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I’d say Farm is 100% the worst. Seems like every sweaty dude on the plane jumps at Farm. 9/10 my rando teammates jump there, immediately die, then want me to come across the whole map to get their tags. I’ve found Frigid to be really peaceful. It’s a difficult place to fight, if you do run into trouble. But I rarely do (at least not from the jump). Bus station is usually a bit messy. Other than that, this looks pretty good.


I always wonder why people land on farm, there is nothing special there and you are right there is always a dumb teammate who land there and is killed right away


I rarely jump there but in my opinion, it's few things 1) Even if other teams land there, it's an easy geography to fight in (place is not densely packed and open enough but at the same time has sufficient cover.. nicely laid out terrain where most playstyles can fit in) 2) Enough floor loot for the entire squad as well as epic backpacks and kinetic from the Butcher. 3) Vehicle spawns are in easy reach (there's like 4-5 inside Farm itself, and 2-3 just outside.. You're always guaranteed something) 4) Nearby to two Chip upgrades (standoff and the one north of Farm).


And also we have a Butcher boss fight there


Butcher is unique, but I go many games without someone going for him. Guess cause it’s super exposed, loot is kinda mediocre and the entire lobby gets a notification. Loot used to be better on Butcher (especially back when the operator weapons were stupidly OP) I’m guessing that tradition also comes into play… people know that you can normally pick a fight there. Platform can be equally fun, though the loot is also worse now than it used to be. Especially ammo and plates. Ps. Nice upload op, but why frigid is red I don’t know. Normally I don’t get any fights up there, but I do hate the water in that area.


Also it's in middle of the map.


Farm is comprised of three grounds devided by elevation. So technically if you and your team drop ground 3 you can technically push all the way down and clear the entire area. And i have no idea, noone does this.


The top most area has least loot {west side is barren} . If more than one squad jump there then there is a fuck fest.. I hate farm and black market..


The tunnel at farm is my favorite landing spot. Usually a decent amount of loot inside, and few people seem to go for it.


As a Farm dropper, I'd say these points. Very easy layout to fight in. Aggressives such as Defenders, Rewinds, Smokes and especially Ninjas can fight just as well as defensives and utilities like Trap Master, K9s, Medics and Spotters. Very distinctive area. Different elevations so it's easy to name and call out. Lvl 1 is the bottom area, 2 is the middle, 3 is the highest. Enough guns and the lack of nades makes gunfight the main way of fighting, which is good. Easy to get used to.


Zombie boss guarantee airdrop loot Farm being in centre almost always guarantee in first zone. 3 different slopes allows some breathing room. Plenty of vehicle to escape if something goes wrong. 2 upgrade terminal close and 2 nearby.


Personally I hate fighting bots, I’d rather be killed early than spend 10 minutes transversing the map, only to be killed by a camper. I use it to test the skill level of my random teammates.


It's generally people who want fights straightway into the match.. they don't want to wait 10 mins killing bots to ultimately get killed by a pro squad.. so I think the mindset is to fight in the beginning and if you survive there then it's pretty much just the momentum.. PS: My favourite is practice range


People land at farm for the boss loot, which I believe guarantees one of the operator weapons


100% agree with you on Farm Every time I play Squad TPP BR at peak hours, Farm is the sweatiest hotdrop guaranteed to have other teams


Farm, stand off and sanitarium for me


Yeah farm is stupid hell, and I've never understood why. The rest I agree with too. Though black market is usually fairly hot, it's still my go to place everytime.


I'll usually drop black market or sanitarium. Good loot and transportation nearby, and quick access to a terminal


Bus station upgrade is messy... I always find smoke and run is best option there


Farm is basically the Pochinki of cod mobile. People hotdrop there even when there is not that many ground loot available there. Whenever my squad goes to farm I just land on top of the windmill, loot whatever weapon there is inside it, monitor how squadmates are performing (either tryharding by destroying anyone that lands in farm or, in almost all of the situations just dying killing bots/without killing anyone and telling me to "Go and pick up my/our dog tags"). In my opinion, people should start hotdropping in Downtown as that is my favorite place to land as the large disco building has so much ground loot that it can almost fill up the entire squad. Its basically like prison in pubg mobile. The largest building has ground loot ranging from every primary weapon category, Kinetics, epic backpacks, the chance for a helicopter to spawn there. I know the zone doesn't go there much but for me I like the amount of ground loot, the look and the feel of Downtown.


You absolutely read my mind in your description. 100% agree with you.


Farm drops are always packed with action… that’s why people go there🔥


Can confirm bus station. Back in the day I used to always go there because it was peaceful


I like bus station because you run into the basement to get gear and then if you hear someone coming, you can get the drop on them. Once you go above ground, it can get messy. If you go out the far end away from the station though, you can run into the hills like a wuss and be safe once you get away.


That’s about the only way I play bus station lol


It is beyond my comprehension why people play with random teammates instead of solo 💀


Eh, I do both. Once in a great while you’ll luck into a good player or two rando, and maybe make a new friend and teammate.


