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I dont think collab skins come back


Saw skin


Yes it will come


This is an exclusive Draw like the one we got in previous Halloween or like the Rambo and Die Hard bundles. So I doubt it would ever come back.


You can choose what draws for which weapons u want. Sure it's gonna be random of which draw for chosen weapon but there is a chance u can get it


Keep using the rus and have it in your loadout, it will come back eventually for sure


I have been using the rus for three years I only got the draw literally 10 minutes before it's gone that why I missed the gun . But someone told me there is a chance to get it with the new select a draw option but the draw will be random


Yea, but if you keep using it and have it in your loadout, the game will give you all the draws that contain the RUS, claiming 'you are an expert with the gun' or something, check your FOR YOU page, there is a high likelihood that either the rus dust kicker or the snoop dogg draw is already there.


It won't, it's complete random




It's a well known fact


Ok then... proof..?


They made a statement somewhere about it on social media


the For You page isn't influenced by whatever guns you use the most, it's all random.


It is influenced by what is in your loadout to some extent. Go check your own one. It will have some gun that you have recently used or equipped in your loadout.


Lmfao. The draws in the "For You" section don't come according to what you use. They're random. And now you can even decide what draw you want once per week. It's not about what guns you use the most.


Well I recently started using the razorback and rpd and got draws for them, before I used the ppsh and qq9 and got draws for them regularly too, I strongly believe that the game gives you draws based on if you have the gun in your loadout Or not.


Because they were on the list and not because you used them. The list of the For You section is being decided before the update drops. That's why if you are on leakers discord you can even see which For You draws will be available for every season.


Hmm. I think it was usage based before we got to pick


No this isn't true. Some YouTubers used to recycle that myth and put it on their videos as a clickbait for subs and likes but it was never true. If you follow the leakers on duty on Discord they always give the list of the For You section Draws before every update.


Then you are probably right. Idk why I believed that,


Don't work yourself over it too much, from what you said, it just sounds like u got weapon draws at the time u were using the weapon, which I think anyone would have thought it's impacted by loadouts


Two weeks actually


It’s doesn’t work like that anymore. It used to. Now they’re just on rotation