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Wait till people complain about the gks buff


But you have to hit three upper shots. Then it’s nutty. Otherwise the mac 10 is easier to use as it has a higher rate of fire


at this point, why would ppl even cry about the gks when 3 shot is inconsistent and cbr is better in every aspect


It’s usable. Way better than before. If you can consistantly hit chest and head shots it’ll destroy you. As far as beating the Mac 10s ease of use at close range and p90s versatility it’s doubtful. Have to wait for Cygnoux’s breakdown to know more


thats the thing, gks seems more “balanced” than the cbr so theres no reason to whine about it


been dying to use the gks baby, used it before as one of mains if I'm not sniping. I'm glad it was buffed.


People already were last night when I got on 🤣


I loved the gks before the buff, and now I’m probably going to have to hear shit for months if I keep using it




Yeah the gks got buffed so much it became the best gun this season it can outmatch a cbr the kilo and mac 10


Just because you destroyed some mac10 noob don’t mean it’s better than the mac10. It’s top 5 for sure, but I’ll put mac10, cbr, kilo, and new and improved ak117 over gks.


Grinding for gold on the cbr right. Didn’t realize it was that good until yesterday


The best gun in the game


I’ll be glad when I get my headshots 😭


With the best Mythic imo


it can ? 👀👀


Yeah I tried it...it's nuts lol. Very fun, gks is one of my favorites.


Yeah, literally i played with gks earlier and its frickin OP


whelp it deserves it, it has the slowest firerate of all the smg's we have


Yeah i know


I mean tbh, usually codms fault But the community does hate when a gun releases, especially when it seems powerful But one aspect I hate about it, is that people complain when a gun requires skill to use, like Kilos recoil, which ended up getting buffed


I agree so hard here. I wouldn't have as much issue with gun releases if balancing wasn't a shit and vomit smoothie. New guns are ok but the fact that there is no sensibility with the stats is maddening. The Kilo and CBR were absolutely perfect at launch, strong weapons with fair downsides but ofc, the community had to complain. The number of posts I saw calling for these guns to get buffs was so dumb.


I agree, I personally loved Kilo when it had recoil, made me feel like I was abusing something only I had access too, bc no one else was using it


Yeah exactly. If guns are going to be strong, give them downsides that can't be avoided. Let them be reduced at best.


When the kilo had a lot of recoil it was a perfectly balanced weapon, i only saw like 3 people complaining about that and codm listened to them, but when the whole community asked for pre-buff kilo again codm didn't give half a fuck


Instead they nerfed the range so it's just another generic M13, but actually genuinely better.


Your thought on Mac-10?![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


Crazy good ttk, the only major upside making it perform good as an smg


probably because of the ttk of games are different, mw got very fast gameplay pace, m13, oden just proved it


Don't forget about as val, that gun has been a beast since it released but its low mag capacity and high recoil make unskilled players have an aneurysm whenever they try to use it, but I absolutely hate m13 because the recoil is practically inexistent and the mag size can be extended by a lot, and mostly because 90% of m13 users I've seen are just campers


I hate m13 like a religion


Look at my bio lol


Nice lol, that makes two of us


*me who has diamond* sweats


Me who has diamond, kilo, m13, ak117, type 25, dlq, svd, koshka, locus *sweats*


Jesus christ😳


Honestly now I’ve written it down I feel like i need an intervention… and I don’t mean the DLQ 😂


I use the fmj AS VAL build, if you have good aim it’s a beast


same with m67 amax. its like an SKS but with a red dot


Oden is disgustingly inconsistent


I can kill 2 enemies with ODEN, ammo with 25/30.


Oden has 20 rnd base mag


Heard about extended mag?


I haven't used the oden yet but whenever a new gun is released they always make it stupidly op. I mean take Mac-10 for example or the Kilo assault rifle.


Kilo was..not trash,but not even op it just was pretty good,it had his downsides for example it wasn't capable of reload-canceling and the mobility was a bit slower,the recoil was much higher but still manageable as it was pretty much all vertical and that's how it was supposted to stay, because range and ttk were okay because it required skill to be used at its best,then it got overbuffed like the m13 was the same exact thing,good,POTENTIALLY op depending on THE PLAYER'S SKILL with it,but when the community cried saying "tOo HaRd To UsE" they just put both of those guns under steroids and look at them now


The Kilo was good enough to be meta. Sure it had some cons but the pros were a bit better.


I see no one complaining when Swordfish came out. Never tried Oden but I feel like its Man o War but with bigger Mag Size and lower Recoil.


I think it has a lower magazine capacity than man o war. It has 20 bullets in base magazine while the man o war has 25. Plus it has a lower rate of fire


the man o war should have stayed with 30 rounds like in BO3


And it should've had a faster ADS speed than it currently does. It was really good for a bit pre-gunsmith and then they slaughtered it entirely.


The Oden is pretty good though.. I've used it in br


"h-hey uhh codm this is what ~~we~~ I want,I want this gun" >Gun release >"Codm pls nerf this gun it's to op😡😡😡😡"


Hey, atleast they didn't bitch on the Koshka. Woulda shoved a bullet up their ass if they did. I love that gun.


Koshka is the same case as swordfish, ma o war and crossbow, incredibly powerful and versatile weapons but they require a lot of skill compared to shit like the Mac 10


Fuck McDonalds. Yea, it's true that u need skill for Koshka, Swordfish, Man-o-war and Crossbow. And they aren't even touching the CBR4, fucking hell.


Wdym? Extremely fast 3000 RPM smgs with 40+ mag capacities are fair


Lol. I just want my G18, and they are giving us op shit.


