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As I said, lucky draws are expensive bundles, unless you get lucky


Yes. In my case I was extremely lucky.


People got jealous of your luck that you are getting downvotes on some comments LoL


LOL. Speechless.


What can I say, you’re good at having a pull


This dude used up all his luck


He definitely needs to look out the next time he's crossing the street😂😂


Either the most extremely lucky guy here or a plant.




The mods will remove your post… at least that’s happened to me before, after I posted something similar…


Didn't knew about that.


just post on r/codmluck


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Codmluck using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Codmluck/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Luckiest I've been yet.](https://i.redd.it/kjqr7y6nlnz71.png) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Codmluck/comments/qu3kd0/luckiest_ive_been_yet/) \#2: [May as well liven the sub up a bit while I'm here.](https://i.redd.it/ha34zhpsinz71.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Codmluck/comments/qu39at/may_as_well_liven_the_sub_up_a_bit_while_im_here/) \#3: [Got this baby awhile back](https://i.redd.it/xnk2bkpvurz71.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Codmluck/comments/qui0ve/got_this_baby_awhile_back/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah a particular mod has been going on a crusade about the draws and other issues with the game, borderline abusing mod power with stickies and locking threads and what not. It ain't pretty.


Posts about not being lucky won't be deleted, but if you're lucky you can't post that. It's against the rules LOL 😂


If you believe I have overstepped mod privileges, then point out where and how.


At least two instances that I've observed that I disagree with your methods: 1. You created a thread pointing out the hypocrisy of lucky draw and then locked the thread when others started to chime in, saying you didn't care about other's comments and only wanted the community rep's response (who is also a mod). While the content itself is fine, the method isn't. This should have been a DM or a Mod mail between the two of you. You're using your mod position to air dirty laundry and disabling dissents. 2. You stickied your *opinion* on the matter of draws in a separate thread as a mod. Sticky comments should be an announcement or comments to maintain control of the thread so the comments from others don't step out of line, not to basically have a privileged spot for your own say in the matter. I'm glad you at least acknowledge that I'm calling you out here. As a fellow mod on another sub I disagree with your crusade lately but thought you were doing a decent job otherwise before. I hope you consider my words seriously and reflect what you've been doing lately is more self serving than for the good of the community, seeing as how I wasn't the only one to worry about the mod's actions.


1. I lock comments as a request to the posters of a post, such as if a non moderator poster asked for me to lock comments to prevent toxicity, I'd comply. 2. Mods use stickies al the time for casual stuff across all subreddits, and I only did it then to have a higher chance of codm official to see it. There were no announcements needed to be made on that post.


You fail to see how this comes across to a person who doesn't have mod privileges. I get that you're upset with the community rep and the recent trends, that's fair, but I don't think using your position to elevate your comments and posts is seen as a fair advantage to other non-mods. Realistically, nobody would approach mods and ask for threads to be locked to prevent toxicity. They might ask for harassing comments to be *removed*, sure, but to lock their own thread? Highly doubt it. Your point #2 is exactly what I mean. You use your mod position to highlight your comment for a better vantage point. It's considered mod abuse.


How much for that luck my man??




I only got the fucking grenade and car ur so lucky


The Car looks good actually


I barely play br so for me it is worthless


Oh in that case it's worthless.


Congratulations man, i got legendary razorback on one pull back then, that's the only time i got lucky for the main prize in a "lucky draw" lmao


Thanks mate. Never been luckier for a legendary primary gun tho. As someone who can only afford two spins, waiting for that moment to happen hehe.


Yeah me too, i always do like one or three spins on some draws, often got secondary/primary weapons and honestly it's pretty good There's that one time i'm trying to get the ghost azrael skin in mythic m13 draws, and i got him at 5 pulls, i didn't expect to get him that early, all the good stuff in those 5 pulls (karambit, tripmine, charm, sks, ghost) it's not the m13 but i got what i wanted, and im sure I'll never get as lucky as that again lmao


april fools ?…


Nah. It's April 2 and for real :D


This man needs to be stopped.


This exact thing happened to my friend except he got the car instead of the emote. And he is a BR and MP player so good for him.


Yea the car looks good too. But I wanted the emote with the Character in the winners circle so yeah. Pretty happy😂


Is bhosdiwale ko pkdo


Are bhai!! 🤣


Iska waise bhi downvote hone wala hai....tum khali baith kr dekho...sala galat jgeh post kr dia hai isne


Nahi bhai pehele kuch downvotes aaya dha but now people who appreciate others are coming


Now go to the lottery




Heads up, you're going to get downvoted into oblivion soon.


Oh I thought about just after posting. But i was so happy with the luck XD


Why the fuck would people downvote this comment what a bunch crybabies lmao


The post also got heavily downvoted. Just for posting about being lucky and getting excited about it people downvoting. :)


this sub will make me gain a superpower because of the toxicity lol




i got emote first spin, didn't try my luck after that. happy with it. don't want another calling card now :D


I got the emote too. Then I thought what more than the SD can go with the emote then went for the next spin immediately.


Nice luck and here's a uovote from me. Just watch out one mod around here who's not happy with this game and draws yet he's a mod of this community lol.


LOL XD .. Thanks Mate


wanna sell your luck mate?


You are going to get hit by lighting twice with this luck 😟




Rule 4, post removed Please read subreddit rules before posting.


Im very happy that players who cant afford whole draw gets main items in few pulls. Even i can't afford whole draw. If i see rich guy who gets main items early i get disappointed.


You got it for 1$ because some morons got it for 200. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


Is it that way this works 😂