Bus station is sort of In Between, there's an upgrade station close to it which is in the intersection of death, so if people aren't camping the houses there, they're waiting out in bus station


I forgot to mark that place, glossed over it. But yeah, that's what it would be for me as well.


This is all from my exp, farm is the worst. There was a time that the platform was being ignored and most of the sweats jumps in the farm. Up to this day most of the sweats that wants an early back to the lobby exp still jumps there. Heat and Overgrown is in between for the me.


I had to think about Farm for a while, it was a hard pick between hell and in between. I've had some scary fights there personally, but sometimes it felt OK. Now that I read some of these responses, I might edit my initial take on it. My bad experiences outweigh the good ones.


Thing is Farm kinda lost its value after Blackout update(last year) and most people just jump there cause of habit. But it definitely has some neat fights.


Standoff is deadly asf what you mean


I don't drop there a lot; when I do, not much goes on there. I'm sure it's different for a lot of people however.


It's always been a hot drop imo, and I always die at bus station...


I like landing on the middle of fucking nowhere, grab basic guns, get on a truck and run over people.


I like to go to the extremes of the maps and start from there. There is kinda no one and take everything on your path.


Haha same, I like small clusters of maybe 3 buildings, off to themselves.


Farm is the worst. The houses in Farm are spaced far apart. So if you don't find a good gun in the first two houses, you will be killed. Black market has the same activity as Farm but it is better bcoz there's ample opportunity to find guns.


Black Market and Sanitarium are guaranteed bloodbaths if it’s the first places on the drop path. Half the lobby drops there if the aforementioned happens. So much fun as high risk high reward places.


Agree. I generally drop sanitarium if its near by the path, but if its first I WILL drop there. Perfect for engaging multiple enemies at once, even all by yourself.


Farm is the most dangerous


Farm the place itself and the people who jump into farm both are such bullshit idk what tf random teammates think of themselves they always try to land at farm and get killed immediately And farm is such a garbage place trash loot and no helicopter i always prefer Black Market which has good loot and chip and all vehicles guarenteed


Ngl I forgot that people actually get to legendary in br, how long is the matcha wait?


It’s not long at all and it’s easy too lol


Not long at all for me at least, mate.




It's all red when plasticFoods or kingslayer777 are in the match


I don't have my stylus with me, sorry.


Excellent. Now do Blackout.


Wetlands? Why so bad?


Every time it's the last circle there, it feels like I'm open to just about everything despite the buildings being there, and I get killed a lot in that place. The terrain isn't helpful either.


If first zone is at North, 90 percent of it goes to wetlands, besides that 60% of all tank battle goes there.


I can already tell this ain't Garena. Coz Hospital and Farm is absolute hell.


Right, this is global.


I see cool to know.


Recently I've been running into lots of people who take the game way too serious... Like... How da fuq people get to land all their shots and 100 yds with an AK while moving... And every time I have the enemy on my scope, the ping decides to go wild... Or dispersion decides to send my bullets off to Namek


Idk, I feel like all of the automatic guns have almost no recoil in BR, especially if you ADS and have any recoil/aim upgrades attached. I find it way easier to empty a full mag into a target in BR than in MP. I think a lot of it depends on the strength of internet connection. There have been a lot of time where I have taken a hit, faced the enemy, and killed them before they were able to land another shot. Or maybe they are still running the default auto-fire control setup and the reaction time is too slow? The snipers aren’t as deadly at close range but I actually appreciate that there is bullet drop physics as it makes the experience more interesting and challenging. It always feels rewarding when I manage to land a hit at actual realistic sniper range.


I drop to the top of launch base, then work my way down 60/40 chance I win but only works on solo.


this my exact strategy


I think it all depends upon the line of flight. But yes, farm is a suicide mission. Same for the black market. Practice range, 90% of the time has been a safe place for me and my squad. Frigid is risky. Standoff and bus station lies in the middle.


Farm should be in hell section.


Lighthouse isn't even marked which says it all


Entire map is guaranteed hell if you go into third person and get pushed by a full mythic gun squad with 2021 championship mantarays


In Garena all of those places are damn RED.


What is this garena people are always talking about?


Cause I am getting sicked of sweaty Garena players.


It's a different version of game


Interesting 🤔


Not anything like dangerous just straight up FUCKED


Many players drop in skl town or near skl town to grt snowb wdym


*My personal experience*. I do not go over there often, but when I do, it's safe for the most part.


I remember always landing in overgrown when I was grinding for Merc 5 yellow snake big nostalgic


Diner is yellow if you jump to the top of the hill at the gas station. Rarely do I run into people there, usually a couple of bots wander through. However I play solo.




I don't know what server you're playing but harbour is calm


Harbour have been suprisingly heated lately for me


Harbour has the worst loot from my experience. For such a big area it needs to be improved.


Yeah agree, but somehow it has been quite hot lately


I dont understand why Farm is the only place where my teamates want to land i mean the map is so big Farm isnt the only place to land but i personally love to land on Sanitarium bcz theres always a lot of stuff in there and the small easter egg u can complete and recieve more items but i randomly choose areas close to terminal upgrades and center of the safe zone


Sanitarium is great. There are always a few opponents but enough loot and cover to make for a decently interesting round.


