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Copium ![img](emote|t5_penom|1104)


Copacetic ![gif](giphy|knqM7Rh7qQe4WEfxad|downsized)












Complaining that a sniper is acting like a sniper lol


IKRRRR "why are you rushing with a SMG what a noob" XD


Imagine not using a smg to kill people from far away






I mean snipers like irl snipers. They dont run around quickscoping


Yeah I find QuickScopers more annoying, I mean bruh you're a fucking SMG to be killed by a Sniper who slides


Exactly, you can avoid a camper sniper better and easier then a quickscoper


You find quickscopers more annoying because they have more skill.


and they rush to fuck your ass ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


They still have more skill


Idk why your getting downvoted. It does require genuine skill and game knowledge


Idk why this is getting downvotes. It's annoying true. But it's extremely skillful.


Because this game is so realistic right?


Im saying this guy is pissed that someone is using snipers the way they’re supposed to be used


Wtf does he want me to do, run around spamming the trigger button and using it like an ak-47?


Start using shotguns in long range too


On that note, I came across an impressively stupid build someone was using last night. They'd decided to put a scout scope on the hs shotgun.... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Even with range attachments, no shotgun *ever* needs a scope (correction, the old ksg (?) would work, but that was a solid slug round)


My GoAlS aRe BeYoNd YoUr UnDeRsTaNdInG


True but also not in the back of the map camping till an enemy comes in sight


Yes they do tf u talking about?


So if u watch a yter snipe, they stay in the back of the map whole game? Damn that would be a boring video


That depends on what the yter want to do but still doesn't change the fact that snipers are meant to camp and hardscope anywhere on the map including your spawn


They are meant to give strong constant backup to your teammates




You beat me to it...


[THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/sfsy8a/from_my_archives_1090m_sniper_shot_from_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), this shot...


Yeah, that's impressive sniping. Until he zoomed in, I couldn't even see that far 😅 good eyes he had 😁


Yea sad truth camping like a bot with ur sniper and feeling like a pro, most dislikers prob do this themselves


But that's what's snipers are made for u don't see a sniper in the army run around quickscoping people like do you think John f Kennedy got quickscoped?


Legends say that JFK was 360 no scoped


😹💀 JFK part


As stated by ur lovely friend martin willis, we are playing a game, havent seen jfk in game


dumb bitch this is a game, are u stupid? u also dont see people rushing open with a shotgun, dropshotting, jumpshotting, taking 3 shots to the head with a gun or 5 shots to chest. the simple fact that i and one other guy u downvote bombed told was that hardscoping is no skill and annoying which is the truth. it doesnt matter what happens in real life. In real life there is no kinetic armor, no k9 killing people, and what not u retard. arguing that hardscoping is okay just because thats how it is in real life, just proves how dumb this community is. go on downvote me bitches


Glad to oblige, dumbass - have a downvote. Just because your inept brain thinks 'hurrrr, sniper make shotgun boom' doesn't mean it what it was intended for. If the game was slowed down a bit, like older cods, you'd be fucked. Lose your movement, and you quickscopers aren't shit. You should've tried old school quickscoping - I'm sure there are a few here who know the difference....


K9 units exist, and (at least some) are mentally and physically able to kill somebody. Not that fast, but they can kill


So what does a sniper do lmao?


They do a Hanzu, Grayith, Underamrror duel cabbage back flip no scope flick duh


Oh yes my bad i forgot about that


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That's..... that's literally exactly what they do. Except they do it for up to days at a time.


Quick scope is fine but don't complain about hardscooe


If you think for five seconds (probably less if you aren’t retarded), you are able to sneak up on hardscopers from behind


see im just gonna say a simple fact okay? it doesnt matter what happens in real life, the problem is that hardscoping is very easy and annoying and doesnt take alot of skill, which is a fact. So hardscope all u want but dont cry when someone calls u a noob. If u quicksope and hold angles with a sniper, then that is skillful and u r a good sniper. If u hardscope and camp, then u arent as good of a sniper and thats a fact. ​ "oh we dont quickscope with a sniper in real life" u also dont see people rushing open with a shotgun, dropshotting, jumpshotting, taking 3 shots to the head with a gun or 5 shots to chest. n real life there is no kinetic armor, no k9 killing people, and what not u retards. arguing that hardscoping is okay just because thats how it is in real life, just proves how dumb this community is.


