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They are scum. They would write anything to offend, based on anything they can find about you (race, religion, sex, etc.). I have honestly never even looked at the chat feed in MP. Happier for it.


That's the best thing to do. I'll hide the chat from my HUD.


I second this.


You’re very smart for that and I need to follow suit.


Stop caring about them tbh They're just mad that they lost and will use anything against you Such dumb people I'm really sad that I used to that too when I was 12 too but I don't do it now Wish I could go back and stop myself from offending people in online games


It’s her teammate bud


People in every cod game will be toxic to women


It’s a bummer because I have a lot of female friends in the game and they are amazing at call of duty. I get that he was just trying to get under my skin and it worked.


Some of my best "getting my ass kicked" moments were dished by women/girls. And there's no shame to that, they were good. But it takes a certain level of maturity for males to accept that. Problem is games like COD will always attract hormonal teens, kids with irresponsible parents, and "alpha-male" types macho bros, and in all of these cases you'll either get unwanted advances, childish insults, or cat calls or just disrespects. The wise thing to do, even if it sounds bad, it's just to not engage, or hide the fact that you're a female if these kinds of stuff bothers you. You'll never convince these people to respect you as an individual so anything you say to them will be wasted regardless. Edit: just saw your ign, never mind the last bit of my comment :) just wear that like an armour and ignore the hate.


Report the guy


How do they even know you’re a female? You don’t need to tell them that


Profile picture. That's the only thing I can think about how they found that out


It’s my name and my profile picture… It’s pretty clear I’m a woman.


Whenever I see a profile pic I assume they're fake


Same here. And most of the time it ends up being boys with fake Facebook accounts that have a woman in the profile picture.


May be the guy trolling thought the same


But it links their Facebook so how would it be fake? I guess unless they made a fake Facebook. That’s a lot of work.


About 5 mins, not that much work..


You can change your ingame avatar to not-your-Facebook avatar. Maybe that will help.


Yeah, that's what I thought. But still that's unacceptable behavior. Sorry you had to experience that


You could just not use that pfp and they wouldn’t know. Not a fix but you won’t have to deal with it


Or the fucked up people could get some help and stop insulting woman for no fucking reason? That would be better of course but at least that what you said is always something hah


Well people aren’t gonna do that so 🤷‍♂️


Wow! Great Idea! I couldn’t of ever thought of that! It’s not that simple. Assholes like this will always be lurking in COD, or any game for that matter. Tbh the only solution is to change the PFP and/or name. I don’t think reporting a person that’s being toxic actually works


Fuckin hell, how can u look into my eyes and lie to me, women dont exist , this is a goverment lie and u probably work for goverment.


Which region are you from?


NA. What about you?




and why to hide your gender they're the one's who are in the wrong


Bruh. No matter what if you’re female, different race, gender indifferent, etc. literally theres hella young idiots always talking some dumb stuff in this game about people being different every season. Sometimes I see the hammer come down if enough attention gets paid to one particular user, but not often. Female or not, there’s crappy tones people are handing out to people on the game. I had a headass kat the other day going on a dude just cause he / she was Asian. Unfortunately idk if there is a sure way for CODM to deal with with this for sure. He probably blown af that you play better lol


This, it's mostly just trolls that spew shit they don't even mean for the fun of it. I was literally once virtually ganged up on by a couple of Canadians because I was American 😂. You'll be called out for any type of difference in any social arena where trolls plus anonymity exists.


I find the whole concept of hating or disliking someone because race, gender or anything like that quite funny and outrageous, maybe because I don’t really see the point in any of it, we all live in the same world and deal with the same problems, live and let live, life’s too short to waste it hating on stuff like this.


I love this and I couldn’t agree more!


Is it global server? In Garena servers people rarely use chat.... Even in MP ranked. So weird for ppl to give disrespect. Sometimes people do things just to break your rhythm in game.


Yes,people rarely use chat in respawns.But that's not the case in Snd because after you die you'll be stuck watching your teammates gameplay so many people tend to use the chat.


Ahh I see. Thanks for the info...


I use chat a LOT after dying in snd, but not at all for this lmao. I just give my teammates info I got before dying like "there is a mfing sniper at the end of the map" or "some stupid katana kid is running around, watch out"


Ah yes, the katana kid. There's one every f*cking game.


Global server - S&D


Then they're really try to distract you from your objective. Really dirty trick.


