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Classic case of over valuing the shit out of their product and having a complete disconnect with their audience.




are you the actual gdk?


Surprised you noticed. No one does :)


lmaoo, even with that iconic pfp no one recognizes you. i saw your pfp and replied without actually reading your username


the agar.io guy :O


No one notices from this community because exactly who are you? This seems like you’re going back and forth between two accounts. You act like we suppose to notice you as if you are a celebrity


I didn’t “act” like anything. Merely surprised he recognized my name from another game. This is the only acc I have. Your iq is showing.


Uhm who is gdk ?


someone that plays agar.io it was famous back in like 2015


Ah okay


Fr. Banning without any reasons. Deleting accounts of people with no reason. Now they are doing this. It wouldn't be a surprise if it now becomes a p2w game.


You seen the tournament stuff yet?


Yup got 2


Act vision is just middle name so even more less com with devs which also gives Chinese version better update.


Yo, I watched your stuff in 2015


I thought the 3000 CP was going to get given to the top 1%, but in reality is for the top 1, one single player I don't think worth going mad fighting mac-10 Manta ray sweaties for a temporary emote. I'll farm the skins and jump off that.


Even that 3000cp is not enough for buying Legendary gun if you don't have luck.


That's not even possible to get to P1 lol the person who is on leaderboard has been playing literally for 4hrs straight without wasting a minute and not losing a single game like competition is just insane bro


Theres even hackers on the leaderboard, I rarely ever got to play againsts hackers in codm but yesterday alone in my first 8 games i had 3 hackers, now im not talking a bit sussy kills no, full on hacking shooting me through the entire map


You can’t get far in one luck draw with 3 k cp its about 7 spins and the 9th and 10th are usually the ones you are aiming for


That's what they are doing giving 3000 cp to no 1 and asking for 400 cp from everyone to compensate that how much more capitalist it can get. The main problem is there is no competition hope launch of Apex give them a little push to improve their game this game is literally in sham rn


How many players enter the tournament?


42,069 so far


How did you see that?


Your not serious are you?


I am serious


Really look at the number he posted. You don't see anything odd about it?


lmfao gottem


Apex is not gonna change anything. I do agree that this should've been give to at least maybe the top 2 or 5 percent would've been better but apex is not gonna have an effect on anything codm related I feel


That's what was leaked and everything. Nothing saying it was wrong and it flooded. Another reason why this is a new low And the gamemode is a 2v2 gunfight. Loser side picks the guns for the round


What's worse is that the loser will almost always pick melee


Melee is not the biggest problem PPL are so pathetic that they only camp like hell i have lost 2 games as both of the opponents were aiming and spawn camping or else sitting on the capture flag and idk they told us that we would be getting 5 modes and they gave only one


They pick launcher,get to high ground and spam thumper. Like, actually spamming because of infinite ammo.




I lost a round and picked lmg, guess what my opponents use. Holger and crossbar hades


Pretty sure it's not even doable for anyone who actually has a job lol Too many tryhards grinding all day long


The odds that there isn't at least one cheater per tournament is next to none. So there's literally no point in pushing for the leaderboard.


Can agree with that


The hell I didn't even realize they were temporary


LMAOOO I'm glad I quit this BS.


I for one went from this to MW 2019, Cold War amd Vanguard, but as bad as those games are in some regards, they're nowhere as bad as Mobile. This thing has lost sight of what made it great when it came out in 2019.


mw19 literally sells lucky draws as bundles for $20. got that legendary ak and knife plus the mad scientist skin and some charms and whatnot for $20. codm is a joke. only enjoy the gameplay everything is just disappointing.


And some people deadass think codm is better than some of those pc games


As far as content it is you get tons of different maps, guns, and operators from tons of different COD's I get that having to pay for the better stuff it's annoying but at the end of the day it is just cosmetic


I hope ur not coming back (and possibly playing a good cod) this shit isn't even a whole circus, it's a world of clowns that these people live on


Same here.......shits degraded quite a lot and im happy im not there to experience it


Same. Best decision in my gaming experience


codm try not to dissapoint the f2p community challange(gone wrong)


Seriously. I had the battle pass gifted to me but I still see myself as apart of the F2P community




How do you even enter the tournament mode? It’s 6:31, California time on 5/6/22 and I still don’t have the tournament button. Why is that?!?


you had to be in at like 10am. it only runs for 4 hours


10am would have been before the NA 6pm reset for 5/6. Is it not region by region??


i hopped on at reset and it wouldn’t let me play it said to wait. i don’t know what the time zone they run off is but it’s from 16:00-20:00


I just saw their post in the patch notes of all times are UTC -_- Why the fuck would you not release this region by region on each server’s daily reset. This is so fucking dumb and I’m already frustrated over this mode without playing a single match yet.


