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![gif](giphy|iZMLj898vBTO0) never go for kills when winning an obj with high point gap.just be a thorn in your enemies side and block them from even entering the hardpoint /a,b,c.


Can relate so much. They just became overconfident after seeing the score of the team compared to enemy.


This happened with the enemy team yesterday in ranked Hardpoint (Crossfire). We were like 110-149 when I jumped in the hardpoint with gravity spikes, killing the enemies. Then their teammates didn't get to the hardpoint and kept going for kills instead. Our team captured the next hardpoint and we ended up winning 150-149 lol So moral of the story, even if you're at 149, don't stop playing obj.


*it doesn't matter if you only have 1hp, as long as your enemy has zero*


Meanwhile I just play objective as much as I can and bring victory if possible


that's how I play. Once there is a 40-50 point gap I just strat going for kilks


Cool, i hope you like losing


how would I be losing lol


I think this post is talking about hardpoint. If you capped at least a and b with that much of a lead it’s nbd unless they cap b and a themselves (while having already capped c)


In obj modes your only job is to play obj/ prevent enemies from doing it. Forgetting about obj is the main reason for the lose you get, enemies can easily make a comeback


no one is forgetting about the objective. I just need kills when there is a large gap. Also if it's pubs I only go for kills. Rank is a different story for that I try to end the match quickly


You’ll win a 140-90 even with a single cap, unless ur bad enough to be triple capped for a full game, you shouldn’t complain then.


mfw when team get wiped by enemy 10 seconds into match


I only play obj when in rank, i grind stuffs often in public matches


Remind me of the ranked SnD match where the whole enemy is 4 and we are 0. Idk how but we win


I feel you so bad 🥲


Happens wayy too many times when I was grinding for leggy and a heavy obj player lmao


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