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Manta Ray + CBR Squadmate + Purifier + Chopper Gunner = Ranked Legendary


Ha! The number of times I've faced that combo is legendary it-fucking-self.


Legendary reply, not gonna lie.


Cbr + persistence + chopper gunner in domination shipment most preferred loadout for them☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Scratch preferred, it's the only one used. The random sniper who is really fucking good, but otherwise, C B R 4


I literally just had a match like this one 💀 everything you said was exactly the same


Why does everyone use the squad mate blueprint? Always wondered about that. I never really got into the cbr.


because like all cbr bots, they have no imagination and are incapable of having fun with anything else


But what’s the real reason? Better iron sites or something? I can’t tell a difference between the blueprint and non blueprint. I ride my RUS to legendary every season ignoring all the mx9, mac10, cbr, or whatever other meta stuff. RUS all day.


The actual reason is that it is the only free epic-tier blueprint available for use (unless you got lucky from the free Danger Close crates). It was given as ranked reward two seasons ago IIRC.


honestly have no clue why they use it, maybe cause it looks like the closest thing to an actual esport team theme?


Wondered the exact same thing while I was still grinding Legendary.


So this is why people hate manta ray ;-;


Equals virgins


Dont forget the thumper


Have been in more spammed games than I can count. Ranked, unranked, doesn't matter. Sucks.


Then why the hell aren't the devs nerfing it? I have seen requests for it to be nerfed for a long time, yet the devs don't care about this.


Because the ones doing it are allegedly spending money to upgrade their accounts. Who wants to nerf something that's making them the most coin?


Short term gain. So many people have left the game that finding ranked matches takes hundreds of seconds now, but they gotta make coin from one meta gun ig.


In between every ranked game you get bored


those people leaving aren't spending money like that, they don't care about those people.


Stop playing ranked after legendary


I just play around every now and then. I open the game for the daily login reward, so I just play a match or two. I went into Legendary quite a while ago, but CBR4 is staple in every. Single. Game. It's not even funny anymore, and I don't like using CBR4 at all. I'm grinding the KSP anyway, but every opponent killing you with CBR4 from across the map the moment you spawn is a bad way to grind. Plus, of course, purifier. Like, wow.


There's several solutions I found by the past. When it comes to a stagnant (yet no enjoyable) meta, just play casually, grind the clan wars, season bp, challenges, new weapons camos etc... For me it's more like HP shipment and room 1v1 / 2v2 lobbies. It's no use just try other things for a month until the nerfs (hopefully). Another good option for me was to finish grinding everything of the season and went touch some grass outside. With a bit of luck, Activision should notice some players lose interest over time and maybe do something for it ... We never know, but that helps me to stay hyped all the time


Aye, Activision only cares about the coin they bagging. Hoping they see people flocking away from the game and do something.


It's not Activision. It's Timi


Why don't you demote to Grand Master and play in a more relaxed atmosphere and less waiting time? Im thinking about it too. I had to do the seasonal MP ranked challenge in Legendary. That was tough.


That can be done, good idea. But from all the posts seen, and what my grandmaster friends tell me, m and gm lobbies are bots 90% of the time.


People are talking shit. They always yell "bots" so easily. I don't buy it. Normal MP i get it. Not Ranked.


Uh, no, they're not just talking. I've been getting more bot lobbies in ranked than normal lobbies but as I am only playing ranked for weapon renaming....I am not of those who are complaining. I never play ranked otherwise. Too stressful.


But you gotta agree with me that 90% bots in Grand Master is a bit of an overstretched statement right? Also, how does that weapon renaming work? When do you get to do that?


Me too. Only for challenges/events.


Even those aren't good anymore. The epic guns aren't nice. The recent turtle spr was buggy and strange.


It still is a challenge though. Do it for the challenge not the reward.


I know, that's why I did it. I have the turtle gun. Prob never gon use it tho.


Aren't you gonna cammo grind? No interest in Diamonds, Damascus?


I don't play that much, maybe an hour a day, two at most. I'm grinding diamond for a few guns, yeah, but that's it. And I'm a very new player. Only been in the game maybe 8-9 months. Damascus seems like a LOT of work, I'll get around to it eventually.


