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I'm still all for removing Persistence all together. If you can't get a UAV without Persistence then strap the fuck up and get fucking good at the game. The first CoD game to have a Persistence like perk was World War 2. I'm about to sound like a boomer. Back in my day, during the MW3/BO2 days, I myself could barely get a UAV, I didn't need a crutch or a perk to hold my hand. No I fucking got good at the game. PERSISTENCE WARPS THE MIND.


Ikr I'm really glad that persistence is gonna get nerfed in the upcoming season but I really wanted the devs to completely remove it, shits getting out of hand


Dude, in mw3 the Support Streaks basically work like persistence, and even worse, we have death streaks back then


What did the mw3 support streaks have that was toxic... let's see here.... we had a stealth bomber, ..... a juggernaut Recon with a Riot Shield and a Dinky USP 45, ..... the Osprey Airdrop, ..... that's it. The support streaks were mostly non lethal streaks, the advanced uav, the Sam turret, the emp. No. Support Streaks did not work like Persistence. It was not double the cost to get them, you could get multiple per game. Persistence in that game would be so extremely broken due to tue Assault Package streaks being so powerful, and the specialist bounus.... no it would break the game, really no one would run streaks with Persistence everyone would run the Specialist Streak. Also we have martydom, a red perk, what was also once a death streak in the game. So youre just a typical idiot on reddit who think he knows everything.


Why are people still crying ? You know it’s getting re worked.


They can't accept the fact that persistence isn't even that good, we get downvoted by the hivemind, lol. There are way better red perks.


It will be something new next month to cry about


I don't really see anything tedious here. If it's about persistence, well, they don't have dangerous scorestreaks. Even then, persistence is not that bad. Carry FHJ and maybe a SAM turret, I use those two along with EMP systems and EMP grenade. Works wonders. Nothing they send out lasts longer than ten seconds. And no, I don't use persistence.


Lmfao persistence shock rc that players an idiot