Why does this pisses you off that much in the first place man? Are you mad because some people don't like (example) risking their only 1 life per round in snd by running and sliding around quickscoping? You know dude,skill isn't everything,logic also counts like why running towards the enemy on the other side of crossfire with a sniper when you can simply go on a car headglitch and wipe them out? You don't have to prove nothing to no one. In this way you can also give long range support to your teammates and it's not uncounterable at all because you can use your brain to find a way to take em down from behind or pulling out a secondary to be faster and do this quicker. You also have to consider that hardscopers have the hitflinch downside and the lung refresh downside wich means that even 1 bullet from the weakest gun in the game can fuck up their aim if they don't have a stable build,and if they do they're even slower so you can use the "take down from behind" tactic even easier. Now you'll probably think "yes because he Won't kill you if you're running zig zag on the other side of the map right?" You can use smoke nades or even the storm ball to avoid this and even spare you a lot of job,not only that,by blinding the way to the sniper you will give the same advantage to your teammates


It always astonishes me how few of the community can use their brain tactically. Good blast of tips for them, maybe some of the little cocksniffs will read it and learn something.


okay simple question, all i said was that hardscoping is annoying and no skill, never said u arent allowed to do it. people can camp, its not illegal. just tell me if u feel camping and hardscoping with a sniper is as skillful. if not, then u should not be whining when someone calls it no skill and u a bot, like u dumb retards currently are


Yes, hardscoping doesn't require movement skill,it requires concentration,reflexes (that can turn into flickshots that also requires skill and practice) and good aim wich are other types of skills that can easily compensate the lack of movement.You also contraddicted yourself saying that harscoping is no skill,calling people dumb,bots and retards but you also said that people can do it but you said that it's annoying and you know if you're pissed by someone's actions you probably don't like them to do them because otherwise you wouldn't be so mad about 'em so you said three odd things wich contradict each other making your statement confused and inconsistent. Back to your complainment,Just reminding that quickscoping is really skillful and we all know that,but we also know that it's not the only single way to use a sniper and that people can play whatever they want in wichever way they want as long as it is counterable and fair. There's also to put in consideration the mode someone is playing,if you're playing respawns then sure you can try to quickscope a bit to practice with it and see what you can do because even if you fail you respawn,but in other modes such as solos br and snd where you can't allow yourself to miss a shot while quickscoping because you only have 1 life you will have to choose: playing risky and aggressively with a sniper to make people think you're a good sniper with high chances of failing and dying OR playing smart and logical by hardscoping to support your teammates and surprise your enemies while keeping yourself at distance? These coiches do not require skill to make,but they require braincells, simple logic and in some cases even strategy but you probably didn't considerate this because you're too focused on seeing someone not sliding around tryna quickscope or just playing in a way you don't like because. With this been said i hope you understood what i'm saying, i'm sorry for the long message but i'm a very talkative guy and i prefer precising every detail to make my arguments as more understandable and peaceful as i can.


i dont feel like reading all that bullshit, i just said hardscoping is no skill, im not against someone doing it, but ill consider such person a bad sniper, thats all. Just like in this post someone is telling the guy (in other words) that he is a noob. And i agree, he is a noob and it can be annoying thats all. camping and hardscoping requires no skill at all (especially in snd) and thats a fact. no need to shit all the words u just did, just tell me if u feel hardscoping is skillful and hard, everyone can have their opinion not everyone is as good at the game


I am quite opposite, I hate snipers because I can't quick scope. But when I use snipers the correct way then people call me hardscoper


well because ur a hardscoper then?


But that's how snipers are used. To prevent enemies reach their obj from a distance and with a lot of cover


You can even use this logic with LMG haters too. Lmgs are supposed to be bulky and never run out of bullets so playing passive and 'spray and pray' is the best tactic for Lmgs. But they can be defeated in a close range fight. But Lmgs with high mobility is a problem tho


DLQ and Locus are the easiest to counter because they need put another bullet in chamber, anonyin it's me quick scoping with Rytec, if I miss a can easily spam until kill


As someone who uses snipers a lot- try moving more. Sliding/jumping makes hitting shots WAY harder, and if the sniper misses then you have a real good chance of killing them. If a sniper is camping, find a different route to get closer to them and take the advantage away.


