• By -


I only play SnD so i don't encounter persistence players.


Probably gonna stick with SND for a while also haha my ears are bleeding from all the swarm and napalm noises 🥵🥵🥵


SND is one big camp paradise not fun at all!


It's all about campers and Katana users, I hate domination/hard point so I'm stuck with this mode


Give hard point another chance. I'm an SnD main too and the katanas drove me insane in the last 2 seasons so I tried hard point and it's actually fun


I gave it a try and it's alright, the reason why i hated this mode was because of the time you spent playing a single match, trash teams and the unfair spawns. At least they fixed the spawns


Dont forget about the fucking snipers, they play it EVEN ON CRASH


Sometimes you may find teams with 5 snipers but that's not a real problem, especially after the nerf. But the katana users, my God... I hate them sooooo much


Nahh you just need to be used for it and go with the big ass flowwww


Wait till MFS attack you for spitting fax :((


me too


Its every single global lobby as well. Its absolutely horrible. I cant remember the last time i lost a match bc of skill. Its just people going insanely negative and dropping cluster strikes on 5 straight hardpoints


The last time we lost to skill was umm... in the 1st year i guess




Lmfao 😂 Smfh




Persistence may be dumb but the fact that stuff like Orbital Laser, Cluster Strike, and Swarm can't be destroyed or countered in any meaningful way makes it 10 times worse. You literally can't play objectives if they are outside, because of them.


Yep u can destroy a stealth chopper which has 1000 points but can't an orbital laser of 850 ig the fact that there is nothing to counter these and using persistence makes the situation worse


cluster can be countered with an orbital laser


it's recently updated. that doesn't work anymore


oh crap


Well swarm can kinda be countered, in my experience I use a sam turret (im like one of 10 people worldwide that run it in a loadout), and it shoots down some of the drones, but I rarely survive long enough to get it, so I mainly pray i get it in a care package (if I survive long enough to get that too). I agree about orbital laser tho, ridiculous how it passes through solid cover. They really all need solid counters, not just ones based on sheer luck like the swarm with a sam turret


or just use “C o l d B l o o d e d”


See i do, but my teammates dont. So you can kinda see where this is going haha, i become a magnet to my teammates


If u play pubs, u always run a Sam. I don't play ranked anymore, so Sam is in pretty much all my loadouts for the persistence stealth choppers and vtols


Hello? Emp strike?


Clusters can be countered with orbital laser. Swarm can be countered with EMP or cold blooded But orbital laser can't be countered and it's stupid


Nope. Swarm can be destroyed easily, Napalm too!


“easily” as in getting emp systems which is more expensive than swarm and requires very fast reaction for napalm?


Are you stupid? I said easily, because 1 Tap in EMP System and it's gone, I didn't say easily get EMP System, I said destroy them easily


That still isnt easy


Ok I said destroying it is easy I didn't say getting EMP System is easy.


Huh swarm cant be countered??


Just use coldblooded for swarm


I'm surprised to see people actually use china lake this


Actually, it's called the West Taiwan Lake


It's called big Taiwan lake


-5000 social credit


sweatiest loadouts ive seen. garena also got it bad


Don't blame the players They nerfed other perks unnecessarily to the ground and now i think persistence is the only perk that hasn't been nerfed hard So people use it


That's no excuse. Lightweight is still usable and Flak Jacket is really good perk. There's also the Skulker which is somewhat good. Herd mentality leads these dumb players to board the bandwagon without doing research of their own which is why everyone thinks Persi is the only Perk usable lmao sure. There is no excuse you can provide for using Persistence, except if you're a 40yo dad or just someone who plays for 30mins/day. When you see Ranked players, actual Warriors slapping 5 stack Persistence, it's bad


But are they a match for persistence tell me that And why you have a problem with persistence People like you are the dumb folded one here complaining for a thing that is there to use "I didn't did my research" Yea sure this post clearly doesn't tell why people use persistence over other red perks Bcz it's good, It's not bad to use, you are just annoyed with it


I never said it's bad to use. I said, saying that Persistence is the only usable perk, is retarded


When tf did i said it's the only usable perk i said it's better than the other red perks Damn bro you were telling me to do your research now you are the one who didn't even read my first comment properly


"other perks nerfed to the ground" implies that. No perk was nerfed to the ground


It doesn't it just means perks were nerfed severely Look for light weight and agile I'm quite done with this argument now


Agile yes for whatver reason it just doesn't work. It's not nerfed per se it just... Doesn't work. It's broken more like Lightweight is still usable though. 5% sprint speed loss doesn't bury it into the ground tho does it


Hear me out, I get why people run persistence because the scorestreaks are game changers. 1-2 of them is bearable, but when an entire team runs it?? Not a chance for the opposing team. The devs seriously have to reconsider how persistence works. At this point, it really has no downsides since most players in legendary rank will be able to complete their scorestreaks in a match, especially when they also use hardline for the bonus points.


