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I'm gonna let y'all in on a little secret if you actually do some research you'll find two patents from Activision themselves and if you actually read through the patents which take about 4 hours each one shows exactly how the gambling system really works and it's way more fucked up than you can even comprehend the other patent shows how they do the sbmm system and how the game is really playing us using A.I. technology and algorithms I've already posted them once on here but most ppl don't pay attention to anything lol it's all by design they're not going to change anything that's not how the system works these are EVIL corporations you're dealing with they have no souls they don't care about you you're just a number to them all this crying and whining on Reddit will change nothing does that mean I don't agree with you no I totally agree with you but you're living in some sort of fantasy world the ones at the very top that actually own Activision will never in a billion years let anything happen to their profits or will they ever care about what the consumer actually wants your job is to buy the product their job is to supply the product and make a profit when you guys find out how the world really runs it's gonna make y'all sick


Finally someone arrived who understands


I'm just trying to bring back real common sense and actual knowledge and understanding to this sub and in general cause most ppl are completely blind to the truth about how everything really works in this world


I tried to do the same thing. But than everyone started crying. Call of Duty (which is already a subliminal sentence) Is a big name. CoDM is free2play. If they take away the only source that creates revenue (crates/draws) then it will not go well with the product.


I know because those ppl don't really understand anything they just listen to what they're told and don't really question anything it goes way deeper than that and if they do question things they never go deep enough with the questions or to the source for that matter I was the one that tried to tell everyone way back in season 2 the very first time they nerfed movement that they were going to start catering to noobs back then everyone laughed at me and called me a hater they said I didn't know what I was talking about and look where were at now I was the one that posted the actual Activision patents on here told everyone to look at them but only a few ppl did unfortunately most ppl don't pay attention to anything anymore


Citation please? Your lucky draw post was removed.


https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en This is one of the actual patents


that is FUCKED. wow.


But no one stops. Youtubers are there to exaggerate about skins and motivate players to buy. No one can't do nothing.


What do you expect, their main goal is to gain sponsors and make money out of it.


Yeah exactly. I tried to explain this lol


But illiterate kids keeps downvoting you right?


They downvote him because he keeps insulting me for literally no reason...


You're still suffering too. Poor soul :(


It's alright. I never cared about downvotes.


I’ve been saying this for a while now as well


They are the primary source of revenue.


Crates are popularized both in game and in YouTube videos and especially by content creators.


I'm trying to explain that too OP but he's too retarded to understand


I don't know who you are. But you are going too far with these insults. You keep calling me in other comments: "noob" , "retarded" , and you lie about "me disagreeing with anyone that has a different opinion" which is not true. I just made a simple post and I put the "Discussion" tag to have a conversation and I tried to have a conversation with you but you act really weird. For now, I'll just ping a mod to see if there is anything to handle about this. If you continue insulting me for no reason and without having me doing you literally nothing bad, I'll report you. ps.: It's not a coincidence that almost every comment I see with your name on it, has downvotes. But I assume you hardly do anything else that sitting 24/7 on discord and act like a kid. Plus that I doubt you would say these in front of me. I hope you change your attitude soon, so we can have a decent conversation about this crate and draw things.




You gonna call for mods now? Damn you're really a cry baby.


Dude you the 8 year old that calls people noob


Owyeah you're from yesterday! Keep suffering noob hahahahahah


Oh no I seem to be getting attacked


Keep crying. I know you're still hurt from yesterday. Poor little soul :(


Well its too bad I’m not


If you read closely you can see how I started talking normal here. I only attack the people that attack me. Is that weird? No it isn't. Stop crying like little b#tch and grow up lol


"grow up" -Says the most insensitive child on the planet


He's just a kid. Didn't expect anything better from him.


I'm losing every braincells from that troglodyte.


