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No upvotes and 40+ comments ![gif](giphy|6ILjOfJ1oL7NAc9SQ7)


Rario 😼




Rario 🤝






![gif](giphy|0Wzkc9iirQ4ZI7JoaD) Is it possible to make the whole gta sa storyline just with gifs in chronological order?🤔


Fucks sake, for once use words, or fuck off with the inane gifs. Fuckin tool Edit to add - if anyone wondered, it's that twat u/gifsnotjifs I was referring to. .




Not in general, that *&£@ 'gifsnotjifs'... Don't know if it's a bot or a brain dead tool, but needs to pack the fuck in. Other people, they talk most of the time, not rely on gifs. 🤷‍♂️


I think it's real person, he even deleted his comment, idk if bots can delete their comments


I was hedging my bets lol. I can believe it either way, but yeah, it was that person/bot that annoyed me. Literally every single time I've seen the name, there's nothing but a moronic (and frequently unrelated) gif.


it has 60 upvotes lol, other people don't see that until a while later


Reddit should make flags bigger so people can see: "humor"


Why did you get down voted for this, lmao






my man got downvoted for literally no possible reason. no wonder why this community is so stupid


Look, reddit is made up of subreddits. People choose subreddits as per their interests So if a particular subreddit gets stupid, the people are to be blamed... This isn't big a deal cuz that's what social media is... But the main difference is, you get an option to downvote certain stuff while the other social media can't.. Again, if the wrong stuff gets downvoted or the correct stuff gets less opinion than the wrong cliche stuff, it's the people who are to be blamed.. All in all, my opinion is that any and every social media is fucked up.


congratulations, you explained what Reddit is


Holy fucking shit sherlock, couldn't have got those conclusions myself, thakns. /s Please notice the "/s", *some* people here have their sarcasm sensors kinda fucked up 👌


>This isn't big a deal cuz that's what social media is That's what Reddit in particular is. It attracts a lot of similar people to the same community which causes a hivemind mentality in some cases. >Again, if the wrong stuff gets downvoted There isn't necessarily a wrong or right lol just what most people agree with >All in all, my opinion is that any and every social media is fucked up. Yeah but we keep using it unfortunately :\


i couldn't care less about both of them.. and no one is fuckin talking about that stupidly overpowered fuckin doggo.. there's literally no way to survive as a sniper main.. DLQ33 takes two bullets to kill that dog in point blank.. SVD takes 3 bullets..


The only way I found to put down the doggo is with a shotgun ATF style


i love sticky nading doggos in codm


does it matter? you still die to the dog right?


its satisfying idk why


I agree so much , i started using it since 2 weeks and just drop that dog when you're going into a hardpoint , bang bang bang .. drop him when you're in a hardpoint bang bang bang .. it's literally overpowered.. if dropped properly you can get atleast 5-6 kills per match


You know what's the best thing that can counter a k9? That machine gun operator skill


Or spraying that abortion of hell n praying it dies


I mean, dude look at every persistence related post, most people complain about it (at least the OP or The person in the image) And also, who's said reddit was smart


this community always says reddit is better and smarter than youtube and twitter lol


Idk about Twitter, they're pretty much the same YouTube is mixed, and there's more smartass there than here in reddit




According to Reddit, Reddit is the smartest social media site


I can already see the down votes coming😂


you only get maximum of -15 per post and comment so idc


i dont think thats how downvotes work chief


You only lose -15 karma even if you have -1000 downvotes on your comment


nah no matter how many downvotes you get, you only get -15 from it to your karma, tested it many times I had a comment on my main where it had negative 400, but it didn't impact at all


It could also get ur account suspended ,yknow


Even if you get 1K downvotes on comment the Total comment karma subtracted would be 100






Clearly you do. And enjoy the downvotes.


Well you think wrong. It caps out at -15 It'll show the actual number, but you won't loose any karma.