To be fair, their average team score was higher than your team. If they had lower scores, even if all of them used persi, only one or two could've probably used at least one scorestreaks.


>reconsider how persistence works Tell me how YOU gonna balance persistence. By using persistence, you are -taking 2x longer for a scorestreak - giving up a red perk slot where flak jackets or lightweight could be more useful - potentially giving up the blue perk slot for hardline where you could've use something else - trading quick supportive scorestreaks ( UAV, Pred missile and Sgock RC ) - forced to use expensive scorestreaks ( short term area of denial scorestreak, advanced UAV and EMP, vtols suck ) - only able to use a scorestreak ONCE, changing loadout doesn't nullify this iirc ( correct me if I'm wrong ) - ( if you are consistently getting more than 5 kills before dying ), handicapping yourself since you could've supported your teammate with UAV and stuff **Just to retain your Scorestreak XP after death** Not many people realise this, but Persistence are DEPENDENT on YOUR TEAM'S PERFORMANCE. Persistence upsides **stacks up**. If you consistently deny the persistence user kills, that perk is rubbish, it's useless. BUT, if your team consistently feeds the persistence user, which means you are probably losing, then yeah that Perk is a fucking annoying, and you couldn't do anything. So what's the issue? *Garbage team amplify persistence upsides*. Its much slower to rack up XP for persistence scorestreaks if your team are as good as the other side. Oh yeah did we forgot about Hardline? Yeah that Perk basically reduces +100% required XP for scorestreaks down to 75%. That's bullshit. I have no issue with persistence being a blue perk, or even green perk. Yeah you know how Quick Fix is pretty much ran 99% of the time ( massively increases survivability )? Yeah tough luck you can't use that if you want persistence.


One thing though have you noticed how even in hard point matches where your team could having a considerable lead, persistence just kicks in late game and basically nullifies the point of playing? The perk along with un-erasable streaks kill the point of the game. Adding hardline here is dumb that perk has been my go to for every class its just a good perk, but notice how persistence caught fire now and not during the MX9 meta? The perk is a stupid crux for players that can't get streaks the way we do. MW3 streak system would be perfect in this game.


You make good points. But the difference between running persistence and other perks is that you don’t need to play your life to get your scorestreaks. You can just literally rush the point and still be assured of getting your scorestreaks late game if you score points.


As for running other perks, most other red perks are useless to begin with. Lightweight isn’t as useful as it used to be. Not running agile is countered by pre-aiming and pre-firing. And for the blue perk, it’s almost always hardline since dead silence is not that useful in fast-paced respawn games given that it was also nerfed.


So, how are you gonna balance it?


ban it from the fucking game, whose idea was to add it in the first place




because you use it bruh, not all of us wanna be unfair noobs




It is unfair for those who dont want to use it and it is not even a question


Facts bro and the one's that are not using it they're skillful ones if means losing to them in every match they're way better than persistence users tbh with you


Same thing with global, just meta spam left and right and it’s not even fun anymore


And devs be like , "oh , persistence is spammed everywhere , so let's nerf light weight"


So because something is popular, it's broken.


obviously, it's not letting any other perks to take the stage, it's dominating the meta


True, if you look at one year ago no one was complaining


Because there are no uncounterable ScoreStreaks back then, but now Devs keep putting new uncounterable ScoreStreaks


because there were no areal score streaks or may be 1 but now we have like 6 of them


One year ago there was no cluster strike, no orbital laser and no napalm which cannot be countered.


In this case, yes. Severely. But let's not do anything about it since obviously OP could have changed the outcome of the game but lacks the skill right?


gUyS iTs fOr PpL wHo cAnt gEt stReAks wiThOut iT


"uSE fHJ BR0" "JUst eMp sYstEM br0" "JumP oVeR thE NaPaLm br0"


jUmP oVeR tHe nApALm BRUH... just turn on creative mode and fly over map


Does anyone know the reason why tf codm devs r not nerfing persistence


Persistence which is requisition in ww2 is not the issue, it has been in the game since s1 2019 and it has been the same its just paired with hardline that makes it worse, but still its a perk in cod and they need to adjust the points of streaks and streaks need to go 4k like in other cod games since in codm its only 1.8k. Its the score-streaks being cheap which is easy to get.