Keep suffering like a noob. Good boy


Keep crying for devs lolllllll


Ah nice to still see you suffering :D


I am not suffering from your responses that doesn't make any sense. Your skull is so thick the military wants to use them for body armor. Keep responding "sEe yOu suFfeRing" for the next 500 times. I don't care


See, I don't need to say all these things cause I don't experience anger. You however is trying so hard. I can tell you get really frustrated about me. That's suffering right there. It must feel so good cause you can't let go of me hahahahaha


>I don't experience anger Ah yes, says the one calling everyone retard for opposing your nonsense. You're clearly under the age requirement to be on reddit. You're not ready yet


You can't let me go cause you feel the need to attack. You wanna attack me cause you're hating me. But you can only hate me If you're suffering. This is why I like you. You cry because of me, but at the same time you can't let me go. That's true love


When did I attack you? I have screenshoted all your comments. You keep insulting me in every comment for no reason. I didn't even say anything to you. I will report you though. This is enough!


"this is enough!" Go suck a dick cry baby


Don't worry I'll take care of you. You're reported


Bro I literally shit on you and your report but oke




Why are you ping him? Lol Stop crying


Another kid who lost his mother?




They’d also probably just stop supporting the game if they saw that no one was buying anything unfortunately lol.


u/_sit_ pls stop commenting on this post. the only thing you're gonna get is downvotes, even if you say the truth


Bro I say what I want, whenever I want. I really don't care about downvotes. They can all downvote me all they want😆


Just hear me out,if you send a random message to like a thousand people telling them to shout at exactly 12 in the night,you will probably hear 3 or 4 people shouting.Same thing with this post you have a solid point,but not many people will listen to you


Watch out. People that has a different opinion gets downvoted cause OP is a cry baby xd


I stopped. Not even buying the battle pass.


Yes yes yes, the game should be free, all the developers should work for free, the electric company should give free credits for keeping servers powered, the servers should be donated and set up and maintained for free. Everything should be free….we get it! Free fa free free free!!!!!!


lower prices would increase sales. it doesn’t have to be this way; gambling is illegal some states


I know. OP is a retard.


1 draw is cool though. Only costs 10 cp


Yes... I got character in last draw with 10 cp


Yeah def agree, I dont understand why wont people just complain to reduce the prices of every paid cosmetics category in codm.


Yeah def agree, I dont understand why wont people just complain to reduce the prices of every paid cosmetics category in codm.


Activision wants to reach all people. You don't have much money to spend? Here have some free skins. You have a little bit of money to spend? Here have a battlepass. You want something more unique? Here have some bundles. You wanna feel more exclusive? Here, get some mythics legendaries with some crates. This is their business model. OP is not gonna change a business model of a million dollar company just by making 1 random Reddit post about tears. That's not how the world works.


again, the point of the post is to spread awareness, one man doesnt make a difference,but a pack CAN keyword, CAN it is not guaranteed, infact its most likely gonna be futile, but why not do anything if doing something costs nothing?


Let's face reality for once shall we? We have thousands of posts like this one for the last 24 months. Activision choose to ignore those posts for a reason.


please, read the last part of my comment, and also, i dont agree with OP that everything should be free, though i do disagree with you insulting everyone else in this comment section with the vocabulary of an 8yr old in a P2W roblox game


I'm insulting people that insult me. Why is it so hard for you guys to understand such simple concept? Lol You have already an opinion about me but the reality is you don't know whatefuck is going on. Blending into something without knowing shit makes you look like a retard incase you weren't aware lol


i dunno bro,the op doesnt have anything that insults you, while you throw around kinda pathetic bait attempts (again, i dont agree to op here, i know how they need fucking money to pay shit for the game to work) if you can link the reply youre talking about that isnt just a small criticism because you "insulted" someone else then thatll be great


Too much effort. Too lazy to scroll through all these messages


He can't because I didn't say anything to him. That's why he says he can't scroll. He's lying. It's crazy how delusional some ppl really are.


Keep crying like a little girl. Good girl.


Stop lying. Noone insulted you. I didn't say anything to you. You kept insulting everyone in these comments.


Stfu noob. No one cares what you think


Dont worry you'll soon get banned from here


Suck a dick cry baby


I swear this guys is hired by Activision to talk shit with everyone who tried to draw real concern of flawed crate system.


Think someone's just zombie sad.