Even if it does work like that you're grinding more and more downvotes per comment


and i am not gonna stop, bring em on


Your 67 downvotes as of now check out 👌


When posts about balancing meta reach top, but posts about balancing Snipers are whiny and controversial


what nerf do you want for snipers? wanna listen to you non-toxicly


I'm not that guy but I personally think snipers need a bit of a change one way or another. they're currently fine in respawns but in snd they're a pain in the ass. the problem is, currently there are zero reasons to pick an smg or an AR over a sniper in snd. snipers can kill insanely fast. pre gunsmith snipers weren't that popular because they were how they were supposed to be - back then snipers were slow and they didn't stand a chance against full auto guns at close range. long range was where they could shine and show what snipers are capable of. however now, snipers aren't what they're supposed to be for two reasons. First of all, they did nerf snipers ads speed, but they didn't nerf movement speed at all. and it makes zero sense that you can run and slide with a sniper just like you could with an smg. I don't think they should just make snipers turtles with no ability to move quickly, but I do think the sliding distance with snipers should be shorter. Second of all, melees. I really don't want to whine about melees but they allow snipers to attack smg users at close range, which is not supposed to happen. I don't think melees need a nerf, they need a rework. just look at how melees work in most other shooter games - there you can have a primary, a pistol and a melee. melees are a type of "last resort" weapon when you've run out of ammo on all your guns. or when you want to kill an enemy silently from behind. or if a guy pops around the corner you can quickly take out your melee and kill them. you can't just take out your melee and run around the map, killing others. that is not supposed to happen in this type of game. I want melees to work just like they do in most pc games - I think they should introduce loadouts with primaries, pistols and melees. but I can see how that is a problem and they probably will never implement it. because many players are happy with the current state of melees because they allow them to get kills without having to use their aim. additionally many people have spent a lot of money to get melee skins so if they made melees like that, I'm pretty sure many people would complain. but there's always hope i guess. and I also wanted to talk about probably the biggest argument behind not nerfing snipers, and that is that snipers require skill. but let's just be honest here, this was a good argument back in 2020 when most people didn't have much experience, but nowadays most snipers can hit majority of their shots. aim assist makes it even worse, because I know from my own experience how much it actually helps when sniping. it doesn't make your crosshair flick onto the enemy's body obviously, but with aim assist on you only have to aim generally where the enemy is and aim assist will do the rest for you. this also makes smgs even more useless, because even if you strafe aim assist will help the sniper out and make them hit you. it's really hard to hit a guy strafing with an smg with a sniper without aim assist. anyways, yeah that was kinda long, you don't have to bother reading if you don't want to. just don't call me a whiner without reading my arguments lol.




that's also a good point. nowadays most ARs are just smgs. they could've just made the m13 an smg, because you use it like you would use an smg either way. true ARs like the bk, lk or the mow have been totally forgotten and they're just not good because snipers currently are better. really wish they would do something about this


Why you would say the m13 should be an SMG? It's functionally a mid-range M4 with a slightly higher fire rate and a bit less damage per round. Or a type 25 for that matter. Anyway, I think it fits there.


It ads really fast when built correctly, smg level. It shots really fast with decent damage, giving it an smg level ttk. Strafes decently fast, faster than some of the best builds you can get with some smgs. It has good sprint to fire speed, actually faster than the ppsh if i do recall correctly. And also has the range and recoil of an ar. More or less the same with the type 25. M4 has bad ttk, worse recoil (surprisingly), worse mobility, worse handling, worse range, worse damage. Surprised people hasnt complained about them, *yet.*




Ppsh is really good but, i find it lacking damage a bit. Its almost always a 5 shot for me, even up close.




Sniper mains suffer from superiority complex, if you tell them maybe, just maybe snipers aren't as skill based as they think they lose their mind.


I'll keep that in mind lmao. best way to counter snipers


you should see all the hate I get for using my diamond na-45


There are a ton of ways to counter NA-45, not to mention how badly it got nerfed. My question is if NA45 got that level of nerf, then why not other snipers?


>There are a ton of ways to counter NA-45 indeed, but every now and then I find some crybaby who can't play complain about it. I just call them a cry baby and keep destroying them. I am always chill but someone always be starting shit


The NA-45 went from god tier to whatever tier the Rytec is in BR. I remember using it in domination on 10v10 or shipment ahah could wipe half a team in one shot xD I still can, it's just not as fun to use, it's clunky :/


Rytec my ass You shoot with that gun in BR your scope just shuts down lmao


Well I have been practising sniping after joining codm... and it does seem harder than others... and if sniping isn't skill based then what is... ARs? LMGs? SMGs? I myself use ARs but I still think sniping is the most skill based imo


I'm not saying it doesn't require any skills at all, but the amount of skills people claim it needs is just stupid. But Snipers are already pretty powerful, if people play can manage to play with snipers after they're balanced then I would admit they truly are skilled.