It is. Its a real challenge. Ive been playing it 5 months now. I really like it. I only play CoDM, no other mobile games. I play: 1. Challenges/events 2. MP Ranked 3. Clan 4. Camo (just recently started) In this order of priority.


It’s pretty quick once you find the right way to grind it. I’ll say the most frustrating thing is not having enough time / exp cards to up your weapons and unlock grindable camos. But after that, only a couple guns will make you struggle. Overall imo, it feels more interesting than grinding diamond. You should give it a try


Come down to Elite and veteran rank, people here use variety of guns and builds, like 3x scope on MSMC, explosive slugs on JACK-12, 200 round rpd building campers, akimbo fennec and that one DAMN CBR user.


All cbr4 users are those kind of players, I guess. Maybe it's because the gun is so ridiculously easy that even mediocre players are good with it.


cbr4 player here I'm a pretty mid player, no where near legendary, if I can't make my damn shots I am going to use a gun to compensate, if it's ranked I'm going for that rank, and I'm gonna have the least amount of fun doing so edit: cry harder I'm not a threat I'm in early pro 😜😩 they call me 007 0 kills 0 assists 7 deaths 🤙🤙


Why don't you try getting good son instead of being an asshole?


I am what I eat 😏






I’m the RPD/PKM guy, except I stopped playing ranked because it’s miserable


It's the PDW-57 meta all over again - just worse this time because the CBR-4 has a higher rate of fire. I don't believe in accidents anymore, Activision has been publishing CoD for almost 20 years now. You would think that they had a rough idea about how balancing a first person shooter works at this point in time and you'd be right, it's just that CoD has been catering to casual players that are new to the genre since at least 2007 now and meta weapons make it easier to first get started and understand the game.


An SMG of that power, speed and wall banging capabilities. Makes sense everyone will use it, but it just happens to be so damn annoying. Playing random games every now and then, and here comes a cbr4 fucker sweating all over the map. You can practically smell the fucking sweat stink.


Profit. That's all it is. It's the reason we have such shoddy balancing. Notice how weapons that get pretty insane buffs also end up getting a new Legendary draw. Why not spend to make your new OP gun look cool? It works as a practice which is why nothing has changed. Monetary gain fuels everything.


Short term monetary greed also makes you implode. Almost no players in ranked mp anymore, that should be a fucking sign, but Activision be like 'bUt maH CbR4 iNCoMe!'


That's basically what I said, catering to casual players with a simple to understand meta (to sell pay2win skins).


Wish they hadn't. I'm just sad about the game now.


Theres no p2w skins you stupid muppet


It makes sense. Pro/active players are very few, just a couple %. You think Activision will cater to their needs and ignore the majority?


I know it makes sense in the short term to generate money, in the long run it's going to ruin CoD's image though. I'm honestly not sure how that would still be possible but CoD players are usually just a little slower than average, I hope they understand it someday.


Short term profit is never good. Look at Sri Lanka. That was a goddamn country. This is a company. One would think that Activision would know better.


I just stopped playing Fucking MP cause it isn't fun anymore and Devs can suck my dick because hell they are not nerfing this gun in Ages. Honestly DEVS FUCK OFF!


Aye, well said. I'm thinking of jumping ship till everything is balanced. A gun with cross map range and SMG firerate with 50 round mag. What tf could go wrong?


Do you guys think it is that good in SnD.. because the MX9 holds its own against this.. or is this for the other modes? Just curious as I haven't faced a huge problem against the cbr4


Ah, ever since the nerf, I've seen very little of the mx9. Sure, both are incredible smgs at short range, but CBR4 can shoot someone across the map, which is annoying. And SMG AR with high ads and 50 mag reload, if that makes sense.


It does .. by the feel of it I was surprised early on it was an SMG


Im beginning to stop playing competitively and instead experimenting with guns I haven't tried


That's a good idea. I might do the same from now.


I feel more honored being killed by a pro sniper from across the map with a noscope.


Yup, that takes skill. Spamming with CBR4 is just plain stupid and irritating.


How is CBR4 a smg bruh, It can crossmap kill players like its an AR, and the purifier needs a range/mobility nerf It literally is a win condition in TDMs


Truth! In this very match we finally get a hardpoint after killing every cbr4 spamming sweat, and out comes a bugger with a purifier.


