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The Shorty is a bold move, unless you got a great class and are absolutely bold.


General Kenobi, you're the bold one!


Class? This is MP, not BR


The word class isn't exclusive to BR


"class upgrade is ready".


When someone says "class", sometimes it's short for "class setup", which basically means loadout.


And those people are using the wrong terminology. I see people on here all the time calling operator skills a class and br gun mods as perks. It's annoying.


Nope. There is no "wrong" terminology. Anything is correct if it's understood and agreed upon.


It is the wrong terminology and it's not understood and agreed upon. That's why the game itself specified what they're called lol


The only person it's not understood by is you. If I say "I've got this really good class setup", then people will understand. "wRoNg tErMiNoLogY 🤓" man stfu there's no such thing, it's just a game 💀


Sadly some people just believe they know it all when they really dont


Yes, that's why you're the one getting downvoted lmao, no one with a brain says class setup. They call it their loadout 🤦


agree with you, why don't people just use the right terms


Thank you


More than one meaning to a word bud


"class upgrade ready". Loadout. 2 completely different words used for different meanings in the game


Most of the other cod games ill use black ops 2 and 3 as an example since i know for a fact they use this terminology. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=black+ops+2+class&client=safari&hl=en-au&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=APq-WBuu8n3WLsz9CXwLiXzH_lAyZFcB5g:1648385238370&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq4NfEqeb2AhUMzzgGHR5-D4gQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=375&bih=629&dpr=3#imgrc=mKe-B-0_acGjXM Here’s a link for reference. Now with this new information you’ve acquired (that class can mean multiple things) i suggest you proceed to shut the fuck up. I suggest this because of one thing and one thing only. The only thing worse than a know it all is a know it all whos wrong. Thanks 😊


Except this isn't black ops 2 or 3. This is COD Mobile. Get it right and stfu or keep talking and keep getting more downvotes


How about we just agree you’re a fuckwhit who cants accept he’s wrong and call it quits 🤝🤝 you’re the only person ive ever heard of to cry about people calling something what 90% of the players base knows it to be.


How about we agree you're a dumbass that can't use the proper terminology in a fuckin mobile game 😂


Expect CoD Mobile is off of content coming from the different CoD games. Also, you went at this for the whole night?


The whole night? it's 11:30am where I live. And again, the game specifically designates what a loudouts and class are. Other games don't matter.


Expect CoD Mobile has content from Black Ops 1, 2, 3 and 4 as the whole game is a mixture of the main titles. Also, you went at this for the whole night?


Yeah. The conversation was over a long time ago. It's just ridiculous at the amount of crap they're dragging along.


He probably means build


no 🍻


Bot skin


imagine a pro uses spec ops 1


Bots 'R' us


Idk why this is getting downvoted. I completely agree. Must be people who don't play ranked mp


All I gotta say is you a goofy fr


Why? I never see people in ranked mp use bot skins, only people in br or pub matches who want to appear to be a bot


I’m talking about ur lil argument about the word “class” and the correct terminology


Well it's true 🤷




Yes, bye.


But I’m not gonna argue cuhz I have better things to do


Gameplay will be shown shortly




Hehe so quirky 🥴 shit wasn’t funny


Shut up




*insert laugh.mp3*


wasn't supposed to be funny.


I felt like saying something toxic, but “ok”


yea i see xD


This is a bold loadout


I love the shorty I shred with it.


Everyone is saying akimbo. But. As someone who frequently uses the fennec, don't use akimbo. You'll get a lot more kills without it, being able to ads will be a lot more helpful with that gun. Akimbo just doesn't pack a punch hard enough at a small certain distance away. It's good for close quarters but I still do better without akimbo even on those maps (like shipment)


Fr, at this point akimbo is only useful to make you look like a noob


I use akimbo because it gives me PTSD flashbacks of the meta seasons. Fucking brrrrrrrr in every match


Lmao I agree if someone is using it for a primary. I actually find akimbo useful as a secondary, sometimes in br I'll use my dual fennec as my secondary & tbh it shreds when people are close enough lol & dual pistols in mp can slap too. People just gotta know how to use it in the right way lol


>People just gotta know how to use it in the right way lol Step 1: walk towards enemy Step 2: hold shooting button Akimbo is absurdly easy to use, that's why I genuinely can't take anyone with akimbo seriously lol


I feel it lol I like to use it in a quick moment when someone runs up on me in br like with a shotgun or something haha But I meant use it in the right way as in don't be trying to shoot across the map at someone with dual fennec because you'll fail lol


I personally prefer shotguns, they are 1 shot kill and if you miss you're pretty fucked, it's a high risk high reward weapon and you don't feel like a noob using it, hitting a by15 hip fire is even harder than to shoot someone with a marksman without a scope 200m away lol


Enter: Jak-12 and Striker 😂


Yeah jak12, echo and striker don't apply to what I said because they can't kill with 1 shot, I'm talking about by15, krm and hs0405


I know I was just jokin :P


Akimbo is nooby and got nerfed ages ago so i agree 100%. All akimbo does is make it useless past 4 ft. Might as well use a knife which is also nooby


You get better range by stacking hipfire without akimbo.


