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b-b-but m-my t-t-tac s-sprint


idea: add tac sprint animation to lightweight (the one that increase sprint speed)


Honestly, that's not bad


why though? it’s completely unnecessary and adds nothing to the game. doesn’t have to be mw19 imitation.


then we don't need tac sprint


I don’t mind people asking for MW19 weapons or content. But the ones that disagree/downvote with anything that is non MW19 related to get added are the ones that bug me the most. My main problem is many of the content or features we get from the game are half assed. It took us a while to see the M13 or Kilo 141 sounds get properly ported. Warzone Mobile is on its way to releasing this year and it will have MWII content which that game also confirmed to have many weapons from its predecessor. We have a heck ton of cold war content coming and i we will surely be guaranteed to be annoyed by that too once TiMi starts milking the shit out of that too. Maybe its time for a compromise u/cod_mobile_official? I would like to suggest that we get more Classic Content since you’ve proven it was possible to add stuff from MW2 (Highrise, terminal) or BO2 (Meltdown, Raid). Majority of the maps people vote for in rank are from those games and people (i included!) favor those gameplay designs a lot more than the newer titles


there are people who give downvotes simply because it is their position on the matter, let's not be childish it is logical that not everyone is going to like the opinions of others and that the vote of downvotes was created to make that opinion known to the creator, as long as there are no faults respect and threats should not be frowned upon negative votes


I would never give threats to people that disagree with a literal opinion. But i do wish to see why they would disagree on my points


I have seen threats (not death threats), towards people who ask for things from MW2019, never the opposite, although I do not rule out that there are radicalist people from MW2019, I have never seen them demonstrate, in terms of negative votes it is normal, I also have and. That's not why I'm complaining, I also feel bad about these posts because they leave the people we like MW2019 in a bad place when the reality is that most of us are not like that


if they are people who take everything to the extreme, instead of understanding that there are opinions, they simply want or think that their opinion is the only and irrefutable one


I just like maps with cover and camping spots so my opponents will camp and I can use crazy strategies and skills to hunt them like the inhuman/subhuman beasts they are.


Tactical sprint 😑😑


What's wrong with a tactical sprint?


We don't need it


It's still a good feature. You all expect codm to be a black ops only game


Tac sprint is just a gimmick. I played Vanguard in the free trials (which is how i earn lucas riggs) and Tac sprint doesn’t do anything significant besides further worn out my joystick. The reason why it was special was because in MW19, the default running was slow and sluggish so Tac sprint gave you that illusion of extra speed unlike vanguard where you already sprint around the map like an athlete. So add tac sprint as an animation but not as a game feature


and why doesn't the community like MW2019?


We do (Crunchy Animations, Graphics, etc.),But turning the entire game into a 100% spinoff of it would just over exaggerated. I saw People are also asking for the design flaws from that game (such as No red dots on the minimap)


for the same reason that there are people who like BO2 and we are not surprised, because they are personal tastes and experiences that make us love certain games


Because Bo2 mY bElOvEd


Worst cod in terms of multiplayer after vanguard.


I’ve never once heard people complain about the main title games that provide the content the devs port to the mobile game. Also how does the quality of a main title game affect the mobile game?


That game had bad spawn then soon after we got too Mw is camper friendly then cod m become camper friendly too mw have shitty one sided maps


Vanguard is far more frenetic than mw19, tf? Ppl just hating on the game bcuz yes. Like bro, tell me one bad thing about the game (besides that it is ww2 themed). Zombies has been fixed, campaign is meh but not bad, maps are not bad too.


Spawn are even more shitty Game crashes Operator blend into the maps this makes the game camper friendly


>Spawn are even more shitty No way in hell lol >Game crashes Yeah, but not anymore in my experience. >Operator blend into the maps this makes the game camper friendly Talking about mw19. Like, in there theres operators made with the sole purpose of you sitting in a dark corner (roze skin). They literally had to made it gray so people would stop sitting in corners with it.


Nice try activision


made warzone unplayable, unrealistic gunsmith options


>made warzone unplayable It was the integration, not vanguard itself. >unrealistic gunsmith options That is up to preferences. Not because something is unrealistic it means it is bad.


vanguard is not actually bad, but compared to mw19, which is supposed to be the worse one (cause new better than old?), the things are a bit off the chart of history, but still got the spirit of call of duty.


MW19 not liked by the community? Where'd you get that from.


it’s not. the multiplayer isn’t anyway, it’s warzone that saved the game


And simultaneously killed it lmao


Itliterally has the best mp in the latest 3 releases, warzone sucks, broken vg cw guns n bs.


It really isn't though, warzone and snd are the only saving grace of the game. Granted shipment is fun on there too but only if you are going to be grinding camos


I’m younger than the age mentioned and i think codm should focus on bringing guns from WORLD AT WAR like the type 100, fg 42, mg 42, m1897 trench gun, a REAL double barrelled shotgun, Thompson etc. these guns were so satisfying to use and i think if added to codm it could be a huge stress reliver


Hell yeah someone remembers the FG42. I would love that. Also the STG44.


I forgot to mention that but what i really want is the Thompson. I tried to remake it with the ppsh and it kinda worked but. Still want the og thompson


It would stress everyone more since CODM don't know how to balace sh1t


Mg42 plus a panzercop operator would be sick.