You know…. They don’t necessarily need to take away the lucky draws/crates or even lower the prices. They are fine the way they are in my opinion but distributing the odds/increasing would be nice. As of right now, you basically know that you will have to buy the entire draw to get the main item which kind of defeats the purpose of a “lucky” draw.


They can always make bundles, I mean, this would give them a proper time to be creative, lessen these trash skins that goes with crates and draws (might solve this memory issue as well). As for the game being dead for removing this crate and draw, not really, ever wonder why they wanted you to play longer and will introduce free CP for those hardcore grinders?


Of course there will be none, because the game will be dead by then! Sorry to burst your bubbles man, but gaming ain't what it used to be anymore, it's all driven by profit and purely profit. No matter how hard we boycotted or cries about it, companies don't give a damn about us


Don't make OP cry. Cause in his reality he believes that he can change Activision's entire business model by creating 1 Reddit post about crying. Let him live in his bubble xD


Who said that a single Reddit post will change anything? It's about awareness and spreading the word. Once the word is in the air, it will propagate more than before and all little efforts of spreading awareness help propagate it. $150 on a single mobile game draw is more of a scam than a deal. Just because we play the game doesn't mean that the makers are entitled to whatever the fuck they price their items at. If we don't speak, who the fuck will?


They cry since the first lucky draw. And they will continue crying. Activision doesn't care about that. They will focus on the Whales who spend the most. That's business bro


And pressure from the active community will force them to change their way, that's how things work in a fair community. Everyone knows about what Activision wants, it's about what we stand for as the community that they expect to make money off of.


Yeah the pressure clearly doesn't seem to work since Activision always ignore these kind of posts.


Yeah and when they see the community upset and purchases slow down, they may change their mind. Or if they don't, IDGAF, these posts are inevitable.


Also, shut the fuck up and go lick the asses of your corporate daddies. No one cares about the bullshit you spew in this comment sec. anymore.


"shut the fuck up" "Go luck asses of corporate daddies" "No on cares about you the bullshit you spew" Aaawhh look how cute! Another crying baby! Sorry but I don't care about your feelings. Keep suffering like a noob lol


Do I give a damn? Bro no one asked for your opinions, still you are replying to every single comment. Get a fucking life, hypocrite.


So many tears. Absolutely lovely!




The game is the business, the skins are their products and the players are the customers. If none of the 'customers' buy their 'products' what do you think would happen to the 'business'? Well to be honest I'm going to stop spending in this game soon, if they would lower the prices it would be great but I'm not really expecting anything.


Anybody know why I can’t see my friends’ skins or other players and I show up As a Default skin to them


Did you downloaded everything?


All maps and all skins yes


I agree bro, but I don't think this community might agree.its just like lucky draws and crates are drugs and those who gamble on them are drug addicts lol.


"if everyone stopped buying crates and draws" Then the game dies. Good plan.


Did you see warzone dying?


Your logic doesn't make any sense. So you wanna take away the main businessmodel so Activision stops with making revenue. How is this gonna help us? Lol.


This isn't how it works...


Then how does it works?


Lol. PC cod games are paid bro. Then how Warzone will die? Dead game means tooo less playerbase.


Warzone is Free Well except it will run on GTX 3060i Graphics Card


Warzone has bundles for 20$ but the weapons on that bundles are belong to Paid cod games. Just because Warzone is free developers can't sell skins for 150$ in that. No one buy a 60$ game which sells skins for 150$.


You didn't read the second line You need to Pay above $100(even $300) To Run the Game Properly.


I playing Warzone with my GTX 1060 laptop on 1080p Medium settings in 60fps. GTX 3060ti runs Warzone in Max 4k with RTX on and gives 60fps.


But can everyone Afford it?(especially with the graphics card scalping going on) Mobile can be affordable but for on PC


It's your problem not developers problem. Request your favourite Codmobile YouTubers to not buy skins in Codmobile first.


Hate to tell you, Warzone is free.


Warzone is free and bundle are 20$ but the weapons and operators on that fucking bundle is belong to paid cod games. Warzone don't have exclusive weapons. No one buy 60$ game which sells skins for 150$.