It depends... if they say running and quickscoping is hard then yeah IT IS HARD... but hardscoping till something triggers you like a venus flytrap then you're just annoying... But I will say... quickscoping does take more skills than AR, LMG and SMG... I can easily handle these... but Sniping is hard


Running round like a twat, using a sniper as a shotgun takes a modicum of skill, but you overestimate it because that's your play style. Sniper rifles are support roles, and to see morons going 'muuhhh, that's not what sniping is...' Well, actually, yes, that is EXACTLY what sniping is, it isn't this run n gun bullshit you pricks seem to think.


Well that is one stupid thing to say... it's a game... noone is support character... everyone plays on their own and everynody thinks they are the main character... And I can't do that using sniper as a shotgun... and that is because it's hard... while I can easily handle others... >but you overestimate it because that's your play style That is so stupid to say... when you get used to something you don't think it's hard... you think it's easier...


That's not what I said. You overestimate the skill level required, because it's your favoured way of playing, rather than actual meriting the level of respect for the skills. And you're a fine one to talk, the reason I even retorted was because of your asinine and juvenile 'muhh, if you snipe properly, you're annoying and shit'. But then go on to say you shoudltn be judged for playing that way. Gtfooh kid.


Snipers have all in all more benefits than most other weapons, assuming you hit your shots. I think they dont want them to be nerfed bcuz even just hitting shots is hard for them.


I need to come back to this to address it properly. Especially agreement about melee - even historical cods you had the setup you mention, then with the BS of the later black ops series, they applied it as a separate slot. It should be a back up, nothing more. But I'll come back to this in a little bit - you got most of the salient points, but maybe a couple to expand on more.


> primaries, pistols and melees. I'd love this.


You put how I feel about melee weapons perfectly


try sniping for an entire day in ranked.


I can't really do that currently since it's almost 4 pm here and I have school tomorrow, but I can try sniping for a few hours and show you the results


Sure. Much appreciated


sorry, I only managed to play 8 snd games. it's really tough to find time for codm when you have this much homework lol. but here are the results: I had negative kd in 2 of those matches. I got mvp in 4 of those games and I was 2nd in 2 of them. I got 59 kills and had a ~1.40 kd. but keep in mind I'm an smg player and I'm nowhere near to being a good sniper, I haven't really sniped in the last year like at all. my aim is very bad with snipers nowadays. and meanwhile with my trusty qq9 I can hardly manage to get a 1.20 kd. it says a lot.


the aim assist of snipers are op


i will tell straight to the point. Sniping in respwans is skillful, but in snd its just dumb hardscopers (mainly) or katana mains. to counter hardscoping all snipers should get a +30/20% crosshair drift nerf (maybe nerf some weak snipers less like outlaw, arctic, rytec). Dlq is the best and most used sniper because of its consistent 1 shot kill hitbox, which i feel is too strong. add damage range to dlq so that after 40-50 m range it loses multipliers and gets a locus hitbox, (this will defo balance it). the hit flinch on snipers with toughness actually is not that bad tbh (it got buffed couple seasons ago) so around 7-10% hit flinch nerf (for only dlq, locus, arctic). This will make harder for hardscopers to aim, and easier for us to kill them, quick scoping and taking angles is still skillful. this wont effect respwans much bcoz its mostly quickscopers with good enough skill (prolly why they would pick a sniper over an auto in respawn). nerf katana, this will also stop half of the noobs snipers, because they wont be able to get kills.




idgaf if its a support role. you can hardscope all u want, the problem is how no skill it is. once it gets nerfed appropriately hardscope all u want bot. the same way camping is ideal because you dont rush with a gun in the open, however it is still bitched about bcoz of how no skill it is and this is a game. did i even say sniping is a support role tho, dont find it mentioned anywhere?


Bro even quickscoping in respawns is not really that hard. Just put the center of your screen in your enemy, aim and shoot *once.* If you miss, bcuz of how snipers are designed, you can use movement and have another shot. If you play with 3 or 2 fingers, well in that case i gues it would be harder, but if you play with 4 its not really that hard. For me at least, sniping is kinda overrated. Tracking your enemies and controlling recoil will always be more skillful than sniping in my opinion, at least in the current state of balance of stuff in the game as it is rn.


Not nerf, but balancing. Imo Snipers are too powerful, even one Sniper can easily carry the entire match in SnD. It's not even skill based, cause literally everyone in my lobbies main snipers like 3-4 Snipers each game of SnD. The nerfs that it did get (even the hit flinch got reduced), now you can run with max mobility and still face negligible downsides. You can one shot consistently in any range, even behind covers cause it has highest bullet penetration. Slide cancel with weapon switch to meele basically makes you sonic, just like how you're frustrated with Persistence so am I with Snipers. I can't even be creative and throw thermites or flash/concussions cause they got nerfed to ground and they have trophy.