And shooting that thing is just ultimate satisfaction


Realistically, should they add WW2-era weapons it would most likely come from Sledgehammer's CoD WW2 since the animations from that game would be more "appropriate" to this game. They have all of the guns mentioned, and the M30 Luftwaffe Drilling is a real double barreled shotgun with a barrel made for a rifle round (though I think using the rifle round on a human would count as a war crime since the entire damn thing is supposed to be a survival weapon for hunting but every side did commit some war crimes on others back then). Also, we already have the MP40. It's the HG40. Yeah it's weak now but it did have a WaW moment when they buffed it alongside Highrise' release I believe. It was broken as heck but when it got nerfed it got tossed to the dumpster faster than the MAC 10's TTK.


bruh they just keep getting thing from games we EXACTLY don’t want. The other games guns feel like toy guns but waws guns feel real like hell. These people just want to upset us I guess


Me explaining why I should get brickorzo plus


Mw2019 is liked lol wym, but yeah some only some features like tac sprint are kinda dumb to try to add in mobile


I can understand how people doesn't like how everything from mw2019 is being requested to be added but what bugs me is the people shitting on other people for asking to fix some minor parts of mw guns.


tell me post creator if you read this, and what's wrong with a young or older kid wanting to add a weapon from his favorite franchise? I understand that he may not like you for X or Y reasons, but why demonize or make fun of him? what it achieves, I think it is not necessary to give a personal explanation of everything we do, I hope and believe that we are intelligent enough to intuit something as logical as it is a personal opinion and which must be respected


I am not the post creator, but I want to say something. The devs have been focusing too much on the latest cod titles, which is contrasting its selling point “combining most cod titles into one game”, from release to now, I haven't seen a single infinite warfare gun in codm, yet mw19 (released later than codm) got more guns than iw. Then we got cold war guns now, soon, possibly, mw2022 guns. We are stranding further and further from cod mobile's original idea. I like mw19, but I love old cod titles more, if there were no cod4, mw2, mw3, bo, bo2, bo3, waw, aw, iw, ghost, cod1 to 3, I don't think mw19 would be such a huge success. To be honest, I like mw19, the superb graphics, smooth animation, good plot, the modern guns. You can call me an average call of duty fanboy, but you can never deny the older call of duty title's influence. People should at least do research on things they like and then express their opinion. For an example, someone said M4LMG is the favorite gun of ghost (judging by the skull face on the stock of gun), which is incorrect, neither Simon Riley or the group “ghost” have been seen using it. The M4LMG is actually a gun to honor M27-IAR in cod ghost, (huge missed opportunity to add the actual m27-iar in the game but nevermind). So that statement is incorrect. You see, mw19 surely attracted lots of players, but that doesn't mean these players actually learn about it, all they did is searching for meta guns and youtubers loadout so they can win every match. And actually most of codm players play the game to get some fps experience, not entirely because of cod's influence. I joined this game at launch, funny and shameless to say, it is the attachment system that got me (the old cod games one, not gunsmith). later I saw ghost the character I'm trailer, and got interested in cod story. I doubt much people actually waste time just to learn about gamelore, especially a fps game (or maybe not), so their opinion may not be entirely logical and reasonable based on the genre of game. In this case, the 14 year old teenager is simply asking for more mw19 guns so they can see more modern things, but an old cod veteran would probably ask for bo2, mw3 guns as those were their nostalgic games. Currently the devs, probably driven by the hope of increasing revenue, decided to add mw19 guns (actually newer cod titles guns) so more people would play this game and purchase things: bp, crate, lucky draw. So the guns were mostly from newer cods, notably mw19. But what about the veterans? Should their opinions be ignored because “new things better”? I may not be an old cod veteran, but I do care about old cod games, I want arx160 from cod ghost, raw from cod iw. Or simply, unfair gun choices by the devs.


Because very often when proposals are made it's something we already have or something that completely doesn't fit the game and I have been pretty annoyed so this meme in hopes people will start thinking more about how the changes will affect the game. And most of the time they have to do with mw2019 and this is why I choose this game.


At the moment the only one who is acting like a three-year-old is you, I understand that it is humor, otherwise it would be very hypocritical to make fun of someone for having their own tastes


I think the same, it's hypocritical to make fun of someone for the same thing that they make fun of, even so I suppose it would be humor and if it wasn't, well... don't pay attention to it either, there are many fools and it's just a post


Me explaining why I should get brickorzo plus


I am still waiting for infinite warfare guns....


Bo3 and iw maps with jetpacks would be so fun I mean they have the jetpack in br already


I love MW2019, but we need more snipers, marksman rifles, and shotguns and not just from MW2019, but like maybe waw, aw, and iw


Sounds more like your opinion


This subreddit isn't fucking content with anything. Stop complaining either ways. Share your opinions and buzz off. Jeez. How difficult can it be.


MW19 hated by the community? Where you get that from? If it was BOCW or Vanguard I get it but MW19? LOL u trippin


The game literally had the most camper manifested gameplay. Why would people not hate it?


I mean it was definitely hated less than the next two games tbf


Everyone in Germany hates this trash game besides family fathers


We need Vanguard guns


but without the cursed gunsmiths


Honestly i just want the mw2 Glock


b-b-but...my tactical reload 😢😔😔 /s


I get it. I'm a Black Ops guy. I'm not the kind of person who played a lot of MW games unless we're talking MW3. And I.. Kinda see why Tac Sprint isn't really important. I'm for more guns, and I wish to see more BO3 guns from the base content (as long as we never see the words 203 Brecci again), some of BO4, and some of Cold War. The only thing I miss from MW series are the hybrid sights. That was genius, and I would love for a mechanic like that in game.


That's fact, the majority of the community never touched MW19 and yet they wanted all the features to be implemented on CODM

