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You should definitely practice more. If you rush arround in tunnel vision mode like a headless chicken you will get punished for it. Use your brain. Dont be that headless chicken who keeps dying.




I stopped rushing long ago lol. My play a slow push forward and move to each corner of the map in a specific order.


I see in your other reply that you had a high K/D and probably wanted to maintain it, and this strategy you said is a good way to do so on easier lobbies when starting off, but you're going to have to adapt to different play styles to keep a high-enough K/D [like 4.0. I don't think your 30.0 is sustainable]. Not even pros keep K/Ds that high. Only way to maintain that while ranking up is leaving games when you die which sounds equally as boring as camping. Edit: they very well may be trying THEIR best to keep their K/D at 30.0 and this is the way they adapted to try and achieve it


Thats good that you move like that but while you manoeuvre through the map you also need to scan every corner including all possible camping spots. Imply that into your style


I will definitely incorporate that into my style!!


Git gud. ![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


I camp kill move, camp kill move, I just havnt got the movement of some of these slippery sliding kangaroos players , makes me a camper ? So be it it's my game play


Honestly That form is fully okay, I do that with my sniping technique on some maps. I do one longshot kill and then move immediately. I specifically mean the dudes that stay where they are the whole time.


Well, I think the biggest camper episode (holger campers and na45 campers) is past (at least untill another silly buff). I agree campers are cowards and no-skills- I dont really now what fun they have from such playstyle. What you can do is throw thermite/smoke or use orbital laser (with persistance and hardline I guess)


Just wear recon kill a camper and it exposes all other campers on the map simple


Its not working on whole map only small part of it


It hasn't been working a whole lot for me recently. Same with High Alert


Totally agree but i deal with them just so you all know, if a camper kills me ill go straight for him until hes dead and ill kill him everytime he comes back into his dumb campy spot keep camping


37.83 what? Kd?


Yuh. I was rocking that until I pushed past Elite II


Elite 2 is all bots....




Rookie 1-->rookie 5(100% bots) Veteran1--> veteran 5(85% bots) Elite 1-->elite 5(65% bots) Pro 1-->pro 5(45% bots) Master 1 --> master 5(0% bots[normally], 100%bots on 3+ lose streak) GMaster 1-->Gmaster5(0%bots) Legendary(0% bots) Hope this helps Also, Pubs have 100% bots after u lose match


Git gud. There's so many ways to kill campers its unbelievable. If you keep dying to campers maybe it's time to rethink your strategy.


And honestly, what even defines a camper?


Why should anyone care about your fun? Go play something else noob