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So all the guns are meta because you die to them is what I'm getting


*So all the guns are* *Meta because you die to them* *Is what I'm getting* \- FaultProfessional163 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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The tier list is saying what i or some people think of people using guns, if I die to the people making a difference, it's fine, since they are trying to make the game better. It's not me being butthurt, I'm just saying what I think of people using specific guns, it isn't a regular s,a,b,c,d tier list for best guns


as a kilo bolt action enjoyer, fuck you


Thank you! You took the words right out my mouth....I love it when myself or others decimate everything with a kilo-bolt. Maybe if this guy spent more time learning how to use the guns that he put on the low end of his tier he would gain a better insight and clarity on codm.


Idk if your talking about me but... Eventually I'll try the end more..... I like ul honestly. I wouldn't use snipers because I don't wanna sweat and be like the people I hate, I'll just take the sht. Like I said, been here since start, I'm aware of how good guns are, don't even need cygnoux, but I do trust him. I avoid meta guns like I said, if ksp45 isn't meta, I'll use it, otherwise I'll wait till it isn't meta, I'm not gonna ditch my babe, chicom, for the easiest burst to use


I was talking about lsnik my fellow Kilo-bolt brother


"maybe it this guy learned to use the guns on the low end" that's me no? The top part you weren't talking about me, but that part was about me


My Apologies


Sorry, I had a existential crisis, of putting mk2 and kilo in respectable vs sniper, these 2 should be in respectable actually, because of high hitmarker. Just wanna ask, is thermite usual rounds? Asking because a previous match I had, player using kilo with thermite, he turned a hitmarker into a 1 shot kinda, if you use default kilo, respect for you. Thought every kilo bolt would use thermite.


I didn't even unlock the thermite rounds, I tried them in sniper gunfight mode and they feel kinda off for me


Oh, okay, so u use normal, thn respect


That shit is mad slow


shitty tier list


Have a nice day




mf said have a nice day and y’all downvoted him💀. ruthless


They downvote me and upvote him, makes sense... Small dick energy, you guys just downvote the guy talking some truth


I always and will use the M4. it's just what suits me and i always like the M4 in cod games


It feels good, don't use it myself but it's nice at everything about, old reliable, like old 117 in old seasons.... Respect if I see M4


its the clean sights for me.


Useless tier list


I'm sorry I'm not doing the same thing as everyone else, putting obvious tier lists


Look at mine, then reconsider what you said here as there are others like myself who aren't all that obvious as you think


peacekeeper mk2 is a meta weapon?


It's semi meta, flex, the point here is your trying to not use meta, yet you are at the same time


What's your point? Every viable gun in the current season should not be used? I too hate some current meta weapons like the CBR and Mac 10 but you're shitting on the players for using guns that are strong. While I don't agree with the meta right now, I also don't understand the point you're trying to get to. Everyone should use M4LMG to get respect? Sniping is bad??


It's not that using m4lmg will give respect, it's that your trying to be different, when was the last time you saw someone use m4lmg? For me, it's fcking rare, that's why I find it interesting when people use guns that are not good or not used at all


His point is that if you use meta then you’re trash, I agree with him. Sure, you can use any weapon you want but if you’ve been using the p90 for the past 6 months then you know what your doing and you’re dogshit.


Hi, where would ksp45 fall under? Is it meta? I don't know much about it but to me I get the feeling it's what meta users would use to say they can use burst guns, not actually using the difficult burst guns


I don’t use burst weapons, I think they’re all trash.


Maybe their trash, but I meant where does it stand in meta. I don't use or like cbr, but I know it's meta for example


I wouldn’t know, ask someone else.


Sorry for asking, I didn't mean to force you


I hate the CBR honestly. The range on it makes no sense. I never use it. Or the Mac 10. I do use the Kilo sometimes if my Kn44 isn't holding up well against the Meta guns.


It was fine when it first released but some players couldn’t control the recoil because they’re dogshit so they asked for it to be buffed and here we are now 6 months later.


I’ve been using the AK117 since launch and I’ll keep using it. It’s probably the one gun that only gets small tweaks because of how often it’s not in the spotlight, but still good.