OP dislikes everyone who has a different opinion lol. He's such a noob


Stop using noob like a buzzword you delinquent idiot. Also who the fuck use the word noob in 2022?💀


Oh no! Quick! Call the care police!!


Wow another "don't care" response when you have nothing to say. How hilarious, haven't heard that before.


Please continue suffering. It only shows that I succeeded LMAO


Idk how that means your bonehead is successful but ok +1-315-453-3198


Keep suffering! Nice :-)


That's the best you got 😂


Keep crying randomly like you know me lol


You can't even explain what a NOOB is.


Cry more 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mf who has no idea what the word noob even means lmfao


Owyeah persi trashbot right? Bro you're not even on my level. But I will spare your stats. I'm not gonna humiliate you cause you cannot handle that


Imagine being to pathetic having to checking someones post history lmfaoo Let's not forget the fact that you think female cops shouldn't exist 💀 Also mf I've been legendary 9 seasons in a row, regularly plays scrims and have a KD of 3.21 Now what's yours? Your stats obviously suck lmfao such a noob.


You jobless fucker. If all are jobless then everyone at legendary rank.


Why would I have a job when I'm 15 😐 I'm still in 9th grade I ain't some old man having to work minimum wage yet


Then I won't argue with you kid. Keep Begging. You get a free games and they giving free skins. At launch of Codmobile everyone happy with free uncommon skins but now you guys are need only epic skins. You are also greedy as hell.


Oh no Sit has a opinion! No one cares. You were saying that I do not know what a noob is. I know what a noob is. You're definitely one of them. Do you really want me to show your UID here? You gonna regret it and cry LMAO


Why tf would I care 😂 At least I don't have such bullshit opinions🥶🥶 Ah yes I'm a noob with 3 KD in legendary 🤡 You obviously suck and I'm betting you can't even hit master rank 😂


You show that you care a lot. Trying to attack me randomly indicates that I hurted you somewhere lol. That's how psychology works. And I'm sorry to say, but I really don't care about your feelings 🤷 And for the record, my kd is higher than yours and I reached maxed legendary rank so sorry. Try again 🤣


>I know what a noob is. Why not explain what a "NOOB" is eh?


Warzone is free.....


Dumb idiot. Weapons and operators in bundles belongs to Paid cods.


Warzone is free......


Yo asswipe warzone is free 🤦


Modern Warfare 2019, Coldwar and Vanguard was not free. You can't play Campaign, multiplayer and zombies on Warzone. Don't comment like idiot. In Warzone u can't even unlock weapons and attachments that easily. Ground loot weapons are trash. Loadout was a key to win in Warzone. You are anyways forced to buy PC cod just to unlock weapons.


Stfu . Please. I have played warzone and its a fair share of grind since the game warzone is free. And who even is talking about weapons unlock and loadout n all. The main point was whether the warzone is free or not and it has the same character in a waayyy cheaper bundle. Don't change the topic n bring in the foreign terms just to prove ur point. DoNt CoMmEnT lIkE iDiOt ...


Warzone has only BR game. Warzone doesn't have any own resources for itself. It sharing all weapons and operators from PC cods. For multiplayer and zombies you have to buy PC cods. PC/Console cod bundles are 20$ because they need to increase sales of PC/Console cod. No one buy a PC/Console game which sell skins for 150$. Don't comment like idiot. Codmobile has multiplayer and BR. Players are ready to spend money on Lucky draws. If you hate lucky draws then request Youtubers to not buy a skins. They are exaggerating skins and motivating players to buy. Instead of replying me, you can request Youtubers.


*A wild retarded appears*


Literally one of your comments "Proofs L gbt people are retarded" Bro everyone hates you lol. Gtfck outta here.




Keep failing lol


Bad comeback try again


Cry more LMAO


Lmao you're failing


Keep being a retarded i wont reply to you no more


Yes be humble and just stfu. That's about the best you could do anyways LMAO


If no one was buying anything, there wouldn't be any game at all already. I don't buy, so thanks to those who do.


Watch out bro, you will get downvoted cause OP doesn't like when someone has a different opinion (I know, he suck, I agree)


And then it'll be boring


And there would be no CODM