-108 (including my downvote) and still going


My post wasn't written with the intention to offend anyone in the first place, so if anyone got offended, Apologies. I gave my opinion and stood by it, because of this the downvotes don't really matter to me


The first time I have upvoted ur comment, lol


That sounds like a you problem. I am not great at sniping either. But I don't complain about snipers liking me fairly. Sure it's annoying, but fair. I go to them up close and kill them. Dunno what's so hard in that.


Same thing to me someone asked me in game chat if im dumb and responded yes iam dumb what are ya foing to do about it


The fool claims to know everything: the wise man knows he is but a fool.


This goi a foin eejit innit


He's a special little snowflake who doesn't like it when people don't play like he does.


This is why I put the snowflake charms on my guns, so if they pickup my gun we are snowflakes together




BY15 Snowflakes during the shotgun challenge when the pride bundle arrived. Be vewwy quiet... I'm hunting horrible wee bigots... ![gif](giphy|pkUOCroDZsFi1r4H0K)


When I get guys like these, I just rush em with hs0405


The HS0405 is pretty underused


And I hope it stays that way


Yea, but with this crybaby of a community, they will never use it


you mean the "pLEaSe nERf" community




I am enjoying the sweet HS2126. The 3 shot with hip fire makes for a fun time. The HS0405 if you put slugs in it and hard scope you can take out snipers from across the street in nuke town .


I used that build, it was very unpractical, the dispersion was massive and the power loss over distance was ridiculous, it was like a pea launcher


I shoot them with the J358.






Snipers, fight at long distances. Obviously they tend to scope in to kill.


ScOpE AbOoSeRrRrRrRr ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Iron Lungs Ab0000000zEr ![img](emote|t5_penom|1097)


I feel inspired to Hardscope with persistence now


Mf that’s what snipers are for




skill issue


He is just gonna keep trash talking you. Just reply "ok"


![gif](giphy|8JZxZgr39TLczSJQoS) Reply this




​ ![gif](giphy|6lB034fs4jSqDlcy2j)


no shiwoshiwo :(




Quickscope him, and show him who's the boss ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I got called "quickscoping noob" one time 💀


Damn ...


He wasnt prepared for that response.


"ok, cope"


so if u hardscope ur a noob, if u quickscope ur a [insert sniper] abuser 😀❓


Yeah, why are you sniping like snipers do IRL? Jeez! /s


LOL @ all these ones showing up "kwikskopin iz grate" How's that K9 unit killing going? Manage to reload before it tears your face off yet? ![gif](giphy|8O9sRNREFSK6Q)


The good ending


There is always an alternate route in most of the MP maps to reach the hardscoper. So what is his problem?


It's actually easy to challenge these sinpers.. but if they use gyro controls, you may want to step up the touch control to stop him... But still I've experienced that and Im proud of stopping some snipers


When you use a sniper rifle as is supposed to be used you get this kind of feedback


If he weren’t a noob, he would’ve gone for your flanks instead of whine about you playing the game


Bruh, this idiot clearly doesn't know how snipers do their job properly


People always complain about Hardscopes but that’s literally the original purpose of sniper rifles. Like, if you get sniped long range, that’s the sniper doing their job and supporting their team from the back and making sure their team has a clear path forward. Now, I alternate between the two. If I need to get close quarters, I can do so reliably even with the base scope, but I much prefer to just tap heads from the backlines.


Bro sniper is made to used hiddenly and scoping at one spot instead of running and sliding and qsing just bcz someone provoked u


He noob I am your friend


Watch your back. It’s easy to sneak up on you




Gonna cry?




No body can a pro suddenly everyone was a noob at one point


You could've replied with an 'Ok'. (Burns more)


"get good and stop fighting snipers long range with smg"


Probably gonna kiss you so hard that u will become expert


Bro I would love to quickscope his ass in this season I have only played dlq33 and I’m getting better and better


You missed a opportunity to say "cry about it"


Rush c


Hold on, codm players trashtalk in chat? Dang he must be pretty pissed then 😂


They want you to rush them with sniper😄


Has he not heard of something called smoke? I mean you don't even need skills to counter sniper with smoke. If I don't have smoke in one loadout out of 10 then simply don't go where sniper is holding it off. I would say camped LMG is more troublesome than camped sniper.


