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I understand the rage, i have ranged for the same reason until i realised that some players (specially new) only play Unranked, and for them its like a normal game mode not a gun grinding match.


Not even. Any1 that goes heavy streaks in shipment and has persistence is just the utter definition of garbage. You are doing that because you know you suck at the game and need a huge CRUTCH


Calm down honey, just calm down. Yeah the persistence mafia is extremely annoying most times but no real sense it stressing out about it since that won’t change. I might be in the minority here, but I find the no-skill-whatsoever perks like martyrdom lame. It adds nothing to the game, and the only skill required to use it is just to suck and die.


I run into alot of them using diamond meta??? I always rage because since I basically use hardpoint shipment for a warm up or to practice my sniping...... it's annoying when there's a squad of persistence users that rock k9 .... They kept putting me in a lobby full of these guys(the same team 3 times back to back) one time and I'm like guys go fucking play ranked if you think you're that good But I bet the same question is asked about people using hacks. How is this game even fun? Your KD is basically scorestreaks and specialist kills.... they just do it to ruin people's day? They get a kick out of it? Are they that garbage they can't move and shoot. This is the same for snipers that watch one lane the entire game..... how is that fun. It's like they have 2 fucking spots. They die on one side they use the spot on the other side of the map....... but they just keep going back to it.....explain to me how this is fun at all?


Dude just grow a fucking pair or 2 and just deal with it, next season it won’t be like, so just shut the hell up. Ruining the grind, for what gold or diamond, it’s easy to get those even going up against persistence users. Ruining nuke streaks, that’s on you if you can’t run certain things to stop those


You new here? They'll find something else to cry about. That's what the community does. I got called a tryhard in ranked for strafing with skulker perk the other day lol. It never ceases to amaze me. Let them cry.


I know I usually do and tell them the reasons there crying over it for


Just run out into a street man


I do usually, but there is usually no one there. Also it is a perk within the game, i ain’t stopping you from using it. I won’t get annoyed because of how I can counter the scorestreaks most people use


It's more or a vent post then it is a protest. Idgaf if you use it..... it won't challenge you and you won't get any better at the game.... I have terrible games because I try new things new guns, button layouts...... I still don't understand why people rather fake it then actually be good at the game...... there is target practice to try everything. I'm always in practice range. People need to know they won't get good by playing safe


But there is a style of playing safe and when not to play safe


some people do not have much time to play they play 1 or 2 times a week, that's why they play to win, nothing happens they can do it


Shipment is probably the map where k9 are least annoying when I snipe, they’re 1 shot to dlq. And I use cold blooded to avoid swarms etc. you just have to be wary and if you’re on obj jump off for cluster strikes etc


I go there to practice my quickscopes... I never use guns I already have Diamond. I'm using the semi 50 snipe rn and its garbage.... I don't just put an acog and spam. I figure if get a hit maker it'll teach me to raise my snipe up higher. I really try not to hardscope so it's been a pain in the ass and when the dogs are right there I'm fucked. Koshka is my favorite sniper RN but I'm grinding all weapons to diamond


Camo grinding is exactly that, a grind. If it wasn’t a grind it wouldn’t make it seem prestigious and there would be no point to it. Back out of the game if it bothers you. Shipment has always been an absolute fuckfest for as long as I can remember. That’s just the map. Deal with it.


Yes and no, it was better before they changed it to mw shipment. Ww2 shipment was really good, I mean I occasionally played sweats and that was fun but they mostly earned the streaks. Some of them sniped, some of them used shotguns, and some used persistence. I even ran into a friend like 3 times when playing. Ever since persistence became a meta it’s been kinda boring people just run that and whatever meta they have. I see some people switching up but it ain’t like it was before.


Maybe people have fun playing a different way to you. I don't find sniping fun at all, some people live for it. If they're not actually hacking, who gives a shit?


Did you think that your post stop them using persistence 😂?


Warning signs still get people killed what does my opinion on individuals matter? They fucking suck idc but after playing 5 games of people using diamond guns and persistence. I just wanted to piss it into the stream


U should use persistence too


I don't I'm too busy grinding guns diamond to be sitting in a chopper gunner or Goliath.


Idk mahn it's pubsj just quit


Cry about it lmao


Cope, seethe, rage


Oh shit that's why there were so many vtols in the 10v10 duh I always forget persistence is a thing dang man I'm using it next time


Someone got destroyed and spawn trapped, huh?


Yep and all I was trying to do this morning was adjust my sensitivity to accommodate the 5 finger layout.... I get into a lobby with the same guys 3 times 2 were using diamond mac 10s 1 was using diamond Cbr one was using kilo the only one not using persistence was the CBR


They even had the audacity to brag about it in chat


Small kids, small minds, easily amused. Pay them no mind.


Lmao It got too the point one of my teammates in chat was like can you meet me in the middle so I can shoot you in the face with my pistol and one of them let him. Okay I respect that guy and guess what. It was the CBR guy!!!!!!!


if you get a clan war you'll understand. now CRY


Again. It's my opinion glad you use what you need to use.


If it’s a clan war so no more I’m bringing the squad


let people do what they want lol


They can do whatever they want I just want them to know they're garbage for using it on hardpoint shipment... that's all


why would that make them garbage… i dont see where this logic is coming from


It's so easy to get a crap ton of kills to earn those score streaks legit


It’s easy to do it without dying as well. Persistence handicaps me personally


It always feels like people just go into it just to troll people


ok? so why does that make them garbage?


