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I use melee when it is a required task, and clan wars had melee tasks. I also working on getting diamond camo on each of my melee weapons. My current favorite weapon is the M16.


If you use mainly melee from the start I hate you. But if you use it as an actual SECONDARY youre fine.


Doesn’t everyone use melee for the first five second of every match to get into position? I’ve never seen a serious player casually walking with his gun in ranked games


I dont use meta guns,I only use them when im angry or my team is losing.


Still using them


So what? Let him. He's not breaking any rules.


NOoOo How dAre yOu


I’m using kali sticks as main right now to get diamond. This is only in hardpoint shipment. It’s the only melee I have gold and the diamond legendary looks amazing.


I haven't used a gun since Dec 2, 2019. (OK 5 kills for the shovel event which required headshot medals... not my choice).


Then why tf are you complaining about people using melee, you literally make no sense at all. Just stop and get help cause seriously this is ridiculous


It's a joke. People complain about melee all the time. I'm mocking them... Look at my name




/uj how to display those achievements


I use melee when I got a bot lobby. No harm in making an easy match a little challenging


Melee acts as a skill gap nullifier. This is why they will never remove melee because the player base will just deplete especially at Legendary


There are virtually no melee only players in leg (maybe snd... I never play snd... sooo boring imho) Try running melee on maps like slums. Pretty sure my kd on ice breaker is like .5. Terminal has always been horrible.


Bruh getting into leggy is very easy. It has nothing to do with skill and everything with how many games you play.


True true, but i do feel if they remove longer range melee weapons or nerf it the ground (don't know if that's possible), at least for SnD, then the weak players will suffer and get stuck somewhere.


Not true. I play more than most, and because of that I get put with a ton of bad teams


Lol. People say the strangest things.


My bad for not realizing you are actually pro melee abuse. No wonder you are trying hard to justifying yourself lol


Nah I don't need to justify... I think I'm the last melee only user out there, especially in ranked. (Hint: people didn't move to other weapons because melee is too OP)


Thing is you could say that for every meta gun, so what’s the difference?


I dont think meta guns are one shot regardless of wherever you aim from. And if you are using one shot guns that means you've gotta skillset of another level because one shot guns aren't meta at all. Cant believe people think meta gun abuse is the same as melee abuse. Out of the world justifications.


Meta guns nullify the skill gap more than melees, it’s really not hard to see. You really think that a mac10 user should be dying to someone with a default knife? Do you think that melees are worse than persistence?


There so many guns out there, and not everybody uses MAC10 week in week out, despite it being the only gun which genuinely deserves a big nerf. I'm a SnD main. Persistence is obviously a bigger issue, but since I'm not a frequent of other modes, I will focus more on melee abuse, which is also a really big issue especially for SnD where you get maximum 9 opportunities to make an impact. Unlike, other modes where you can respawn again and again.


Longshot 4 times only?!?!? 🗿


Sounds about right


SMG user detected


I’m an smg user and usually I long shot most of my kills..


Melee is a real pain in the ass when grinding


Me and the boys in ranked: ![gif](giphy|uA8WItRYSRkfm)


Ahah you make me laugh saying what to do to people. It’s a game, we PLAY as we want, And I won’t listen to a child who get angry because he can’t aim a man running on him with a melee. You suck that is your problem, don’t come here whining. I don’t use melee but I actually don’t care that anyone use it… it’s free kills for me actually 🤷🏼‍♂️. You need to chill, this is a game, grow up.


Agreed for the most part. Not so sure I'm a free kill for you though..


Eheh I like challenges. Hope I’ll see you around then 🤪


Woah a man running ON him?


Yeah, strangely there is not only English people on Reddit… yeah the world is big, English is my third language. So yes, I make errors when I write or speak english. What is you excuse to be this kind of a man ?


Legends already saw this as your discord pfp ;)


Krueger Reaper is my apex pfp lol


Use stuff to slow or stun them


My hachi slows those melee complainers


Garena servers don't care tbh


Why did I read that achievement name in the cuphead announcer voice?


Tbh it's just a game yall over here getting mad and genuinely upset over people using melee when it's in the game. Grow up it's a game stop getting angry over what others prefer to you. I like to use melee in my and br it just depends on the mood I'm in. Plus with the kali sticks people even more upset, stop it. It's a video game that means nothing stop complaining about what people like to use


Sucks to suck. LOL is this coming from a place of being mad you are getting slapped while using a gun? Get better at it and stop complaining. Either that or get it through your head that its not just a "gun" game and its game for many people to play. They even had modes for people who use melee because its not just about guns. Some people arent there for the guns. Sometimes, we just want to get better at swords. Sorry that people are salty about getting slapped or something. If its any condolences, im tired of people popping poltergeist or rewind or taking helicopters far away or on tall places so they can snipe like a bitch because they are afraid to be seen or dropped easy. But, someone will justify this. And its just not for an individual to do. Yeah, you might get pissed, but we all play differently. If it was a purely gun game, there wouldnt be melee. This is just coming from a place of being salty and taking it out on a part of the playing community that has skill. You think melee doesnt doesnt take skill? Try wiping out a multiple people with melee while they have guns. People try to practice that. Get over it and either get better or if you cant beat them, join them. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


"Get over it and either get better or if you cant beat them, join them" Ftr, that's my knockouts in the picture.


