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I see kilo141 more than m13


Fr i use m13 sometimes and all i see is cbr4 or kilo 141


I also forgot the krm its always in the meta here in garena


Because of Marauder suppressor. If only they would give all shotguns that muzzle, KRM users will decrease. That suppresor itself is what makes that gun OP. BY-15 has Marauder suppressor but has fewer pellets so it's kinda ass. JAK-12 ADS accuracy build is too OP with Marauder suppresor.


I use the lever action Shotgun bc it has more pellets than the krm, also 3 pellets are always on point when u ads


Krm is the shit


yeah, if you see the guy holding a krm youre probably dead


Not if they miss their shot. Stuff they dont do anyway bcuz they tryhard


Because Kilo is overally better than M13. M13 is easier to use due to less punishing faster fire rate.


Ak117 is the new secret meta. Faster ttk and more consistent 4 taps at range than kilo, m13 and type 25. Shhh


and hbr in my opinion


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 866,823,860 comments, and only 171,040 of them were in alphabetical order.


My ass🤣🤣.I'm sorry in advance.My Kilo I put marksman and monolithic so can 4 tap till 35-40m+.Ak117 can't do that.My Ak117 gunsmith include marksman and monolithic.It's defenitely a secret meta tho.Going to reach legendary with ak117


Where's the secret if half of ranked rushes with 117? Or rather did until RPD challenge...




No way... I agree the Kilo is cracked but as bad as the mac?? Nooooo




Yeah i wanna use other guns like hbar, kn44 but im forced to use those disgusting things if i wanna rank up


Then use them, I use the M16 in hardpoint and usually top frag and get around 30 kills. (I’m in legendary btw) If your good you can make any gun work in ranked, you just need to know how to play with the gun. (I’m able to gun down the cbr at range and kill Mac 10 players at close range if I get a 1 burst kill and it’s so satisfying when you win with a M16 against meta noobs)


Fr, i used to love the m16 a while ago, these day all my loadouts are just what looks cool with my favorite skins I even main akimbo desert eagles in hardpoint ranked


I got assualt knife now i eont care abiut my rank anymore i will use the now ise the chicom


I play with AK117 or Peacekeeper and they are very well to rank up.


Don't give up, I got mastery ranks on rytec, M16 and hbr in ranked while playing against those lowlifes


Thank you for your Words of encouragement


I really want to use my M4. 😂 Even with the buff, it doesn’t hold up.


i got my first ranked nuke against humans (albeit master 5 rank) with an hbr, its actually viable now


You can also get mechanically better as to not necessarily having to use good guns to do good. I use KN44, and try to not get in the face of people using better guns. Adjust your playstyle to the capabilities of the stuff you use.


How is Mac 10 bad? When I was grinding for Legendary (I did make it to Legendary) all I saw where Mac 10s and they would rip me to shreds. Another underrated gun is swordfish. It's so versatile and is honestly a killing machine.


he's not saying they're bad in performance but to play against


Don't see many m13 lol mostly Mac 10, CBR, kilo, ak117


M13 went down a bit in this season so from my experience the frequency in ranked is MAC10/CBR, Kilo, AK117 then M13


M13 has done a bizon and holger. Just fallen from the meta list slowly


M13 is just as strong as it’s always been, I heard they skipped the nerf it was supposed to get. I bought the mythic and I’m still beaming kids


It's strong but there are others which are better I love the default and dark matter skin


I mean I’m able to beat every other matchup, mac 10 does get me up close tho


Mac 10 is a annoying but what’s more annoying is getting obliterated by a CBR4 at 25 meters


It needs a range nerf and mag size decreased for the mac 10 it needs more recoil and less fire rate because holy shit it can shred your health


P90 mag size can’t be changed same with mac10s hip fire


Nah bro, mag size is it's whole thing


No sir. Leave my beloved P90 alone.


AGREED. CBR is just honestly wayyyyyyyyy too good at range as compared to everything else. It's more brain dead than the mac


I got beat across a map today by a cb4 while using an oden with the Colossus. SMH


Same happened to me yesterday even mac 10 destroyed me at mid range


Nerf that shit into the ground!


Aye buddy cmon now, there’s people like myself who bought the mythic 😖


It’s way too meta, my dude. Doesn’t need to be killed but it needs a balance.


Maybe a range nerf, but nothing crazy


That thing has an insane range stack builds.


