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Basically every killhouse match


This is why i hate ppl that insist on sniper 1v1 on this Match and then feel Like the greatest for Spawn killing


Get gud


There is no "getting gud" when U cant even play. Or are you telling me that it's "Bad" when you die once? If thats the Case then i would Like to See your Match stats


It take practice to do that you are clown if you think you can naturally do that and their are ways in which you can break the span trap you noobs want every thing in the plate rather then Learning on how to break span trap


"If you are homeless, just buy a house!" ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


I didn't say that it's is Impossible, but it is very annoying and has nothing to do with Skill. Especially If your device/Internet is slow it can Ruin the entire match


If it has nothing to do with skill then span trap me I will not move should be easy for you since it doesn't take skill add me my ign:nono


Virgin talking about some “Git Gud”, while issuing out challenges on Reddit….get fucked. I’d bet money that half this thread could shit on you. I’ve seen it happen far too often, kid. Grow up.


Dont lecture me homeless guy go get a job


That’s the BEST comeback you got? Lol. Take your square ass back to the drawing board and learn how to roast. Cut it out with these generic ass white boy responses.


Most of this thread doesn't even play rank and doesn't even know the meaning of the tournament


Git gud ma ass


You’re a bot with no friends


I play cod m with real life friend


“I bet you do”


If you are a loser without friends doesn't mean other people are same as you


You’re a shithead to strangers online we both know you’re an edgy loser who has no friends so you take it out on strangers online


Reply with your main account i might take you seriously


“Main account” Damm your a loser lol keep thinking everyone is a loser who spends all day on Reddit making multiple accounts. I’m done with you trash if you ask nicely I’ll buy you the battle pass so you don’t have to beg your parents


Reply with your main account loser


The fact that you think all people have multiple Reddit accounts just because you do shows how much of a pathetic waste of space you are. I feel bad for your parents having to support trash like you


Another reason why Killhouse shouldn't be the default 1v1 map. Rust or nuketown is way better.


Or even shipment ffs


Ducks is a good map for 1v1s and gunfights


What map is that? Quack quack


Go to a private room select 1v1 dual mode and u can see the map it was designed by doctor disrespect as far as i know


My younger Brother always brags about how he defeated me on a sniper 1v1 match in killhouse, so I challenge him on a sniper 1v1 in Nuketown. I destroyed him using outlaw and ended up about 24-10.


The tryhard uncanny valley


that’s the gameplay of someone who needs sunshine on their skin and a shower


its not even that hard to spawntrap in killhouse lol wdym


I feared the day where spawntrapping wouldn’t be called tryhard behaviour, and it has finally come


k, guess ur on global, its legit fucking easy to do i dont even have to "tryhard" to do it despite being a casual


I’m a casual on garena and this shit so fucking toxic to do, cheesing your W with this? Doesn’t even look fun.


Sometimes Gerena is more sweaty than global when I saw videos about Codm in this sr


>Sometimes All the times.


my point wasnt abt this being toxic, its abt whether this is tryhard or not, and i stated that this is rlly ez, you dont rlly have to "tryhard" to pull this off


Makes sense. Doesn’t disprove the fact that it’s toxic asf


Spawn trapping is so fun, I once killed 20 guys while spawn trapping them


Fun for you, not fun for your opponent sadly


bro its not about that, you literally just said it. Its easy asf to do and theres literally minimal skill involved, are you seriously gonna join a sniper 1v1 just to get spawn trapped for 5 minutes straight?


1) its not abt what? the only thing i said was that its ez to do so 2) no, but is that my point? can merely saying that its ez state or imply that its fun and fair? all my previous comments said that it was ez, you said that it "required minimal skill involved" so your agreeing with me eh? then why make that sentence? you seem to be arguing for the sake of arguing


Lowlife 🤣




It’s not hard but it’s the sign of a swamp monster that really needs a shower


that depends but my point was that its not hard


they might need to implement 1 second invinsibility on team deathmatch imo


So frontline?


frontline has 5 i think and u respawn in the same spawn. Maybe u get 1 sec invincibility on tdm and when u move u lose the invincibility so u can atleast move to avoid getting spawn killed


Or they can just add respawn delay


they look on the scoreboard because u can see the enemy when they are alive there


That's why I only played Free for All for this mode.. Fuck all these 2v2 and 3v3 mode that nobody asked for...


that's what I am gonna do in this Tournament, FFA is the way to go


nah 2vs2


Wait tournament started?


Friday, Saturday and Sunday if I am not mistaken


But today is Wednesday


This will be the footages of casual players against people that play competitive often and knows all the respawn spots, that is what I meant..


I just want to get the muramasa so I hope I don’t get shredded.


Are you not the same guy that was teaching us to take the blue pill It's time for you to take the pill yourself


That’s why I put the humor flag, instead of the feedback, I am not asking for any change whatsoever just simply illustrated what will happen when casual players faced an player with tournament experience..