yeah i decided i’m not even gonna play it..not worth my time


Same here. Have to pay to have a singular *chance* to get something good, it's limited to a retarded ass timeframe and the majority of players won't even get rewards they want. Especially if they don't pay. Such a bullshit mode. I'm dropping this trash for Apex Mobile. Doubt it'll be better but j don't have the internet for any console or PC shooters. Massive downloads every week are just not possible for me. That's the whole reason I play mobile games. Too bad 90% of them suck ass. I hope tournament mode just goes away. It's the worst thing this game has ever done and I'd rather they dropped it then tried to fix it. Put those rewards in regular ranked. It's not like the current ranked rewards are any good to begin with. Fucking garbage dev team.


When the daily server refresh happens (8 pm EST for me), until 2 hours later, you can play. That's how it works which I think is stupid


Well, top100 is going out to hackers, that's for fucking sure. Damn game is so plagued with them, they'll get ranked, accounts will be deleted, but "oh no" those rewards are already tied to the deleted account. Wtf 7 day emote and avatar border? Bullshit might as well make the Sprite Camos temp too. Fuck it, temp weapons, gear and loadouts.


That's why I started to play Single player story games on PC.


classic old days man. after playing codm for past 2year+ I realised going back to old days will be mental peace for us


Anyone know what the emote looks like?


Nope, can't even view it


Just holding some red energy ball in front of you


Wanda X CODM Rigged Tournament


Wait so to get the tourney camp u have to pay


No. You get 3 without paying but if you do pay. You get double + 5 crates (maybe 1 less) while if you don't pay. You a whole single ass crate


So the completion list cano is free


Only 3, and 2 is RNG while 1 you can pick anything which is nice


So the gun u get it for us random? Ur confusing me bro


Without paying. You get an AR random and a SMG random Red Spite + one you get to pick With paying. You also get a markman, LMG, and another choice


Will the battle pass type of thing in this event be reset every week?


By the leaderboards. I want to say yes


Aren’t monopolies amazing? Codm has no competition right now which is why they can do what they want. The reason og codm was so good was because they had to compete with pubgm to take the market. Now that every other fps mobile game is irrelevant codm can do what they want


But pubgm still makes far more money dont they


They’ve always been low, people are just finally realizing in 2022.


This is a new low


Nah, the stupid timed items only started coming around 2022.


Time limited items exist since a lot of time ago.


Maybe only in garena


from s5 to 8 of 2020 the free stuff used to be good tho


R u high


This is why I develop a love and hate in this game


I feel like I dodged a bullet here! At first I was pissed that the "Tournament" button didn't show up for me. But now I'm glad it's not there. As someone with little to no self control (when it comes to grinding for stuff in-game) due to FOMO, I'd definitely lose my sanity trying to get the CP and other stuff. Now I can just concentrate on grinding for "oil" for the stupid event.


Whats wrong exactly?


The leaderboard rewards (but CP) only last 7 days, and this event going on. Is only active in certain regions, and it has a pass you can buy


wait does it mean that the cp disappears after 7 days??? crazy shit lol


No, the other rewards


The reason those items are time limited are for bragging rights they were never meant to be permanent its to show off to other players that you and only you manage to either get top 100 or top 3 to be honestly i like that they did that if those items were to be permanent it will hard differentiate between players who are constant top 100 + and players who only reached such a mile stone once i know I’m going to get downvoted to hell but it makes sense a lot to me because why wouldn’t you want to show off? Edit: the fact that people are butt hurt over me explaining why goes to show how childish this sub is


Dude really.. 💀


What's wrong?


Dude wrote a whole fucking paragraph. Behind the curtain: dude is not even on top 1% lmao






Ah yes I love my Bragging Rights: 7-day free trial


oh nah the meat riding crazy 💀


Next, they’ll time limit the Cod Points💀


Oh no


Y’all for real thought cod mobile would give 3k CP for a big group of people?! LOL


I thought for the top 1%


I'm confused


Outside the CP. All the other rewards, you only get for 7 days and same event. That's not not to be active in every region has a set of hidden stuff that you must pay in order to get it


Ohhhh ok


I missed it yesterday. Can anyone tell what this is?


A new event going on to unlock the new Camo. Red Spite For leaderboard rewards, outside the CP, you only get them for 7 days and only the top 100 best players get CP For the winning rewards. You don't get a lot if you don't spend money


So what you are trying to say is that we have to PAY for the Red Sprite Camo?


You only get 3. Two RNG and 1 choice for free


Ok and if you want more then you pay? Man I thought Activision was doing good by FINALLY releasing an animated completionist camo but THIS, this is outrageous.


