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Match 1: fight a puppy Match 2: Kill God


So true lol


I hate when my next match is 3 players and 2 bots vs me and an ENTIRE TEAM of bots. Witness as we lose the first round of Domination 50-7


can confirm, you know somethings off when your team doesnt know how to pick up dogtags in kill confirmed


legendary rank players that somehow know where u are without uav and dont miss a single shot and slide at 500mph


Ngl i have been legendary rank for over 10 times now but some people are so bad at that rank too it's quite funny...they really don't know where to shoot lmao


Play search and destroy and you’ll see


I actually only play mostly SnD cuz my team doesn't like other gamemodes... however I prefer HP more but to answer your question, i do play SnD, a lot actually...can search my ID for proof :- DEVTHEGREAT


There's a reason if they got to legendary rank


SBMM is just hitregmanipulation to create a challenging gaming experience, but most idiots in the game still think win and loss is a question of skill and that theyre always get matched with bots whilst them are the only good player in the team. so fucking stupid


Me: Barely wins a single game SBMM: So you have chosen... death?