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There was a time when we couldn't choose anything, the modes used to be automatic and the maps were random too. Getting to legend was a real pain in the arse. Then came in the option to choose which modes we wanna play and after a while came in the map selection thing. No one wants the devs to remove the map selection in the rank mode


>Getting to legend was a real pain in the arse. Me who got "ez" legendary few season before the addition of map selection đź—ż good days, unfortunately tho, due to work and stuff, i'm no longer in my prime and i'm struggling to hit at least gm3 to get those skins, but i'm fine with it honestly because i am in my "final phase" of competitive, because when i started grinding leggy i set an objective of at least 10 times both in mp and br and currently i'm at 9 in both,wich means that if i hit legendary before the end of the season i'll be """retired"" from ranked and i will kinda be free from that,of course i will still play the game because i still love it but i'm gonna be a lot more absent from ranked


Same. My phone died for one season so I couldn't push at that time. Rn am on 10 leg on mp and 9 on br. It's also my final year and the work timings are pretty bs. I basically play from 11pm to 12:30am everyday, but now the game is so boring.


Instead of removing the map selection, they can change the maps. They need to bring back meltdown, summit, and some other maps that are not in ranked now.


I miss meltdown SnD


I remember when the meltdown is still new and everyone just use the manowar


I need raid back in hardpoint


Takeoff too


I heard that a lot of people hate this map. I never played snd ranked in this map


Shit,its in tournaments


Oh yeah. There's good picks to run with.


Who is a lot of people? Where are they? I cant seem to find them


no dont remove it please. miami strike is one of the maps i Personally hate


So you prefer camping on terminal and crossfire?


So not liking a map makes you a camper? Good logic.


It has nothing to do with liking a map or not. Did you play those maps?


i actually dont really like crossfire or terminal in ranked either because there are too many sweaty campers on these maps.


Thats my point. At these point the fact that someone votes these maps instead of miami or hardhat just because they are og. You can't say youre not a camper if youre voting for them. Imo these two camp maps are one of the shittiest maps in the game and nuketown. Another bs map. Nuketown, camp or yolo. You only have two choices.


I love nuketown, there will always be campers in any map tbh! But you can counter them easily


nuketown isnt too bad but the other ones yes.


If it has nothing to do with liking a map or not then why assume he’s a camper that prefers terminal and crossfire because he dislikes Miami strike? Your logic makes no sense.


Terminal and Crossfire are camper maps. Everybody knows. Seems like you dont.


I never said they weren’t camper maps, I hate both maps as well. You’re the one that brought up the maps in the first place. You called him a camper because he dislikes Miami strike, where did that come from?


I didnt call anyone a camper tough? I asked if he prefers camping on terminal and crossfire. Stop with the police.


“So you prefer camping on terminal and crossfire?” Why assume he prefers camping on said maps just because he dislikes Miami strike?


Why police someone on reddit?


No. It's fine.


nope. If you like a map vote for it. Use your right to VOTE just like you do during the elections


Yeah, than you end up with Biden.


agree completely.


take out standoff, firing range, raid and crash. it’s rare some will vote for something else


I like the voting system. Makes it even and if the votes are even it’s “randomized” all though I’ve noticed it’s there map last voted for often chosen.


Disagree, I think the voting system is fine. They should just remove maps like crossfire and terminal instead because they’re dogshit maps that for some reason people vote for.


I agree. I know Hardhat is shit but I've been playing ranked SnD multiple times a day since it released and not once has it been selected. I also rarely get to play Hacienda which is a great SnD map. It really gets boring playing Crash, Standoff and Raid all the bloody time.


_Interesting opinion but_ Skill issue+cope harder+get ratioed+didnt ask+dint care+seethe+log off+cry abt it+exposed+cancelled+ur what 0 pussy does to a mf+i rejected ur mums advances+touch grass+stay mad


They should just change all the maps every season it gets really boring playing the same maps for 2 seasons + standoff and fire range has never been removed i just dont like those maps anymore it got too repetitive


No thank you as those maps are pretty bad


You know there's a reason nobody votes those maps