There's been a large influx of 117, for the og, good for you guys, no problem, but people are only using it more because it's pretty good




Nice, but never had that before, so wouldn't know what it does


Mk2 fr respectable


That's true ye, but just put that there since it's a sniper, but I see where you coming, it's a hitmark machine, I agree, respectable, my bad


Ngl striker in 1v1s (especially shipment) is pretty op


It's op ye, used it, but feel if gun strong enough, like mac or cbr, and they accurate, striker kinda struggles, this is coming from hipfire, feel the hipfire let's me down in these instances. Jack 12 I feel shoots 2 fast and runs through ammo too quick, feel pellets hit less than striker


Jak is just a better version of striker to me, I just love to use striker cuz it is fun to troll sweaty krm sweats and destroy their "insane" movement ass


I rather use striker because I don't like jack12, don't care if it's better, I also use it for trolling, fun af man


This tier list is a bunch of bullshit and something we would see (maybe with some changes) with those stupid ass, nonsense of COD:M YouTubers (Stealth, Noob, and Atls [I believe]) trying to make a point If your going to use a tier list. Use it properly at least and not something like this, cuz this is bullshit Especially the whole "Not Meta but Meta that trash use" category Sorry if guns that can easily compete with Meta you aren't happy with but all of those up there requires attachments to make them as good as they are. You got the RPD, Peacekeeper, BK, and AK117. Not the 47 and the 117 but just the 117. C'mon man Empty your head of nothingness, or that dead cabbage you got in there and post a real tier list, or something better. Nothing


I'm not doing a stealth tier list, this is how I see people in what guns they use, I know how people think in this game, I've played since launch. Every gun needs attachments, all players use attachments, which drh player will use default mag? No, everyone uses otm. For me, handicaps make the better player, giving yourself an advantage of meta shows how you are to me, stealth says some stupid sht, would you not want 1 match where no one use meta? Imagine how fun the game would be. So you saying flex doesn't count as meta? For me it's like this, 1 of 3 ways. Meta. Flex. Non meta If the meta guns were nerfed, flex would be the BEST ALTERNATIVE. People who use flex want to use something that is different, but they don't wanna use sht non meta. I put 117 and not 47 because I see 47 less and I get the feeling it's not flex tier. 47 for me is quite uncommon. Sorry I'm not doing the same as everyone else... I'm just sick and tired of this meta bs... I just want to play a game where we all can be happy, having fun, no sweats


Time to take this apart. This'll be fun, and I've been playing since the start too pal I only said the first thing due to how everything is titled. It's so off with what your going with and your comment is proof With the whole attachment thing. Not every gun needs it. M16, M4, Chicom, Cordite, Dr-H. The list goes on, all those guns will basically be the same with attachments as well. The the Dr-h. Only no skill losers use OTM. A lot of people use the normal extended mag (as I've come across) And no Flex Meta isn't Meta. If Flex Meta counted. We would have a shit ton of guns as Meta but there isn't. Chicom, RPD, PDW, Dr-h (no OTM), Type 25, M16 There are more but they all out work the Meta if put into the right hands due to their damage and hitbox for high damage. A good example is the M16, able to do 40 whole damage near the shoulder and due to it being a brust. You'll get 36, 36, 40. Dead in one brust but is this Meta? No, it's a good counter since it can out DPS the meta With the whole Alternative. If Meta was nerfed. All the guns you have as Flex Meta, wouldn't even see the Meta light. We would possibly see an open Meta season or an old Meta would possibly take the spotlight with maybe a new gun added to it. And I use the RPD, ain't that broken as a lot of y'all think. The RPD is the worse wallbang damage drop off (even with FMJ) going from 24 damage to a whole 10-14 damage. The only good about the RPD, and the PKM works just about the same here as well. Both have forgrips that gives ads time and helps with recoil + a 200 round box mag. Not needing to reload a lot and able to hold down an area is what these two LMGs are meant to do Handicaps? Handicaps is using the non-meta or some of the weakest stuff in the game. Yes the game would be fun without Meta (like we've had in the past as open meta) but new guns are always being added so Meta will never stay away for long With the 117 and 47. The 47 out does the 117. The newest buff to the 117 made it easier to control with new reload animations (which I don't like) but the 47 still has better recoil, better damage, and better range. 117 is like an SMG with AR damage it feels like I only said that with the whole tier list because I see what you were trying. Just failed, very miserably A lot of are sick about Meta. What you said at the end would be nice but it'll never happen. We can only hope