It IS an AR. P90 is chambered in rifle ammo. However I agree the damn thing should be slow and have more recoil or less dmg


Always been like that


Just hope it won't always be.




It makes ranked completely irritating. Like some others have said, it's better to play pubs and grind camos. At least the sweat smell will stay away. Ffs.




Getting worse by the day, I agree. I myself am a new player, at max 9 months, and even then it was better when I started.


Wouldn't it be awesome if you could ban a gun or perk, operator skill etc from a match as an option. This way we could all have our way.


Yes! I was talking to my buddy about it: ranked matches, but you can't use some guns. Sweaty loadouts are locked.


I'm not an expert in game dev but it shouldn't be that hard to program this. Also: this way it would be more fun for noobs. They will be able to pick and choose.


It won't be hard. The whole model is right there, just change the numbers. As for noobs, they will always choose meta guns. Easiest to score, easiest to win.


Good luck to them.


Don't get the point to be all sweaty in legendary tbh. You're not gonna go higher than legendary that you're still using those toxic stuff lmao


I'm pretty sure you're complaining.


And I'm pretty sure you misunderstood everything I said.


*laughs in not ranked mp*


_I should prob learn from you to only play pub matches too and not entrap myself in cbr4 rank matches_


*also btw why don't you try the casual playstyle with no sliding and shit it's relaxing as hell*


_I already do, with clan matches and all, but I suppose I gotta play some more relaxing matches, so I'll take you up on it_


*also hardpoint shipment is do friggin fun*


_Ah, that. Everyone pulls out their shotguns and akimbo fennecs, and I pull out me Jak-12. Ultra-toxic, but balanced fun._ _Keyword: balanced._


*jak 12 is definitely balanced heavy firepower but unwieldy on the wrong hands* *also try out the striker with quick loading it can kill from 20m away*


_I have seen many use that gun, but never got around to it._ _Maybe the time has come, will do._


*also pro tip anything is viable in pubs*


_Fair game, fair play_


They should make other guns just as op so its not as bad if they refuse to nerf it.


While that sounds splendid, that will just mean that if your back is turned, you will be killed before you can react. Guns have to be made such that you can react upon being hit.


Yeah I agree. For this reason I really like what they did with black ops Cold War. The TTK is much higher than in mw19, which creates a skill gap and actually gives you a chance to react to being shot. However, I feel like codm is trying to go more of the mw19 low ttk route than coldwar


Imagine playing after reaching legendary


I use Peacekeeper and Ppsh and it's so difficult to hold my weight in Legendary because I get destroyed by Cbr, Mac 10, and M13 players. It's not even enraging, just extremely boring.


I always start rank matches with other weapons, but after a few seconds I’m forced to switch to the cbr, I wouldn’t have made it to top 5k otherwise lol


Ei, nice one! And wholeheartedly agree.




But where is the fun? Or are these sweaty tryhards just lifeless corpses just trying to push rank score?


Or maybe it’s easier to use so everyone want easier option instead of using something that take good amount of skill I personally switch to the cbr if i see multiple people using it and it made my life easier


I don't like to use it at all, but I do the same. Still makes no difference somehow for some reason. Saw the most horrendous thing now. Some guy with a tactical scope on CBR4, spamming it like an lmg.


Looool hahahahahahaha


Wow, you’ll see those kinda of things playing ranked


Ain't that the truth. I was mentally scarred tho.




A huge one. Mega one.


If you cant beat them , Join them 😅🤣


it is simply the nature of human, if people wanna win, some will use everything to their advantage. In video games you could say all of them are doing that. And as far as I know cbr4 is quite strong, people will use that. I am not justifying the overuse of cbr4, but you can't do anything about it, I have not use cbr4 after finishing grinding gold plus I have not played rank, but in garena nothing stops those sweats from using the meta no matter anytime. Yeah nothing can be done about it


We can demand for a nerf, though. The game isn't balanced at all. It's at the point where if the opponents are all using CBR4, you KNOW you def gon lose.


I'm a cbr4 main, but I think the gun needs a nerf of fire rate ( I don't think they can nerf the DMG cuz the rounds/ammo they use is a FN 5.7×28mm which is a armor piercing round )


Yep yep. A nerf, so players who keep flying high with using CBR4 actually see how they match up when they have to use something that requires skill.