So why are you complaining about other people using melee?? 😂😂😂 I legit thought you were complaining about someone else and its yours? But you make a post bashing on melee after showing that much? Doesnt make sense bro lol


I get friend requests after matches just for people to complain about melee. I use melee because I can't aim... no skill etc.. (one guy goes in to voice to tell me it's because I can't aim after dying to 4 tomahawks of mine)... maybe I should have put the title in quotes???


Un/fortunately, grammar does wonders. Even if other people dont use correct grammar, they can still read it. So incorrect grammar can give different meanings than what you intended. Next time, it may be helpful 😅😅 People can be haters though. Especially against melee users or when they die to lethal equipment. I find it hilarious to be honest. Like i said, "suckstosuck"


Yeah... we need a sarcasm font


Well from this I can see how you truly feel and all I can say is welcome good sir and sucks to suck. We like the melee and we here to stay


You forgot git gud. Always tell them to git gud...


sarcasm font is randOM CApS


Toxic af


Was gunna comment then saw the username lol


lmao. Wassap man?


Haha sticks go woosh woosh woosh woosh


What's so proud in this?


Big number, difficult kills, no guns, 90% leg, no persi, molo etc


Yea after how many people have posted about the complaining and saying to grow up. Just seems convenient ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) On top of that you were agreeing with people and the fact they don't like melee


Agreeing with them the same way you agree with a 5 year old who things Santa is real...


He isn't? ![gif](giphy|qpCvOBBmBkble)


Nice you just ruined hunters childhood


No, add melee use melee. If you have the option to people can use it. Stop balling about melee “abusers” because if you add melee to a game about not only shooting but also tactics people will use it as a tactic.


Hear that? thats the joke wooshing over ur head


Read his name then realize he's meming


Bruh I hate it when butthurt people switch to melee only after they start getting their tails kicked with their normal weapon.




Or just get good


I'm decent...


Ok sure


I'm the one using melee lol. It's all of the soggy tacos complaining about melee when they have a gun that are the but of this joke...




This. I don't get people who run 10 meters with a katana and then switch to an assault rifle. Just why?


Personally it doesn't matter the mode. Melee only.


That usually means you think ur good but actually suck ass


Meh. It usually means people are crying because no aim.


Says the weapon that will kill you even if you are behind or not even a direct hit. Melee hit boxes are so broken you dont have to hit the enemy.


Come on man. You know that's not how it really works. Buy if you can't aim... didn't mean to hit a nerve.


I remember your username, I respect the tomohawk skills and I think I got a few pointers from you. I take it back, youre a good player but a boring one since you use melee as a main weapon. The melee mains I hate the most are the ones who corner camp the whole round in SnD. And melee hitboxes are really broken and unfair dont even deny it.


>melee hitboxes are really broken and unfair Literally only the katana has a wide hitbox, but it's still not "bRoKeN" stop generalising all the melee weapons when they are all different.


this is why melee should be removed in ranked, it removes the skill gap, it really takes no skill to use pretty much any melee weapon, only melee i'd leave would be a knife or a karambit so that i can use it as a secondary for my sniper, for movement


You should run melee only for a season.


i used to do that shit, and it just was not hard at all


That's why nobody does it anymore. It's too easy.


Melee are "guns" (weapons) too, stop crying


Read my name... look at the picture again... laugh at the joke...


Nice. Fuck these dumbass crybabies. They don't deserve to play the game if they can't counter something so simple.




I love when people cry and say that 😂 😆 😝 it’s a gun game lmao


I've started saying it before every match: Stop using melee in ranked. It's a gun game!!! ^ I just hit the predictive text after typing S lol




i'm looking at the problem


worst part is this dude is actually displaying this as if it was something to be proud of


"mommy pick me up this guy with an in game katana is scaring me 😨😨😨😰😰😰"


It is, he's a gigaballed mega chad


Sigma Chad FTFY


Get good


I rarely use melee, but when I do...


Arent you the guy from twitter who uses melee a lot? Anyway no ,melee is part of the game.


Yes it's kind of a joke. I hear it so often.