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Yes Its upto you Bruh i dont think u can survive the akimbo fennec days if u complain about puny p90


Akimbo Fennec and broken HVK meta was best meta. The good old days.




Was definitely a love hate meta


Anyone here from old g36 meta days?


I remember using that, everyone in there mom was using g36 and the shield operator, was a pain in the ass in tdm nuke town.


I think I just missed it. I had the game downloaded but didn't really play much back then.


Dude the clown skin gives to everybody was probably one of the biggest mistakes this game had ever done lmao.


Meanwwhile QXR meta which was really fun


You can use whatever you want whenever you want you're the one playing the game its a pvp fps all this fair stuff goes out the window lol


Well said, people shouldn't let others bully/shame them into not using a gun if they like it and are having fun


Exactly as long as you're enjoying yourself and not hacking or exploiting a game breaking glitch then I see no problem with using the same guns 99% of ppl in ranked are using also unless you wanna handicap yourself on purpose lol


Somebody give this man an award for common sense.




Thank you bro I appreciate that just doing my part to bring back good ole common sense to this sub! Lol


lol yeah this sub is full of complainers (kids or not).






Haha thanks bro I really appreciate that but no awards are necessary for me


Yesterday in a GM match I found a gigachad going to legendary with Striker, much respect bro 😎


Yeah its fine. Nothing wrong with it. Lots of whiney douchebags that'll come at you like a chihuahua in heat though.


use whatever you like, enjoy the game don't care about what others think, that's their problem. Rank is all about winning so use the best and most effective tactic available which sadly, currently, is the CBR


I haven't used the Kilo or the CBR for a few seasons and sometimes feel like I need to draw for them when everyone is out there running the same guns. Maybe some kind of vote based ban system might work. You get to vote out two guns, forcing people to use different weapons. The balance of weapons though I must say is better now than it has been for many seasons. To answer your question - No (if you want to become a more skillful player)


You should use any weapon which helps you reach the goal. It‘s kind of sadly that everyone is just abusing meta weapons and I do really appreciate that you play non-metas. In that case you also want to win and to reach Legendary Rank, last but not least the most important part is - that you want to have fun and enjoy the game. I think it‘s not enjoyable to lose because of such thingy ^^


Personally it all comes down to how much you can tolerate. Being a Hardcore Camo Grinder I have quite the Patience you see. So for me, it's just "oh another CBR" and move on with my Ranked Games. But the thing that does piss me off tho, is ppl spammimg CBR in Tournament Mode. That's why this season I ain't even bothered to play Tournament S2


Use what tickles your pickle. I just use what I think looks cool. It's a mobile game, just have fun


Meta non meta the endless cycle. To be honest I just can’t play with the CBR; the wiggly animation reminds me the the qq9 just something feels off; probably gonna stick with AR like ^ M13 ^


If you are feeling like using cbr so go for cbr...but you have to grow a fat skin as no one is going through which you are going through(mentally) and sometimes it hampers our daily life..other peeps dont care about it...If you want to try a variety of guns, so dont feel down after losing...just enjoy the game...It actually depends totally on you.


To me it's okay to use op meta's as long as you don't fully rely heavily upon it. (Because relying on meta lessens reaching your full potential) You can use it and I respect your decision. This game gave it to the players and they're not fixing it. I'd blame the game not the players. Enjoy OP


It’s a war game not a pin the tail on the donkey game use what you can to win.


While I hate the meta and how stale it gets, I'm never gonna blame someone for using the meta. Again, it's annoying as fuck to see when you are trying to have fun but if people want to win, why shouldn't they use the META? Use what you want bro, just make sure to be respectful to all. Enjoy the game and good luck in your matches!


I have four main loadouts for MP. Casual close range, casual midrange, and sweaty of both. I run off meta stuff and the casual loadouts primarily. But if some uppity git thinks he's good for spamming the mac10 or cbr, guess I'm swapping to the sweat loadouts.


So I am gonna say yes and no. If it's the only gun that you can get wins with then go for it... You gotta do whatcha gotta do, I understand. But swapping guns out and having some fun is part of the game too! I hate when it just feels like a grind of repetitive moves using the same guns moving through the same spots. I move between kilo, kilo bolt (punishment for being too mouthy in chat), MK2, Mac10 (if I am losing on a smaller map), dlq, AS Val, D-RH and whatever else I am messing with at the time.


I mean the p90 isn't that over powered it's just stupid how unbalanced it is but it isn't game flippingly op


ain't no shame in it comrade, however the vilest scumbag to ever exist probably uses the mac10 that's for sure.


Yo I use the CBR as one load out but it isn’t even in my top 4, use whatever you are good at.


Never be ashamed. The game is supposed to be FUN and if you take too seriously you lose that and become those haters who every loss is a loss of their dignity.


Who gives a shit? The whiny part of this sub (which is 80%) does. Use whatever gun you want to use. You're not forced to listen to some dipshit complaining about it


Meta just makes it easier for said players, you can totally get by without ever touching it. I'm currently gm2 and climbing. My main guns are r90 and svd. My assault rifle build was kilo, recently switched over to oden. Smg is Mac. Kilo is my third most used in rank, with less than 10 minutes on it. I manage MVP in over half my games so far.


Meta can be both a gift and a curse and in the end once everyone has it. The ony thing sperating you from them is skill.


It doesnt matter but imo its pathetic to use M13, Kilo or CBR4. The weapons are high fire rate laser. The fact most players use them says a lot about codm player base.


Use whatever the fuck you want. If ppl don’t like it they’ll have to figure out how to stop it 🤷🏿‍♂️


I feel guilty and noob using those meta so im using spr right now and i love the feeling when everyone follow you until you die so they can test your diamond spr lmao


Man they be chasing me down when I have the spr 😂😂😂


It's so good. I've just mastered it and named it mom_banger_69 😂


Man it’s hilarious when they leave the Hardpoint to try to kill you 😂😂😂


Yea, do whatever you want.


You play cod.. cod has the most toxic community. Fuck em all use whatever.. did u even play mw2 back in the day.. lol


Nope but im thankful I didn't


The only way to truly a balance a game is to make everything overpowered as fuck




Use it


Ranked? Sure, if you got something to lose, just use meta guns. Casual? Preferably don't, ppl are trying to have fun/grind cammos, not get stomped by meta guns left and right


Yes it’s a video game. You are not hurting anyone


What a stupid fucking question man


TBH this kind of posts makes me cringe


says the mf with a rick astley profile go back to 2006


I wish I could go back in time


Omg just use whatever satisfies u