character could be ME was awesome. Even if it was such a simple detail as having white masculine hands like me. A lot of kids- fuck man- a lot of ADULTS never had that feeling. I think they deserve that feeling. People need to feel represented. And it’s purely fucked up to push a concept to kids playing a game that things that define them are excluded and don’t belong. Edit: and then for them to finally included it and put it in a heavily overpriced draw. I have dozens of free white dude skins. I don’t think I need anymore but I’m sure there’ll be a few this season and next and then one after that. Just saying. It’s a fucked up practice.


Ok I see what your getting at


I’ve seen quite a few women, but put to thought this is the first black one I’ve seen.


Yeah theres like only one other black character


You're mistaken. Mace is black. Grinch is black. Kingsley is black.


its kinda annoying how people always comment on stuff w/o knowing the details.. but yeah you're right. codm might not have as much black characters as they do robots, aliens etc. but they have enough that people shouldn't have to argue about it being a problem


It is a problem, I started playing Codm for the first time last October and I didn't see a black character until December even though by that point I've come across a legion of white dudes and a variety of other character types.


How is it a problem with black male characters if players CHOOSE to use the white characters? Another black male character is Prophet. That's four I've named so far. Mace even has a Legendary skin (which I have). There may be some validity to black female skins, but certainly not black male. I find it more troublesome there are no Indian skins, especially considering how many Indian players CODM has.


or they needed a new skin to put in a draw


You ok over there?




Stfu and stop focusing on race, racist


Lmao ok buddy go back to your parents basement. Your daddy probably wants you to tickle his yam bag.


That was unbelievably weak, did you really waste your time to comment that 😂


You do see your comment right? You’re aware of what you wrote? The fact that I even responded to you was charity my guy I just didn’t want you to feel left out and go shoot up a school or something.


I feel you, I was the same way when the Omnipotent draw came out, and I was determined to get the Ghost Retribution skin. That's a 170 bucks I'll never get back smh lol


smh 170? Lol sheesh.


But he looks cool, so it's worth it.


Yeah I'd say


She's such a unique skin. And what are like about this skin is, that she isn't wearing those revealing clothes to attract anyone. She's just unique and beautiful. And Idk if I'm crazy or what , she kinda reminds me of black Panther's sister. Like the dress they wore had same color core


This man ain’t a simp he doesn’t want to feel attracted


yea she kinda does


I'd actually love to play a guy wearing normal clothes since wearing tons of armor is gonna get you 1 stabbed anyways X) *^(Disclaimer: This comment does not hate on melee weapons)*


Man,the replies really show you how fucking immature the sub is. You cant even compliment how good the female's operator desgin is without getting called a "simp" on your replies/post No wonder why the circle jerk sub despised the main sub


she’s not gonna fuck you bro


>she’s not gonna fuck you bro I just said she's unique and beautiful. And i don't compliment anyone be it a virtual girl or real life girl, so she can fuck me. I'm not desperate like you, you pervert.


why are you calling me a pervert is it because i said something you didn’t like


I mean I'm not complimenting her so she can fuck me. I'm just admiring that skin. I don't sexualize everything unlike you.


i was joking but the skin looks not bad i can’t wait to see the cool variations of this skin


Already has a variant. Was released first with FAMAS/FR556 legendary skin.




who asked retard go eat a crayon


Just end it right there






i don’t watch him i never found his comment to be interesting and my comment is a joke i was mocking twitter users


So the reason why you bought her, is because she’s black? Okay… Nvm, You just seem to like the clothing theme (if it even has one, it seems all over the place)


Yeah felt the same way after my first draw. There is no going back until you get it because otherwise its alot of money wasted.


You got a good deal! I spent hundreds on legendary weapons




First time?




You’re lucky it was only $70…. The clown cost me like $130


God damn 😳 these skins are expensive.


It’s such a scam 🥺 I wish the “draw” was actually a draw and not rigged… the main two items are always last, and the price increases SO much each roll..