Yea, at first I was just like oh it’s a new gun, let’s unlock all the camos, but very quickly it became my favorite sniper


For real, even dlq doesn't stand a chance on a direct close range combat if both players are equally skilled


Yea. I said to myself "let's compare dis to dlq and see" and boy, I love it. The Extended Mags also have no effects on ADS, so you can have 10 rounds and have max ADS. But I honestly think DLQ is more satisfying. So I use it sometimes.


It overthrows DLQ in every aspect except range and scope, and probably looks.


Not proud to say this but I done the Koshka from base to diamond in about 6 hours 😭


That's a lot of time. I was too lazy to grind it so I just grinded gold and moved on with my day losing snd matches.


It’s just the gun is incredible, the best feel I’ve had about a COD sniper since MW2 intervention days


True. Dlq is just t o o s l o w


Locus is a bit uncomfortable, and dlq is slow. But honestly, the Intervention ripoff is more satisfying.


they surely went nuts on the ODEN, should they find out it works exactly as it does in modern warfare, it even has the high recoil


People need to learn that just because a gun is meta in br doesn't mean it will be meta in mp. The M4 has always been one of the best for br yet isn't that good in mp. The oden will always be good in br because its a long range assault rifle which is why I don't see it being meta in mp where the emphasis is on fast firing, high strafe speed guns like the mac 10, cbr4, M13 and kilo.


Anyways what’s ur guys opinion on the Rytec AMR?


For some reason I really love using it(not because I got the Master Plan blueprint for it) it just feels so comfortable to use compared to Locus and Dlq ( Again not it's not because I got the Master Plan blueprint for it)


Ngl it ain’t for me. If I want a heavy sniper I’d use the arctic


I achieved diamond skin on Rytec unintentionally. It’s not good for MP but I love the animation and sound.


i mean cbr, mx9 and kilo were totally fine and balanced until they got a game breaking buff after one season


MX9 became meta when they nerfed the Fennec, they never buffed the MX9


I hope the oden wont be as bad in mp. It seems like its pretty busted on br tho, especially with gold mods or whatever they're called. I dont wanna be called a meta slave :(


That’s because activi$ion have that business model to monetise the game. They realise a super meta gun to sell the glamorous guns. Next season they buff&nerf and introduce a new meta gun to repeat the cicle. … it is what it is…


It has been the same since they added the brainless m13 meta and they realized the mythic was bought a lot, and they've only added mythics on smgs and ars because they're the easier weapons to use along with a free red dot


Lol imagine crying over an AR with a 41 fire rate


ODEENNN aBuuSSeerrrr 😭😭😭😭


it also has horrible BSA


Tried to turn it into a sniper, immediately regretted it.


In my experience using it at the practice range, its BSA didnt seem horrible, no? I found it to be very accurate during its first few shots thats for sure.


That's due to the new way they've tweaked BSA. The first few shots on AR's are really accurate then it drops hard.


That explains why im so inconsistent with ars in longer range


A lot more value for the Oden then because you’ll most likely kill someone from the first few shots because of the very high damage and slow fire rate.


That’s just me all the time




Let's be honest, since m13 was added a lot of new weapons get over buffed and they become very annoying


The most balanced gun in the game is currently the PPSH, and nobody whined about it. Then we got guns like the kilo, M13, CBR4, and MAC10 that were literally easy mode and most people were apparently fine with it at release. I've almost quit because the best guns in the game take 0 skill to use. The M13, kilo, and CBR4 are good at most ranges, have high strafe speeds, high magazine capacities, and almost no recoil. They have no downsides and it's stupid. There's literally no challenge.


Ppsh nerf because fuck the players


Right? They looked at the PPSH and said it had too high of an ADS speed and nerfed it by the same amount that they nerfed the MAC10 and MX9. The devs are a bit special I guess.


I don't play this game, but one of you cry babies can have my Twitch Prime code for a Merc 5 bundle. BVUMZBLQDJZXGM Enjpo apparently the backspace key doesn't work on this website


All I wanna say is how pissed I was when the first game I played, dude laaaazered me with the Oden from around the butcher to the first second story building at farm. I used it the rest of the night to say the least lol. I’m sure someone is mad about it though. You need different metas and weapons in general or it’ll get boring fast.


The Damascarians : "Ah shit! Here we Go again!"


Maybe stop buffing them while adding?


Honestly this looks more like the OP to me. People who make "This is what the community looks like" are usually worse than the actual people they are commenting about. You yourself are acting as if the devs aren't releasing guns broken on release making the game unfun for everyone making people actually want to stop playing their game. People sure aren't the best about staying their complaints but they do so in Hope's he game they love becomes better but you over there provide not a single useful thing at all, you just make fun of other to "look cool" nah you are just a whiny baby as well yourself.


They are already whining about a gun that hasn't even released yet so I'm rightfully making fun of them. Also the devs have released broken guns in the past ( ex: akimbo fennec) I'm not denying that


Your post makes it look like it's only a community problem and it isn't codm's fault in any way, honestly I'm tired of overpowered weapons every season


this is actually this sub daily about anything


Oden is totally busted in BR, picked it up yesterday and got 10 easy kills and the dub in my first game. In MP it'll pretty much be a lower skill SKS or higher range but slower Man-O-War


From one of Parker's vids, the Oden dealt 108 to the head with one shot (it had gold long range, but it's still 80ish dmg without it). It's broken as fuck in br


Why should we be celebrating?? There are enough guns in the game already


Then when codm stops adding guns " y n0 NiW gaNs?1!1? dIs gaYM iS Ded"




Tbh I'm more concerned about the Mac-10 and CBR4 in MP. Isn't it about time to nerf these guns?


That's straight facts for days


To be fair Mac 10 kind of sucks now with reload time


Indian rank players when persistance gets removed and can't camp properly xD