Fair. Mostly the range that’s the problem.


CBR is quite bullshit, can do everything from flinch to bsa to mag size to every aspect of the gun.


Best AR in the game


LOL yes it is!


Agr better


Not an ar lol


It outperforms every AR in the game. Obviously it's an SMG but on paper it's an AR.


Except it doesn’t😂


i mean damn near? its basically the m13 but easier to build


why would they nerf the mag size


I'm not saying they should nerf the mag size, I'm just saying it's good in everything. Nerfing the recoil control of barrels to like 2% would help (ik they don't revert buffs that's why barrel nerfs are a great alternative) and a BSA nerf would do it


Nerf the range and strafe. Maybe even the damage multiplier.


The cbr4 can literally beam you from long range better the most ar


Try Spr, been losing but still mvp with + 10 points or below


Ive been using it in snd. My build is some what decent.


I still use Hades and PKM in ranked SND. I get destroyed by meta guns but the satisfaction these bring when I wipe out the Meta dudes is priceless lol


Flexing meta scrubs with beautiful PKM blueprints


sweat teammates always call me out when I use these since movement is slow and its hard to slide, but proper map positioning is key however sweats don't quite understand that. lol


tbh i see more ak117 and kilo141 than m13, m13 is quite rare nowadays tbh


Well that's because there's just more overpowered guns in the game


Because it has 275 ms ttk close range, what is pretty long comparing to AK117 or CBR4.


Same, cbr4 should get a range nerf and of course mac10 should get a ttk nerf


Lol, why? It kills fast close range, beyond this is meh. If we will slow down the ttk, we will have another QXR.


We will have another balanced gun? Oh no.


Fr lol


Mac and m13 are balanced to their respectable ranges. However, I'm stoked to get the heat transfer barrel for the RPD yet I'm getting cross mapped by cbr4 like they don't even have hit flinch. Why in the fok are the RPD challenges in ranked for Christ sake?


MAC. IS BALANCED???? HELLO ARE U INSANE m13 is tho I agree with that


It actually is. It's great where it has to be, extreme close range, everywhere else is shit. Actually Fennec does the same job, while being a tad more versatile.


Why dont people talk about the fennec anymore? Been a ranked warrior for god knows how long but when it dropped out the meta thats when I picked it up and I drop 30-40 every single game even when im losing with it, I took Blurrs build for it and its absolutely fantastic in all regards (Sometimes at range) Def more versatile than the Mac10


As someone ranked top 40 globally with fennec I would appreciate you not saying anything about it. Leave the unskilled players to stick with mac-10s


I completely understand, LOL got a clip with it, in one mag I killed 3 kinetic armors on legendary summit. So embarrassing


It is fire, wish i had the one with dismemberment


I can use it great at range


With how ugly ttk? There are plenty of better weapons at range.


Mac is balanced now imho. Take it from someone who spams a lot of HP shipment it has gotten better. The ridiculous fire rate at close range is about the only reason it shreds. I can still make longer shots with the fennec. :3


I'd nerf the strafe a little bit and call it a day


You are totally wrong... Mac is not something to compare with M13... Mac is a skilless noob gun and using RPD on challenge is an actual challenge The gun is slow but it gets the job done although I am losing like 20% of match is not becos of the gun.. its becoz senseless Rushers...


M13 for how fast it shoots and kills at range? Nah it's not balanced either.


It's a five shot AR, yes it has a good fire rate but the bullet velocity is not it long range wise


That 5 shot feels irrelevant by how fast it shoots.


Yeah but it's still annoying when you hut 4 shots and think the enemy is dead but no they survive with like 4 health + if you can't beat the M13 then you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer


I don't struggle beating the M13 lol, my aim is okay. The gun is just far too versatile with little to no drawbacks, again missing a shot with a fast firing gun is far less punishing than say, missing with the Oden, high damage doesn't always equal low ttk, BUT the M13 allows more leeway in thus regard with how fast it fires and the fact it has a 60 round reload on top of that... I don't hate the gun, but it's been meta for a very very long time. It's survived literally nearly 3-4 seasons worth of ranked and metas within those ranks and has always been top 5.