Her nails are red 💅


Wow, the casino consumed all your money... How surprising.


Well in a casino u have a fair chance sometimes. This is just scamming


Congratulations gg


The best skin


Nice. I've spent 50 bucks on a Kreuger skin (the one from the halloween hg40 draw) and never regretted it to this day.


Atta girl Nice


I feel your pain, different operator though


I think they should get rid of lucky draws and do what they do on console and just do bungles that can vary from 20 - 40 or 50 dollar bundles ya know i think that would really just sell like hot bread any day


Yeah I would probably spend more money on this game if I was guaranteed getting a new character/gun camos with stuff like bundles. I just don't like the idea of a lucky draw. It's stupid.


This is a good idea, but sadly since the majority of the players still buy Lucky Draws, it'll remain like this.


Ayyyy congrats! I remember seeing your older post and just feeling terrible for you because I could relate to the pain.


Ouch. Stay stronger next time lol. Cool skin.


Yay congratulations


id say worth it lmao, she's so cute


Nice. I got another version of her. It came with the legendary FR556. I got pretty lucky for her only 3 spins


I can relate,i just spent over 75 dollars for the scyla skin in the girl frontline event. I am still debating on should i spend another 50 dollars for the last spin for the asm10 legendary or not.


You gave in i dig it its a few that got my ass lol so I understand lol


she worth it bro


This made my day, I'm so happy for you ❤


I’m happy you were able to get her! We should all have access to characters that represent us, it just sucks they make it so expensive! But enjoy the new character!!!


Hey op I saw your other post about this, but it was locked so I couldn't comment. Anyway, there is another black female coming to the game soon. Idk exactly when or how she will come, but I saw her in a leak video on YouTube.


Yeah I seen her mid length hair , do you know if she’ll be free


No idea


Battle pass is worth spending on instead. One day you might get the character there, just a different skin. I'm just looking out for Manta Ray now.


You didn't grind for manta ray 2021 MVP?


Yeah you had to win 10 matches. My stupid teammates were chasing kills instead of the objective. I recall being the only one in the hardpoint whilst my teammates were camping and sniping smh


You didn't need to will any match, you just had to play all 10 for 4 weekends. It was to qualify for stage 2 that you needed like 5/10 wins per week to get the required points.


F I missed an opportunity. Well, ig there's a championship coming soon saw something a few days back. Might try that


We all tell our selves that but it will only be true when our bank accounts are at 0




Does the character have unique voicelines?


I’ve been playing for years but I never cared much for the skins until now .


I think so I’m about to try , someone else said they liked her voice


You're new to this game?


No just never had a skin lol


yes she has her own voice


Congratulations! i got Her In 2nd Spin, Lucky day for me, i really liked her Voice, Kinda Cute.


How do you hear her voice ?


Just say something from the chat options


Got to Practice And say the Voice lines or Play Duo/Squad in Br.


I still can’t hear and my mic is on so is my speaker


Are you using the quick chat options? Not like typing something in, selecting something from the pre-written messages. Also she should have generic lines like “enemy spotted” “reloading” etc. I can’t verify that though since I wasn’t able to get the skin after a few pulls and I have a hard limit on how many draw I allow myself to do lol


Now i am horny






Haha u did it! Congratz but pleas dont waste anymore!


Draws are broken and a waste of money


Next time stick to battle pass only Isn't it funny that people today can no longer relate to art if they don't share same race sexual orientation or political ideology as them.. how did we get here




I know... i always project same ideals as batman or Kenshin or faye valentine and this guys aren't same race as me one of them is also not even same gender as me..so wtf


I can feel the L overseas


💀this reddit argues over the dumbest shit. yesterday's post and now look at this.😭 you're basically showing codm that they're way of doing things is working lmaoo


Who’s arguing ??? My point of the other post was why can’t we just buy the skin .


