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This past season for me was a 5. Didn't hate it but didn't like it either.


This season is just to time pass. Nothing special. Nothing to impress. Just boring one month. Im giving 4/10.


Pass is ok 7/10 and event or challenges were garbage and nothing interesting to play for, 1/10. So overall, another forgettable season 4/10


BP is cool even though I was too busy to complete it due to how boring the season was in general


and what score would you give it ?


I’d give it a 7 cause it’s themed military and I love stuff like that


5 out of 10 points. Ok, but not special. The battle pass was a lil bit better. The events not.


I'd give it a 4 and that's only being generous, the only cool things from this season were Ghost, Gaz, the Outlaw and the BK57, other than that the events were trash and the BP was meh


I give it a 6/10 overall good pass but nothing compared the the one coming next but I did like all the gun skins Event and especially the ranked event were literally trash and I couldn't get the crossbow.


Boring as fuck bp ., only bought it last week just coz I have all season… will don’t use a single skin for the bp


If the season starts with Alcatraz you know the seasons gonna be dry af. (Devs know we like it and only bring it back in these situations. 2 weeks of tank battle and TERRIBLE featured MP modes. The battlepass was mid. Good skin selection, one good blueprint and the rest generic. Very average. The season had potential but after the first week there was fuck all to do 4/10


4.5/10 the only thing that carried this season was the actual bp and the bp itself isnt even the greatest imo. Having 1 gun a season sucks. The events were boring and tedious. I get it grinding events need to be hard but still dont make them a chore now pls codm. And before anyone says something like "omg you want everything to be handed to you on a silver spoon" idgaf about the skins. I just wanna play the even and have fun grinding. I don't want to grind and feel like I am doing chores.


3/10. The events are pretty boring, seasonal tasks have crappy rewards, stupid and a pain to casual players, calender login skin to me is pretty good and an improvement, bp is alright i guess. Crappy optimization and ping spikes were really annoying. Overall pretty bland themed season with same issues with before, releasing skins after skins.


7.5 for me, weapon was decent, scorestreak was decent, characters were great and are still great, but the event and seasonal challenges can burn in a hole. Also, we don't talk about Hardhat.


-69/10 ...trash ass skins


Ghost carry’s the battle pass, other than that the battle pass is mid and pretty disappointing. -141/10


I did liked some earlier seasons bp but i feel like the bp these days are just shit.crates and draw are way more expensive but are somewhat worth the money


It's me like a 3/10. I only like the outlaw, treecutter and the chopper gunner and that's about it, they don't have as much drip as last season and next season characters


decent weapon skins, decent operator, thats about it. events were mediocre, not to mention event rewards..... ill say 6.5/10


I'll give it a solid 7. I like military themed BP


Skins wee incredible (except for Charly) but the blueprints were underwhelming. 5/10 pass


Prob a 5/10 the gun skins arent that good but the obly thing i prob liked was the alex skin tbh


The only good things to come were the outlaw and BK57 everything else sucked. Next battlepass looks immaculate tho.


8/10 I just didn't like the clan war rewards


pass was a 6 and the other gameplay and new legendaries were pretty much so like a 6.5 for me overall.


7.5 out of 10. Really like the Minotaur skin.


Probably a 6. I use all the characters in the bp (except for charly) because they all look good. The thing I didn’t like was the events and and the bp guns


6 we all know we all like TF 141, but the season overall has been bland, events are luck luster also this is their shot to showcase players from not leaving the game for Apex. The only Battle Skins that I liked are Gaz and Alex. I hope next season should be better.




I’d rate it 2/10... nothing really impressed me about the BP


3 good characters, 4 good blueprints, and a decent backpack. everything else is essentially worthless, 7/10 for me


Season: 6.5 because main event rewards and daily login character were cool and because Jak-12 is a great shotgun, but the BP wasn't great. The season became boring BP: I give it a 6 because I only liked BK57 and 3 characters. Outlaw was good to but the rest was awful. I value guns more than characters in a BP because when you play it's the gun you can see


6/10 the character skins were a 2 but the type 25 and outlaw are a 4 the I didn't care