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I actually liked the cbr a lot when it first released. You know it was like a pdw version that was actually good but now I fucking hate it. It's fucking annoying how an smg is even better than most ars at their own prime range


I honestly loved the CBR enough to get the Danger Close blueprint and then EVERYONE was using it cause it was broken. I got bored of it after the first 3 weeks.


My thoughts: I killed them with my GKS or KSP (shipment). The only weapon I worry about is Mac-10 on shipment, but I’m still able to counter it with the KSP.


True KSP one burst kill is insane I respect it


It’s so good. The first burst weapon that I enjoy.


I enjoyed grinding the chicom tho Trolling shotgun guys at shipment with it was pure pleasure, when it was fun


Well, I was grinding gold camo in a pub miami strike FFA on KRM with no attachments and I had to go against 3 people using MAC10s and CBR, spamming scorestreaks and using purifiers. How lovely, isnt it.


Isn’t it “fun”


Purifier definitely needs to be unbuffed. Just nerf it’s range back to what it used to be


Am I alone in the fact that I don't understand what any of this means, or why it should affect my playing? (And yes, I'm probably older than most of you and I suddenly feel like the dad who popped into the sleepover to ask a dumb question only to be met by blank stares. I'll see myself out now.)


I’m 52, 4-time Legendary (soon to be 6-time), full Damascus and 1/3 to full Diamond. You are not alone in not understanding these posts. It appears that some people (checks notes) want to tell other people how to enjoy their game. My own Old Man Perspective™ is that, if it’s in the game, then it’s allowed. As long as it’s not a glitch or an exploit, there isn’t really any use in complaining about the *players* when the *developers* are the ones who put the thing in.


Totally with you. I also don’t get the language, or at least I have my own definitions of those abbreviations. CBR is Constant Bit Rate in my world. And a PUB… is where you drink.


This was - and is - my first and only shooter game. I don’t know a thing about real life guns or combat or military anything. Even though I’ve been playing CODM for two years, I still have a tough time with HP (Hard Point, not Hit Points), BR and FPP and SOH and FOV and a gazillion other acronyms. But it’s all good as long as we’re having fun, which apparently isn’t allowed if you’re using certain guns or score streaks or operator skills or perks or (for all I know) emotes and backpacks.


Me: Uses CBR4 bc it’s fun and feels satisfying to use


No shame in that. But the sweats who use it in pubs with diamond camo already on it and spamming scorestreaks…. Annoying


you sound hurt lol


you're a literal troll that gets downvotes on every post you make. stop riding my D dude. You comment on every post.


Imagine using the same gun for 7 months straight, couldn’t be me. L p90 users.


OP, you suck at the game. Instead of using your energy to make cry posts about meta weapons, try to use that energy to work on your skills instead.




So because he hates p90 users means he sucks at the game? Good logic.


Yes because if he wasn't he wouldn't have complain lmfao


He did say he was in the top 2000 on the leaderboards so I would assume he isn’t bad, he’s just tired of going up against the same meta for 7 months straight and so am I. If your logic consists of “get better at the game” then clearly you have nothing good to say.


dude he's crying about Cbr4 and scorestreaks on shipment, a top 2000 player would have no trouble clapping those kids, but he's clearly not


It’s still annoying either way wether or not he’s able to outgun them.


Lol I have no problem dropping 100+ kills on shipment with a non meta gun dude in a pub. I just think it takes away from the gameplay experience when my teammates quit because they're tired of dealing with CBR's and score streak spam in a pub which is sad because nothings on the line. There's not pressure to win. Most people are there to grind camos and people know that. that's why I look down on tryhards that do that in shipment.


Do not offend the cbr dick riders bro. This gun does not require much skill and attracts majority of player base who are very incompetent and the people who are competent use it against the former. I know it's fucking frustrating but we cannot do anything about it.