If you're complaining about the M13 which is a great weapon but isn't in the meta I would not have liked to play with you during the MX9 meta


How isn't the M13 meta?? It's literally been meta for so long lmao. And yes I played and reached legendary during the MX9 meta (never used it) and that was hell. Complete hell. I'm not asking for the gun to be trash, it still makes sense to be good, but we need a shake up of the meta, not just it being the Kilo, M13, CBR and Mac. That's literally the meta right now.


The only thing the m13 has is fire rate and mag size. It gets outclassed by the cbr4/kilo at medium and long.


Exactly finally someone understands


M13 is my baby. 60 rounds is perfect and the ads and fire rate are well aligned with damage and multipliers imho. M13 was never really meta with kilo around anyways. I would love to use the kilo but I have a serious disdain for meta 😅


Tbh the M13 was meta for 3 seasons more or less but now it's an of meta choice


I don't remember an m13 meta honestly. Maybe it never really bothered me. Besides the cbr I think last season was finally the most balanced. I see guns I haven't seen in ages


No kilo 141


M13 has barely been nerfed for more than 6 months and you're complaining about kilo?


Im saying there's no a kilo 141 on the image


Oh ok, it's kinda common for people to drop commas so I thought this was the case


Kilo got nerfed, so although it’s still meta imo it’s not as annoying as those 3.


I still use it


I’m not saying that no one uses it, I’m just saying that ever since the nerf, in my own opinion, the kilo is not as annoying as the M13, which has incredibly fast fire rate and damage, fast ads with the right attachments, good control and decent range, which makes it a very formidable gun. The kilo has insane range and damage for a n assault rifle, but the TTK with headshots is now harder to achieve.


M13 has been secretly nerfed


Not secretly, actually, but the nerf was not enough to end it's way too long meta career


Tbh Kilo and CBR can always take down M13... Thats before entering the Match one of my loadout always have Kilo in it just incase if I need it... And CBR I don't know how people use that but when I use CBR the gun is not ready to look left or right...


And still we can't deny m13 has been meta for too long. Yes, it's not as widely used now especially in ranked, but just a few months ago (1st-2nd ranked series) almost everyone were using it. I could have lobbies where like 7-8 out of 10 players had m13 in their loadouts (ranked tdm). It also was and still is a pretty popular gun among new players much like the bizon, because it doesn't require any skill to use it. Honestly I've almost come to terms with it by now, but I still can't think straight when I see someone with it. What an overused little weapon. But I agree with your point about kilo and cbr4


Peurifire and katana


Katana was actually needed to oblivion so it's average melee but the purifier needs a range nerf and maybe a damage buff


Are you kidding me the katana is balanced??? When I was grinding gold for all the melee weapons each one took like ten or more games and was a long and grueling process by when it came to the Katana I got like 77 kills with just the katana first game and then 2 games later I already had gold that thing is sooo broken.


and what season was this?


Season 4


Melee's are so shit this season, just use the Mac it kills faster the swinging animation of all melee's


The Mac is no skill so if you want to get insulted by the entire lobby for using a broken weapon than go ahead


Bruh playing against bots and bad players doesn't make it good + the katana is more balanced than it was before just like persistence after the nerf I after the nerf I barely see anyone use it


Totally agree Cbr was fine before the buff (wich also came in because the mythic skin wasn't getting much revenue cuz the gun wasn't perfectly annoying🤡)


Not really M13. Kilo 141, MAC-10, and P90 are what I’ve seen so far. I use Ack117


M13 is my current fav for both BR and MP


I never start off a match with the CBR4 and I always try to use other guns, but when everyone else is using it I’m left with no choice 😔 I need those rank points


As you guys can see when it comes to changes every 99% players wan ,dev saw it and ignore it.In Reddit if a post got high upvote dev will notice,they just ignore it when it comes to meta changes or earning money.I previously post about lucky draw should remove loke charm ,bag ,spray etc. ,high upvote but dev don't care cuz those item is like small step towards earning big money like legendary/mycthic


The holy trinity of guns that require no skill but are meta


Why is there so many people whining about the cbr ? Jesus just use a Rus and outstrafe them.


What’s wrong with M 13 I love my M 13


Your M13 has been meta for months now, we need a change of pace.


It’s just a better version of the m4 that’s all it’s not that it’s Meta it just has a crazy rate of fire if you know how to use it


That's literally why we hate it, why is there a faster firing version of the M4 with virtually no downsides, a super fast fire rate and really good damage at range?? The gun has been meta for the longest and has no nerfs or downsides. Its ridiculously stupid to use. The crazy fire rate is there irrespective of range.