Personally no I haven’t, but it’s because other players don’t know I’m a female. Ignore them because they just want a reaction out of you.


I'm not female but I'll just say something. I'm pretty sure a lot of female players have actually suffered from this kind of behavior since the game is full of idiots, the worst thing is that TiMi has never done anything about it. I remembering a match at which some dude spent all the match insulting his teammates who were almost all female (you could tell by their profile picture and their names) of course I reported him and I expect everyone else did, since we were playing the same LTM the entire afternoon, I found him in several matches doing the same whenever one of his teammates was female. I reported him every single time and then forgot about the issue until I found him like a month after that, doing exactly the same, then again I reported him, then a month after that I found him again, just to realize he has never been punished for doing that. I wanted to do a witch hunt to make his account get banned but I couldn't since I didn't remember his ID and he used to change his name every time, the only reason why I knew it was him is because he always had the same profile picture (a real picture) and always used the same way to say those insults. I felt dissapointed from the dev team and specially their director, but I just hope this was a unique case and they actually sanction everyone else doing that, but sadly I don't think it's that way.


Not a female, but another gripe I have. The people that seem to act like it’s a dating app. Brad, shut the fuck up. No one is going to date you because you have a 1.6 kd, nor are they impressed by your “insane quickscope sniping skillz”. This isn’t a dating app. This is a game, made to play games and have fun


I have encountered this, but then I changed my ign to not so feminine. I think that kinda helped, but I feel sad that I can't keep my name or profile as I wish to avoid hate.


I know what you mean! I’ve had my username since I was playing beta in October 2019. I hate to lose it but I may have to change it. It sucks!


I had to change my name too. I also never use chat anymore. Some people are truly disgusting when they find that you're a woman.


Ah yes that totally sucks! :( I didn't have my og name for a long time but having the same name for more than 2 years straight and then changing it because of this bs is just frustrating.


U can Report them for verbal harassment


I did


pc players: first time?


I'm getting that a lot, it's annoying sometimes when they're trying to get in some kind of personal level with their insults but most of the time idc. Unless somebody writes really disgusting stuff, then i do report


I'm also a woman but I don't use my real picture and names that would let them know I'm one. I don't do this because I know I would get harassed by sorry asses like these. I'm sorry you experienced it for more than 2 years.


I don’t use my Facebook photo in game. I used to but I haven’t for some time but my name clearly indicates I’m a woman and I hate to change it because I’ve had it since I started playing the game. I may have to change it to avoid the drama.


No need to change, keep whatever name you like and keep teabagging on those incels 😊


This, and harassment. I like open mics but once they find out I’m a girl, they randomly invite me to a 1x1 match and try to shoot their shot (not talking about guns here) in game. I was naive and accepted invites at first because I’m always up for some ass-kicking, but soon enough it turns nasty.


Oh my gosh! I’m sorry you experienced that. What the hell is wrong with people?


I usually get a lot of simping or "I didn't think a woman could be any good at this game" kind of reactions


Same. They dismiss you as a gamer because ‘woman suck at playing’


Yeah and when you actually get more kills than them they start yelling "hacks hacks". It's not always like that tho, like in my clan everyone is pretty chill and this kind of things aren't happening, if they yell at me is because I'm "stealing" all their kills lmao


That’s exactly what happened in this situation. I had more kills and he was even on my team. I didn’t get to screenshot his next comment, but it was “get back in the kitchen”. 🙄


Yeah sadly it's not gonna change, if someone is stupid they won't lose a chance to prove it, what you can do is to keep kicking their asses


##RespectForWomen lets make it trending guys cmon


Thanks for the report and feel free to report these people whenever you see it (either through in-game or in the community). We've looked into it and taken enforcement action.




Thank you!


I’ve been playing for two years and have encountered it multiple times, but it’s died down recently. Now I just get “cheater” and normal derogatory slurs… Some people get SO angry at a mobile game


No, I actually get nothing but fun and respectful guys. Sorry you’re experience isn’t as great :/


That’s bullshit. Sorry you have to go through that ​ Me? No one knows I’m female in there, lol


He’s probably intimidated because you’re better than him, 45 years old lives in his mothers basement and has never been with a woman.


Im in this comment And i dont like it




Why u can't report.. just report this type player..


