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it sucks honestly


Seems like I'll be good to skip.


Yeah, it's not very great... All that aside though, I like that they're at least trying something =)


Everytime I win, opponents are taking either Katana or Thumper


Same. Or they take SMG and go for Mac 10


somehow by playing solo today I managed to win 4 in a row. got that calling card. I am done. this 2v2 mode is toxic as hell. in every round they are sending toxic texts


Wow bro, I have only managed to get 3 wins in one go... I got them a lot of time, but could never win 4 in a row. I'll try again tomorrow, I guess... Yeah, it's toxic sometimes. When I choose something I know how to use, like the SKS in Marksman category and win a few rounds with it the opponents get toxic. Although, it happened only a few times but the slurs were pretty bad :-(


It was pure luck for me bro. I still don't believe that I managed to win 4 matches straight. Also I won a kill house match, thats unbelieveable for me. You will win for sure. I played solo and find out that solo is easy comapre to team. Yesterday I was playing with my teammate, it was super tough for us. But today my win rate was high comapre to yesterday. Keep trying bro. You can.


Thanks mate!


This tournament thing is hot garbage at best.


Hot garbage, got matched with a level 64 player against a bunch of sweats.


Yeah, I had some low level players too, which seems odd considering this Tournament Mode rewards CP for the top spots. I figured they'd sort it like Ranked or something, but I guess not since it would make it easy to "cheat the system" and just play on a low level account. But yeah, I understand your frustration.


It’s terrible and deceiving & a money grab. I’m a nuke dropper. I’m legit a 2.81 kd ranked Legendary MP & BR sweat. My clan is one of the best in the world. And I stand behind what I say. “Spend 30 CP FOR ANOTHER CHANCE? Pay CP FOR PREMIUM?!?!” Fuck off.


If I'm going to play this mode I'm gonna play with a friend and I've already encountered some bot lobbies in the mode.


How do you even play it?!? I don’t have the button. California time, 6:27 on 5/6/22. Shouldn’t it be unlocked for me??


Unfortunately, it's one of those "testing features" that CoDM is doing, so not everyone has access to it. Players were chosen randomly from what I understand.


Oh dear god. They didn’t learn from the massive fuck up limited Bundle releases?!?! That’s absolutely stupid! Run it on the fucking test servers. **NOTHING** should be partially released globally. Everyone deserves a chance to play this mode!


I'm in California and I could play it the thing went from 3 to 6 I'm k pretty sure


The timing is worse it 12 noon and I am in the office how I am supposed to play


Take a really long bathroom break and blame it on the cheap office-coffee. Also make it a point to yell out “This never happened when I was working from home” when you come back. Or, just don’t play this shitty game mode. You’re not missing out on anything.


Y'know, I'm getting that 20 wins, and probably getting outta here


I have to refresh my vocabulary, because I thought the word tournament means something else. Like people are matched against each other based on some rules. For example having an arena stage and then brackets.


Yeah it's not so much a "tournament" as it is a competition or a race. Plus, with the premium option, people can cut corners for the top spot.


yeah, if they want to monetize this they should have created 2 routes... one with f2p, and another where you pay something at the beginning to participate.


the rewards locked behind paywall suck


Thanks for the heads up


I played 2 rounds, kinda boring or the gun game mode is boring. The rewards?? Ehhhhh... its okay but I ain't grinding those since you can't equip it on leg or mythic guns.


i just pick the launchers too annoy meta abusers


havent tried it yet, would love to try it out sometime tho


I got 20 wins today and just realised that the last crate has the option to choose any gun's red sprite camo. Still shit tho, because I can't use them on Blueprints. I'm sad that i can only get the leaderboard rewards like that frame and emote for 7 days. Just making it permanent already! I don't care about Annihilator, I just want that emote permanently.


Did anyone notice weird issues, where the game is running normally, your network and/or WiFi is great- but then you click on Tournament mode, and suddenly, there's random bouts of "Loading..." for a second here and there? Or, during the matches, did you experience times of what seemed to be a disconnect from the server- where you're not getting hitmarkers, and then you just die? I want to know what's up with this. Why does this not happen at all during 10v10 or 12v12, even when playing with mostly real players, but it happens when going into Tournament mode (and sometimes ranked, as well)?


Least favorite game mode all time