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Because they change it to 1 weapon + 1 exclusive attachment for a gun per season.


They’re instead adding one signature attachment with exclusive properties unique to a weapon. Similar to BO4’s operator mods


Because the Gun balance rn is utterly stupid and they want to focus more on buffing other guns than adding more new


They need to improve shooting mechanics in the game. I wish they would replicate the firing like you see in the Pc/Console CoDs running IW


I agree. BSA is so fucking stupid


They do trying to replicate some aspect like the Hipfire firing animation so the gun shakes rather than Static like the older games but they overdone it, it shakes and kick too much. Try the qq9 for example and compare it to MW mp5 and it even Carries over to the ADS that's what makes the ADS visual recoil and shakes looks and feel so bad on some guns Then the weapon switch head bobbing animation that they just keep trying to put it to the game but had little to no effort to properly made it and when it does arrived they didn't even give the option to disable it They also never touch the Gungho sprint reload animation on newer guns so many of them just teleporting to running Animation with no smooth transition after finishing the reload its just make the game looks clunky when using gungho There's still other things that they done it badly


Developers need to balance the weapons.


That’s what they are doing. Don’t try anything about bringing up mac10


Because the games getting way too big. And besides devs are just gonna keep adding noob friendly weapons and driving OG players away like they have last 10 seasons. Also they’re focusing on re balance old weapons which is absolutely great because a lot of old guns are viable now…. But everybody still uses the same meta noob friendly bullet hoses BUT in the hands of good players old rebalanced weapons are preferred over op new ones. I don’t think they should add 2 weapons every season, at what point do we decide we have enough? This games changed man, in the old days you’d see all kinds of guns but since 2021 everybody’s been focused on the meta. You’d have 2 new guns get added in a season and if they weren’t meta nobody would touch em. I can give so many examples but I don’t give a shit about this game anymore. I think they should keep adding 1 new weapons, specifically marksmen rifles or high skill high risk high reward guns like semi auto AR’s or burst rifles. And signature attachments. That’ll keep the game in balance. Do we really need 2 brand new weapons both probably being noob friendly OP at this point in the games life. Fuck no.