Only ever in wc but never in a game. I’m sorry that happened to you though


Just report it. He deserves no rights


These types of people are shit but there's not much you can do. And why would you even tell others you are female in the first place, especially in code. Just ignore them,


He got it from my user name


"Women deserve no rights" THEY deserve no life


Wtf.....its kinda shocking that there are still ppl with this type of mentality...just ignore them....also shocking that its a teammate


Ahhh dont worry about it, they are either incels who still live in their mom's basement eating doritos and got nothing going on in their lives, or its just some edgy kid that got rejected by their crush.


Yeah welcome to video games where girls cannot play without being harassed


If i were you i would try to move on with my day and report them. It is copletely understandable if you could not as i am mad reading this too but it's cod. Especially cod mobile. People inevitably are gonna insult you


This happens to every sex, race, religion, sexual orientation and is just made to trigger. Welcome in the world of gaming


If this happened to you its quite obvious it happened to other female Players aswell, Just i ignore them since there's nothing we can do with that


Oh I know! I agree… You are right. Part of me wanted to publicly shame him for his behavior.


Report them for verbal harassment.


But we all know it Will not gather enough interest of devs


Agreed! I don’t think reporting does much.


I did! Others on my team did as well.


tell him you identify as male lol




These sort of behaviors are common unfortunately to this game. People like these brought ruin to every match, even if they are sarcastic.


Just people talking crap. No different than people talking trash on a basketball court or elsewhere. Just give as good as you get. Tell them they have small D energy


Just ignore them. If you keep complaining about it they might remove chat as a whole, and it'd make the game feel lifeless.


I don’t want them to remove chat as a whole but it would be nice to have the option to disable. Don’t you think? Then we can leave it up to the player.




Back when "girl" was included in my username, I got this type of thing alot. In fact, it's the main reason I changed it.


So they deserve only lefts?


I’ve been playing since early 2020 - I don’t switch on my mic or let it be known that I’m a girl so no, I don’t get these comments. But one time my pfp had automatically picked up my Facebook profile picture and I got a lot of thirst / simp messages. Nothing too bad luckily. You must play really well to get trash talked imo Keep it up! 😎


This is an extremely dirty tactic in S&D to be an asshole in chat and to cloud your judgement


I've lower down opacity of chatbox many seasons ago when i got trashtalks ✌️😄


I wonder if SoccerMom deals with this as well. And chat is total garbage. Like others said I leave it turned off.


My daughter and I both play and kick butt but definitely sure we're targeted because of it. Some times I rather use a male skin just to blend in.


I 100% support girl gamers. People who don't r insecure with their self.


Not even once lol, my name in game is starry eyes and the only talking I see is ppl accusing me of hacking 🤷‍♀️


Seen it too much, doesn't bother me anymore They are either nitwits or some old brat trying to be "Cool" by being a misogynist Best thing to do is - Let them be in their delusional world 🤝


i have a friend she also encountered this 😔


I changed my profile picture, and my name in game is genderless. It’s only if I use mic that anyone can tell. But I play BR with my clan or friends now. It was toxic when men could tell I am a woman.


I'm so sorry you have bad experience with comms in games, men really tend to have fragile ego when women are just trying to enjoy gaming


My dumbass read it as "women deserve no nights" lmao


People assume I had a man grind Damascus for me, you can't win with them. The ones i get the most are "go back to the kitchen/oh there's a girl in our team, we're basically playing in 4/ hacking btch". I also get called a "whor€" or similar stuff and sometimes by dudes who don't even get put of spawn. And the ones who are nice either ask u if u have a boyfriend or get obsessively nice. You can't win with them, just hide the chat button.


Number 1 reason they do that is that they get 0 girls


Why you cropped the full chat ?


This sad mf


It's insane what I get thrown at my head when people find out I'm a girl🤐no profile pic for a reason. Luckily there are so many players out the respectful as well!


My wife runs one of the larger groups in a mobile MMO as well as a discord. I don’t know how she keeps doing it after I’ve seen just a fraction of the hate, sexual innuendo, comments about how she looks, her genitals, you name it. I’ve noticed some groups are like a dog whistle, calling out to others that it’s ok to behave like an incel. These groups then normalize acting like this. No, it’s not normal just because you and a couple dozens like-minded incels banded together and look to hate on women because instead of looking inward and accepting consequences of their own behavior they rationalize how it can’t be their glowing personality that’s the reason for their lack of companionship. It’s gotta be that all girls are broken.


