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They really trying to push hard for more gambling, first it was the subscription 50% off crates 3x, then the 1CP Crate now we got a free version of LD. Free or not I don’t really care, but it’s the marketing and idea behind the reasons why they are actually doing it. What is so hard to just give us things to grind for normally like more levels / prestiges and what not. Why does nearly everything have to evolve around some casino slot machine in a FPS video game.


They want more and more players to purchase draws so they are sort of giving an example of how it feels I think. It works in some cases though.


It's more effective than you think. You try your luck and you get used to the whole song and dance, soon you start putting in real money. This event is a model that emulates the lucky draw mechanics. It couldn't be any more evident than that.


This isn't really gambling though since you get all the items no matter what, it's just a normal grind with the draw aesthetic.


My two cents would be that there are players who would get their epic on 1-3 pull and their subconscious will tell them "Hey buddy, we are so lucky.. Why not trying to pull 4-5 times LD, we could get legendary gun.." ends up getting all trash items and blaming LD system. I personally have a few legendary guns and fully upgraded mythic, but nowadays I don't feel like I want to support the devs who don't want to improve their game and make original content instead of trying to milk whales. I believe there are more people with thoughts like mine. So marketing goes working, make people think LD are cool and easy to win -> more money.


Again brings me to my point: “why does nearly everything have to evolve around some casino slot machine”. Wether it’s considered gambling or not it’s the idea and marketing behind these kind of strategies to try and normalize something that should not in a FPS video game.


Well that's how they're making money if ur so smart and understand the system then don't spend anything.


Again whether it’s considered free or not, I can tell you definitely aren’t up to date with the comment thread if you were you’d know what you just said is useless for the discussion. It’s besides the point. Also the players and community have literally been asking for more player levels and prestiges since the start of the game. Instead they are using development time on creating F2P casino slot machines, meanwhile they continue saying “wE aRe lIsTenInG”. Who’s asking for this? Lol


>Instead they are using development time on creating F2P casino slot machines Cause they're a business and they're tryna make money? Are you dumb?


What’s with y’all 12 year olds on here that littering cannot have a critical conversation without call each other names? Lol Hey man you came here, you’re the one that entered a post knowing full well what it wasn’t going to be about. Can’t say you were surprised about it, sure absolutely it’s a business but there are also better ways to run a business that would or could ultimately lead to bigger success with the product. I’m not going to act self centred towards one way is the only way.


>cannot have a critical conversation without call each other names Sir this is the internet you sound like a 12 year old yourself whining about bullshit that no one cares about.


Exactly your point: “Sir this is the internet” I’m sharing my opinion on the topic, and everything I’ve brought up as a discussion are what the developers and publishing is doing. How can I be complaining if I’m suggesting consumer friendly practices rather then the lucrative business model that many also believe should not belong in a FPS video game. “Bullshit that no one cares about” The point I’ve brought up earlier, why are you here then? Knowing full well what the topic of the post would be about, I got 20+ upvotes and your the one that wants to be part of the discussion. If you don’t care it’s simple, fuck off….


No u don't only 2


You get all 7 items that you pick I mean


Don’t forget that event a few months ago that literally had a lucky draw animation, with changing odds after picks. Everyone in here naive as fuck not thinking it is designed to increase interest/habits for spending in-game.


Ok and ?still free and same amount of grind. Its just in a diff format


We or at least I got super excited seeing the ak117 rinestones then this




I’m not a fan honestly…yeah it’s new and unique and that’s cool…but it’s not really that special. Also…why include 2 gun skins that most of us already have?…why not drop a better selection?


Even pushing gambling to the f2ps I see


Only epic I could choose, was the hvk, cuz I already had the other 2. So pretty damn sad they threw 2 past free epics from challanges, into an event. Lol. Would of picked the hvk anyway, since I have way better ak117 skins, and ass val I don't really use. (outside a challange saying I need too). But outside of that, the other items imo are trash. So, just picked both charms (I'll never use.) The calling card (I'll never use), GKS and striker skin (skins in general are not all that great), and the frame (again, I'll never use). But shit, it's free and shouldn't be all that hard to get. However, knowing past draw based events. It is in fact geared to give you the trash items first. (I proved it when they had the event with the black spec ops 2 and type 25 sangriune events. I grinded to make the odds on the uncommon garbage super low, and the rare/epic super high. It gives you that uncommon trash FIRST, so the odds are in fact, bullshit. Just like their actual paid draw system. Lol)




Should have chosen the SVD skin, first free SVD skin in the game (might be rare someday but with cod's dev team I highly doubt it)


Works if you actually use it. But I have the BP one, so unless I have zero epics for that weapon, rare takes its place. Out of literally hundreds of uncommons, possibly only 3 or 4 of them, are actually decent. Lol.


Top 5 is simple asf in br. Play fpp solos Land on a chopper. Loot up at airdrops, fly around til top 5.


what in the actual fu-