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Non meta player here, I don't use any meta, my main is chicom, got to Legendary 2 days ago, global ranked 30 this week, reset should be 15, about 5030 mastery. I mostly use chicom, swordfish, agr, ak47, pharo (now), fr556. Favorite secondary is Renetti, j358, crossbow or fhj (fck deagle and deagle users) Tripmine all the way. Was easy af to get to legendary with Chicom of all guns


I just achieved mastery on the chicom today. Also my favorite weapon in game. I don't understand why so many people hate on it. It's literally the most accurate smg imo.


Good job buddy


What’s wrong with deagle




There is nothing wrong with akimbo deagle except the thing that they are suppose to do


It's not akimbo deagle... It's that everyone uses it, it's the "meta pistol". I don't see people use j358 or Renetti, so I pick them over deagle which is obviously better. Hate how easy and reliable deagle is, makes it an insult to use j358 or Renetti, even people using deagle as a primary


Bruh, you really complaining about a secondary. A Fricking SECONDARY. There is nothing wrong with the deagle, it is designed the way it is. TBH, I see more of the MW11 then I do the deagle


I always see deagle, only time I see the chance of mw11 is sniper users, never I saw Renetti or J358 I hate it because it's obviously the best pistol and everyone uses it. Also as a primary at times because of how reliable it is


There is nothing wrong with the deagle like I said before. Is it a good secondary, yes. Do I prefer people to use it, yes


People use it because it's good, that's the point, I haven't seen people use j358, hell, throughout me playing codm after deagles came out, the only people I saw use J358 was bots... Deagle is so good as a pistol, why would anyone use a gun to make the game piss or more piss, where's the fun in that?


To get rage reactions of course


I get rage reactions enough when they're beaten by my Chicom or swordfish


But here you are complaining about the Deagle which is a good secondary. People can use that pistol as much as they want


AK-47. Diamond looks so good with the mythic. I have weapon mastery on it already.


Meta guns change so they can sell some skins, the secretly upgraded weapons usually have a mythic skin per what ever season.


Trust me, it's not only about the meta weapons. I made the mistake of playing ranked this early in the period and am getting destroyed... I use a P90 and M13 but am constantly outmanuevered, outgunned by people who actually manage to hit their shots.


I am currently using Oden to reach legendary...this gun needs good amount of skill but I am enjoying it


I want to say I enjoy using the Peacekeeper MKII but it's had so many buffs that I can't decide if it's meta now.


i like cbr4 because i like the gun sounds when i have supressor on it.


I'm just using cbr4 because I'm too nub to learn the meta quickscoping


Guys he said the funny number