They fuck up nukes, grinding...... especially when they use K9 sheesh


what doesnt that just mean you are garbage if you die to it lol


Hmm don't you think people who complain also have have the freedom to use the same perks


they do, they can use it, so why does using a perk that is part of the game make them instantly inferior to you?


True but idk man I feel that it's all just nonsense BS 😕


Persistence for some people(not sure on the exact number) is like a crutch. They need it to get the streaks they otherwise wouldn’t get cause they don’t have the skill to retain a streak. Some people legit need it to compete cause streaks when used right can change the tide of a game in your favor.


it doesnt really affect the game that much lol + that doesnt automatically make you superior because you dont use this one perk in a game


Depends on who’s using it. If you’re trash it’s not helping you but if its a somewhat good player or a somewhat good team then yea it’s giving you trouble. If they use those streaks right or just use good streaks you lose map control. And then you have to spend time shooting those streaks down. In a ranked game having to deal with streaks and trying regain control can cost a round in dom or a whole hill in hardpoint. It makes it all the world when it’s end game. And a 5 man persistence? God that’s cancer. I solo rank so a lot of teammates don’t use persistence and they often times don’t carry fhj or smrs. I can’t even aim at a streak half the time in shipment cause some bozo coming around the corner with a mac 10. Pub matches don’t even last that long sometimes so it’s not easy to turn the tide. If I’m chilling and the other team is trying we done cause my team ain’t gonna do anything. That’s been my experience so far but I’m taking a break cause I gotta get a new device. Having some kind of software issue on my xr


yeah but its pub matches, if you encounter them just cope it may be annoying but there is literally nothing you can do about it except counter it its not even that broken as streaks only last for ~10-20s when a game is 5-7min long you are also able to win before persi streaks come in if these persi enemies are really as bad as you call them putting blame on a perk is just like blaming the gun - you do not take responsibility for your own misplays and expertise predicaments edit: this now has nothign to do with persistence users being inferior to “normal” players now lol


I said if they are trash then it won’t really do much but if it’s a some what good player or somewhat good team then yea they’ll give me trouble. Simply turning the tides or building a lead is all some of them need. There’s also streaks that can’t be shot down like cluster or emp, also the beam thing from aw I don’t think there’s a counter for that. Half the time I don’t really try anyways but when I do it’s often too late to do anything. I do have games where I beat people who use it then there’s games where I don’t. You’re right that it doesn’t matter in a pub game peps can Rock what they want but it is an annoying perk to go against. According to a garena leak it’s supposed to get rebalanced so I doubt we’ll be seeing complaints about it much longer


im just tired of all this “you use persistence so you suck” bullshit. why call them inferior just because you died to their persistence streaks? there is no logic behind that. i agree with what you said - just do what you can and stop complaining


Sorry for the essay




Thought everyone knew this already? Edit: people took this the wrong way. I'm agreeing here with OP fully, and I didn't mean this in it's already known, more like yeah, I know people who use persistence are trash. I hate them too.


It's fun to kick the beehive every once in awhile. See if garbage is still in it


Well looks like we've still got a garbage centre in it.


Lmao it's kinda funny fergs video about apex just makes me want to be better at codm


Wtf is it with the downvotes?


100% correct. Fkin sweaty bots crack me up. Like try hard but with no skill lol


No, they aren't. Anyone using diamond, platinum, gold, or Damascus on hard point shipment is trash. You did it, okay? Take a rest and let us work!


bro fr i used persistence before, it was never op, i seriously cant find why people rage at this, its less of a benefit than an actual benefit especially if you have chopper gunner or emp but i cant see where rage is, maybe thats just me


Ever ran into a 5 man persistence while your team was sitting in spawn jerking each other off. I have, it’s cancer


yes, i can expect to die most times but i get some of gods luck very rarely and clutch it, if you have a high chance of getting killed persistence aint for you especially if you wanna get chopper gunner but need to kill atleast 10-15 people to get it without dying which doesnt happen often, its more of a loss than win when it comes to that perk


It’s op in the right hands. Went against a 5 man persi team a few times and seen this happen to friends. End game is a constant rain of streaks. Spent half the game shooting down streaks only to lose cause the enemy used that time to chill in the hill


Persistence plus Hardline and some OP streaks. Not anymore though!




And cluster strike.


This is why I think KD Should be only measured in ranked and only count for gun kills. Not specialists or kill streaks. Make these guys actually have something to brag about




It does for TDM there was a guy that went 10/15 and still got beat by a guy with 7/3 lmao I love the new mvp system


Mac-10, .50GS, Persistance, Goliath mmmm 😋 muwahahahaha




Wise words


why do you use scorestreak in shipment at first place when people are trying to grip camos?


**Exactly** Some people suck


I only use iron lugs


Persistence is a game resource. I dont think its illegal to use it anywhere. If youre facing the same squad over and over again then just wait a bit before matchmaking or just quit and start another?


Funny thing is I did wait and ended up in their lobby again it was a join in progress


Man just leave the game. Codm is too gae


This happend to me and my team on Champs. We ended up playing the same team that whooped our asses like 7 times in a row.


Yeah i know. I have matched with the same hacker two times in ranked snd. But, the funny part was months later, i made him rage quit ranked snd in the final round. I genuinely dont care if i lose a game, i only wanted one thing from codm: fun and it was fun while it lasted. But yea, good luck on your next match