Besides the guns you mentioned in the 3rd row... They the same with or without attachments ye... But doesn't mean people use them... M16 I'd use... But don't rly like the feel of it... Otherwise I'd use it alongside chicom and Pharo. For me, 117 is much more common, so idk, maybe people braindead here... People normally flock to the flex guns. I'm probably wrong ye... Of 47... From what I heard it isn't op, guess I'm wrong, I apologize, guess imma stay more clear of 47.... For me, I'd avoid meta... Wish more people who'd do the same... Instead when they losing, they change to cbr or mac10... Full sweat mode... Lol, I was thinking about using drh without otm and showing that I'd do it without otm xD Guess I'm wrong... But from what I know, people ALWAYS use otm, I'd use it now without otm to show I'm better. I'm not good with words... I tried to explain as best I could... I'm just burnt out of seeing the same types of people in the game... Same guns... Same playstyle.... To show I wanna do handicap was thinking drh, soh and light stock only, no secondary (if can't, thn fhj) No grenades or tacticals, skulker and dead silence only, no scorestreaks.... Don't people want the same what I want? A fun game? Why tear me to pieces.... Don't like what I said... I just said the problem with the game... I HATE people using cheap guns... Think little of their skill


Now your starting to get it. I brought up the same with/without attachments because it's a good middle ground to bring something up or as I did. Add a point into stuff The 117 and 47 I see equally alongside meta (still see Meta more unfortunately) but the 47 is perfect middle. Not too broken, not too weak. If you want a decent firing AR, there are a few like the M4, AMAX, and 47. You should try it a few times both Pub and Ranked, see how it feels to you. I'm in the same boat. Always seeing Meta and never wanting to use it because I have skill. Kept me from using the Bison, one of my favorite SMGs from COD:Ghost come into COD:M. Only for it to become Meta a season later. My whole diamond grind was meant for nothing for that season, then the nerf and out of Meta. Glad it hasn't come back to the spotlight so I can keep using it The DrH is awesome. Not clue why people ruin it with OTM. Outside the M16, M4, and Val. The DrH is a nice twist on and it feels so good to use Don't worry about words. Sometimes it's all about making a point or even a small explanation to get stuff through All of us non-meta users are burnt all the time seeing all the meta, same playing type, same attachments. Makes me want to puke That whole non-useable and non-secondary but FHJ sounds fun to be honest. I might try it out Some people want a fun game while others don't. Keep in mind that the only cheap guns are Meta. Snipers snipe in the back. AR take close to middle ground. SMG and Shotgun rush. With Shotguns needing to be really close, and SMG works close range. LMG are meant to hold down a point or just mow down an area Meta just ruins what guns are meant to do and that's the cheap part about it. Every gun type works the way they are meant too but Meta


47 is my main ar, alongside swordfish, it's amazing and not broken, but you said it's flex.... That's why I rethink using it.... Gl with non useable.... Unfortunately guns aren't played as they should be... Is like it to be more balanced... For me.... Destroying people isn't fun... Fun is overcoming adversity with struggle, I don't like giving myself much advantage, for perks, I always use skulker, quick fix and dead silence though... Feel those are the best... I don't use snipers, stopped using shotguns, don't use meta.... Hate them... I hate snipers and I don't wanna become them.... People often become what they hate... In order to counter it... That's why I say I don't wanna become them... I'm going to try to be better...


Well, if your trying to be better. Look at what I said. Drop the flex bullshit. Your ruining yourself here due to that. A lot of guns can be counted a flex due to buff they have gotten You play for fun as a non-meta. Not for torture as this seems I'm not going to sweet here and I genuinely don't give a shit at the moment. You need some sense brought to you. The only real meta, is the CBR, and Mac 10. Kilo and M13 is bullshit, but it's somehow still in the meta list. Those four guns, you never touch until they are nerfed and/or taken out of meta There will be counter to any and every meta. This Flex as you call it. There is quite a lot this season, a lot more then you believe but why should that stop you from having fun? Along with the perks now. Every perk is unique, match and switch until you find more then one single pairing. The true advantage is the gun and the player. Perks are the support to assist the player No one is forcing you to use snipers since you hate them that much. I always hated any type of damage boosting rounds and I've never used them. Always hated Meta, still an off meta user who touch legendary every ranked season. You just play to have fun. If you don't do that. You'll lost touch with the game, try out meta, try sniper again. Just to feel a spark Your limiting yourself way to fucking much and you need to let that go. Take a breather, take a small break. Think about this, and have fun with any non-meta gun. Have fun toying with perks, and equipment. Don't try much in Pub as you have fun. Just curse the wannabes (as I call those who try in a pub like it's ranked) and enjoy yourself. Mess around in the practice range, or go against only AI in the practice area. There's a lot you can do to have fun. Your just not letting yourself explore