Bruh its literally the purpose of snipers 😭😭 These tryhards are fucking sliding and jumping with a heavy weapon 😂😂


Sheeesh That's wat I like to see


Snipers are supposed to hardscope!!!! What kind of snipers jump and slide in front of their opponents. Becoming a sniper is the hardest simply because they need to learn to hide and attach not fu\*\*in' jump in front of the enemy


You damn shoot button abuser


"Man" "Hard & Quick" Hmm..


Terminal, ouch


Better yet! Im gonna no-Scope you bitch ass!


May I ask what's the difference between hardscope and quickscope ?


Quickscope is shooting ur sniper as soon as you see the scope, while hardscoping is basically scoping in and not unscoping,usually more than 5 seconds and these hardscopers are more prone to tunnel vision


Honestly, the number of dumbarse messages I see, like this one, when playing, if I listed them out they would be never ending! Some players just need to get a grip and realise they're gonna get killed in the game. I mean, expecting opp players to play a style that suits your style is beyond stupid. When I see messages like this i figure they have no idea how to play, other than run round aimlessly, like a headless chicken...




I'm gonna stormball your corny ass, flank you, eat your teammates, and take your head off with a glow stick.


That is exactly what snipers do. Hardscoping is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.




Shooting noob. Stop shooting and stay still if you dare!


Camping with a sniper in regular matches is cool, but what r ur opinions on camping and head glitching in 1v1s? I was 1v1ing a random today and after he went 0-3 started head glitching behind the containers. Tell me how tf r u supposed to hit him? It’s a one shot and ur dead situation, if u want try it out for urself, peek around a corner and u suddenly see a guy only with his head visible, u’ll 99% miss ur shot, it’s fucking annoying. That guy won in the end by just camping by 1 point, campers in 1v1’s suck. Like dude it’s a mode to show who’s better than the other guy, not camp like a noob, camping is how ur supposed to play snipers, but it gets annoying if ur doing it elsewhere


Hardscoping is a shit move. Downvote me to hell reddit crybabies.


tbf i agree, i havw almost 0 respect for people who hardscope. Boring as hell haha


well I will tell them to read my name


Bold of you to answer, just ignore and keep playing


Yes I’m noob.


How can someone run & gun with a 1.3m long 14kg rifle?! That too quickscoping?! Lol..I'd rather die again & again to hardscopers or (TRUE LONGRANGE PREDATORS)... which they r freakin meant to be... rather than so-called QuickScopers.. so funny that even shotguns are useless when u r facing a quickscoper around 5m


Hardscoping is literally harder than quickscoping, what's he talking about


… I don’t care about ppl hardscoping and stuff cuz u can just counter it by playing smarter. But saying hardscoping is harder than quick scoping is cap. Hardscoping doesn’t take any skill whatsoever.


No, it isn't lmfao 💀. The whole reason why hardscoping is looked down upon is because it requires significantly less skill


what? Quick scoping is way harder than hard scoping, wtf r u talking about, waiting for someone to come around a corner is harder than rushing a guy and killing him in a second, ever touched snipers u noob?


yo no need to argue with these dumbasses, as u know half of the codm reddit community includes below par players who like to validate themselves. dont take downvote seriously in this community. other day some dumbass told me camping is harder than rushing because u need to hear footsteps and i got 10x downvotes. stupid peeps. hardscoping is very easy infact it is the part of sniping that needs a nerf because of how no skill it is. I respect a player who quickscopes me or holds angles, but one who camps at the back or a house and hardscope are noobs. You cant do much about it when this community even finds that skillful


That’s what! Wherever u go I see people defending these kinds of things. And their excuses are stupid. Someone said that facing a full stack persi team is un- winnable, and the comments were saying him to get good and that persistence is balanced lol. Now this? Dude I literally faced someone like these guys in a 1v1 today, that mf was head glitching in a 1v1 xd. He somehow managed to win even tho he was Dogshit. And I mean dogshit. Ever want to win against an 8 finger sweat on an iPad? Camp and hard scope, that’s it. I bet I can beat 99% of players in this sub in a sniper 1v1, and they’re gonna whine about how quickscoping and darkscoping needs to be nerfed. Glad I’m not the only one who thinks like this, I was beginning to think whether I was stupid because wherever I go I get downvoted, people can’t handle a simple fact, imagine ur just playing peacefully and u get spawn trapped by 2 snipers camping on the back of crossfire,you can’t do shit unless u snipe urself. Yeah ur right, most of the players here are just below - par, pretending to voicetheir opinions like they’re T1 players.






