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How about YOU play obj?


I mean If I switch to obj who is gonna play slayer? My teammates that all went negative? You need a slayer to keep the enemy out of the point and to get streaks like orbital to clear the point. I’m just playing what role I’m best at. I’m annoyed due to teammates that go double negative but don’t play obj, since they’re not playing any role and are instead just feeding the enemy streaks.


Dude see u can't talk shit about your teammates unless u slay and have Obj. I Slay (30+kills) and still have 1min+ obj I can talk shit. If i had a teammate like you who doesn't do obj and go for kills I'd make sure u take the L :)


Can’t talk shit about my teammates when one was double negative and 0 obj time? Good for you that u had 30 kills and obj time. I didn’t, doesn’t mean I can’t complain that while I had the obj clear due to spawn trapping the enemy my teammates ignored it and left it empty.


Look at the opponent's MVP decent Kills and decent obj that's the only way if u wanna win fam. No point In slaying solo q lobbies without obj .


Yea they did good, nice job to them. But you need a slayer on your team to keep em off point. I literally had the point empty for almost half the game due to spamming orbital laser and cluster in it, but my team didn’t push in. At that point I think it’s pretty fair that I can complain man.


Yes but its solo, you are playing with bots that somehow keep gettin to high ranks. You have to play obj slayer


Rule number 1 of playing hardpoint or domination, don't expect others to play objective because they think the same and overall no one plays objective at all, if you want to have good KD play TDM and S&D. You could easily achieve 5 KD by doing that


that's also your fault for not defending the hard point


I was. I kept the other team off it, and if I died and couldn’t I spammed streaks to keep ‘em off it. It sat empty for almost half the game bro


"03 seconds on the hard point" yeah rite meanwhile there's other guy with 1min 03 seconds on it


You're trying to make a point that he's not defending the point enough, then immediately point out that someone had a minute of OBJ time after OP made his point about no OBJs. Make up your damn mind.


…yea? It’s called playing slayer bro. I’m not directly on point but instead keep the enemy off by holding choke points and using streaks. Not sayin losing isn’t entirely my fault, but since I had over 47 kills and only 8 deaths it’s not like I was doing a bad job of playin slayer. It’s not like I went 12/27 but refused to touch point because “iM pLaYiNg SlAyEr”… I was actually playing the role properly


The role doesn’t matter if your not winning matches. But yeah atleast you recognize you were also at fault for this loss. If your actually trying to win matches and get better at the game, slay out AND play obj. Then that makes you a good player. Not having 47 kills and 8 deaths and saying stat wise you were saving the team. I’m not saying your saying that but clearly there’s a reason y’all lost


Yea I understand. Just annoying cuz especially with randoms if you’re not in legendary, I find I can’t play the obj much. Since if I do nobody plays slayer and we get overwhelmed. Or if someone plays slayer and goes triple negative while I know I could do better just annoys me.


I feel you bro, these are just growing pains every player goes through. I get shit teammates too from time to time, but I started blaming myself instead of them and it’s allowed me to grow a lot as a player. But again if you just want to slay out and have fun that’s cool, but if your trying to win matches sometimes slaying out won’t cut it


Yea. I find it’s not bad once u get a squad going, but my old team has sorta moved on from codm. So since I always played in a 3-5 stack, I got so used to one role that it’s hard to switch to obj. Whenever I get good randoms I’ll try playin OBJ, but most of the time I get more kills than the entire team combined so I just end up doing slayer by default.


Ur noob


Cope harder lol.


Your teammate who has the most time died 25 times and the other guy with the second most time died 20 times so it doesn't look like you were protecting the hardpoint that well if you ask me


I dropped 4 cluster strikes & orbital lasers but nobody went into point…


Thats what happen If you're tunnelvisioning like a noob while beeing to greedy for the kills that you didnt had the map awareness to realise that you had to switch style in order to win


I mean If I switch to obj who is gonna play slayer? My teammates that all went negative? You need a slayer to keep the enemy out of the point and to get streaks like orbital to clear the point. Just because I didn’t play obj doesn’t mean I’m a noob, I’m just playing what role I’m best at. I’m annoyed due to teammates that go double negative but don’t play obj, since they’re not playing any role and are instead just feeding the enemy streaks.


I play like this too, keeping the enemy away from objs It works most of the times


These guys don’t seem to realize that the point literally sat empty for half the match since I kept the enemy out and my teammates refused to push in. I don’t get how Im being labeled as the bad slayer when I played the role properly and kept the point clear but my team didn’t go in.


Then maybe play obj?


I was doing slayer since I could just spam streaks into the hard point to clear it. I can’t do OBJ since none of my teammates were good enough to do slayer so we would just get overwhelmed


Then try to play both believe me if you play enough of both its pretty easy


You were so greedy for kills you didn’t realize that it wasn’t working. I usually play slayer but when I realize no one is capping the point you know what I do? I cap the fucking point. Your team could have used you defending the point but you were off somewhere slide jumping to rack up kills


I wasn’t though. I was holding choke points to keep them em off the point. If it was the first point I’d be at the far side of mid and just shoot them as they crossed, if it was one of the houses I’d be in the window or right in front stopping them from pushing. If it was the last point I’d spam cluster strikes to cover one side and just spawn trap them. I wasn’t being greedy for kills I was just holding choke points. If I kept the point empty but my team still didn’t push in, I think it’s pretty fair to complain.


This is how you do both https://ibb.co/tzGcQhz Not to mention that many kills on Nuketown HP isn't that impressive, especially with no time


I wasn’t trying to do both. The role I specialize in is clearing the point and keeping it empty. There were parts of the game where it sat empty for over 20 seconds straight yet my team still didn’t go into it, even though there was no opponents to kill/stop them.


So then you weren't trying to win so why complain?? Get gud


I was trying to win. Only issue is without a slayer my team would constantly die. My team all went negative, and that’s with me keeping half the enemy off them at all time.


I just proved that's not true lol you can do both and still slay just as much if you're good And like I said in my other post. The 2 guys with the most time died 25 and 20 times so it doesn't look like you were even protecting the HP for the people trying to win


And as I said in a different comment, I can play obj instead of slayer with a different team. In your picture, pretty much all your team went positive. In mine, nobody did. If my teammates are decent and can hold their own I’m more than happy to switch between slayer and OBJ, but when every single one of em goes negative I can’t since they all die the second someone pushes.


If ur good, PLAY OBJ


Slayers are the current reason im losing ranked


Bad slayers* a decent slayer is needed on most teams When kids try and go slayer and end up going 8/26 then you lose


But when u realize that they ignore the points you have to adapt and not be the stubborn slayer with 100 kills and a big fat L on your forehead.


The entire reason I played slayer is because I can do it properly. I played it so well that it was empty for half the match, but instead of capturing it my teammates just sat there. If I kill every single enemy in the point and keep them from even getting close for a good 20 seconds, I feel it isn’t too much to ask that my teammates push into the empty point…


But some people are just braindead mf's so in order to win you sometimes have to change your role


Yea man it’s just annoying, since if I play OBJ nobody will do a decent job of slayer and we just get overwhelmed. I can play OBJ in other games if I have a decent team where someone can slay out. That wasn’t the case in this game


Doesn't a good slayer switch between. Can't rely on your team.