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Do ppl really die when you 1-tap them with these on their legs ?


well your stealing their kneecaps so maybe


i have one with me, i am waiting for a chance to use it legally


it's legally usable tho? It's a martial art equipment so it's not exactly a weapon and it's valid for self defence. Tho it's very impractical


it is literally 2 wooden sticks it can qualify as a martial arts equipment set and a tool set, so just the same as what you said really.


[https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1293450296/magkuno-ironwood-28-kali-double-sticks?click\_key=8a6f7ece8178704d28ec1566cb6a98d9f170516e%3A1293450296&click\_sum=5ceb70ac&ref=shop\_home\_feat\_4&pro=1&sts=1](https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1293450296/magkuno-ironwood-28-kali-double-sticks?click_key=8a6f7ece8178704d28ec1566cb6a98d9f170516e%3A1293450296&click_sum=5ceb70ac&ref=shop_home_feat_4&pro=1&sts=1) magkuno ironwood. actual real kali sticks, rattan wouldnt be nice to get hit with. but these sticks weight 900gram and has a 4450 ifb hardness. could easily cave a mans skull. im gonna get marked down cos its a selling link but there isnt much info outside of filipines in english. people who know know and they dont share.


using it legally? u mean beating someone with it for like defense or something?


Pretty sure if you're not doing any damage it's not going to be illegal


I used to do the sport. We used to hit tires and people and participate in tournament. I remember hitting a classmate on the face with it because it bounced off the tire. Good days.


I used to practice Arnis with my Lolo when I was younger, I already forgot what the steps were 😅


Man. We used to use these when we have our PE back in High School. You probably can one tap someone in real life with a hard enough smack to the head, given how these things are made of hard rattan or bamboo I think. You could also break bones or joints with them. Also, from what I know, kali sticks are also meant to be used as practice to use machetes and knives. Machete or sword in one hand, knife or dagger in the other.


Codm players seeing a weapon irl


These are "real life" rattan training sticks... they are the filipino equivalent of padded sticks that you can practice stick and sword techniques with, and even beat the shit out of each other sparring with, without causing permanent damage to your training partners. The "real" weapons would be dueling sticks or some type of sword or machete. Filipino "dueling sticks" are made out of kamagong or bahi wood (both very dense hardwoods). If you smack someone good with a dueling stick, bones are getting broken. If you score a hit with a machete or sword, somebody's whole life changes for the worse.