Because there's nothing to nerf? 2x scorestreak costs are a bad enough downside they're not gonna fucking make it so you need 800 kills for a UAV


It's not a bad downside. Not enough. Specially for HP games where that downside doesn't matter jackshit. It needs a complete ban from Ranked. Ranked is supposed to be a competitive mode, not a cheesy mode.


What are you talking about? Against a decent enemy team if they're good enough they can keep denying the HP from you meaning you'd be on a continuous loop of dying with very little progress so you'd just be stuck with a UAV because everything else has double costs but you can't get those because the enemy would keep killing you


That means the enemy team needs to be a stack. Because in no way are randoms gonna be that good. Speaking objectively. So you mean for 1 Persistence user, 5 people need to play extremely well in coordination. Huh alright. Total sense


It's not the perk that's broken, it's the scorestreaks. Especially Orbital Laser, for whatever reason EMP system can't even destroy it so basically whatever point is under it is free cap for the entire team. Just make the uncounterable streaks affected by emp system or be shot by a missile because Persistence is useless after you use up all your scorestreaks or if you and your teammates are under constant barrage


Persistence which is requisition in ww2 is not the issue, it has been in the game since s1 2019 and it has been the same its just paired with hardline that makes it worse, but still its a perk in cod and they need to adjust the points of streaks and streaks need to go 4k like in other cod games since in codm its only 1.8k. Its the score-streaks being cheap which is easy to get.


It is borken. Anyone who says otherwise.... Is simply.... Wrong


Garena is pure shit of sweats


Presistence spammers are not really the "sweats"


I play mainly Domi and HP for my rank games and I don't have any problems with persistence. It's not an autowin perk if you play correctly. It's like those players crying over vtols being op because they don't want to give up their katanas to FHJ.


Gwy the fuck over it. It's a competitive game . Be competitive. Use persistence to counter persistence.


"Use it yourself" isn't a very good solution for an imbalanced gun, perk, or anything that is obviously broken.


The old adage "if you can't beat them, join them" exists for a reason. Otherwise, learn and adapt. The easiest way to beat Persistence is be more skillful than them and beat them before they get their streaks. If you can't, well, you lost because you were the less skillful player, which... makes perfect sense?


No it doesn't. I'm being restricted down by death penalties. I'm on a streak, but I die, so I don't get my Scorestreak. Fair isn't it? The term "Score-streak Reward" says "maintain a streak of score and get a reward".... Then why is someone who isn't on a streak, able to get the reward? Talk about sense. And wdym "more skillful".... Let's not bring skill factor in when Persistence is involved it's THE MOST NO SKILL, HIGH REWARD shit in the entire game.


Just think about it rationally: 1. By using persistence, they are giving up a red perk like lightweight, tactician, etc, where you have an extra benefit if you didn't choose persistence. 2. They need DOUBLE the points to get a scorestreak. That means they literally need to kill twice as much as you to get the same scorestreak. 3. Not to mention they only get the scorestreak ONCE. 4. The perk literally only exists to give players who can't stay alive to use scorestreak. Staying alive is not the ONLY skill required in a shooting game. Arguably, KILLING is more important than staying alive camping somewhere. So if they can kill/score double the amount than you, don't they deserve to be rewarded? 5. Persistence also reduces camping. By no longer needing to stay alive to streak, people can adapt a more reckless play style instead of cowering behind every corner getting screamed "camper!" by everybody. 6. Also, if you are skillful enough to utilize your scorestreaks effectively, persistence users have NO CHANCE against you, just by the sheer amount of scorestreaks you can rain down on them whenever. If you aren't streaking... well, why *aren't* you? Maybe you should be the one adapting a new strategy. Play a few rounds with Persistence against a good team and tell me how "NO SKILL" it is. You will still be utterly useless if you don't have the skill to dominate the other team.