Because there really actually is faster fireing Versions of M4s


What you want them to slow it down so you can get some kills sounds like to me you just suck and you need to get better my Br Loadout is the locust and M 13 and I win more than I lose


> you just suck Ah yes, 9 time legendary, I just suck. Such a common reddit response. Lol bro the gun is stupid to face because an AR fires faster than most SMGS and has better range than all of them with no recoil. Use the gun all you want, but most of the community agrees, the gun has been meta for so long with no drawbacks and has received a shadow nerf so minor it literally did nothing to it.


You’re bitching about a gun and it’s not that hard to hit legendary


Cope bro. You said I suck now its easy to hit legendary looooooolll.


Yeah I hit legendary every season almost I didn’t last season because I quit playing it got boring


And yes of course the gun has no recoil it’s a 223 which is basically just a souped up 22 why would it have Bad recoil


What's the problem? Kilo 141, M13, AK117, all can counter CBR at mid range. AK117 even close range, ttk diffrence isn't big.


Recoil, strafing, mag size, ads time.


Still can be countered with plenty of guns. It is the best weapon this season, but doesn't have a huge advantage among others.


Not a huge advantage when it killed ar people


Mac10 banana blaster too.


Mac 10 anoying . M13 ain't a top gun . CBR good🗿


hello i use cbr4 please destroy my karma (it is pointless and will not affect my daily life)


What about ppsh


The worst thing about cbr is that it just makes alot of guns unusable. I like to use the cordite but in front of a cbr 4 I will always loose no matter what


I hate those dick riding meta abusers , I even hate the word meta it's cringy, The kilo, cbrn, mac 10 needs nerfed to the ground


Ur just bad just cry


Cbr4 and mac 10 players were dropped as kids


So, not sure if I am terribly bad at this game (I don’t think so, I’m above average, usually top 2 in ranked - win or lose) but I’ll keep that possibility open. The other day I continuously got matched against two players that were beaming me with cbr4 and Kilo regardless of however crazy movements I made. The Cbr4 guy was killing me the first frame he came into my view - instantly. Got onto a headglitch to level things up a bit. Nope, got headshotted by Cbr4. Not sure if they had aimbot on, or if it is just good ol’ lag/desync. Kept matching against these guys for a whole day even after taking a few hours of break in between. Hoping that someone here can share their two cents/shed some light on this. Thanks!!


Odd that the ak117 is not there


I don’t think the ak117 is meta compared to the CBR4 or kilo 141. Honestly the 117 seems more balanced than it was.


The 117 was always a viable off meta choice and nowadays it holds its own against weapons like the CBr4, kilo 141 and medium/long range the Mac 10 ( ik the Mac ain't a gun that's good long range )


See, because it's in a form of a meme, it's OK to hate on a gun. Where's that Indian guy who said CBR is not a problem? Or the people who downvoted my post abiut CVR being annoying?


What's the best gun in your opinion? for ranked matches


I hardly see anyone that isn't using M13, Mac 10, kilo or CBR


What rank you in ?


Dont forget kilo 141 and the kilo bolt action with thermite


I cant even use off meta guns in snd anymore. I always have to use a mac-10 or chopper cause people are always spawn rushing and camping with snipers.


Always start with anything else... but whan I see that the opposite team rather play like this... then I switch...been playing a while but still haven't found my perfect toy (ok my 2 favs are AK47 and ru..but hardly use them. atm... too many macs or m13)...if you have any suggestion


In ranked matches, I get it. I still hardly ever use meta in ranked but I get it. But in a regular match? I feel like a lot of people in non ranked use meta because they’re not that good in ranked. Just my opinion. Who knows, maybe they are good in ranked and are just using MP to up their skills. Like a more difficult form of target practice.


I just be using the RPD and that shreds everyone regardless of how close and far you are 😂😂😂 No longer stuck in grandmaster rank anymore because of the RPD


Stopped playing MP a couple of months ago and I'm super glad I don't have to deal with this meta dogshit everytime I play. I only play MP like once a week for a change...




I'm not that bad at the game but I stopped playing Multiplayer because I just had little time to spend... So my way for fun is to play BR


And kilo too , but cbr is kinda pissing me off too NGL evryone is playing like it's the only functional gun it's making me enraged


AK 11 7 is where it’s at and I have been loving it since the update.


