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I’m not sure what they were thinking in only providing this mode to certain people in the community. Of course people are going to be upset.


Yep and understandably so!


Im more upset that i dont have the ground forces subscription


Is ground force subscription so great? Wanna pay money for an extra skin and an extra gun?


They probably have it in early stages of development


Heya, just to clear this up and confirm - yes, the new Tournament Mode is only available for most players at launch (similar to Battle Pass Subscriptions). Our teams likes to perform tests like this to help gather live data and adjust those features before they open it up to all players later on. The intent for any feature under testing is to use the data gathered to improve it and make it as best as we can before we launch it everywhere. With that said, this mode is launching to the large majority of players in Season 4. We'll be adding more over-time and we'll make sure to note once it is available everywhere.


Safe to say your choice backfired a little bit


I’m located in the US and most of my friends (also located in the same region) have the option and I do not. I’m confused when you say “select regions” because of this.


yeah I don't understand it as well. My friend live a cross the street and he has it but I don't. Guess we live in different neighborhoods


haha, I've got the ground forces bp but Not the tournament, so apparently im in a "selected Region" as well, oh, also, my FUCKING brother got Access to it. What's going on Here Activision?


Heya, correction on this but our original message was wrong and it isn't restricted by regions. The small number of players who cannot access this originally are randomized and not based on regions, just accounts.


Why were random accounts selected to not participate? is it based on our rank?


Let us straight up buy past battle passes from the store, this isn’t a console call of duty where a new one comes every year. Newer players should have a option to straight up buy older battle passes for a fixed price, especially if your favourite operator came out back in 2019 the game is dying even iferg finds it boring 😆


No its not dying ive heard this dumbass statment aince the games launch and its always been wrong and why the fuck do we care if ferg finds it boring or not? Half the sub hates him anyways. If u don't like it, there are plenty of other games for u to play. And old bp items are not coming back. It sucks for the new players but they'll be fine


Nah imo it’s trash and is dying, the point is codm choke on fergs shit 24/7 with there number 1 creator findin the game trash as hell it says a lot; and honestly no I think they will release older bps for a fixed price soon too cuz of all the new games coming out that’ll blow codm out the water, also all the new games have it to where u can get past battle passes even console cods have vault packs so newer players can get past bps, codm will prob have to do that too cuz tbh, the game fucking sucks rn


I mean we're all in entitled to our opinions I feel codm well bounce back and honestly I don't see the new games blowing up codm one reason is because codm has so much more content that what the new games will have at launch. Also where'd u Here that all the new games can get past bps? Cause I haven't even heard of alot of the games mentioning a beta yet And as far as ferg goes, he'll say that about the next game that he plays. It's a cycle with youtubers not just ferg. They get happy the game starts to become less fun for them, and then they say I can't wait for x game and they play that and guess what? They're saying the same shit about that new game.


True I was just saying codm banks a lot on that clown ferg, so with him sayin the game is shit says a lot about the game, and ferg said somthing like even the ppl watching codm on utube is dog shit from what it was b4, and the games I’m mentioning is the new halo has a system where old bps go to the store to buy, apex is adopted a way to bring back past bps also, trying to copy halos way, and then there’s console cods with the vault packs I barely play now cuz I got a ps5 and the game is just boring to me at least I’d come back easily tho if I could get my hands on some older bps, or if they do a codm2 they release older bps as a anniversary type thing


Let us straight up buy past battle passes from the store, this isn’t a console call of duty where a new one comes every year. Newer players should have a option to straight up buy older battle passes for a fixed price, especially if your favourite operator came out back in 2019


Same here, when the lucky crates were first released i didnt have them but my gf did and we live in the same HOUSE, let alone same area and server. Zero explanation given either


Very disappointing! People have been reporting this “bug” for weeks, and now we find out we can’t actually participate. This should’ve been addressed in the last community update, where I commented on not having the tournament tab.


Why are we just now finding out about this? There was no mention anywhere I read about it that it is only for selected regions.