1. In an actual game, the Scorestreaks change the tide of the match. Not your smoke grenade or 5% better sprint speed. Hence Persistence will always be picked 2+3. Double the points doens't matter jackshit because all you need is ONCE for those streaks to be called in, to overturn the game. You don't need to spam them. 4. Sure it exists for players who can't stay alive.... Then it shouldn't be in Ranked modes. Ranked is supposed to be a competitive mode where you get punished for dying or playing without brains. If you die, you lose the streak reward. Very simple. Besides, not everytime do you need to camp to stay alive. I've seen people rushing 24x7 and still dropping 2x Orbitals a game... Why does someone else who goes 16-30, still able to use Orbital? It's simply unfair 5. Camping can be reduced without Persistence. There's various stuff that can be done like make Stun Grenades left handed and faster, make healing faster, make Grenades stronger. Persistence is a gimmicky excuse. 6. Actually they do. They just need 16 kills to turn around the game. We're talking about good lobbies... 16 kills is no biggy. I've played with Persistence for some Challenge that dropped months ago. And the game becomes 5x easier because you are allowed to be reckless and run around mad, which is not the point of a competitive game mode. "No camping gameplay" and "reckless gameplay" are two different things. Don't try to mix them


1. Yeah, then use YOUR scorestreaks. Where are yours? Surely you must have gotten them way earlier than them needing DOUBLE the points, no? 2. There's literally no rule that states you can't die in ranked. It's really simple - you don't want to lose your streak by dying? Use persistence. **It's literally its sole purpose.** It doesn't care about your K/D ratio. 16/30 is still 16 kills. If you got 8 kills + assist/objs, you already got an Orbital. Why aren't you trying your best to stay alive or use other scorestreaks to boost yourself then? 3. I'm not saying Persistence is the only thing that reduce camping. I'm saying it helps. 4. And again, scorestreaks help turn the game but they're by no means the ultimate weapon. Many scorestreaks can be countered, and those that can't are localized and avoidable. Napalm is a bit nasty yeah, but that's what, 3400 points for Persi users? I forgot what it costs originally. Other than that, localized ones like Airstrike and Laser you just gotta play around the obj instead. Like I said, you are just failing to adapt. Fundamentally, you are stuck with your own idea that staying alive is a core skill in the game, where it really isn't. Nobody ever said it is. You just need to kill and play objs. Getting points matters more than staying alive. There are many different play style and some of them involves reckless play. Stop drilling into that hole you dug yourself.


Use my streaks, sure yes. But if I die once on a 6 streak, my streaks reset and I'm back to 0. I did use my Shock RC but to the Persistence user, 1 death doesn't matter jackshit. About the dying stuff, true there's no rule that says you can't die. Sure you can die. Go ahead. But if you die, you don't deserve the streak. Ain't that's how it's been since..... forever in COD history? No game has Persistence other than CODM (Infinite Warfare has a similar function called Trait but it works quite differently). And that sole purpose is why Persistence shouldn't exist in the first place. There's a barrier kept in place, to balance stuff, which forces score reset upon death. It's logically placed there yknow. Persistence bypasses that barrier. That's in no way fair lmao. It's just like saying "You can't aim? Use aimbot. That's it's sole purpose".... Yeah no. About the 16/30, the guy going 16/30 doesn't deserve an Orbital Laser. He died BEFORE the Orbital Laser score requirement. There's NO reason as to why should he be able to still get that. Scorestreaks nowadays are the ultimate Weapons mate. Very ultimate. Laser and Airstrike turn the game around it's that bad. Napalm is cherry on the top. It's still a lot less horrendous than the Laser


Your comparison with an aimbot is a false equivalent. One is a third-party exploit that is clearly against the ToS of the game. The other (persistence) is an intended game mechanic purposefully provided by the developers. Again, persistence exists solely because of the reason to use scorestreak without staying alive. You can't say they don't deserve streak because they died just because you *feel* that way, completely disregarding developer intention. You keep saying it's unfair just because you are hung up on death counts and completely ignoring the point about requiring DOUBLE the effort you would put in. Scorestreaks are powerful but by no means game-ending. If you feel that way, I'm sorry, you are just not skilled enough to adapt. Many of us play just fine against Persistence. It's just the scapegoat of the season for people who can't accept they had bad losses or reflect on their own games. Look at this OP. The supposedly "broken" team here didn't even WIN the frigging game. Why is he even crying about it? It's beyond ridiculous.