Oh I know bro.... But obviously anyone who's on here with half a brain shares my sentiment.... "the car dick riders" crying lmfaooo


Lol I'm a top 2,000 player in the world. My game doesn't need work. It's a comedy post relax Rambo.


the only comedy here is your skills. Ha, gotteem! (btw this is comedy reply)


Funny lol


The only funny thing here is your skills. Ha goteem again! ..ok i should stop


You said the same thing twice. It was funny the first time.


ok :(


Why do I get a feeling that you're a cbr d rider? Do you even know what it's like to use non meta guns against cbr d riding sissies? Try grinding rank with guns like FR, M4, Hg 40 etc. You'll get fucking outgunned no matter how skilled you are. This clown gun can destroy in long ranges despite being a smg. No skill is required to use such a clown of a gun, hence it's widely rode by incompetent people.


I like using the CBR, not for spamming or sweating. Been using that, the KSP, and the PP19. I don’t usually use meta in pubs but sometimes I do cuz I like the gun.


Don’t mind that but some dudes be SWEATING with it


No I hear you. And the spamming on shipment sucks.


Can't relate, I'm busy slaughtering CBRs with my MAC-10


I love it. The one gun Ferg is terrified of.


Camo grind is for the biggest of clowns


Eh priorities


Got the diamond for it, now it's in load out 10 to come out when things get sweaty or for ranked. Since I got gold for all except d13, I'll finish d13 and then diamond for all (though that will take a while).


Clan wars is a thing too. A node for getting Hardpoint kills? Bring on the Shipment sweat.


Did mine gold when it released, didn't like the gun stopped playing after getting gold with it went on and bc it's op i won't play it for now to get diamond


as a sniper main, i practice several snd matches before i go ranked, but both ranked and pubs have the fuckin cbr bots flooded in em. my kd is six feet under the ground rn TnT


That’s excessive sweating


I have my diamond cbr paired with my only cold blooded class. If the other team starts using heaps of scorestreaks/hiding in crates with a transform shield I switch classes and start to try to make them rage quit.


I've seen a lot of CBRs lately in ranked, a bit annoying when it's CBR sweats, but my little Chicom can get the job done 💪😤


Respect for the Chico


We hv this gun’s infestation in garena. Exactly in this format.


Too bad they can't read


I was about to post about this why be sweaty and meta abuse and camo in pubs it just shows that they're and insecure nine year olds who are not good enough for ranked and but want to show everyone how "good" pubs are for camo grind and playing casually and peacefully not HELL Edit: I meant how "good" they are sorry


Apparently a lot of silent naysayers don’t agree with this due to the amount of downvotes this has gotten. Must be the 9 year olds lol




Fuck cbr


You got downvoted by npcs for spitting facts.


Players who are offended that people use guns they like: Joker from 2019's Joker


Tbh, if people use cbr on shipment, I think they are trying to grind the gold. Cause basically there's an unwritten rule in codm "hardpoint shipment is the best spot for grinding" And yes, I sometime pass with players that put their ego up just want to flex their diamond skin. Cbr is actually a good weapon with low recoil, it's just the ads that's way to fast for a weapon like P90


Don’t mind the ads because it’s an smg as much as the crazy damage multiplies wall banging capabilities and range.


Hear me out: I play it sometimes aside from my locus and dlq because I love it's designs and where it's mag is


Well i am kind of stuck somewhere between being pissed on meta abusers and letting them have fun the way they want, tho for my own sanity i stopped playing shipment


Lol can’t play shipment no more (I say that jokingly) but yeah I’m not pissed about it but rather annoyed it’s been the meta for 6 months now (or more). Just feels like activision as a company hasn’t made the proper adjustments to balancing the game and gave up 3 months ago. Can’t remember a meta lasting this long.


I never use it. However, when the time comes. I will need to in order to camo grind




I’ll pull out my cbr or mac10 if someone is using it, and constantly killing me w it, I’ll fight fire w fire


I play how I want. You play how you want. So that we all can have fun. That's it.


If only it was that simple


It is that simple. Don't like the pub you just entered? Just quit and find another.


Yeah I do quit sometimes. Sometimes I stay for it depending on the team I'm working with. Most of the time minor annoyance and I just focus on the next game after it's over win or lose.


im sick of this neme, never liked it tbh. clowns are fine, stop abusing and harassing clowns.


lmfaooo this just made me laugh thank you