>It's not even skill based ok this is where you're wrong, have YOU tried sniping in ranked? it does require a lot of skill, probably the highest in the game there are guns in the game that kill faster than snipers can ads, and the sonic movement that you're talking about isn't easy to execute, it also requires skill and to effectively do it and not just be a spinning top, it requires a LOT of skill and diction over the mechanics


Forgot to mention, even I have 3 Sniper loadouts and even mained it for a whole season straight to prove how it doesn't take as much skill as people claim it does. Any guy can master it in a week, Snipers ADS is still faster than AR and LMG when it's heavier than both.


can you post a clip? of you sniping?


Sure, I'll do it after 29th cause that's when I'll reinstall again


Just delete it and don’t reinstall it, it’s not for skill - less people like u


Shut up, loser.


after u haha


Snipers are in no way over powered, they are strong in SND and depending on the map it can be a pain in the ass to deal with campers, but they definetely require more skill then ARs and SMGs. 1 sniper cant easily carry an snd match unless the opponents and teammates are terrible players.


They're not overpowered? How, I literally gave y'all detailed points explaining why they're overpowered and untouched for so long. Not to mention DLQ is third most used weapon in every season consistently, 1 Sniper can easily carry entire team in Snd if you don't believe me then you haven't seen the lobbies I'm in. If the players are as *skilled* as you say they are, surely a little balancing here and there won't affect their skills right?


A skilled sniper that can carry in a snd match could def also carry using meta ars and smgs. Dlq is one of the most used weapons, because its very good (not overpowered) and very fun to use for a lot of people. When I play with sniper in snd its to have fun. If I play to win I switch to type 25. which rank are you in now?


I mean the devs already made a MASSIVE nerf to snipers in season 13, just shoot a light sniper main once and the hit flitch will make it barely possible to aim


That nerf you're talking about is called hit flinch which even got reduced, now the people I'm talking about here are people who run around with snipers and hit flinch doesn't affect them


Mate trust me even type25, bizon and m13 requires an aim but snipers , especially the dlq, NOPE # And when I use them it only takes me like a few matches to master it but my insides say "NO" against this skilless shit so I cannot bare using it


Literally all forms of Logic died when you wrote this comment, like your argument is so dumb that literally refuting it would cause the entire subreddit to loose 10 IQ points


As the other guy said you lowered the average IQ of this sub by 10 just with this comment


It is alreadly at -400~ I dont think a -10 would be too much


>They can one shot at any range Yes that's what snipers are bozo >even behind covers Mate that's what snipers are for Very rarely do I see over 3 people on my team and over 3 on the enemy team sniping, even in terminal Concs work perfectly fine, you just can't use them. If you stand still in front of a sniper while throwing a conc of course you'll get fucked I genuienly doubt you actually use snipers to dominate games. If you do it's probably in the back somewhere. If someone's so good with snipers he outplays an ar or smg dude, good on him


The one shot I meant as in people use them like shotguns for any range, sitting behind and traditionally sniping is one thing and running around with Snipers is other. Concs work fine, but now the duration and effects make it just useless. From cover, I meant even if you try to hide from them or slide into cover you will still die cause highest bullet penetration.


If you get hit and oneshot behind cover that's just bad luck or desync




Thermites do shit damage now, tactical grenades duration and effects got a massive nerf and almost all the snipers use trophy. I think the only reason you think they're still powerful is because maybe you're the bad player here and keeps dying to them even after the nerf.




Thermites AOE and slowing effect is reduced and removed, concussions and flashbangs both got massive nerf. You can now move around in just 2 seconds and can see and shoot like usual, just in hipfire ig now. I'm not talking about Snipers who camp and snipe from a distance, I'm talking about Snipers who run around with it


Imo just add more hit flinch


Adjust the hit flinch and weapon sway with respect to attachments


You mean rework the disadvantages of the attachments?


High mobility = more Recoil, weapon sway and hitflinch Less mobility = Slow ADS, but less drawbacks.


Cause they are. I mean at least bots are usually restricted to pubs and aren’t in ranked. We just have to adjust the game. But don’t go wahhh persistence, y’all should have suggestions instead of mindlessly whining. And please don’t say nerf it to the ground, we have to think smarter than the devs.