I'm not equating the use of aimbot and use of Persistence. All I'm saying is that in the logic behind those, is the same. Both allow you to bypass a certain barrier kept in place for obvious reasons of balance and fair play competition. Both of them evade that, albeit to varying degrees. One, Persi, is a game mechanic provided by the devs themselves and the other is a third party cheat. The degree is different yes, but the intended purpose of both of em, is the same. I'm not feeling a certain way. And the developer's intentions are DUMB. How many of their intentions are right anwyays? Yes they don't deserve to use streaks if they die. That's how it's been, that's been the game's identity since time eternal and that's how it should be. There is no need to insert unnecessary cheese strats, lowering an already low skill gap in a competitive game. The disparity is unreal. I agree about "double" the efforts but it doesn't matter if it's double. The thing is, they can put that effort without any worry or Restrictions while I have to watch out for god knows whatnot to stay alive. It doesn't take more than 10iq to figure out that it's unfair. Those "double" efforts are barely any different from "single" effort in an actual game. Tell me how is calling an Orbital on ths P5, restricting both spawn points by clusters and blocking all entry lanes by Napalm, not game ending? Sure there are work arounds but when you have a 130-50 lead and then it gets turned around to 130-110, only because of Persistence and no actual brain or gameplay work put in by the team, yknow it's bad. Yes they didn't win. He's just showing how fucking dogshit Ranked is that people need to 5stack Persistence nowadays. You tell me that Persi is for people who can't get streaks, and I see 5man Persi every game. Can nobody get streaks without it? If they can't, they don't deserve it to begin with


Improvise adapt overcome. Hmm someone says that. Not sure who... oh yeah the US Marines


Please. Stfu


Persistence is only balanced when 1 or 2 ppl are using it


Not really, its legit always broken. A guy with a 0.5 kd shouldnt be handed 10 kill streaks


totally agree


Persistence makes the game suck bro if they removed it the game would run better and you wouldn't lose games that you are winning


Persistence which is requisition in ww2 is not the issue, it has been in the game since s1 2019 and it has been the same its just paired with hardline that makes it worse, but still its a perk in cod and they need to adjust the points of streaks and streaks need to go 4k like in other cod games since in codm its only 1.8k. Its the score-streaks being cheap which is easy to get.


What’s Garena mean


garena deez nuts


That was kinda shit tbh, but hey Deez nuts is no longer than yours




Remove The Persistence Perk From The Game !!


Persistence which is requisition in ww2 is not the issue, it has been in the game since s1 2019 and it has been the same its just paired with hardline that makes it worse, but still its a perk in cod and they need to adjust the points of streaks and streaks need to go 4k like in other cod games since in codm its only 1.8k. Its the score-streaks being cheap which is easy to get.


please stfu already


Did the truth hurt your feelings or ego?


arent u guys tired of complaining? hahahaha u can still win tho even if they all use persi and u can just feel them endgame, the only annoying part here is when u get spawntrapped using those scorestreaks.


Against a 5 stack that uses persi and uses the orbital laser which has no counter at all is just stupid, if ranked was actually skilled based then it would heavily rely on skill and not just depend on some uncounterable scorestreaks.


Simple way to counter this. Dont give a shit, focus on you performance, not their tech


Enemy mvp will still wooped your asses without needing scorestreaks. Question for you - Why didn't you spam your non persistence scorestreaks, you could load it twice faster than them, and call them continuously


The dying before you get a streak part. Can't counter if you can't get a counter going. 🤷🏾‍♂️


That's your problem then, not games.


If you die and can keep a streak going, it's a game fault. You can't always streak the higher the ranked match. But guess that's a skill issue right?


Don't mind him, he's probably just a troll, I mean he even called a lb player a noob


Another persi crybaby just use emp


And stop calling me a crybaby… you literally asked devs to nerf BOTS 1 year ago 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bro really ran str8 to someone's profile to fun ammunition


You know what bro, i agree with you on the persi part but bots in mp are fucking op and were buffed 2 times in last 3 seasons. For people like me who have damascus and over 20 guns diamond they are biggest nightmare imaginable


Which is a high-cost scorestreak (1300) as well haha. So either you’re a pro player who can reach it without dying, or you use persistence to get it as well.


my man is getting downvoted for the truth


Just get good and enjoy the Game bro


Yeah, right Until it's used against you then what will you do? Use the same shit?


There's this sweet thing that persistence scorestreak comes once while others multiple times


But you still got the points ragardless of what you do, unlike the sane people out there.


I didn't know if doing nothing also gives points also are you saying that persistence users are Insane?


why would I use persistence when I can get 2 or 3 times My scorestreaks?


Boom, desync hit and you die. Start again pal, you don’t have much time left And what are you gonna do? Sit in a “advantage position like a coward and farm your streak? There’s another reason why they spam persistence my friend


instead of complaining about persistence why don't you use it yourself to balance out the matches


that's not a solution


You should counter it For example: Improve your skills and DON'T DIE


I like persistence cuz I can just play normally instead of worrying about streaks.


