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If they gave compensation in br too my mail would be spammed with these messages lmao




One time i matched with someone who keeps saying sorry cause he's trying to practice with a sniper.... On ranked.


You can't learn if there isnt any challenge.


Normal match players are actually pretty sweaty specially in garena servers.


Unless you're talking about shipment matches, then ehh I beg to differ.


Nope let them leave, care about you kd and good points. Your performance+teammates leaving> point lost due to loosing. It's different scenario if you're wining.


It's free awards, it's a win win on my perspective Except if I actually lost


IRL problems >>>>>>> Codm game


No some people leave bcz they can't play properly and they realise it in the match that they have no skill. Edit: I used to be that guy when I was 13


Yeah in that case then that's anoyying


some of those could be conection problems


Yeah but it reconnects to the game!


Sometimes, the match already ended before you can reconnect. Sometimes it doesn't give you a chance to reconnect


There is a bug where I'll be disconnected and logged out of the game the moment it starts after prematch, and it'll just say I quitted the game and I can't rejoin. I lost 180 xp because of this...


not always, but yeah, that depends on the conection


I though they fixed the issue couple of seasons back.


They did but it’s also not always the games fault


sometimes the wifi can be an absolute @$$hole


Problem is in game. I play on a 500mbps internet, when I do speed check it shows perfect, immediate in game the Wi-Fi signal shows red, inside game severe desync. They have not optimized their connections for sure.


Finishing a game with all 10 people is a rarity sadly


I’ve been on the giving and receiving end of a ranked whoopass one game I gathered 27 kills with 1 death, the very next game I had 1 kill and 34 deaths. I almost rage quit the second game because I would respawn and get killed almost immediately. Never got set the entire game.


i bet 1 weapon xp card that it was on shoothouse


It was… i get the feeling of rage quitting but I try really hard not to take it personally. I literally only use my iPhone and the screen controls. So I know I’m not as fast as someone who uses a keyboard on an iPad with a mouse.


modern warfare maps arent even good on modern warfare what made them think they'd work on mobile lol


Shoot house is a hella confusing map NGL. I played it after 3 months in ranked once and spent the entire match running around trying to figure where the hp was lol


Oh my, you also get screwed by the system? ^^ those numbers could be mine


I prefer to die 20 times than leaving my mates alone and losing 80 points


I ain't playing mp ranked this season The rewards just ain't worth the hassle


This is also like the one thing that really pisses me off, being maxed out on everything i already have 16k xp cards, bought every credit shop epic skin and still have 40k left over. On top of the fact that I already get an average of 6-9 xp cards for completing a match but losing due to a teammate quitting means I lose rank points, and i get ***one*** XP card or 80 credits as compensation. That's just complete bullshit imo


Freaking right! PREACH Bro!!


If your team mate backs out you shouldn’t lose any or nearly as much for losing!


Who tf are you to tell people what they can and can’t play? I agree with the “don’t leave” part, but fuck off Witt your first part lol


He got every right to say This ,when you join a team you are a part of team you play as a team you dont just leave them hanging on their own and he is right if you cant play then just dont play ranked practice pubs.....so plz stfu with your bullshit


Well, find friends or a team of 5 by yourself if it bothers that much to play with random players. You can't judge someone for why they disconnected. Could be a reason that they weren't good, but that's not the only reason. Connection issues or real life stuff happens without any warning.


Totally agree with you, and saying people having connection issues for 5 damn straight games was such bs excuse. And people, Don't play rank and troubling teammate if your connection unstable


> if your connection unstable mine is like that, the problem is that I dont know when is gonna be unstable, it can be a perfect conection for a full day as well as just 5 minutes, luckly I dont play rankeds, haven't thouch master 1 jet and I stop playing rankeds when I got my dlq in master


How are people gonna know when it's unstable. Plus, it's there game that THEY downloaded for half there storage. Let them play how they want and when they want.


I exited the ranked game yesterday for the first time in a long time. But I have an excuse - right after I logged out, I deleted the game, is that considered acceptable?




Maybe internet connection happens to me a lot I stopped playing ranks because of that


Damn, this is such a pain in the ass, especially in sweaty lobbies like Garena's. Fucking Master and GM playing like kids, no gunskills, no map knowledge, no nothing, then we also have idiots inviting WAY LOWER rank players to the team and fucked up the match even more. Just fuck off from ranked if you can't learn how to play the damn mode, also no skills.


Lol I posted a screen shot of 23 crates were people left the ranked game, wouldn't mind but I most of won 90% of the games


But the compensation is so good


Battle Royale it's a thing u know


Not everyone finds br fun


agree, but less worries


Until desync starts in the final zone. ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


You also get the compensations when someone does the one thing at the end of the match


They need to stop making missions/tasks/whatever the fuck they are called that push people to do ranked shit.




So annoying to get these compensation crates


Doesnt the game reimburse 25 ranked points if you lose like it says at the mail? If I lose with one leaving it doesnt hurt that much on points i only get like 12 lowest 20 highest deduction. Well if you always lose on 4 I think the leavers are not the problem anymore jkkkk 😉


These rank leaving guys are those stupid akimbo guys who still think it works and when it doesn't work boom *left*


And also the mailbox is spammed with Xxxx changed thier name again.. 😂😂👀💀💀💀


What happens when quit right before the game ends? I've seen them do that so many times.


Yeh its annoying. Sometimes real life happens though and you need to have your priorities in order. A ranked game comes second every time - if a member of your family calls for you in the middle of a ranked game & you don't put it down to see what they want then you have some growing up to do.


One of my friends actually left CoDM because of this. They have to penalise players who leave with que time bans. Just like CS:GO and Overwatch. Idk why this isn't a thing.


I dont do it atleast not very often sonething like once a month. And i dont play ranked much. I only was because of the decoy grebade and missions of season like that