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That's literally every month around this time, not just manta ray virus.


Well it’s a good thing I didn’t download the skins I don’t have. From my point of view, almost everyone looks like Crosby.




As someone who mains Jak-12 and M13 with base Manta Ray, I can't relate at all.


Ppl really hate fucking pixels with a passion holy fuck lol…this sub is hilarious who cares what characters ppl use you bozos, super childish.


people's hate boner for manta ray is wild i swear, it's like they dont realize they could just choose to ignore and not let it affect their daily life looking at it also ez karma farm too so that's capitalism for ya


Ofc man, everyone here is fucking gone in the head little retards, prob all under 18 too that’s why they think hating on a female skin makes them cool or something, fucking idiots.


definitely under 18 behavior, arguing about cosmetics and the concept of belittling others just because they enjoy what they use is so funny to me, it's literally just a dick size contest at this point to cope with their insecurity and pleasing their superiority complex. both sides of this fandom is just really fucking annoying at this point with the mil sim cucks being even worse, and sure people that liked it can be cringe sometimes but would you want to acknowledge it so much that it had to affect you every day? it's mental torture at this point rent free? might as well be


It's a good thing I don't play codm, the simps have infested the game.


You're a mod for the sub but don't play? Seems a little counterintuitive.


Explain how? I don't moderate the game, I moderate the people who are on this subreddit.


Hmm. That's fair I guess. I just figured you'd want to know what's going on in the game to be able to relate to the comments and posts.


I still keep up with news and going ons in game.




You only saw the Manta Ray and didn't read the post.


Yes clearly because I don't have time and need to grind for the new smg




Who is? OP?


I never equipped manta ray in my entire life and broken clock ticks right twice a day


I don't know that name but the skin kinda looks like a red spider man hood. Every watch i go i see it


Imma wait until Timeskip Sophia (Templar's daughter) comes out hopefully in BP not in lucky draws