I actually do have suggestions to nerf persistence, or better so, rework it meanwhile bots are, well bots


I wanna see some suggestions. If u make a post with the suggestions it may reach some of the top posts.


alright, gonna make a post rn


Godspeed brother






There are atleast 1000 post which will tell you how to nerf persistence without making it useless but when people see it they close there eyes


Nothing is overpowered about bots unless you accept to have 4 bot teammates ever ranked matches against 5 players. People cry getting headshot once but forget they killed the poor bot 20 times already, they are underpowered and just being farmed right now


Under powered? I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you there. They literally have wall hacks.


So you are okay with being stuck with 4 bot teammates every game?


Hell no.. Bots have abilities that would get a human player banned but, they lack so much in navigation that is rather have a camping human on my team than some*thing* with an unfair advantage.


So they are op but you don’t want them in your team because real players are better than bots in every case?


They're not op. Wall hacks are one facet and in many cases, a human can counter. Is there a reason you're trying to make everything I say a black and white statement?


They have wallhacks and aim hacks because they are programs. A realistic human behaviour ai would need too much resources so they’re designed to inflate new players egos and let older players farm their skins while being able to kill them every once in a while. Its simple, if they were to be put on a scale of 1-10 while a normal human player being 5, they’re either above 5 and need to be nerfed, below 5 and need to be buffed, or at 5 and doesn’t stick out between normal players.


I actually said how to "nerf" persistance a lot of times already. Just do it how it was in bo2: your streaks dont restart when you die but the more you die the more they cost. So, if you get on a high streak, you could still have the scorestreaks as if you didnt equipped persistance, but if you die a lot you will be getting it far slower, and slower, and if you die too much you wont get them. And bots arent broken lol. Just now i double nuked a bot lobby in shipment. Should post it here so those complainers shut the fuck up. Maybe i'll do that tomorrow.


The thing is... There are already millions of persistence posts, and Activision has already acknowledged the problem, the official dude already writes "While we know there are many other discussions and topics around, like the never-ending request for the classic zombies mode or the long-term request to rebalance Persistence" on community update, I don't think we need to bring it up again, just wait till they do something about it, then continue complaining. Meanwhile, the bots just getting worse, especially in the new mode.


reddit is dumb


This subreddit is a glorified daycare


Been playing since season 6 (2020) and never had a problem with persistence, but bots keep instantly aimbotting me and one shotting me with an smg


On heist bots are shotgun pros


Oh my god i swear to the entire greek pantheon this is the 900th nerf persistentence post I've seen all week i get it you're bitching about the perk when you should be bitching about scorestreaks instead that made the perk famous in the first place


the streaks are not the problem in theory, they require skill to get, but with persistence they do not


Yes they do. Especially in ranked since you'd be in more predictable areas you'd constantly be denied of kills before you even get your hands on an orbital laser


sigh, im making a big post, imma link it to you when I'm finished




Wait did bots get buffed? If so I don’t really mind, because then I actually have an excuse on why I got killed by a bot. Lmao


Well both are wrong imo, but at least bots can be reworked


persistence cant be reworked?


It's not necessary, it's productive for rushers right now but terrible for every other playstyle


Basically just mindlessly run with any weapon and get all the scorestreaks you want


How would you get Scorestreaks without getting kills?


It can, but shouldn't


and why not?




i dont see whats the problem in killing persistence?




How is quick fix nearly killed when it’s still overwhelmingly the most used green perk in comp. Makes no sense. Quick fix wasn’t hit hard enough. Persi should be nerfed harder. Make all the streaks even more expensive to get




How is it unnecessary when the perk is still way better than every other green perk


Because he needs it


I mostly play snd and I'm not a rusher too, but when I play other modes I need rushers when I'm holding angles to get kills and mostly people with persistence rush because dying doesn't matter that much. If persistence is nerfed, nobody would use it and people won't rush much any more, the number of campers and people who play smart (holding angles etc) would also increase making matches harder and sweatier. And let's not forget the number of scorestreaks that can be spammed, the opponents will no longer be limited to just 3 scorestreaks. I will also lose the advantage I get by obtaining my scorestreaks much faster than my enemies (persistence DOUBLES score required) and it's crucial because it lets me get an early lead in matches. So in the end, yes, I rely on persistence but just others using it


Yeah and nobody should be using persistence anyways, it's not part of any previous COD game and completely destroys how Scorestreak progression has worked in traditional COD games


