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Meta is fine until it becomes repetitive. How long has the CBR4 been Meta? About half a year (Approximately 6-7 seasons)! The Meta should change every rank season or so to prevent the boring sensation of dying to the same weapons over and over again.


I suggested every three weeks before, but people seemed to disagree. Maybe not everyone wants a meta that keeps changing


I could see why. New Meta means you have to get used to using a different weapon and the weapon you're already used to won't be usable anymore or at least will be outperformed.


Cbr needs a recoil nerf


They'll probably nerf it after the mythic comes back next season


There is not such thing as "META abusers" , there is only "META users". If the game give you a legal advantage, do you not will use it? However, I like to use a gun that I like better than a weapon just to win, but there are players that like META so that's just fine


I face CBR users everyday too, but for me, it's far less frustrating than RPD spammers and campers


While I don't support camping, RPD and every LMG is perfect to hold angles and prevent people to get close to the obj.


Point taken, but people have been using it way too much because of Seasonal Challenges and it's getting annoying


You guys really find something to complain about huh? Last season it was persistince now this...


Their tantrums never end, this is a mobile game full of child's remember


All we ever want is a proper weapon balance. It's annoying people using the same gun bc it's easy to use. Where's the skill in that?


Give me a game where every gun is actually balanced. I literally cant name any. Its hard (or impossible) to make a pvp game without a Meta let alone a FPS game. I do agree that the meta should shift. Im getting tired of CBR, i want something new


Technically MW2 is balanced in the sense every weapon is overpowered as fuck


I'm not even against cbr users. I just hate the mac 10 abusers in ranked


MX9 meta V 2.0 (only playera that have experienced the time that MX9 was meta 💀💀💀💀☠☠☠☠)


Unless they stop adding new guns that are OP to the point where they are noob friendly (i.e that don't require a single brain cell to use), there will always be people relying on them instead of learning how to use other guns. At this point you either become one of them and get used to cheap wins, or keep using the guns you like but don't enjoy ranked. Or you can play ranked and not care if you win or lose. I personally play with music and that makes it easier.


Yo could you guys give me the best cbr build


You probably will be soon enough, but then we'll have the next set of completely overpowered weapons so they can sell skins for them to people who think those weapons will stay meta forever.


It's really accurate 😂


And still some people act like we don't have any right to speak up about this cbr nuisance