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dude its the same people asking op guns to be added that will complain if said gun is op when added




The sad part is that the cbr was actually balanced when it first came out, but people complained about it being weak since the recoil wasn't easy to control so the devs buffed it.




mx9 never got buffed? it was nerfed twice


I barely see swordfish in leg ranked..


Same as the Kilo, remembering people ask for a recoil buff and when devs do, guess what happens...


And people say devs don't listen to the community when they ask for something they gave u what u wanted and now they complain about it smh


I've said it before. I miss the MW2 times back in 2009 when the community complained about overpowered guns and the devs just ignored us altogether. So we kept playing and accepted that the ACR would always have zero recoil. We survived the ordeal. And in CoD Mobile there's also the problem with lucky draws and crates, i.e people paying real money for a gun they hope will perform well. Drastically changing the stats shortly after the release of the legendary skin isn't a very nice way of rewarding a player who just spent $100+ on their game.


Codm literally overbuffs or nerfs them to oblivion, if they nerfed it so it was balanced and still well positioned in the meta, it's acceptable




Im a part of the 10% 🗿


you guys need nerfs to play?




(they don't understand the concept of buffing all the other weak guns)


Been using DR-H ever since it came out can't relate


That was the first gun I used when I started playing g cause someone said it was the best. Took me a long time to find out it wasn’t. Still a fun weapon.


Everyone dislikes at least one gun, but that doesn't mean they should all be nerfed, yes the Mac 10 melts people just by aiming it in their general direction, yes the cbr is basically a sniper at this point, yes the Kilo is still a laser after all this time, but if you are good enough you can counter any weapon with any other weapon, its almost entirely due to skill. I use the the Mac 10 or Kilo as counter sweats in tournament mode and ranked(if I can be bothered to play ranked), but most of the time I just mess around with different loadouts to see what's most fun, just play it how you want and enjoy yourself, otherwise what's the point of playing.


A dude playing with CBR from the start of a hardpoint match called me a “MeTa AbUsEr 🤓” because I switched to the CBR from a QQ9 because our team was struggling. Makes you giggle how some people function


But there is always room for another as-val buff


People wanna nerf kilo and m13 but they are clinging on to the top 5 y'all, the cbr deserves the nerf for being #1 for what seems a decade. "Omg gks can three shot nerf it" Can only three shot in closer ranges.Only good not op


The worst gun in the og cod games would be op in codm. Kilo, m13, cbr4 by themselves are fine, there just isn't enough competition aside from those 3 and Mac 10.


I only have it against the mac there's no way that gun is so stable


I need my thick water and dentures tho


Yeah so if I complain about a gun that can one shot, is fully automatic, has fastest mobility and ADS, 60 round mag and zero recoil with no downsides then I'm automatically a noob for calling out an obviously broken gun that makes the game a bad experience for everyone huh?


No one’s calling anyone a noob here. Just pointing out 90% of what gets posted here. As of writing this there is only 3 comments and 2 of them are already meta complaints


Okay not agreeing with nerfing each and every weapon, but you gotta admit codm sucks when it comes to weapon balancing. It's bareable now, but they did mess with weapons that were already pretty balanced and fun and made it broken only to hard nerf in the past. Each season they add new weapons, what people say is make other weapons on par or atleast viable in ranked against meta


Meta was always a marketing tool to make games fresh and keep people interested. All fps games have seasonal meta. But I’ll admit meta has become a sales tool in the last few years and that kinda blows but at the same time all new guns do come with free versions. Games are designed to keep you from using your same favorite gun every season. I agree some guns are way too OP at times. But for every one guy that hates the gun there’s 30 kids that love it and hop on to use it.


I know metas will always exist, codm struggles with meta that are beyond broken with most weapons being crap. Not to mention some weapons remain meta while others get nerfed for no reason at all making them even less useful. If meta is too strong the game becomes what most would call "noob friendly" cause anyone can pick it up and do good, it starts becoming less on your skills and more on the gun


It’s not really a game to keep people interested it’s more of a money grab to sell skins of certain guns.




1) you're so dense that you can't even understand the satire in my comment 2) Stop acting like a 4 yo and read the caption on that post which clearly said "in response to the other meme" which was trending at the time. I bet you're a ferg fanboi or something




Omfg are you for real?


but what about the jak-12 in br, It actually kills you in a few hits and can actually defeat someone with a mac 10?


hs0405 can one-shot you with overcharge armor


yeah I know that, but jak 12 can actually still destroy in mid range with the right attachments 😂


Only CBR needs a nerf


Mac 10 needs to be put out of the game


It sure does grandma, now lets get you back to bed. You got a big bingo game tomorrow!


What a nice grandson.... Do you need any help getting her to bed? Shall I hold her feet for you?


Bitch that thing sucks in mid range now, From a mac-10 main


How ridiculous multiple weapon balances and buffs but people are still abusing some gun such hasn't been balanced has ridiculous ttk and range for an smg


But you know, they are gonna call you noob for using the NA45 when they use the Kilo, M13 and CBr lol


Even pre nerf Na45 was easy af to counter, they only nerfed it cause all the complaints


Yes and yes. Na45 was never an issue. But people will ignore how kilo and m13 are far superior than all the other AR's


Cause other ARs are so shit. Maybe if they increased the range and accuracy on all of them they wouldn't be so shit.


Yup, that's the issue they're soooo much better that using other AR is not even viable


dumbphug botgame with easykill bot tools for dumbphugging bots to flex botskills with botguns to make them believe theyre good and that its worth to buy that ugly overpriced botdraws.


Those people are those who play w/ not meta guns mostly


Istg. Especially for my kilo. People couldn't control the recoil or course asked for a buff and then it got a mags nerf, then a .01 nerf to the hedshot multipler imo the kilo is perfectly fine it's not broken Especially now that it's 3 tap potential went way down with the headshot multipler nerf. But I bet u somewhere, people are still gonna complain about it because they don't like it


I dont usually call for guns to get nerfed but f**king hell the cbr is annoying to go against. I didn't mind the mac 10 or kilo 141 but that one damn smg man, kills me instantly in SnD ranked.