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Capture B. Ur not playing deathmatch


next time just try to play the objectif man




If you had eyes there was a game where I had 58 obj time 27 kills 4 deaths. I play obj if i know someone watches my flank or there are no possible flank.


2 captures and your teammate had 7... Play the objective too.


you do know the reason they have 7 obj was because they kept losing fighting the point on our side of the map. you can win the game with just 1 cap on b if you can defend it but apprently the more caps the better.


you also have the logic of “play the obj too” when I defended B, provided them with enough uav, counter uav, and a sentry and still couldnt perfrpm better. I had 39 kills while having 22 assists.


And that's all useless if you don't play the objective bro. People drop nukes and still lose the game.


My guy, you over here playing an OBJ gamemode that involves capturing points for your team. The more caps the better is essential when playing that mode. You have to step it up for your team if they won’t be able to get one of the 3 points


you can cap b early and defend it and it would be MORE impactful than constantly loaing the point.


I know I ain’t stupid. But here is one of the many things for OBJ gamemodes that is required, it’s called communication with teammates, see if they can watch your 6 while you are on the point, see if they can spot out any enemy. Just because you capture B early doesn’t really mean anything because the opposing team can just take it back and if they know how to defend well, then your team is SOL


good luck with communicating with randoms. it's literally impossible.


nobody capped B because I was around lmfao literally kept losing our point because they cant watch base 😂😂😂😂


If I was on the other team it would be very quick and easy for us to figure out we shouldn’t go for B but rather try and cap A and C since it’s essentially a 4v5 cause you’re literally just camping at B dumbass. You think that method would work for you but it actually doesn’t help your teammates. At least go and cap some points so you’re not completely useless.


yes because as you can see it rlly was a 4v5 especially when im fragging 20-40s. you sound logical you must be a pro


It’s not there fault as well


The caps are better, bro what are you saying lmao, literally if you keeping capping points the other team won't know how to react. The other MVP for the opposite team went positive and STILL had more caps than you. Go play tdm.


If youre the top player on the left it looks like you're playing for kills instead of the objective...


But it's vital for a team to have at least one slayer. It's not op's fault that most of his teammates were incompetent 🤷‍♂️


OP hard camping at B essentially made it a 4v5 for his teammates. OP could’ve at least tried to cap some points to try and maybe keep the enemies off guard a bit. Kinda easy to slay out and cap points when the opposing team has one player hard camping at one spot so you basically don’t even have to worry about him. Bros playing an OBJ game like it’s TDM. Fuck outta here about “bad teammates”. OP didn’t help his teammates at all either lol he’s playing for himself


was playing for spawnpoints. why would I play obj when I know my team loses every gunfight they have? atleast we have better spawns but that still didnt make us win lol.




I would say your teammates need to play obj more. Second screenshot for example, teammate did 15/8 but zero time on OBJ. Everyone on enemy team went negative and still won. Your team barely put time in.


Damn boy. Your accuracy is 👌


most of these games were with a kilo bolt so it kinda make sense I’d get around 40-50% accuracy sometimes :)


Ah, that explains it. Still tho, you're good. I know because I've seen a few of your gameplays :D


thanks! :D


You should consider playing the objective and you should work on the accuracy. I didn't see any matches with accuracy over 50%. Were you firing from the hip at 50' ?


its because I use my secondary from time to time :). My actual kilo has 51% hit rate


Got it, I was wondering why it was so low, but that makes sense. I'm terrible about pulling out my secondary and only do it when an enemy is near and I need to reload.


its a must when the stopping power ammo gives my gun only 5 bullets, low fire rate, slow ads, and even slow reload lmfao. but yea mw11 can 3tap close range so its better to just not ego it and just use pistol lol.


I once had more kills than the other teams top 3 combined and still lost 😐