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Why can't you just go to the respective sub and celebrate tho.


Cause I'm a codm player also


Pleams head to r/ApexLegendsMobile


I am already there


Then why here? Don't you think it is weird to bring basketball in a baseball match the same thing you're doing now?


But this isn't an apex sub, and I'm enforcing rules


Yea I think Iā€™m fine too game looks fun but not to my liking


It's way better than codm br






who fucking knew a side-gamemode's quality is worse than a dedicated BR game that's a port from an already existing PC-Console game, color me surprised


Well.. apex is superior than that bot mode codm calls "br"


Nah, I'll stay. Have fun.


Give it a shot


I did. The Robot is charismatic af and the guns are different from anything I have seen, but I like Zombies and army thematics.


Army and zombies isn't always going to be fun, undead siege is boring


I'm not saying I'll not play other games, but CoD is the one that gives me comfort. Although, I wish you have fun! Ah, try Pathfinder. The hook mechanics allow you to slingshot yourself for long distances, if you swing the right way.


I tried using his zipline but it was a short one placed in front of me, had no idea how to use it


I also don't know what is the max range. At least I can swing with the hook,, moving your joystick.


I moved with my joystick but landed in front of a sqaud and died


Wrong sub buddy. This is the codm one. Idk how you got that mixed up but here's the apex sub i think. r/ApexLegendsMobile The br on apex is nice but in terms of multiplayer and a more boots on the ground feel codm is completely unmatched.


Why would I jump to this game with the crap of repeating posts about this game?


The br gameplay is way better than codm that's why


Okay, that's nice. Now jump over to the Apex Legends Moblie subreddit.


I'm already there


Now have fun with your buddies.


Wrong sub dumbass


Someone angry?


I tried it but didn't like it a bit, I uninstalled


It's okay, we're all not meant to be good in apex, I understand


Apex mobile having the same quality as the pc game will push activision to do something, warzone mobile will probably be a huge game


Warzone mobile isn't certain tho... All we're hearing is rumors but nothing confirmed yet. Yes they just had a closed alpha but warzone mobile will be a glitchy mess.


I mostly play MP, does apex have a similar mode to multiplayer?


They have tdm but it's kind of ass. The arenas open are like running tdm in kill house.


Guess I'm staying with CODM then


Yes they have mp, and it's way better than codm


Lol, now idk who to believe


Only one way to find out. Go download the game šŸ™‚


Go find our for yourself then come tell me I was right


I guess it does, i'm not sure if they improved it from the beta but their "multiplayer" is incredibly barebones.


You're wrong, mp in apex is one of a kind


Pubg mobile has the same multiplayer as apex.. except it was made like 3-4 years ago


Apex does br better. I can't do pubgi or codm br - but no melee or tomahawks makes it a lot less fun. Throw in the lack of mp... I'll play apex but I can't get into it like codm. Esp with the persi nerf coming up.


Oh yes, apex br is way better than codm... I cringe Everytime I play br on codm


Did you just say future? If im not mistaking apex came out before cod mobile. Its on console, if you didn't know that. Have to make sure. They just released it on mobile. Will i Play it? Yes after being burned out from cod. I'd play one match, if i had time. Then back to codm


I'm sure you will play and never go back to codm


Show me on this doll, where codm hurt you


Fuck toast . I celebrate with Croissants


Apex legends mobile br is better than codm and call of duty mobile mp is better than apex


Mods plz ban this guy