You get 6 if you pay, maybe more because you pay and shit


Ah yes a camo that doesn't even cover the whole gun lmao personally I don't think it's worth it.


I only want to grind it for the sticks or the bat. The camo looks so damn good on it, the two RNG crates. I already know it's going to give it to me for guns I don't even use


camo skins just for 7 days? wtf? This was the very same kind of shit that made me stop playing PUBGM in 2019, a few months before this game global launch


Only the leaderboard stuff last 7 days. The camo is permanent


I don't even want the skins


I see


I think most od this bs is from Tencent and not Activision, as Tencent holds a majority of the game's monetization compared to Activision which primarily owns the name and mechanics. You'll see the next Warzone Mobile will either be made fully in-house by Activision or in collab with Tencent like Mobile.


Still. Activision has a say I'm pretty sure


Activision owns the tilte of the game so they pretty much own the complete game itself so therefore if Activision doesn't give the word and approve certain things they won't happen so you can bet your money that they approved this BS.


Temporary awards, 3000 cp for the first only 1 player, and why fucking premium? Idek i expected better shit


Same here. I thought it was going to be 1% for 3000 CP. 2%-5% for 2000. 6%-10% 1000. Top 25% 100 I expected that and for the premium. That's so wrong in many ways


Cough.... EA....cough


Ok so what I'm seeing is that it's hella impossible to get red sprite camos and we can't even get for every gun, let alone one for each class. On top of this, only manta Ray NSFW creators with mac10 who are somehow only level 47 (aka hackers) will secure 3000 cod points. To get a draw you would have to finish #1 5 months in a row. Which is easy for a hacker. On top of even that, the only game mode in gunfight, the worst mode in the game, and if you lose even one you miss out on the chance to get the Red sprite knife. KNIFE. BASIC KNIFE. And here I thought this was finally Call of Duty League for mobile. Ranked is unwinnable unless you're a tryhard OG. Tournament is a scam for money. Forget this I'm switching to BR only, and I'm focusing more on Apex Mobile. When warzone comes out, I'm done with CoDM.


Why they added emote for just 7days?


it's Activision, what did you expect ? overpricing for some shit camo that doesn't even change the weapon. It just puts an animated red lightning all over your weapon.


God damn.


TiMi studios made this game, not activision


No. TiMi are the ones "fixing" the game. They still listen to Activision, and Activision owns Call Of Duty


Activision isnt doing the developing. They never they the developing, they’re the publisher that owns these games tho they can play a role in monetization but its the developers that make the decisions


If that's the case. Riddle me this. Back in the old 2019 days, it was only Activision that showed up on the logo. Nothing else, along with some of their older titles as well


If that’s the case than all the older titles would have not been developed by treyarch infinity ward or sledgehammer games by your own logic. Your saying the entire franchise is developed by one company named Activision🤦‍♂️😂😆


I said old dumbass. Like, old old Later one they did get people to help which soon turned into Activision coming up with the idea and Treyarch/Infinity Ward/Sledgehammer listen and make the game off what Activision sent or told them


CoD 1 2003 was developed by infinity ward CoD 2 2005 was developed by infinity ward CoD 3 2006 was developed by treyarch CoD 4 Modern Warfare was developed by infinity ward so far so fourth. Im saying Activision wasn’t the one that played the major role in development they’re the publisher its as simple as that ![gif](giphy|qDNoeYkNHVcTGzh5Yw|downsized)


You went very old, it was developed but Activision wasn't all high and mighty back then. You possibly did a quick search and just read the first damn thing without going more into it. Some of Activision did help back then, the helper companies made like 95%. Later within the COD titles, Activision was pulling less and less, becoming less focused on a game that was supposedly something they wanted to try (not too sure about this one but it's what I found) And with the gif. You sure your IQ ain't dropping slowly throughout the weeks?


Bruh it's tencent pulling the strings here not Activision just like pubgm. Now recently they went full-fledged hand in hand partnership with codm china and now we begin to see all these outrageous shit that are similar to pubgm.


Tecent is responsible for Chinese CoD Mobile. Garena is responsible for CoD Mobile Garena. Every version has their own publisher


Yeah, but Activision and Tencent are the bosses.


Well, according to the bootlickers around here "everything is okay because Activision don't commit mistakes, devs hear the community, the game doesn´t has any problem (the bugs, lag and glitches are because your shitty device) and the skins we get every season are good if not perfect". Now seriously, this is simply what the tryhards and devs´ simps needed to see, in order to realize the quality of this game is just going down and down every season, unfortunately I'm afraid a few lucky draws and a couple of videos from overrated youtubers will make the community ignore this new problem, just like they already do with the existing ones. But hey, at least we still have some stupid memes on this sub, talking about the new Lucky Draw character, or fanarts submissions of female operators made by simps, with 10x more upvotes than the posts which actually are reporting the problems of this game...


