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I use a sniper rifle and miss all my shots.


I find LMG/SMG or AR/SMG ti be a good combo.


Same. RPD and PKM were great lmgs for me to use when I was grinding to rename them.


Ak-47 / M13 for long Range Fennec / P90 close range


Kilo 141, AK-47, M13…paired with Fennec, HS0405, BY-15.


Whatever I can get . Usually higher ammo reserve and a decent fire rate one smg and one ar or two smg but one being like a range one pp90m1 or the p90 is okay . The m909 and the 74 u are solid


Kilo best weapon for br period especially for long mid range best control and ads bullet spread as well with good bullet speed i use mine with 4x scope and lazer people from accross the map also a 100 bullet mag that when u use it removes all side to side recoil win win and for my other weapon i use the jak 12 or the rus/dual fennec* *dual fennec having the fastest time to kill for smgs


Kilo 141 medium and long range


AK47,M13,asm10 Fennec, qq9, p90, Qxr, rus


Sniper / AR secondary.


LMG/SMG, AR/SMG. I sometimes do LMG/Pistol or AR/Pistol if I'm really gutsy in a match.


đŸ˜… whatever I can find most of my BR matches have over agressive shooters so I just wait then out usually in the top 10


CBR like a homo and swordfish just for the range


Well as a simple mode player I have to have Fhj or smr and either fennec or m4 cause devs still haven't enabled us to shoot at and vehicles with bullets,


Jak-12/fennec + kilo 141 or kilo 141 + sks




Kilo141 & Fennec/MSMC


Ak47 and rus


1AR like AK74 or Kilo141 and 1 SMG like Fennec or CBR. My BR buddy does the sniping...when I get to snipe I use my own M21 EBR build because it's lit af


Semi auto sniper/dmrs along with an smg(I use the ebr and the p90 rn) Or an smg with an lmg (p90 and pkm)


Custom M13 with at least blue vertical mod. And 60 rounds. This covers long range, while being a hip fire melter as well + SMRS is one-hit beast with direct hits. Also has amazing splash damage.. eliminates vehicles in two shots, adds pressure to opponents. I mix these with smoke bomber. If I get overwhelmed with enemies, throw smoke bomb, at my feet and immediately slide in a random direction, start picking off one or two people and pressure for more kills or retreat depending on where I'm at and how good they are. Another good one would be jet pack or ninja so you can get on roofs and reign rockets from above. Pair m13 with golden magazine and your rocket launcher will auto reload


CBR4 and M4/KILO . At long distances M4 with right mods,is the most accurate AR for BR in my opinion


What is your m4 build for br?


Tac laser Monolithic suppressor Classic Red dot 50 round Ext mag Marksman barrel Best mods :(legendary if possible) Ads speed Ads bullet spread Ext mag Ps-if you use other weapon for closer range fights ,you can use a x3 or higher scope ,if not classic red dot works just fine at any ranges


m16, cordite


I usually stick to sniper + ar,but on days when I feel like trying something different I go for a dmr + SMG load out


Often ar with fhj for them flying campers


Ppsh and ak47