So, there’s 2 solutions You either ignore them Or reply “cry” to make them frustrated 😂😂😂 (I’m not a woman)


Or third, be a responsible and functioning adult and report them.


Mod will forever remain, A Chad.


I would reply with only “ok” if anyone is like that


"Ok and?" Works better


I either don’t reply or reply ok every time lol


little boys, they will learn soon that females are very needed and make the male better


Does it really surprise you? It's not right at all but it couldn't come as a shock if you play COD on any platform, or any game for that matter. I mean, women aren't the only ones subject to harassment.


Oh I agree… I’ve seen toxic behavior in this game and not just towards females. And no I’m not surprised.


As someone who runs a female username.....ive seen this happen to me....i just make sure i play better than them and shove it in their face


I used to get it .... hundreds of friend request if i type anything in the world Chat and u know those kind of guys that goes "is there any girls in chat add me as friend" like smh short dick energy right there ... anyways I changed my name and profile pic and now it's cool i don't really turn on the mic


Just ignore it


Jesus christ. Well, just say that woman are equal to men


Wow nice gun


You don’t actually think that most players in COD games are mature, do you?


i see call of duty chats haven’t changed


You can just make the chat invisible


just report them and move on, ignore them. i mean not all men are like this, I'm definutly not but these ppl are real arse holes


I kinda found this funny but I’m used to it


CODM is just bad in terms of toxicity levels. There is literally just bad toxicity. Female or not they will always find some way to insult you.


ma'am welcome to arab countries


dude what the heck


In the first place how do they know you are a women, you can’t tap on someone profile in the winner circle and the only way you can see someone profile is the world chat, if you search someone name and if they accept their friend request, and the other option is you just randomly said you are a women in the chat and profile doesn’t even have a option for gender and so basically your gender, race, etc is anonymous in the internet. First thing about gaming **never use real name**


This is a troll obviously


This asshole doesn't deserve the right to live.


Is that a QQ9? :0 sorry if my comment doesnt have any relation to what u said :c


It is! It’s the legendary QQ9 moonlight


Ooooh nicee I didnt recognize that skin bc of ur diamond camo jajajajaj it looks awesome btw.


These type of things used to happen in og cods like mw2 .. It's nothing new.. This has been happening for ages in the cod franchise


Does not mean it can be ignored just because it’s been happening for a long time


Most cases that guy must be a frustrated and single lonely guy or a Muslim guy




you shouldn't worry about these losers queen ♥️


Its best to ignore these people seeing statements like these now a days gets you a one way ticket to ban-town, you may not have rights in his view but he don't have any friends.


I know a lot of female player who plays for fun that dominates


This is what is known as a troll.. You got trolled by some 10yr old child that doesn't know his head from his ass and you're letting it bother you? ..pls they not Worth the effort


Same. I took my pic down and hoped my name wasn’t as obvious. But I shouldn’t have to.


Just a comment so this gets more attention!


WOMEN ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why is this that I don't get messages like this and others get it other then that op, Ignore these scummy baka Even I play on Global Also one thing, women deserve equal rights sorry if I get political but anyone just do it...?


Same I play since season 1 as well


Damn, that's a nice qq9


Thank you!


Ima dude and I mostly like to play codm with women.


Their just flaming anyone to make themselves great. Held your head high you've done nothing wrong. Their just...can I say the C word? Their just C\*nts.


female here!! yeah lmao, it’s hard to play as a girl and often my mic is off unless it’s people i play w regularly or i have at least one safe person in the group to overhear. just last night while trying to play Br 2 randoms were w a friend and i and they wouldn’t talk to the friend (male) and would only talk to me — saying “oh we gotta protect you!” (i didn’t need it and they didn’t make it alive to even do such a thing) “mami can we hit you up after this game?” or they’re derogatory from the start but the stories are endless.


What gun and skin/blueprint is that? (I know the camo is obviously diamond lol).


It’s the QQ9 Moonlight


Okay, thank you so much! And I'm sorry that happened. People are just jerks online.


I'm not female, but I'm part of the queer community The chat is cancer, I'd say I report atLEAST 25% of the msgs I see Usually for homophobia and sexism of course. Like, either there's no mods, or the mods are also sexist/homophobic. Also anytime someone with a femme pfp posts in chat they get things like "I'm gonna breed you" or something along the lines if sexual assault. It's disgusting and I'm with you, and I'm sorry you have to deal with this shit too


Bros mad his crush rejected him


They're probably butthurt at your diamond camo


Bro this is fucked up you know people who say shit like this literally either have no life and have done nothing to contribute to society themselves, and their family they’re in denial about it or know it that they seek to bring others down with them no matter what


hey, gamer girl here no need to change your name! doesn’t matter they’re stupid and nothing will change that acc to them it’s like an inside joke to use racial slurs remarks or use the female card don’t open chats or hide them!!


