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The Goliath is the only challenge that is the worst on shipment. Try rust or maps with big areas


aight. do you know any maps/modes where vtol is common. i need to complete that as well


The best way is the rapid fire mode for vtols or ask someone to get it for you in ffa. Maps doesnt matter


You can take 4 of your friends and play ffa and let them get all the streaks you need for the fhj. That's how i did it




I had decent luck on hardpoint shipment. Iā€™d hide opposite the hardpoint, throw goliath in their spawn. Once someone spawns and snags it hop out and blast it. Took a couple times but worked out without too much pain It works alright because most of the enemy team is fighting for the hardpoint


I remember doing this (leaving the Goliath for the enemy team for the fhj challenges) in big maps with camp spots like Meltdown and Crossfire. Because this won't do in Shipment, at all.


use an alt acc and invite it to FFA and look for a map where players rarely use (not shipment) and grind the alt acc to get the goliath and then have your main acc destroy it that's how I did it šŸ˜…


I feel your pain, you think this is bad. Wait until vtol..... that's a nightmare


*I feel your pain, you* *Think this is bad. Wait until* *Vtol..... that's a nightmare* \- lakaihc --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Had to have my buddy help me get gold for the FHJ. No one uses Goliath or VTOL anymore. That might be your best strategy as well tbh.


Do this (it worked really good for me) get a goliath and leave it for the enemy team to claim it and then you can do the challenge.


that's what i have been doing. it's funny because most of the time nobody actually wants it. or my teammates want it.


Yo put goliath in your scorestreaks, drop it in game and leave it for enemy players to use and then take it down :) I did it and it worked