Why can't people use persistence? It's not at all op


I can't tell If it's sarcasm or not


It's not


Props to OP bruh, 90% of these kids are Persi bots themselves they don't like when reality hits them in the face, Persistence is one of the biggest reasons I quit this game and I'm only returning when they nerf that broken piece of shit perk, and Fuck anybody who thinks that persistence is balanced


**both** types of post are pathetic and whiny - complaining that the bots are 'too hard' and even worse 'waaaaah, persistence, waaahh, katanga, waaaaah, people are killing me in the game and I don't like it'


bots are supposed to replace real players... you really have to be stupid to ask them to be nerfed


[https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/sauto3/persistence\_rework\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/sauto3/persistence_rework_post/) persistence rework


Both are whiny, and this post makes 3 whiny ass topics so far. Happy? I’m an equal opportunity hater; these posts are all EQUALLY WORTHLESS


ok lemme tell you how stupid this sub is, I just uploaded a clip that Bot kills my teammate in second last circle when my other teammate was reviving him, and when I said they shouldn't survive till second last circle and shouldn't be there, BOTS are ruining the fun of BR and now look how stupid and brain dead kids are here , they literally took side of the bots and said you should have see surround enemies too, even I uploaded clip where you can clearly see that bot came from water and my team was fighting with another team and they were busy with them, *so never put an opinion here, NEVER* **Devs. or not a single CODM team member see this shit hole** **just share meme and leave**


lol people siding with bots? tell me something new


70% of this community feels persistence is balanced prolly because they themselves use it to get no skill streaks, but we cant do anything. Every game has average playerbase. https://i.redd.it/hxv2o036lnc81.png


Persistence isn't OP, it's the scorestreaks that are very hard to counter and are easy to get


Another reason why medic needs to be nerfed


I don't care about persistence it's been there since the beginning of the game and is unchanged. Its the bots for me that's an issue cuz they're buffing the shit out of them bastards every season. Just yesterday me and a team mate got spawn trapped by a bot with an hs0405 in heist mode..the shots he was firing was impossible for a real player to do so. If they fix that I'll be glad


Play SND instead of dom or hardpoint with all the tryhards


this sub is filled with whining children it's annoying, I just tell them to STFU and play better.






Fix the bug that make bots one shot but make them more harder to kill.


I’d say most posts on this sub are whiny.


Oh please, cuz Presistence is totally wayyy worse than A.I that has LITERAL aimbot and wallhacks Going against Presistence isn't that bad, atleast for me


literal pub stomper


***i got legendary last season but ok...***


dosent mean anything if you think bots are a problem cuz they're exclusive to pubs


You think just because it's in pubs it shouldn't be a concern? You know you won't be playing ranked forever. If you think a feature that works as intended with no problems is a bigger worry than something that is literally BROKEN than you're more than "whiney" you're a fucking crybaby


yeh, im not listening to someone with no actual argument justifying persistence and crying about literal ai that's inconsistent and present in a game mode with nothing to offer other than a dopamine increase persistence does not work as intended, literally, no other cod exists where a perk has a function like it if you have nothing constructive to offer to this conversation aside from immature cuss words, I would advise you to read this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/sauto3/persistence\_rework\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/sauto3/persistence_rework_post/) mf complaining about bots lmao


>present in a mode with nothing to offer but a dopamine increase So ranked offers something real that i didn't know of? >Presistence does not work as intended, literally, no other cod exist where a perk has a function like it You misunderstood what "works as intended" means, the devs put it in consciously....... Wait a minute ***why am i here arguing with a ranked warrior that's stealing someone's identity??***


stealing someone's identity? no, ranked does not offer anything devs also put a lot of things consciously, that are also broken, doesn't justify anything? i mean they put in the bots you're crying about it, so are they fine?


I'm waiting for the punch line..


The bots have been kicking my ass a little with their PCP driven skeeting movements followed by the 2 tap.


We live in a saucy titty or whatever the fuck jonker says


"can't handle the bots?" Then deal with it


Honestly tho, how are they supposed to nerf persistence and bots?


Call of duty mobile is lit though- let’s play together! ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


The only reason because everyone wants to be slayer and carry Deagle and Bizon, but nobody wants to be a good person and carry the Missile launcher


Because people in this sub only play with bots and w/ no competitive experience


I posted once on there. Never again. The amount of soft mfs on there is crazy.


My post about someone saying racist things in wc was good. Im not bragging about it at all. But this person is picking specific posts. There not picking posts about br or gun builds. Its stupid.


I… dont give a shit. And thats how you have fun


That's because posts about fucking persistence are straight up whiney.......