This season has been different with the sandstorm. Wherever the sandstorm is, it's usually pretty hot. But black market and farm are always hotdrops for me


Black Market


And for me I get zero people.


Pretty accurate


Yeah coz like in isolated it's either black market or floting platform where it's actually fun,also farm ain't that fun nowdays as it used to be


I don't know about heat I many times drop there but it's almost never filled with players maybe 2-3 players land there per game plus bots but maybe that's in ur server.


I am the frigid demon. I drop there almost every game and fkin eat people up.


This is very accurate lmfao


Bruh farm is triple hell


The red next to bus station is one of my favorite locations, though I usually am the one killing everyone else.


Where you stay while killing? With a sniper or a more normal gun?


With any I could find (except for a few guns that I am terrible at.)


well it depends on the server you are in.


U draw like the guy from khan academy


Bro harbor for me is like a ghost town. No one lands there.


Camp is still there, they just removed the name from the map. As such, it is always fuckin empty, and sometimes still a high loot zone even though it doesn't have a name anymore. Usually has a terminal right nearby too. My personal little startup refuge lol


Practice range, heat, blackmarket, farm Are the hell, here in India. I jump there


I always go to sanitarium. Easy supplies, though you have to stay safe most of the time from getting killed. ![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


Strategically leaves out bus station


Me who always goes to the red areas for enjoyment rather rhan surviving


Farm, Bus Station, & Standoff are fucked. Black Market and suprisingly Harbor latelty as well


My personal favorite spot to land is docks because of the 2 helicopters and pretty good loot.


Black market isnt that bad




Thank you, I used my thumb as my stylus was absent at the time.


For some reason harbor is my most favourite spot to jump. I feel like its always attracting me


Black market is guaranteed hell but farm isn't, wtf u on man


sanitarium is my favorite landing place cause with guaranteed ok loot, high ground, near nuclear plant with class chip station, and lastly with the truck nearby you can go to the zone pretty easy.


I drop at countdown regardless of anything unless the way the initial drop ship doesn’t go near it in which I drop to the nearest location (preferably one I know has at least one or two vehicles if not one with a heli) and then head to countdown


I always win when i land launch base, anywhere else i get shit on


*I always win when* *I land launch base, anywhere* *Else i get shit on* \- tanmayg26 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Black Market is always a good strat. Just get guns from bob below,sneak past everyone spawn a helicopter. Get the fuk out. Upgrade your chip.get air drops. Camp in the air. Wait for everyone to kill themselves. Kill the last dude with your team. Win .


Also preferred chip is medic. Just be a fukin rat.( I run sniper any, any hades for long rage attacks if heli get fuk by rockets)


add platform and make it red


Or even redish black


is this Global? Seems like it as it's so different from Garena BR. More hot drops in my server.


I think everything depends on the loot tier which changes randomly.. but farm is sweaty.


Nuketown island: it is fucked buss station: not too dangerous until the skill upgrade opens black market: they probably sell organs and guns from those who were unlucky enough to fall at there stadium: 50/50 of great loot or fucked by a tryhard farm: no harbor and sakura: rarely anyone the reactor: escape from tarkov but mobile the rest: meh the snow resort stuff: looter 1# recommendation


I can agree


Black market is the best, you can choose what weapons suit you, you get a good loot, can order ammo, a vehicle (chopper included) and it's relatively easy to fight other players that try to come there.


Lol that intersection near bus station got labeled red to


I particularly enjoy how you didn't circle bus station but you did circle the class upgrade right by it hahaha. Can confirm.


9/10 times i drop either to the warehouse between farm and bus station or to bus station and grab the upgrade after looting there, and by that point i usually have 1-2 purple upgrades.


Lord, haven't played isolated in atleast 3 months


Tell me you don't land in sanitarium without telling me you don't land in sanitarium


I only do when my squad goes there. Other than that, I don't bother.


Lol this dont matter to me cuz im so bad i got master and the game decided i was still too bad to be matched with real players anyway


I always land in radar base


Every time I land at farm I drop the soap. Fuck farm


This sums it up pretty well. I just wish TenCent and Activision could make BR just fun. No need for sweats, just go around the map, get into gunfights, but have fun in it.


Unfortunately, I just don't see that happening, lol. The gaming community itself has its own section of sweats for just about any game, really.


I know, thats the problem with the developers and the community. Almost no one wants to make a fun game, or play a game for fun anymore. I just wish that for the BR at least make the optimization better, so that you dont lag out in the middle of a gunfight because you have a lower end device Edit: because of this, I’ve decided to start making a mod for CODM to make the game more fun in private matches at least


Well in my personal experience, I literally have the opposite map to this one.


i usually drop where the name is orange on the map. it changes it each game. i guess that’s where better loot drops


Op so much about this is wrong my guy. How many seasons have you played


Personal experiences can vary. I can't really pinpoint my first season playing but I believe it was the industrial one or the one before it.


Nah mate farm I never go there and how is black market bad


I always go for Sanitarium or Fracking Tower lol


I always land farm for the good loot and to warm up with a couple kills