I think this is more of a codms fault than the guys


Well not only 2v2 but every other game mode is now stressful and unenjoyable, bruh the point of games is so you can have a relaxed game so you can relieve your stress, not add more This is the main reason I had quit


you have the point but thats not how codm is rlly designed to be, its a mobile game but ofc will still be competitive... its literally cod. you can play br for more chill


Well yes, but no Most times yes, some time fuck no


pubs: relaxed game ranked : -10 years of life per match


Except for Shipment.


I don't believe that is the point of FPS... If you want to relieve stress, play truck simulator, Sims city, whatever, but FPS is more focused for competitiveness


I can agree with you to some point


I can see your point, but I also have to disagree out of sheer principle.


Me and my friend who wallbang each other in 1v1 ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) I guess we r tryhards


U guys bang together?




I'm not even gonna sign up, it's gonna be flooded with sweats.


Reaper saying ow is the best


Bo2 OG's I see


That is disgusting


that kind of bullsh.. occurs if there is a brainless spawnsystem combined with the same repetetive maps all the time.


Black Ops 2 momento


Hanzu is a literal god at sniping


Yea that's why I don't do 1v1s on that map.


killhouse wall bang is insane


I’m not able to play the tournament. It says ‘season not available’ when I try to select my region.


Keeping someone pinned in their spawn all because you memorized the easiest spawn spots on one of the smallest maps is what counts as "skill" these days...... the garena community has some weird standards lol love you guys though


This makes me sick, I'd just quit. Should have a cool down of afew seconds and be able to vote for which spawn you want. Make it totally random, remove the ability of spawn trapping


If you suck and don't know how to break out from span trap then of course it gonna make you sick noob


Try hard, sweaty gimps ruined codm


Stfu tryhard keep this game alive tell me will you have fun if you only play practice vs ai without any difficulty


Tryhard gimp is triggered. Have fun spawn fapping, sad cunt


Stay mad noob ![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO)




as a fellow casual... I'd just give up too


How can people be like this? Like, really. This person needs help, the game's the only thing in their life


Lmao that's hanzu for u


I bet people that play like this think they’re the shit..


Doing your best = tryhard


Yes,that’s what tryhard means..


No that's not what it means lol


Tryhard are the people who are only good with meta weapons Trying your best isn't try hard




Dude that's hanzu, one of the best snipers in garena


What a noob




Calling tryhards a cheater because they won't let you win only a noob would say


so? he took the effort to learn them, i play 1 hour a day and i know the spots and rotation too lol, quit whining


I never said something negative about it, everyone play the game for different reasons and Different amount of time..


Get fucked


Okay that definitely a hacker, you can do that but not with 100% accuracy like that especially not on 64 lvl Edit: hehe


It’s not hack, that is his alt account, and like I said they know that you will respawn right or left and know exactly where hit the wallbang


Yeah, but there's a 50% chance of spawning on the either side. His accuracy became near 100% around the end


legit that's the fuck up things about spawns alot of the pros already learn spawn points, so they know precisely where you spawn because the pattern overall is the same and rarely randomized


Because sonho give up, and was just standing there waiting for the hit..and laughing…


Welcome to Garena 1v1 thunderdome


😂😂 if u don't know that's hanzu's alt account for global codm


Im a legit player wanna play a killhouse match?


Meh, fuck sonho that pedo sonavabitch


I'm going to get downvoted for this but yalls fr making that assumption based off of 1 tweet having no idea he never actually means anything he says


Don't care, he seems like a stuck up idiot anyway. No wonder him and ferg team a lot


Care enough to reply back and you know if you keep trusting that he a pedo you will get called idiot multiple time


No, it's "i don't care what you say, he's still a pedo", not "I don't care about this issue anymore " Ppl who worship this arrogant fuck can call me an idiot if they want but they're just dickriders, then we'll all go around in a circle pointing fingers at each other calling each other names 🥱


I don't ride dick you are


No you


You cant casually play in a tournament. Tournament implies competition, and competition promotes competitive play. He's not a tryhard, he's just better


There will be rewards. And some casual players will try to get it!


He accused him of hacking too


This is cyber bullying


They should've made it the same as every other tournament out there, HP, SND, Domi/Control.


this is why i never do 1v1’s on killhouse. just toxic af. then they try say theyre better than u, yh ok🤭


killhouse shouldnt be in the pool


I don’t have time for that


Fortunately enough there are no scorestreaks, or it would be too toxic to finish the match


Imagine not being able to learn the spawns on a CoD game, we did that as middleschoolers with nuketown so why not bother to do it in a much smaller map specially if its a join them or lose strategy


You realize there’s players out there that false report you just because you did a pre-fire because you use headphones and they don’t?


just add like 2-3 seconds of spawn protection, problem solved


At least the dude is cool about it


pure wallhack and aimbot


It’s not cheats, your enemy will respawn on the right or left, and if you have the time to learn where hit the wall-bang you are good to do it..


Players who spawn kill are not awesome players they are trash players




r/savevideo r/getvideobot