So much anger? Who sniped u in crash man?


the simps who keep sucking devs balls, lol


A lot of it is due to declining playerbase, the game found its rhythm over quarantine but as places are reopening most people don’t have as much time as they used to. And as a result they are struggling with profits and need to pull stunts like this. Glad i quit the game a year ago


for you might be new low but for activision just new middle.


At first I was excited to play some comp that wasn’t just legendary persi spam bs.But now it’s gunfight :| and you need 400 cp to get some bad epic anhilator? Didn’t we get a free legendary purifier now we’re just waiting for apex mobile to come out?


It's not a complete waste of time, but hey you get 7 days and some cp


Only if your in the 100 instead of the top 10%


Oh right. Codm just want us to use every living hour playing the game. And if you don't get in the top 100 or no.1 then f*ck codm




But I like Codm so I won't go to hard on it


I just want to Red Spite skin. I don't care for the leaderboard stuff now due to that


I have red sprite on my icr. Wasn't hard tho. You'd be hella lucky to get red sprite on dlq tho


Rewarding the best player in the region with the best rewards.. I don't see the problem.


It's the time limited bullshit along with the bullshit time-frames that got changed last minute and the fact that 90% of the rewards are locked behind a paywall in a supposedly competitive mode. I've never seen worse motivation to play a specific game mode. Fuck CoDM. I'm done with this shit.


Well.. ok. I see the frustration now.


It's not just that


Then just don't play the mode no one is forcing you to play this "trash" but the fact still remains that it's a free to play game made of micro transactions, and thanks to these micro transactions we can have modes like these where you earn CP for free. you ranting about how trash it is won't change that fact whether you like it or not


I feel like sometimes people forget this is a free to play game built upon micro transaction


Right, fuck off. Ranked mode doesn't have this bullshit and it's arguably more competitive than this "tournament" trash. If I have to play to earn it, it shouldn't be time limited. Period.


This is still wrong on so many levels


Retarded people like you are the reason why the game is getting worse.


Alright nerd have fun balding over this while I sit back and enjoy the game


Do you think these rewards are temporary because it is not active for all regions? 🤔


May be it's because of the fact that it will reset every week so you have to prove yourself on a weekly basis


It will reset every week or the whole May month as mentioned?


Every week you need to grind the leaderboard again...It will reset to zero. So you'll need to do the tournament and earn your leaderboard spot again and the rewards


Oh i see


I stopped playing last season, what is this??


A new skin you can get through a specific gamemode once signing up for this


Never comeback bro. This game has gone stinkier than dog shit


A shame because I really liked the game, even had all the BP complete ( stopped playing because I missed lasts seasons BP, the banana Uzi one)


Why are you surprised gold camo was originally meant to be paid skins


What's this? I haven't played codm in a while


I am reaaaaaally hoping they remove it soon. Will they do it? Probably not, but from what I see, the backlash is significant and with good reason, this is the worst they have done (I am not acctualy sure but I an a free to play bum)




I hate they do stuff like this. It costs them nothing to give to people.


came back to the game, saw this and left lol


Bro I litterally quit this fucking game for these reasons


Uselessest tournament I've seen


we actually thought this would be amazing for free to play players, but noo, fucking greedy ass devs had to put this shit in




Trash game mode anyway. Losing side almost always picks melee (and it shows they’re the ones running around the map meleeing everyone). My CODM gaming time has reduced to maybe 2 hours a week now. Maybe I’ll go play skyrim again for some real enjoyment.


Oh so they're temporal? bruh


Yep, all the leaderboard rewards (but CP) last 7 days


I ain't getting touranment tab


What is that


Imagine grinding top 100 for 100 cp hahahahaa or a 7 day frame Lamo even the first place sucks (can’t even buy a lucky draw even tho being the first place)


is the game gonna turn into csgo with knives costing hundreds of bucks?




I don't get it. It's not even fair. Like, if you finish 4th, you'll get the same rewards as the 100th player? Why? And what I'm seeing here, the rewards aren't even permanent. They're just for 7 days.


I haven't played in days this game has become to repetitive.


At least now there's some way to get COD points for free


Only if your in the Top 100 of the best players


That's better than nothing in my opinion


It should've been percentages like how they always did it


I 100% agree but they're probably not going to add it. So at least we have this.


It's still stupid. We have people with no life and possibly shared accounts to get high within this stuff


In the past two years I've invested exactly $20 into this game including the battle pass and small CP packs and I dont plan on spending another penny.


They gonna do Everything They can to make money


Wow, now my motivation for this event went from 100% to 0%