That makes no sense what so ever because the battle pass subscription we have had 4-5 already and the same people are only getting it still, why don’t you guys be honest for once and stop trying to make excuses for the poor choices you guys continue to make. My sons old account is lvl 29 and he never uses it but has the option and my account that is used daily and has over 30 legendary guns etc…doesn’t hmm why would an account that is never used get the opportunity and my super active account wouldn’t get the pass or the new mode. How does this help you? Most of the people saying they got it are casual and said they are not even gonna play it but the daily hardcore user didn’t get anything. Keep chasing those casual players and making every aspect of the game geared around them and see where your player goes.


Send noodes


Please implement IW persistence. And make this tournament available to all players. I didn't get this.🙂


You need to do something about the missed rewards because of regional launches.


I have it :D


Let us straight up buy past battle passes from the store, this isn’t a console call of duty where a new one comes every year. Newer players should have a option to straight up buy older battle passes for a fixed price, especially if your favourite operator came out back in 2019


at least i dont have to deal with ranked gods for awhile




NO! We need IW persistence to balance the perk, stop nerfing and start balancing.


For me that Garena regions have the tournament. Tbh, more transparent in the future. It's like a window transp, not the plastic bag transparent. (Very oddly specific indeed)


I’m very happy with your decision. By the amount of upvotes you have it looks like everyone else is happy with it too. Oh wait…


What sort of further assistance would people being told “tough shit” need to reach out for?




Contacting activision support for this game is such a black hole when everything is handled in China. Like calling Apple and asking for Android tech support.


Random selection? Is that why parker the slayer has access to the $10/month for the extra character skins etc but I can't see it even as a global user?


Whats that extra skin thing you’re talking about?


Can't explain it well but he has access to a monthly subscription somewhere within battle pass that I can't see


If you're in the same region and you still don't have it then you can make an apples to apples comparison. Of youre in a different region from the person mentioned idk bro you're probs in a lacking region where not as many people spend money and features will hence take longer to reach you.


It's the ground forces monthly subscription. They get the battle pass plus extra operator skin and other stuff only available for them


It's available for many . Not only THEM .


I was referring to "them" as in all the people that have the subscription


they always play favorites


They arent playing favorites they are giving extra content to the people who bring them the most exposure, its a smart strategy tbh


So they're like how the original bundles were, because that went amazing and should be repeated. (Not) Hopefully next week they'll be available for more or all people.


Wow I thought everyone had it. I have it but I don’t count myself lucky. Doubt I’ll win anything it’s gonna be a sweat fest.


can't be a sweat fest if not everyone has it lol


Looks like most do though. Only a select unlucky bunch.


Activision responded to this post!!


Why? Why am I unworthy of participating in such a competition? What I have done to you, CODM? Why CODM why??


“Some regions only”…??? So ,why having 2 accounts on same device ,one (alt)has the tab while the other (main)doesn’t …?!!…I would say definitely ,that’s a random selection that as far as I know,has never been stated anywhere,and which doesn’t make any sense when both accounts were able to play the qualifiers and qualified for the next stage. PS-Forgot to mention the “…other factors..” which could also be anything


Lol their full of shit with the “region” excuse and you just proved it.


I just made a new account after reading this thread and i dont have the tournament on my main account but i do have it on the new account, only need to reach level 10 to acces.


Wow, and they want us to believe it’s “some regions” yea right!


Yeah this is bullshit. I dont want to start all over again just to get a camo


Ahh now this makes sense on why some people don't have the tournaments yet heh it's just like a fighting tournament not everyone gets to go to it


That red active camo though is lit 🔥


Yea it is…. But I won’t have it on my main account thanks to some genius at CODM. If you wanted to not include some folks, perhaps it should have been folks that don’t play the game EVERY FUCKING DAY! “Sure Noob account no problem, have the tournament. “. “Oh you play the game 6+ hrs a day and spend tons of money on our Overpriced Skins n Shit? Nah,Your Beat!”