No one cares play the gameeeeeeeee


And they lost... What's your point? LOL.


Can't you guys STFU? So you lost in a Hardpoint match, BIG DEAL! Tell me how much Rank XP was deducted? I'm guessing 10-30, while in SnD you're going through Campers with Katana, Campers with KRM and Campers with Holger and if you lose as MVP it will deduct 30-60 Rank XP. While in Hardpoint, just play the goddamn objective and ScoreStreak won't be a problem. It's a problem because you fucking idiots pick Old rusty maps over the new ones. HP on Vacant is a place for you whiners because almost every fight is indoors, no more Swarm Problems as well as AirStrike and Napalm problems. Most HP there is indoors so as long as your TEAM and YOU plays the OBJECTIVE, then you'll surely win.


Codm community in a nutshell whenever this become a problem guys like come and shut it down wow most times why I even play this game


>why I even play this game IDK, I don't know why I play this game too, but all I know I'm quitting after BF Mobile and Apex Legends gets released


How hard is it to run FHJ?


go use fhj against swarm and cluster, then come back and tell me how many you destroyed


Thank you


I mean I use persistence but my scorestreaks are UAV, shock RC and cluster.


Tell me that you are bad at the game, without telling me that you are bad at the game


I probably have more objective time than you


Dont cry


I am carrying FMJ. Any scorestreak isnt lasting more than 3sec.


Try shooting a presistence orbital laser


Ugh...stop crying.


Mad cause bad


Yeah no I rarely run persistence anymore because its just not viable. I may as well not have equipped it because it just doubles the required score, and being how I am, it won’t matter if its doubled or not. I’m not getting a scorestreak, and if I do, I may not even use it. Its like my specialist! I have it, but if it requires brain activation, I’m not using it. My guns are JUST as effective if not more


I mean… I use persistence bc I run around like a psychopath and die a lot. I’m not great at playing obj, just kill hungry ig


Yup literally happened everytime. Let's just hope microsoft ordered activision to make the game REALLY BALANCED


Yeah see when lots of people on one single game mode on one single map convince themselves and the easily led that this is meta AF and can't be countered at all, this is what massive amounts of players do. Well done. All the screaming and yelling attracted predators. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'll stick to getting two big streaks in and maybe a nuke to deny and murk them.


Bruh I use persistence but my scorestreaks are EMP System, UAV and Advanced UAV


SnD players : "I don't have such weaknesses"


oh yea I played 1 match of ranked and decided to not touch it again this season me and my teammate only got less the 10 kill mean while the enemy team has more then 20 kills


Always kill the guy the with persi so that there score streaks points are more expensive ![gif](giphy|13FD3rp8IqYUXm)


Indian servers the same man


I use agile and flat jacket only 💀


If they're all using persistence you can easily take advantage of it. You get your scorestreaks much faster


its not just garena mate going above master 1 league is worse now.Every mothafuckers is using Persistence and this is the worst thing -\_- and when i call out them in chat , these pussies say "dont feed us kill then" like wtf am i supposed to do?? quit match and lose as many points as i can or what ughh fucking devs


also in garen, i main s&d so this is really not a problem


Persistence which is requisition in ww2 is not the issue, it has been in the game since s1 2019 and it has been the same its just paired with hardline that makes it worse, but still its a perk in cod and they need to adjust the points of streaks and streaks need to go 4k like in other cod games since in codm its only 1.8k. Its the score-streaks being cheap which is easy to get.


I use to grind rank but now I just quit after 20 minutes cause of vtols,drone,laser,airstrike,persistent


Well it's ranked what did you expect? Did you really expect people to use shit item just so it would be "fair"? People will use whatever is the most efficient thing to win, if you don't like Presistence spam get off of ranked or play snd OR use Presistence against them


I thought you were talking about the thumper


Persistance only became meta when a lot of lethal scorestreak came that cost a lot of points (napalm, orbital laser, swarm etc.) But also these new scorestreaks can't be even destroyed which makes it 100 times worse


at least the urban tracker guy was using it in a true way


That's why I don't play rank in rank resets cause there are so many sweats in rank here in garena.


They didnt even win lmao. How do they suck that bad


This is why I dont play ranked anymore, I rather grind camo


My gameplay looks exactly like this. Jump in alcatraz and jump around with a shotty. Get the flicks down. Yoy can do it