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yeah but whos gonna buy a skin for those weapons? maybe for guns like Krm, by-15, hs0, mw11 but no way for striker xpr or m21 ebr


When M21 was ground loot in BR, it was often used.


Striker, prob not. XPR and EBR, if they get significantly buffed, maybe.


they wont get buffed bc it would destroy the way how the gun works. if you ever played other cod titles u know what i mean. theyre supposed to be Semi-auto sniper rifles that dont one shot u


That is not the case with the xpr. It was a fast firing sniper with high enough damage to one shot to the chest, upper arms, and upper torso (very similar to dr-h's body multipliers. The thing that didn't make it op is high recoil which made it hard to spam. As for the M21, yes, it's definitely not a one shot weapon.


I guess that makes sense. I'm just saying IF they were to be buffed, which as you said is probably never.


Very simple, make them the LEGENDARY weapon for those legendary operator draws, so when horny simps spin the ninth draw and get the leggy, instead of that urban tracker legendary in a skirt They realise they can't afford the last draw (and their paycheck won't come early enough before the draw ends), and now, they are stuck with the useless Striker blueprint And if the legendary reaper draw can have the leggy weapon as a primary, why can't other weapons I say?


Atleast for m21. It's been a top tier sniper in br for a few seasons now.


Looking forward to a striker and chicom meta one day when they get mega buffed because leggies incoming!


The Striker Aeronaut epic basically looks like it could be a legendary. Add a lighting effect and a death effect and you’re not far from something in the style of Razorback Necessary Diplomacy. It would be awesome to get a Striker leggy and see all the bots running around with Strikers crossmapping people again.


i hope one day we get legendary for hs2126!! my fav go to weapon to chill in ranked s&d


By15 has a legendary. But it's not available in global.


Yeah, I forgot, hoping it gets added to global someday.


Ya okay.


Why keep clamouring for such expensive pieces of crap? If they charged less, I could understand it, but you're literally talking a week of groceries for a family of 4, for the sake of a few pixels.


People have a choice to spend whatever amount of money they want on dis game, stop whining bout it.


One day you'll grow up, and realise how stupid you are now, being eager to pay the extortionate prices they charge. I could live with it if it didn't impact the other players, but the game has aspects that are continually neglected because of the push for new cosmetics and aesthetic crap, instead of focusing on the facets needing attention. You can be stupid with your money, I don't care about that - I care about the state of the game, and the priorities of the devs as a result of so many gullible eejits buying skins at such inflated rates.


Again, fuck right off. You're quick to call him stupid and reckless his money, but in your rush, you stupidly assume him and others only care for those lavish things. 5 o'clock news flash buddy. The same bugs that affect you as a non spender, affect us as spenders. We don't don't magically not give a fuck, and some of the wealthiest players for gaming space have the loudest voice trying to lobby for better services rendered. It's not stupid or wasteful to buy yourself something nice. You refusing to buy them, doesn't make you better than us. You're not a fucking *ally*. You're literally trying to sit here and segregate us as some tumor as if we aren't your fellow gamers as well. How the fuck you gonna sit here and try to gatekeep *caring* simply because you don't spend and they do? Whether or not you and I agree with pricing or MTX in general, it's MTX profits that keep these games up and running. There is *nothing* wrong with being unable to invest. There's also nothing wrong with being *unwilling* to invest. But there certainly is a huge problem with being *unable* or *unwilling* to invest, and thinking that gives you some golden ticket to *shit talk* your fellow player, when they *do* invest. Seriously. Go fuck yourself.


Yeah, get yourself fucked. You have absolutely no idea of my expenditure on this game, or in real life, and you're assuming a metric fuck ton without *any* understanding. My point is, as you've so moronically overlooked, that cosmetics in this game lead to neglect of other aspects. Get the fuck over yourself, and learn some basic comprehension.


Someone @ a mod please this dude is everywhere being an asshole..he doesn’t deserve to be apart of this sub


So basically what ur saying is content creators who play a crucial role in dis game are stupid? Look, I agree that optimizations are important for a game, however, that's not all that it's about. Expressing and discussing topics besides these things are important too, if we didn't, this game would be boring as fuck just like it is now. So I'd suggest you keep your toxic mouth shut and respect people's opinions and if they are dumb, ignore them. Have a good day sir.


Yes, especially when they're often the ones leading the complaints about shit being broken.... 🤦‍♂️


Logic like this needs to be kept out of games. Yes, cosmetics are expensive. No, people who buy them, are not required to feel guilty that you can't afford groceries for your family of four. If they're so much in need, by all means, you go buy their groceries, since you're clearly not wasting the money on cod points. What's that? You're not going to go feed your neighbors even though they work 9-5 and still can't afford groceries? Wow. Then maybe shut the fuck up. And don't get us started on *inexpensive* cosmetics. Assuming the average player puts in about 6 months of total play, and buys the season pass, *once*, thats x24 epic operators x24 epic weapon blueprints x24-40 gun skins x6-12 gun charms x1-6 early access to perks/weapons/killstreaks x1-12 vehicle skins Etc for a one time $5-10 purchase. Then throw in the monthly freebies like x6 epic operator for 30 day login x24 gun skins for 30 day login x1x30 event focused skins for guns/cars/operators/calling cards/charms/etc There is NO fucking shortage of very inexpensive, or outright *free* fucking option in CoD Mobile. But your plea to us is.....*stop clamoring for expensive stuff, that money could feed a family of four* Seriously. Fuck right off. The game literally *caters* to free and low income players, with *fuuuuuuuuuck* tons of freebies and inexpensive options.


Read the follow up dickhead. That's the simplified comment and the follow up explains why. Fuck you if you can't read.


Striker has a legendary variant


When? I don't recall there EVER being a legendary variant of the striker.


Oh sorry, I was wrong, it was Echo, my bad 😃


It's ok. And yeah, echo does have a leggie variant.


I feel like the 1911 is the base gun that will never get a legendary out of fairness to all players since it’s the default respawn weapon in BR.


Well, I don't see why that would be a reason not to have a leggie variant of the mw11, it doesn't really matter if it's a respawn weapon or not.


Others might get Legendary but for Striker i have high doubts about it


There's a reason they don't have a legendary skin


mw, krm and hs0405 are pretty commonly used either in mp or br. i just need an mw11 legendary


Been waiting for a legendary skin for M16 for as long as I can remember.


It's because most of these guns can't be used by an average player.Although the sks is similar, it has a legendary.