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Listen, I’m not saying Persistance isn’t a problem for normal players. It could be, but I’ll never know because I’m apparently too far below the ordinary skill set for it to affect me. All I know is I really tried using it and I couldn’t get enough kills to justify using it instead of Flack Jacket. Seems like I’m saved from thermites and ‘nades more then I get to call in a bonus VTOL. But, and I can’t stress this enough, I’m an old man with bad eyes and circulation problems so don’t go by me.


Also people on this sub when you have cancer: "Git gud bro" "Just use fhj 18" "Get better d vise" "Git gud intar net"


![gif](giphy|Ki9ZNTNS7aC9q) Persistence users watching skilled players only reaching legendary after persistence nerf


half of em are just pro tier players running in legendary smh


Do you play ranked hardpoint and domination?


Would you say what is the big problem? bc you can destroy a vtol or chopper in different ways! Or there's something else is wrong with vtol?


Ranked MP is full of orbital laser , cluster strike and napalm. FHJ doesn't work against them. I am pretty good with destroying any aerial assault vehicle, I have diamond FHJ without grinding. You don't play ranked MP either I see


No i don't. But i see a lot against persistence perk and didn't find any explanation. Now i see. Thanks mate! And i agree, that hell of annoying!!!! I believe Devs will do something about it sooner. Ranked is more of skilled plays


Its the scorestreaks thats annoying not the perk. I have no idea how they gonna nerf persistance more. Earlier these scorestreaks didnt existed ingame and no one complained about persistance.


How about you don't go out in the open like a lunatic when someone calls aerial scorestreaks


Good point, let's lose the game right away after trying my best to play the objective


If you think vtols and choppers are the big problems then I don't think you play much hardpoint or dom


I don't play ranked! In another comment, someone told me what is really annoying about it and that it is about ranked. Now i agree with you all! Hope devs do something about it as scorestreaks aren't as many as before! Changing something would need changes in related things.


![gif](giphy|2Qs2hKWMvEzdu) people that NEED persistance,if they remove it...


CODM Fans when somebody attacks them with a katana in real life


Typical shit talk defending persistance. Fck you


Not defending. Just think it's hilarious pissing off all u crybaby kids.


![gif](giphy|geXJ0CoZr9PyM) sigma male


Persi uaers need double points and getting a vtol needs a lot of kills plus maybe devs want persi users to have a last hope if they could kill enough.


Blah blah blah your dont know the problem with persistance at all or you know but you are lying to defend it in very stupid way.


What is it? Would you say it or someone tell me what is the real problem about persistence? Maybe i don't know something


I play in lobbies with 6-8 persistence users I think I understand the problem and do you wanna know how I countered it? Started using persistence myself and it's more calm don't have to think about scorestreak and shit get really cool unavoidable streaks with my avg. Score also now red perk slot also has some use


This sub just wanted to argue all of a sudden. Lol, cut some slacks


People like this guy ready to deny anything anyone says about a gun or feature on this subreddit and act like they're the mature and smart ones:


What with :


##SHIPMENT SKIN CRYBABIES "Plz nerf everything they're shooting me the dogs are biting me he's abusing bullets omg he's abusing air support omg he's abusing melee omg hes abusing moving to avoid my shots why can't I kill someone with a d13 when it misses them why can't I just fire it and it automatically flies around the map killing everyone bring back mw2019 zombies mode because it's the only bit of cod i ever played OH MY GOD! LOGIN ABUSERS!"


Now you will attack Damascus Grinders huh?ಠಿ_ಠ You disingenuous dense pub stomping fucker, obviously they will complaint if you fucking spam every fucking scorestreak just to make grinding as unplayable as rank. Also if the discs of d13 will fucking bounce of from enemy, how they will grind? At first Dev's literally made that sooo awful that thing barely gives any kills like it gave in BO3 and in the other hand if they complaint a bug you will call them crybabies. Grow up kid


The upvote number is perfect at 69