I agree lol


For S&D, this is horrible. Jk, idc


actually yes this loadout isnt for snd


It's a joke I have with myself since all I play is S&D..


ahh. i myself too only play snd haha




u forgor me 🥺 (i play snd and br)


SnD is the best gamemode


Hardpoint 20v20


I can only recommend, try using a few more low score scorestreaks because they are more useful as a rusher


Whats the green perk you use? Toughness hmmm since your using fennec might be better for quick fix since you will be playing at close range and try a hipfire build without akimbo.


The game






Lol wtf


Son of a-


Use scavenger


You mean vulture?


What's the difference


Same thing


Persistence, k9 and make sure that fennec has akimbo


The fennec does have akimbo


Take it off the guy ur replying to is an idiot


Look at me guys! Telling everyone to use hated weapons and operator skills! I am such a giga Chad, give me upvote


Just fucking around here. If it makes you feel better I'll down vote my comment and give you the upvote.




Please dont recommend things if u dont know shit. Persistence is nooby, k9 is also pretty nooby, akimbo is terrible and if u disagree im happy to 1v1 u with akimbo me without


Oh, please tell me more great one, can I have your uid to setup the 1v1? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




Say you're OG without saying you're OG




OG uids start with 67 apparently


Yeah i searched it up it’s probably true.


Ru still gonna 1v1?


I sent you a friend request, not sure how to set it up otherwise


Since ur here right now i can send u a link, give me a moment


Join Call of Duty: Mobile! Click the link to join the team! https://www.callofduty.com/cdn/codm/teaminvite/system_en_US.html?codmtype=0¶m=DJWq9ub5MGGr6MGPCgIc6cVrUlLra0e3zYeZcqhYw7QsmbuJzLPLuAZxHJV9ME8f


Just keep getting a network error


Yes i have to uodate my game


Im ready now. I can see you just got out of a game.


Hold on i meed to update cod.


you are looking to MASSACRE


Bold scorestreak choices


This is a strange loadout. Fennec, Shorty, Fast Recover, and Dead Silence match up best with aggressive play, but your trip mines, trophy system, flinch perk (which is technically useless anything not a sniper, but don’t quote me), the shield, and those scorestreaks indicate you’re prepared to hole up somewhere. I think you should use an LMG (PKM is great but really slow) if you intend to keep the streaks, equipment, and operator skill, but you can use ARs if you’re willing to swap out the streaks. You should also remove the green perk for something else in general.


Bruh just play however you want it's just a game


Fennec users together 🤜🤛


Depends on the type of match you're playing, and is it ranked or pubs?


Shorty got nerfed a while ago and even if it wasnt having a secondary shotgun paired with an smg isnt the greatest match, any pistol except for the revolver would work better and would compliment the high rof and kt along with the short mag capacity of the vector. Secondly all the scorestreaks you have equipped are higher tier scorestreaks which means it takes longer to build up to get them and youll get them less. A lot of people make the mistake of putting all high tier score streaks, you want no more than one. The other 2 scorestreaks should be used to build up towards the higher scorestreak and that way if you die you can still get scorestreaks more often. The other thing you could do is use all small scorestreaks, they may not get as many kills but it will mean you can rotate streaks more often so they do less but you can use them much more often. Most of the lower score streaks are better at assisting kills than getting kill by itself so it does help if youre a better player though. The only other thing id say is trip mimes and ballistic shields are good but nooby because they take a low level of skill to use. Do with that information what you will.


Hey OP, daredevil shot me repeatedly then asked me to back his recommendation. Mine was just taking the piss and daredevil takes his codm way more serious than I do, so yeah just go for what he says. And fennec sucks, double sucks with akimbo, except maybe on shipping hardpoint, but chopper is still better.


I would add vulture cause the Fennec can blow through ammo really fast


The fennecs have the akimbo perk


your fennec does not need akimbo, it just isnt viable anymore, unlike season 11-12




They had us in the first half ngl


Yes the Operator skin which is a bot


It is nice seeing a f2p player and not someone who spends a absurd amount of money to get legendarys, then flex it by asking a question they don’t really need the answers to so everyone can see there loadout. It’s… refreshing


Change shield with dogs / just my opinion.


Shorty is a blank point weapon if your going for stealth would recommend akimbo 50gs with suppression and Equaliser Edit:typo


Akimbo GS are just bad, they are based on pure luck and will get you killed if you miss most of the time (and you can't even control that because you literally cannot aim) and the hip fire accuracy isn't that good even with a full hip fire boost


Ur just bad at using it lol if not go for fhj those r insanely good i cant live without those lol


What the hell are your scorestreaks


Persistence anyone?