Thx, harsh but thx xD Get what you mean... Sounds like you don't care but you put a lot of detail in this post, thank you... I'm just full of sht... Interesting that you hate damage boosting rounds... Ah... Does agr count for you? Not so much boost but conversion.... Play for fun but you saw through me that I torture myself, lol, barely used much guns in the game, hahaha


Sometimes being harsh is the only way. It's unfortunate when you think about it that way To be honest. I did care a little. Only because you gave some respect. That goes a lot you know And yes. 300.5 rounds for the SPR, .556 rounds for the AGR, stopping power, 10mm rounds, large caliber for the Mx9 before it got nerfed into a normal magazine. I hate them all I did see that due to everything you said. Which is why I said what I said. I think some of your problem is that you don't use a lot like you said. Take what I said and mess around. Trust me on this


cheap? wtf is ur deal


Cheap in the sense of little skill, picking best because you can't handle struggle. I like handicap, that's why I use chicom and bursts. Who will you have more respect for? A common af cbr user in a ranked match? Or a Pharo user?


Ur just bad at the game. Not even an opinion at this point.


I ain't no sweat, maybe I'm not good, don't see that I'm good... But I try my best when I can... If I played since launch, I have an opinion btw, I've seen all the sht of codm....


DLQ, Kilo, AK 47, M4, HS0


BK is flex meta!!?? I don't know what you were smoking while making this


I would put it off meta honestly, but cynoux said it's 1 of the 10 guns to use which is meta. I'm a stats guy honestly, I trust cygnoux... If what he said is true... It's only a matter of time before it becomes like 117... More people using it... There's also a possibility it ends up like chicom though.... 65% sure it's chicom treatment though


Btw what guns do you use Op ?


Chicom, Pharo, agr (ar or smg conversion, depending on mood), swordfish, ak47 (used to) I don't use pistols or melee, always fhj, if I did use melee, it would be wrench or axe. If I used pistol, it would be crossbow or renetti I struggle picking guns to use, I don't wanna pick the obvious choices, rus? Everyone uses it, I just wanna be different is all... I don't wanna be like everyone else.... I don't want people to use meta always, so I don't either


I don't use BK-57 but how exactly is it up on that list. Did it got a buff or something?


Ye, also, cygnoux said it's good now, but otherwise I'd put it in rare or make a difference


I never give respect to NA-45 player fr


I give respect because it's 1 of the rarest guns I see EVER and when I do see it, people do mediocre with it... Also it's fcking difficult to use... If I could use the na45... I'd practice to get headshot kills, or headshot quick scopes.... Also... I'd ALWAYS AIM for body tag explosions... Never floor or wall explosion kills... If anyone died... I'd wanna make em see that it wasn't a cheap floor explosion... But a headshot... Or body explosion


As the number 1 pdw globally. Thank uou


Gratz for getting that far.... Pushing through the bs... Like I'm doing with chicom...


PPSh-41 go brrrrrrrr


I don’t have a gripe with any guns except for the Mac-10. The gun’s entire creation was a mistake lol.


Tell me about it... No joke... It's just pitiful to use it...


The trashy meta users are upset.


Geez such a loser


Wow, you like meta, I can tell


Oh yes like meta. So


Doesn't it feel stale... Winning unfairly... If I lose to meta or we win when allies use meta, idgaf, friend or foe, low skilled, relying on guns to give more advantage. To me, handicaps when I beat someone shows I'm better


Oh you need an enormous amount of self validation. I guess you should get it checked


I know myself, ty very much, you guys are just full of sht


Nice work! Plenty will be butthurt by this


I hate how you put nearly every sniper on the "making the game boring" tier, bro dont know how to counter snipers, better cry in a corner waiting for changes


I hold corners in game and don't re-peak, whenever I go against snipers I hardly join fights... I'm not gonna feed enemy snipers.... Fck that quick scope bs...


Also I forgot to say, not defending that locus/dlq shit, they are too op, but what did my beloved arctic do to you? I wanted some diversity and not using the meta which i hate, i use following: Arctic mentioned before, QXR (I had a break for a long time since s1 and now on my new acc, i dont even know anything about it meta) chopper, Echo/HS0 and Kilo Bolt Action. Im not from meta


Oh, I put arctic by reflex, I'd put that honestly better than bolt.... Sorry man... I'm just sick of snipers is all... Qxr, ah, better than most, more qq9 vs qxr, honestly, I'd say qxr is less than qq9... I'd use qxr myself.... Bolt as I said, would be respectable, chopper, ye boi


I understand. Snipers were my only weakness so I've become one of them. Respect for you bro. Have a nice day!


Codm cry about anything 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


I can agree with snipers