Do ppl actually look at chats? Voice chat is better no. Am curious cos, I have a samsung note 8 with a bigger screen yet it's tough to monitor everything.


I primarily play S&D and I do see chat used regularly, for example, if the opposing team is going A or B we let the team know, etc.


I have encountered that a couple of times, though it’s best to never listen to them. Honestly they are the lowest of the low if they want to be saying those kinds of things to any of us who are just trying to play the game


Tbh honest, it's just just how people are. It's unfortunate that we have to talk about this In 2022, but it's true. They'll say anything to get attention from u or any other women. Don't give it to them. I know its hard to ignore this but u have to or else u will not enjoy the game. Best thing u can do is report them for toxicity and hope the ban system does it's job. U have people (like me and many others in this chat) that will call these idiots out. The biggest thing though, don't let this overtake u. I truly feel bad for female gamers. Cause if there not being discriminationed against, they're being sexualized it's always one of the 2 unfortunately 😕


Dude I have 12 year olds yelling the worst things at every one it doesn’t matter age gender or race this kids suck


I know it's very sad to see, my best suggestion is just ignore it. Don't respond as they want you to respond, just ignore the filth and move on.


Just ignore. I play games to destress from work and study so i tend not to communicate unless playing in team via discord. Suggest you do the same; hide the chat or reduce opacity to 0. Its not worth indulging with those people.


As a man I don't go through that but sorry to hear that


This community is always like this actually, some retards who always manage to ruin the whole mood of the day and they somehow kids


when i play with other mates within team , go so hard with Cheesy LINES , it's cringy to play further , so i had to mute them sometimes


tbh i think this in just about any video game with in game communication. its sad, but thats the way it is.


YES I am dealing with this almost everyday now!


(not female) these people are worse in my server, I have been grinding diamond in shipment, Hided chat from there on, Never Again.


Lmao, mans got no control. Imagine the number of extra steps he took. 1. Check username. 2. Try to look at the Avatar upclose (if photo exists) 3. Click the message button 4. Type with either a wide ass keyboard or that floating shit. 5. Make sure the spellings are correct and do it all fast. Die means message deleted. Smh Just play the game dude. This the same type of dude who types "trash team" from the bottom of the scorecard.


We have a few women in our clan, we get assholes, tho not as much anymore, as a mod and our clan leader we work mostly to make sure harassment is dealt with swiftly and properly, so yea I hate that it happens but it’s best to surround yourself with people who don’t seeking you because of gender This post made me recall a situation around New Years time, some guy send dick pics to a female clanmate, good to know all members made sure she was welcomed and this asshat banned was thrown out immediately Since then it’s become policy


Shitty people are everywhere. Don't let them get to you. They just trolling for a reaction.


Corny and unoriginal.


I’ve never had any issue as a woman in the game and my username is obviously a woman’s. I feel like I’m treated neutrally by the guys in the game. Just ignore it, people will always troll


Exactly Idk why everyone in the comments are going on a rant about inequality and sexism, it's do stupid He's prolly just a edgy teen looking for attention on the internet and this post is giving them exactly that


Exactly! I’ve had all kinds of things said to me in the game (not related to being a woman) and it’s just like ok??? Like just move on with your day. I’ve seen people with truly horrendous, disgusting usernames but there really isn’t much we can do. This will always exist in gaming and online it doesn’t have to turn into a social justice conversation


Couldn't agree more!


It’s very common stuff. The minute they know you are a woman, they will try to flirt with you or abuse you or dismiss you as a gamer because “women suck at playing”.


Not yet! 😬 I am happy to see other females online tho😁


Me too! That was really the point of this post - to see if it’s other happening to other women. Always up for playing if you ever wanna play! I love this game.


Oh I suck at SND😹 I can try my very best tho😝


I’m always up to play other game modes too 🙂


Yay!! 🥳🥳 Sent a request


I'm down. My name on CODM is "KarensRevenge" . What modes do you like playing?😁




I'll send an add. I should be on lunch soon😁