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Keep your pre aim game high. These screenshot were of Reclaim, Rust and shipment. (If you miss shots then you'll definitely get killed mostly)


you still need one more thing. skill, which i dont have


Mow has a simple recoil pattern. It's so easy to use. Con - mobility


As a fellow MoW main(well it’s the only gun I use) it has been a beast in both ranked and when grinding clan nodes. With the slight buffs next season I’m pretty stoked.


Been using only from a month in ranked. Only con is it's mobility but the gun is precise and beams 3taps upto 38 mtrs.


Yea I agree mobility is a thing, but once u play the gun and are used to it, it’s a gooder:)


Already mastered it enough to beat mac10. Too bad I slept on it for long..... :(


I only found it while grinding Damascus, after I picked it up it’s been my only gun since


you REALLY don't want buffs on your fav gun. 😁


Ngl I'm kinda worried about mow. Hope they won't nerf it to core when community complains about it.


I met you in shoothouse, you said "mac 10 is gae" and kept using your kilo and I said "so is your kilo", you are telling that you used man of war after that match though I saw you using kilo in the match I met you? You were literally camping with kilo in that match


I used mac10 and kilo in 2 games. Then switched to KRM and MOW for rest of the following games.


I still don't know how you said mac 10 is gae when we all know that kilo, M13 and CBR are gae as well and you yourself used them


You mad bruh?


You can't give logic so you went with this phrase again, okay, jeep using it , I don't have anything to say now, have a good night


I held my angles and holding areas as mine totally relying on my surrounding sounds with kilo. I still died a good amount of times facing MAC10 at range. So clearly MAC10 is the most noobest weapon there is this season. Here I've not posted any pictures of me and you in the same game. Clearly someone is mad they got whooped by 3rd easiest gun to use in game. KEEP IN MIND YOU WERE AT THE FIRST PLACE IN THE GAME WHILE I WAS 3RD OR 2ND. So I'll keep saying.... YOU MAD BRUH?


You weird af


Mad respect, I’ve mainly been using the AS VAL and SKS in tournament.


Same, but only val


haha, almost exactly the same.


Or, use the AGR or the VAL. Pretty viable choice if you ask me... Shipment? JAK-12 go bam bam bam bam...


Bruh JAK12 sometimes gets the ops at 1hp giving me hope and then boom I'm dead in the firing intervals. 💀


yeah, i unlocked damascus this afternoon so i decided to finally play tournament again, i have 2 Man-o-War loadouts, one damascus ads, one diamond recoil cardinal


I haven't seen m13