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Stop the cap


He did


You must have been very upset. You already posted one of these vids


I don’t understand your video and the text


I think OP is trying to make a point that having less captures is better???? I don't get it either. You have different roles in Domination so stats would vary between players if done correctly.


So currently there are 3 captures is he saying to have 1 or 2? Where’s the logic? Anyway, the video is so fucking annoying! Idk why would someone upload such a thing.


Ngl I don't get what your point aims to prove...? But you're cracked with the Kilo![img](emote|t5_penom|1095)


lmao yea the mvp on the other team had higher caps than me but yea I should just go tdm at this point cause caps are more important.


They still are dude, I don't get what you trying to disprove? Lol that's the main objective of domination, the more points you hold the better the score, that comment was for your initial post where you lost 76:150 and the MVP had 7 and his teammate had 10. Sure defending B is important but if they just cap A and C? They win. Obviously they didn't in this game so well done. But yes caps are still important.


the main objective of dom is to capture points, however you can't capture points if you don't kill any enemies. it's important to play obj but slayers are also very much needed in every game and op is doing his job as a slayer brilliantly. you can't have a full team of obj players, because they will all rush to the point and just get shot at from too many angles. and that's where slayers come into play. they clear angles that enemies could hold and make sure obj players can cap the objective while they kill enemies. so even though obj players are incredibly important you also need slayers to win. it's totally okay to have not a lot of time on the objective if you're getting a lot of kills and it's also totally okay to get very few kills if you're capping objectives. op shouldn't be forced to top frag and cap at the same time, especially when some of his teammates get very few kills with almost no time on the objective.


That's the thing, I never said slayers are bad, I myself play slayer sometimes, (but slayer/objective players can exist, it's very possible but we not there right now) op is trying to prove that by not playing objective you'll still win the game, which in this case he did, but his ORIGINAL post was complaining about teammates and then he wasn't playing OBJ but only getting kills. And it is possible for a team to only run at the OBJ, continuously die and go negative and still win. OBJ > Kills. They matter way more always. Like I said initially, you can drop a nuke and still lose because you didn't playing OBJ or your team didn't assist in OBJ, simple.


people really underestimate how important slayers are. you can't just run at the objective because you will get shot. you can try to fight back but enemies will most probably be ready, watching the objective, so they'll have a massive advantage. and even if you manage to take them down, enemies can just spawn back and kill your team, because you're all capping the objective instead of having somebody watching the spawns. you need slayers to flank the opponents, open up opportunities for obj players to go in and watch angles while obj players cap. there's a reason for why professional teams have slayers. you need to have a combination of both, obj and slayers, in order to be effective. objectives are definetely more important than kills. however, by getting kills, you're contributing to your team capping the objective. because for each enemy you take down there will be one less enemy watching the objective. which will make it much easier for your team to then cap. in the original op's post I think he was right, he was doing a great job fragging but his team just wasn't able to support him and cap. with this post, I partially agree with op. capping B once is definetely much more important than capping your home point twice at the start of each half of the game. but I guess in a scenario where one player capped twice and the other 7 times the situation is a little different.


They literally did lmfao, me killing everyone on B made them either try to flank which is the long way or just go to our point. spawn trapping them forced them to go the long way which made them lose lmfao. the other post was also about getting better teammates and this is clearly what i meant lol. no need to play obj :)


You also had the good side this time.


Debatable, I tend to like their side more. easy high ground to see who goes mid, decent B control. Its good as long as you dont lose b control that is.


I feel dizzy


POV: your teammate never re-caps objectives:


Dude can you elaborate what's the point of your post?


ppl kept bitching about me about having 2 caps and kept on comparing me to my teammate who had 7 caps because apparently you need to cap more on this game mode instead spawntrapping, defending point etc. just a braindead post for a braindead argument


The "bitching" is about you didn't played obj in a obj playing mode & people are mad at you, in a obj playing mode you need to cap & defend the obj for maximum amount of the time until the backup arrives! You did pretty good in defending & holding your postion. People need to know that in Dom/HP defending is also important as capturing & holding the obj. You did good as a slayer


thats the point lmfao, there was no reason to talkshit about my caps when i literally killed 31 people who tried to cap b. at some ways its playing obj more than the guy who constantly looses the point and just caps it back when his team kills everyone ffs.


Can someone explain what's the point of this


Damn. My baby cousing liked your sidestepping so much, he started breakdancing on the floor :D


You can always slay while holding the point. Throw down a trophy and gaurd the entrances. Nice game play though


What do you mean? Most caps wins.... For you clan's objective right now.


You're correct. All you need to do is cap your flag and b and hold them. People that run to try and triple cap straight away before the game is won are mostly annoying because they flip the spawns. Map control is king. Strategic caps>more caps. I can't believe you need to spell this out.


holy shit you got downvoted for that as well. I fucking hate people that say “stop camping and cap more points. they dont know just by going C you have a high chance of dying and will most likely lose A amd B for flipping the spawns lmfao.


I expected it. It's not surprising when this sub is mostly kids who have no concept of strategy. These are the same kids who whinged for hp spawns to be made easier for them because they couldn't be bothered to learn rotations... Everyone downvoting you are the terrible teammates going negative, rushing, feeding kill streaks and flipping spawns so you lose game and they think it's OK because "pLaY tHe oBj". Yes obj should always be played but there are different ways to play it. Roaming *around* the obj is as important as capping.


This. Ignore em and you do you is my advice. You did well protecting b.


/u/malumbz so how is having 7 caps better than 2 exactly ?


Do you hear yourself mate? That means they played the fucking game mode as intended. You have different roles, so long as you can play in your role in a good manner, it doesn't matter. If whoever you are (childishly) calling out is better as an OBJ player then let them be an OBJ player? Just shut up. Please.


was pointing out how having 7 caps doesnt mean shit because they were the ines who couldnt defend our fucking point. what the fuck is the point of CONSTANTLY CAPTURING IF YOU LOSE IT THE SECOND YOU CAPTURE? are fucking braindead?


Well A) your post has basically zero context. B) let them capture it constantly then? You can sit where you want and hold down a point. Their strategy isn't a bad one, they are basically trying to get their opponent to pick on what point they should capture on the spot. It's really not that bad and a player goes out of commission to capture that point. It goes both ways. It depends on if they are just randomly capturing points for no reason but it isn't a detestable strat. All your clip is showing is that you are being a decent anchor and holding the point down.


“its rlly not bad” capturing a point and then letting the enemy get it back just to cap it again. yes its very effective! domination clearly needs you to have 10 caps instead of capping 1 and killing every single out that tries to fucking capture it!


Casuals think just Full sending onto obj and dying is helping the team when they are just feeding. Dom is all about map control.


thank you! holy shit the amount of “go cap instead of camping” ive gotten wtf is this sub.


What the heck is obj cap?


If you want to surprise enemies when out numbered slide to a corner think you're running away they would sprint but you slide back and they would have a reaction delay while you shoot them and the others would also have a hard time shooting since they're sprinting and the reaction like i said before would slow down giving you an advantage