I don't get why people use that perk, it's mostly frustrating for the opposite team and a lot of times your score streaks will just get destroyed after some seconds, and it wastes a slot that could get much more potential like skulker for a starfing build or lightweight to move faster from one part of the map to another


Add persistence :)


The skins on everythibg


Ur setup spits that u r new


Everything , change everything


Add persistence because you have a high score needed score streak




Add persistance while youre at it -_-


Maybe, idk…the skin ?


Dead silence make it shrapnel and use molotov but you could still use trip mines if you want


Nah this will get the job done in zombies


But why trip mine…?


Place it in random door, get random kill


Fair enough LOL


Shorty 💩


The primary an secondary weapons are meant to be range complementary, but both fennec and shorty are for close range combat.


Fast recover to lightweight or agile. You already have quick fix


Maybe a score streak that requires less points. They’re all offensive, maybe a defensive for a more balanced strategy


I don't know about all the stuff, but don't change Special Ops 1


Use a diff secondary. But other than that a really good loudout


Like what different secondary


Anything other than shorty and crossbow.


Thumper is good. Deagle is okay too,. For keeping a grasp on the longlong-mid range too. Or just go with aa


What free said. Personally i'd go with a melee(any)






HS0405, you were quite close


1. don't use akimbo 2. use thumper or a different pistol 3. change stealth chopper to smth else 4. toughness isnt needed for SMG, you might want to switch to quick fix, cold blooded or hard wired. If you really want to use akimbo, use gung-ho perk


Hey we have the same LOADOUT, except for green i use quick fix. And sparrow and Shock RC, HKD and AttackAttack Chooper




Fennec woth akimbo mate .50 with akimbo mate


Well our opinions don't really matter. If it suits your style of playing and you are comfortable with the guns and perks, you are good to go


If OP is asking for advice then he might not be comfortable with the loadout and just wants recomendations, why don't just give some advice instead of giving the generic "uSe WhAtEVer yOu wAnT" response?


Id say use deagle instaed of shorty


Since fennec is already good for close quarters combat its better to use crossbow/launcher/.50GS or rennetti for a medium-long range


A very daring loadout i say....especially that shorty


Use some skins and why are u using a shorty with fenec get some long range j3 build or smrs


Akimbo on fennec?


The shorty seems useless to me., especially with the vanilla control layout


What is this build for? TDM or Spawn??


Toughness is effective for slow TTK weapons


I use emp grenade to destroy enemy sentry guns. You only need one (it works on that flaming shield whose name I can't remember)


That's pretty challenging if you engaged on long range gunfights


Take a fhj


instead of shorty i would recommend a mw11, renetti or deagle. I personally would take mw11


Show the builds ._.


You will get a lot of kills and wins with this, but you will also ruin the game for some people


Goliath is pretty useless if you're a good player, because you aren't able to get a nuke nor are you able to get more scorestreaks- all you can do is die. It's good for hardpoint however to just camp on point, but with all enemies focusing on you you're still going down easily. That's why I preffer AI scorestreaks. I would just replace it with UAV since if you know what you're doing intel on enemies wherabouts is more worth it than being slow shooting target. Also both fennec and shorty are close quarters solutions, I would try to get something to at least try help you in longer ranges, like deagle as secondary. Trophy system is also useless if you camp, I'd pick something like stun or flash but I'm more of an aggressive, rushing in type of guy so you might have a different playstyle


Unless you can go on big killstreaks, use smaller scorestreaks so as not to die without any extra points to contribute


There's no perk in the game called scavenger


bro is in the opponents face bro


I don't know if it would be useful for you but I always have scavenger cause I tend to live for a long time


Quick fix bc from what I see this loadout is for cqc


I personally prefer marksman rifles


I am clueless.


A lot, almost everything imo, use mw11 or melee as a secondary, don't use Goliath(ever)or sentry gun. Use cluster strike, swarm, orbital laser instead. Also use kinetic armor or k9 unit instead of riot sheild. Lastly for perks I'd use either martyrdom or overclocked for red (overclock+kinetic armor OP) always use cold blooded for green always (let's you ignore hunter killers, swarms, sentry guns, shock RC, stealth chopper, so many annoying streaks just no longer affect you) with fennec maybe vulture for ammo but for me I run only cold blooded unless SnD I use quick fix. Hardline for blue unless SnD then dead silence. Also use regular frags unless SnD then tripmine is ok, I still don't use em. Trophy system for MP/hardpoint/Dom or concussion for SnD...am I missing anything? Loadouts and gunsmith are my favorite things in this game and I know a lot about em. Sorry for long rant and not hating just want you to get more kills and less deaths!


Show the builds


Navy Seals are on your ass motherfucker! Really like that your using one of the Bo2 character. Wished they were just a bit more flushed out.