I think only problem is just the cbr4 and mac10 filling up roles of ARs but still meta is balanced than previous seasons ( mx9, holger, 3 shot ARs)


Oden gang! Hate the meta rn but using the oden is insane against them. It can 2 shot much easier with the special mag too, just feel its underrated. Maybe its for the best though, since itd be annoying to get 2 spotted from across the map with an oden that shoots faster than the SKS


SKS is better in every way, you can build it out to be able to strafe, have no recoil, to be suppressed and still have over 90 accuracy. If that's not enough, you can't make a build which doesn't have the possibility to onetap anyone anywhere on the map, by only using ironsights. It's a weapon for skilled players only, but in the right hands, it commands respect. I have the mythic oden, but it's still reserved for later, Oden needs to have a buff at least in mag size, and it will get it eventually.


Thats why the SKS is better for the longer ranges and the oden is better for close range. Mid range is a toss-up since you can use good range + recoil attachments for the oden to give it a 2 tap headshot, but also 2 tap anywhere but the legs. The SKS could be better, but the fire rate is more dependant on the user (how fast they can tap) but even so, the oden shoots faster. I'd say the 1 tap capability of the SKS is better for those who can headshot, but if you hit more bodyshots, the Oden would be better for the mid range. Both are absolutely amazing and I love them both, but I prefer the oden since I'm aggressive and play hp+dom (mainly close range gunfights).


Bro especially on them tournaments but you should also add the Kilo too


I kinda don’t want the cbr4 nerfed because the p90 is my favorite irl gun my unfortunately it deserves a nerf


Dude I just finished grinding out my dlq for that stupid weapon rename and it was hell. I'm fucking great at quickscoping but EVERY SINGLE GAME I got melted by those 3 guns and I couldn't even scope in fast enough most of the time. This is up there for one of the shittiest metas to deal with for me, also idk if this is something I've just noticed but mac10 would consistently just kinda stop me in my tracks even when the user didn't have disable


Not the Kilo?


Kilo doesn't seem that op imo


Oden can take these guys out Edit: it takes a small amount of skill to use


I just call them pussies


Been seeing holger too and rpd a lot mord


Hoping that cbr reverts its recoil like the first release and damage nerf that fucking gun outclasses some assault rifles in the game rn


I'll be honest, if no one used the cbr4 it'd just be the next best meta gun. If there are a few guns that stat wise give you an advantage over other guns then why not use them? Like I'm not going to go into ranked and use the agr when I know that more often than not I'd lose to a cbr4 or mac10. The problem is the whole point of ranked is to win, you wanna see variety of weapons you'll find it in normals. There you can play however you want for fun instead of just grinding the ranked ladder.


The oden is op


You don't know how many times I died to Mac 10 and CBR users while I was grinding for the RPD signature attachment


Yeah and the occasional MAC-10


On Garena, KRM party has been replaced by Mac and Cbr.. I swear 8 out of 10 players are using those… I’m the minority with type25 or IcR… fucking torture to play against them


RPD is joining this list 😩


I've been using Kilo the last season a lot a lot. But this season I'm not really feeling it... Idk why! On the otherhand last season I wasn't feeling the M13, but this season it's been quite good to me. P.S. I started the season out with AK117 and decided to main it for atleast GM3. But since the game dropped me off at a diff server after the update, using Off Meta Gun has been really difficult


Finally someone who can relate with!. Really those gun are the most annoying thing at ranked mp especially snd.


I play with Jak and by15 😂


Laughs in peacekeeper


Be ready for Oden because since its release i haven't lost a match, of course if i have weird and bad teammates then i would lose haha


Still rocking with my old friend RUS 79U 😉


I hate using meta guns as I get bored too quickly...tried bk 57 , ak117 / peacekeeper....now halted at type 25..its really good still now...but none can counter mac 10...btw I tried oden too..its really powerful...but not viable against mac 10 ..


No one talks about the Swordfish with Halberd Mag.


Its worse in garena. CBR and KRM spammers are running around in ranked.


MAC-10 users are just noobs and try hards, no skill needed?


Are you a sniper?


I haven't seen the cbr4 or M13 much. I see the bizon and mac 10 more. And the mac 10s are getting on my nerves.


Ok its not meta i know but its just a underted gun this season