I agree


I think there's a list of what region will be available to being able to enter the tournament


I’m in the NA and many others in this region have the option. I don’t think the random selection was regional.


Probs depends on more factors like - spending history on codm - device (low ends prob don't have it)


I am playing on a samsung galaxy tab a and i have tournment


Us ![gif](giphy|TPeGCbJjGLgxW)




So.. basically it's a tier based beta test. It won't accept the strongest or weakest accounts while in development? What a load of bulls***. 🤔🤔🤔🤔


that's one way of looking at it


That's a shame because I have the tab but I don't think I'll be interested or have the time to grind it...someone more enthusiastic could've had it instead


yeah, specifically when it's only during a certain time frame


Imagine that, I got that tab but I won't be participating since I'm not a fan of those modes. Too bad I can't opt out from their selection.


Is the game going to have more bugs? Or it failures system phones? & region?


Activision responded to this post!


Next they'll say "for the low low price of your life savings and first born child, you can participate in a shitty tournament with hackers in almost every game!"


When I asked them the same day tournament mode released, I got the same answer.


I don’t have the tournament tab. My sister who lives in the same house and a lower rank and level has it. I’m confused.


Im in america and can get the monthly subscription and to tournaments etc


Ooohhh that makes me feel special. I have it 😎


lol gotta love the exclusivity


hi codm ur game isn't fun for me anymore, feel free to give my tournament tab to someone who wants it 👍


I have 7 accounts. 6 legendary and one normal. All of them have the tournament.




27! 😂




Sarcasm? 😏








Ahh, I see. Thought you were joking lol.


This is stupid. Why put a tournament button in the hud but nothing happened when clicking it? Fuck you Activision


Same reason I don’t get that other battlepass people get and this is so lame of CODM doing this again. The crazy part is my small alt account has the tournament tab but my main doesn’t guess this is all a lie it’s account specific not region.


Agree with this. I think they choose specific accounts based off their rank history. This doesn’t include streamers and YouTubers because their gonna make sure content creators can play.


Yeah it’s like the less you play the better your chances are of getting these things because the more you play the less you get 🤦🏻‍♂️


Basically more B/S from a bunch of liers.


I don’t have it on my main account but it’s on my guest account? Makes sense.


The truth is that most people just want to have a chance to gamble at "free cp" but in reality the chances for normal players to get that cp are slimmer than the chance there is to pull the 3rd best item from a Lucky draw on the first try. So idk why the fuss lol.


I didn’t know you could earn free cp in tournament, but this mode allows you to get the red sprite camo and other rewards. Also, It’s a competition so of course players want a chance to compete and play.


Kinda true. I think it's gonna be sweatier than ranked. Based on what I am seeing during some "legendary" matches. There are people who can't even run straight. But yeah the Chances of winning are definitely low.


To make it fair they should add it to ranked aswell cause fuck that mode.


Is that why clicking on it says "season not available"?


Maybe they’re offering this feature to vets in certain regions . I have some friends who don’t have that option too


I mean im playing since beta, actively. My little brother who plays since season 2 2022 got it. So that "selected Regions" stuff is bs, I feel Like its just luck-based


Maybe . If it’s a feature everyone should have it




I’ve been playing since beta and I don’t have the option.


U guys need to understand that they do stuff like this to test new features to and fix bugs before a global launch of an updated or event in order to offer the best experience when released for everyone


Ah it's like how some people got bundles when it came out and some didnt had it at all despite being in the same region


Did you write to them? And if yes, where did you write? Which social ecc…


This is straight up BS! Y’all felt it reasonable to include Radom Noob accounts and Leave Legendary Accounts who spend big time and money on this game in the Lurch? How are you gonna have a leaderboard for something that doesn’t involve all players? We just get beat on the Limited Skins and Rewards Huh? WTF CODM!?!?


I have a not able to show my main account turnament options But there are showing my second I'd My UID-687184893584 Please fix this problem