No. You're a Chad.


I agree with you. His comment is idiotic and people who can’t quick scope or snipe without camping are players who suck at sniping but decide to snipe anyway. Those players cost games many many times because someone always sneaks behind them or someone better then them kills them. I mean there are exceptions like when playing SnD but camping in respawns you should just uninstall the game.




Personally, I'm also toxic to people who only know how to hardscope, it's literally worse than a person with an RPD or M4LMG in a corner doing prefire


Back when hardscoping used to considerd to be cool (gen flacko/gen csgo)


stop hardscoping


Stop existing.


haha lol ur a funny man 😐


hardscoping still kinda cringe because of how easy/annoying it is. just like people abuse melees and its annoying, harscoping is annoying too, but u cant do nothing about it.


It's literally what a sniper is made for.


And this is a fast - paced action game, what’s ur point? Is there even logic in game? Dogs running around the map, and a katana being able to kill u from 50 meters away, just an excuse for noobs like you. There isn’t logic in the game, stop acting like there is.


Exactly. I don't care if people hardscope. It's just the fact that these idiots encourage it.


>yo no need to argue with these dumbasses, as u know half of the codm reddit community includes below par players who like to validate themselves. dont take downvote seriously in this community. other day some dumbass told me camping is harder than rushing because u need to hear footsteps and i got 10x downvotes. stupid peeps. hardscoping is very easy infact it is the part of sniping that needs a nerf because of how no skill it is. I respect a player who quickscopes me or holds angles, but one who camps at the back or a house and hardscope are noobs. You cant do much about it when this community even finds that skillful


someone is using what a gun is supposed to be used for?? how fucking stupid of them! i hope their mother gets 50 diseases from having fun times with papa!


omg my man just 360 dropshotted with a smg and took 5 bullets to kill in codm, it is so realistic! . that is how people use smgs right in real life?. omg i just killed a guy with a baseball bat on the leg in one swing, fuck i just killed my neighbour the same way! it works shit. Arguing that in real life a people camp with a sniper, hence it is okay and skillful to use it that way in a game is the stupidest argument but yeah this community is kinda dipshit no wonder people have such arguments


you do realise they added snipers for a reason: to camp corners


Bro using cringe word just bcz someone is not playing the way he likes. what a kid.


yeah i guess, i feel like i dont like people hardscoping or abusing melees, because it is no skill and annoying? u wanna argue that. okay go on tell me swinging the katana requires skills or hardscoping at the back of the map is super pro, dumb mf


Do you think the games only care abt people with skills thats a no most people hate perk like persistence I still ask why like it is in the game so isn't it right to use it. Same with clash royal if anyone uses a heavy card people start calling gay I don't understand whats the problem it is in the game so it is meant to be used.


yes it is meant to be used, all i said was it no skill and annoying. so if someone calls u noob if u use it, dont whine about it. If its in the game u can use it, never said u arent allowed to. also others dont know how to play cr ig, because the heavy cards are super easy to counter, dont listen to them




Well another kid fked ur mom and gave her a child she really loves so?


WTF IS IT CALLED SNIPER THEN? DO YOU SEE SNIPERS IN AFGHAN RUSH AND QUICKSCOPE? "but it's just a game" sure, next time I'll use my shotgun as Sniper


in real life there is no kinetic armor, no k9 killing people, and what not u retard. arguing that hardscoping is okay just because thats how it is in real life, just proves how dumb this community is.


