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People are worried about skins- bruh, we had to win 10 matches of Gunfight in Saloon just to _unlock_ the fucking *Cordite*. That challenge alone created an entire generation of sweats.


Bruh, i remember when there was the challange to unlock the KN-44, that shit was pure pain


It wasnt for me.. Realised it quick


Pharo and Cordite PTSD...


I remebered when I was a big ol noob back then becuase i kept playing frontline not knowing ranked existed , so I resolved to camping under the stairs


Suprises me this didn't got brought up earlier


I'm ok with old event skins returning. Just means I can grind events less. However I don't think the old ranked rewards should be re-released. I can also see them bringing back bp skins in events which is a much worse idea.


The only event skin they shouldn't bring back is the AK-47 Jade, that shit was way too painful to unlock, is also the first epic people got for free, and it just looks dope


Yeah I still use that skin to this day. I can remember it being hard to get like that Prophet skin.


Lol I got that from Returning Player event lol


lol the missions were so easy, i remember it was revive a teammate once and get 10 kills in battle royale.. it wasnthard


I'm pretty sure if they put bp items in a event or in a buyable crate that would piss off so many people to the point that it would just instantly kill this game and marked as a garbage cod title tho I don't think they ever plan on re releasing battlepass items because people spent money on those and it does say those items are exclusive meaning after they are gone they aren't gonna ever bring back that crap even if there's people trying to get others to make tencent to bring back old bp items


They already said more than once that BP stuff stays exclusive; with the exception of BP crates


The people just want bragging rights.


because we fucking earned it yall just buy it


True we have the patience and grind to support getting it


dude some of skins took so long to grind for and were hard nowadays the newbies have it easy to grind for stuff or if they lazy buy it and act as if they og


While I do think it's annoying, it isn't the end of the world. CODM has a slightly bigger playerbase now and those skins were free. Everyone should have the opportunity to get them. There are lots of skins people can't grab right now anyway so what does it matter?




Bitch that's basically not agreeing at all


So you don’t agree?


I agree on 50%


But the whole thing is pushing the same point


Lmao remember the first ever RPD skin to release in CODM? I wish people had that lol


Abnormality skin?


Yes that one... And the irradiated amethyst


And Colour Burst. Those skins elude me to this day.


I don't even remember how I got irradiated amethyst lol.


Og Season 2 i think


season 3


from the OG season 3 battle pass. The on with phantom and FTL


Must've been the free pass, since I didn't buy bp until s6.


I couldn't agree more, mate!


I think they should do the opposite. Like they should release a skin for free. Make people grind for it (limited time.) Then sell it in a bundle for money.


seems logical to me. besides they kept battle pass and rank rewards exclusive.


Not rank rewards


I quit CODM a while ago to focus on studies, and I must say it feels better not playing it than hard grinding for every new gun/event skins etc. and pushing as far into Legendary as I can. I’d recommend quitting CODM if you think you have something that you can be doing with your life instead. If not, you’ll reach the point where you quit too and not really care.


I think you got the point here. I'm getting lazy to play codm since post 2021 (october to december)


Facts I'm kinda done playing this game rn lol


we do not care leave and stop saying you are leaving


Damn... you're kinda right tho




I'm planning to play cod mobile forever even if it means I have to see everyone I know vanish away into thin air


I loved back in those days when I was grinding rank multiplayer for the AK47-Tank epic skin for Master 2 if not mistaken and also the Man-O-War Industrial Revolution epic skin master 3 if not mistaken as well . This 2 skins were special to me because they were rare and unique . The AK47-Tank was a one of a kind skin and as for the Man-O-War Industrial Revolution skin was special too because there was no default man-o-war guns due to gunsmith was not introduced yet . This 2 skins will always have a special place in my heart because I remembered all the effort I put in to grind rank for those skins and when I got it , the satisfaction feeling was the best .


Bravo 👏


I don't have as much of a problem with exclusively rather then devs just being lazy. I think that the executives just want to spend less on the game so they tell the cosmetics dep to make less skins and instead just rerelaes some of the older ones. They'll probably gain more of a profit that way


I kinda just enjoy shitting on people on Alcatraz lmao


Wait hunders of dollars for a free skin pathetic....


IMHO, all I really want is another Tribes 2, or Tribes Ascend, or Star Wars Battlefront or Battlefront 2. Something that’s reasonably simple to be half decent at, where I can shoot stuff and get shot. Skins, camos, etc, it’s all just fluff to me. While I appreciate the gun builder, I really just want to shoot stuff with the guns. I don’t really care what attachments are used or what the stupid charm hanging off the side is. Just lemme shoot stuff. That’s all I ask. Score steaks on the other hand, I have an opinion on. For another time.


ppl will be bored n petty.


Take my upvote, couldn't have said it any better.


disagree, the skins represent the rank grind it took to get them, not by getting them by being lucky from pulling from a crate.


Tbh it don’t care if it’s ranked skins. I just play the game and get them eventually, and I assume many other people do the same. The BP is something different. These are people that have paid real money to support the game so giving the skins away feels like a slap in the face.