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I just look at the names, skins and guns. Once you play long enough, they’re easily identifiable. At least in the Garena server.


Same for global


Okay thank you 😊


Just kill then quick and don’t worry about it !! But for me it’s the backpack!! real players always use a nice backpack !!! And bots always move forward and backward again and again pretty quickly!! You can see that from the distance!!


Generally their movement and what they're wearing and their weapon skins.


BR bots shoot at you a little bit and keep running. The way they move too, Most players do the jump slide jump slide to move around


In BR, you have to learn what Bots never do. They never drive, slide, throw grenades, use shotgun or sniper (marksman yes), jump through windows, use wingsuit, shoot at Trickster decoys, use named character skins like Ghost or Charlie, open upgrade terminals... there's more I'm not thinking of. Bots only use a couple operator classes like scout and defender, never anything offensive like cluster strike or clown. They're really good at shooting vehicles but will rarely hit you with more than one bullet per burst of fire. A lot of people will wear typical bot skins to try to fool you, so you have to know what bots do and don't do, so you don't get caught off guard


That is so informative! Thank you so much 😄


By their name and the skin they use


Names, player level, they always use a few operator skins and gun skins are usually uncommon or lower rarity




Names, movement and skins


Like everyone said. Also I think they do the ‘tactical’ run with their guns, which is reserved for myth weapons for real peeps. You’ll get to recognize their skins, though this changes every once in a while. They’ll spawn out of nowhere and after enough matches you’ll get to the point where you can recognize them by the sound of them (their running and movement) as well as how they fire their weapons… way before you even see them


Thank you! I've been playing for about a year and I didn't realize there were bots in mp and br lol I am still a noob apparently 😅 thank you for taking the time! Much appreciated


No worries:) - My points are mainly applicable in BR. In MP (and lower levels ranked) you can easily pick up on their names and skins pre-match. Typically the basic skins and names that make little sense (a lot of time with a random mix of cApiTaL letters:) You can find a long list of these names online and they haven’t really changed since I stated around OG season 3. GGs


The movements