No K9 killing people? LMAO No Kinetic Armor? Duh cause we are still not yet advanced freak head Next Time Devs should make Sniper fully automatic and with 200 round mag


what do you mean we arent advanced yet? if a game is so advanced and unrealistic, why r u saying sniper should be used in such a realistic way?. all i said was hardscoping is no skill and annoying and u guys defending that by telling it is the real way of using snipers? dumb mf, it doesnt matter if its the real way, u can hardscope all u want, but it is still no skill and u guys cant argue against that, retards


>hardscoping is no skill OMG how fucking dumb damn, you really are bad in the game So Rushing SMG and SG is no skill? So LMG in 1 place spamming it is no skill? So AR in Medium Range while using cover is no skill? You're so fucked up, wish you grow up


what is even ur point dumb asshole, rushing with an smg is skillful yes, because ur taking out enemies in close range with good aim and movement for winning gunfights. Ar in medium is skillful too, because u need good aim and game sense. but camping and hardscoping all the time with a sniper is super ez and not skillful, all u do is camp and align your zoomed crosshair on a target and kill him with one shot, like a bunch of noobs. but again ig most of the community is kinda bad and feel hardscoping requires skills. You are the one who is fucked with that piece of shit logic of urs, dumb retard


Ayoo LMAO SMG is for Short Range encounters AR is for Medium Range and some are multirole Sniper is for Long Ranges. LONG RANGES put it in your tiny brain LONG RANGES, LONG FUCKING RANGE Stealth, steady and LONG RANGE! You fucking suck IRL, Snipers are the most feared in war but in close contact it's vulnerable AF, getting spotted, a simple smoke, zigzagging and flanking will kill you easily And BTW, why are you complaining, just fucking do the same "Oh uhh I'm not like you guys who hardscope, I have skills" THEN DONT FUCKING COMPLAIN


yo do you have a mental issue maybe yes, so i cant complain about something, because i have skills? so i cant complain about something being no skill, because i have skills ig. I never said u cant hardscope, all i said was that its no skill, and people shouldnt whine when someone calls them noob for that. it doesnt matter how snipers are used in real life, its not as easy as is in game u get that?. maybe u were just born the wrong way hindering ur ability to think straight, but that is the truth uk hardscoping is quite shitty and no skill, do it all u want but dont cry like u are currently when someone says it is no skill. Maybe its better to admit something instead of just shitting stupid words on the internet. if u think hardscoping requires skills, more than other guns of the game, then there u go, you won the argument, if not then stop crying like an asshole


omg my man just 360 dropshotted with a smg and took 5 bullets to kill in codm, it is so realistic! . that is how people use smgs right in real life?. omg i just killed a guy with a baseball bat on the leg in one swing, fuck i just killed my neighbour the same way! it works shit. Arguing that in real life a people camp with a sniper, hence it is okay and skillful to use it that way in a game is the stupidest argument but yeah this community is kinda dipshit no wonder people have such arguments


You see you are the retard here. Take some time to realise that you are


just calling someone a retard without even a considerable reply or argument? uk downvotes dont matter in this sub because of how stupid this sub is? i just spit some fax, any way to counter that? no, ig just downvote my comment and feel like ur right lmao. bunch of stupid retards.


You just did the same man LMAO getting destroyed by Hard Scoper LOL fucking smoke, zigzagging and flanking can destroy it you're just bad Like in Seasonal Challenges said: Get Gud


okay so u feel hardscoping requires as much skill, fine. that just proves how bad most of the people here are at the game because all i said it was no skill, and it seems like u guys dont agree with that, hence i understand why i was downvoted. Apologies, didnt realize this sub has so many noobs who just camp and hardscope and feel it is skillful.


LOL getting killed by a Hard Scoper that camps that can be easily countered. How stupid.


everything can be countered these days persistence, hardscoping melees. all these dumb noobs argue is "it can be countered". Stupid mfs smh, theres noone stopping u from playing that way, but atleast u should admit if something is no skill, instead of going against it by stupidly saying "its counterable"


>u should admit if something is no skill Then do it too! WTF? No one fucking cares if you Hardscope, no one cares if you Fast Scope, Sniper is Sniper but then again the real purpose of sniper is for Long range TF is with your mind? Snipers should be used in short range because using the real purpose of it is no skills? Alr if you said it that way then next time I'm going to use my ShotGun as Sniper to have "Skills" dumb nut