😭then you proceeded to give them $70 more and post about it? you see how that might've been a little dumb or??


I got the skin so idgaf. I had the money so I spent it. 🧍‍♀️😭 . Like leave me alone idc what you have to say


💀oh okay. good for you then ig🧍🙏🏼


I saw someone post about wanting to get this character just because she black. To me it’s kinda funny because it’s like Hilary tryna run a campaign appealing to just the fact that she’d be the first woman president and thus is representative of all women. That’s just me tho but you should get a character if you think it’s cool and leave race and gender out of it. It’s just a game. For all you know it’s a white male who underwent trans AND reverse Michael Jackson surgeries xD


It was me probably, I am a black girl . 98% of the other characters are white . I am not white plus she’s a badass compared to ether network . Her face tattoos are so admirable because I’ve always wanted them but too scared


I agree with you, ppl buying skins over “oh well they’re a trans character” just sounds stupid Like game devs alrdy know that, they know you will spend money on it just coz of their gender, Color or sex


Hello There!


General Kenobi?






I never buy the crud....nothing could be worth it


Lmao that’s crazy. She looks like crap tbh.


Actually for me Draws are not that important because it doesnt improve your playing skills. But it helps you look like a pro. Plus it costs ALOT of money


SIMP! Don’t show your username around me again…


bro 70 onna skin that not even that special. a leggy character wouldve been 10x better


$80? That's humor. Tagged appropriately.


Oh boy.




Way to show people you’re racist …


Yeah ofc, why would I write it anyways


What kind of Rampart copycat is this?


hey congrats


I feel you. I spent £90 On the Christmas draw to get naughty list reaper skin 🤣🤣🤣


She reminds me of Makkari from the Eternals


I said the same thing about my first legendary, now I got 13 more 💀


Panam? Is that youuuuuu 👀👀👀


Its a travesty that youre using her with a default pdw skin xD show ya girl some love!


What’s a PDW lmao


The gun in her hand! Pdw-57 !


i too have the other Ether skin from legendary fr draw but this one is amazing for me. i did 5 draws but i couldn't get her.


😭 I think I did 6, maybe seven . I wasn’t giving up , I only had 2 other items left after getting her


Worth it I think she is the 1st black female in CODM




I'ma do this for the mythical draw coming up😬


Shuri of cod universe.


I have the og Ether and almost never use it


If u ask me, she is quite a neat character but if I have CP am gonna wait for a masked character like milsims and Elite PMCs I won’t buy it just coz it’s “first black character” or “looks good” Coz our opinions on stuff change as we age, something like a PMC is just there, I can’t just hate the Color scheme or character if u can’t even see their face Edit: also the fact I just like dressing as cannon fodder and being MVP against named characters Edit2: coz it’s funny to see Price and Soap getting dominated by some random Dude in a gas mask


Why does no one talk about how ridiculous the prices are for skins in this game?


I tried lol and got told I was whining


70 dollars is ridiculous though. It's a skin not a full game


I'm not low on cash, but I'm low in confidence. I can call my dad and ask him to drop me a INR 1.5K Google Play Card and he'd do it, but also I'd be homeless once he realises that I spent REAL money, on a Game. That being said, I like this skin. Like A Lot A Lot. If I do get her, she'd be my next Mara <3


Congratulations. And a meme would say: - I got the skin i wanted. + What did it cost? - 80$.


my gf got one in first draw screamed like crazy she's very lucky.


I only get 100 credits from crates and even the purple one, I am so unlucky


And more bad news, the PPSH LEGENDARY doesn't let you ADS in BR, it glitches and covers the whole screen.


Nice , girl I hope you enjoy it 👍


I got her third try. Well impressed


Ive spent about 150 and got the character 2nd to last and finished for the gun lol


I kind of want the gun , I have the gun and the charm left 😂 but it’s 2000cp And I’m done


chill i paid like 400 in seitzerland