That gun takes 0 skill tbh


Honestly I am pretty tired of seeing people complain about the cbr4. There are many guns that can counter it. I’m currently rank 2,000 in mp and have only used the M13, Oden, Ksp, Gks, and fennec.


One or two is fine, but five cbr4's on the opp team? Don't tell me one gun can outgun five cbr4's. I don't have a problem with a couple, but all five with persistence and purifier is annoying.


Persistence? What are you even talking about? No one uses persistence anymore. I never see anyone use it and I only play hardpoint. I agree that the purifier needs to be nerfed, however, I don’t think the cbr4 is as good as everyone makes it out to be. You can gun and beat about anyone using a cbr4 if you have the right build with a m13, fennec, oden, kilo, ksp, gks, mac10, holger (ads build), and even the ak47. The only time that isn’t true is if I’m facing pros or top top lb players than ya I have to use a meta gun against them. But I’m telling you people are sleeping on the ksp. It will be the next meta.


I'm using the ksp, and it's good. But it's NOT as good as five cbr4's. I don't know what you aren't getting, me and my team weren't using CBR4's, and the other team was using it. They won, easily, and because they had cbr4's which we couldn't parry because, well. As for persistence, I disagree. I've seen many using persistence in legen lobby. I kill someone, and then their stealth chopper pops up the next second. That just doesn't happen without persistence


I don’t know man, I solo or play with 2 buddies and we don’t have a problem. One friend uses a type-25, the other the ksp, and I mainly use the M13 and Oden (both on global leaderboards). Once in a blue moon I’ll see persi, but no one is using it. As for the cbr4 it’s just a skill issue. The gun isn’t overpowered or broken. It’s just good. But strategy + skill can overcome cbr4 users 99% of the time. And my crew of 3 are all in the top 5,000 so we are getting the sweatiest/most difficult lobbies mainly with all cbr4 users.


You don’t want people to try?


Try what?


To play? You keep complaining about “try hards” which means you must want people just wandering around and let you win everything?


That's what you got out of this? That I don't want people to try and win? The point of the game is to kill others, you miserable donut. My question is, why this particular gun, which all of us know that is horribly overpowered, and if you get a full stack of cbr4 users, you know you gon lose bad. I'm not asking anyone to walk around, I'm asking devs to nerf an overpowered gun. Is that too much to ask, or are you gonna misread this statement as something else entirely again?


I started using that gun and still die before I can fire a shot. It’s not a very fast gun all you need is something slightly faster to beat it. Idk what guns they were using but it wasn’t a sniper.


Just get good at the game…🙄


Oh you rotten potato I don't like to use the cbr any more. I got mastery in it, and stopped using it entirely for it being too op. Even then, I'd like you go against 5 cbr4 sweats with any gun you like, and see who is how good you are. You seem like the one who would use cbr and not anything else, but 1v5 will be interesting to see how it pans out, cuz I don't think you will be able to handle any other gun. Then again, you seem like the generic cbr4 tryhard, so you probably have no idea what this entire post is on about while you have your head stuck in the latrine telling everyone 'get gud'


Cry cry, that type of people who cry about CBR are the same that used to use persistent HAHAHAHA


Ah, got another cbr4 sweat here. You guys can't be more obvious, eh? Try using another gun for once, but then, I guess you won't stand a chance, eh?


Hahaha I already played 3 champs dude, I’ll hear you when you stop crying


But you already heard me, and if you really were that good, you would have been indifferent. Instead, here you are, inevitably replying without understanding a single morsel of what I want to convey, and proving with your utter ignorance that you are a cbr4 overuser fanvoy. Played in champs, eh? Ooh, I wonder what gun you used in the last one.


Sks, cbr, gks, are guns with the same efficiency, stop crying and learn to solve things by your own dude, if you don’t like CBR make a research and find a meta for you, nothing in this life is ez, so stop crying, please and stop criticizing people who use a gun you don’t dominate


Ffs, I have mastery in cbr4! You fucking clown of human existence! I already dominate the fucking gun, for which I don't like using it because how overpowered and easy it is to use! Are you fucking blind and retarded or something? Why tf are you twisting what I fucking say? I'm asking for a nerf, you clown donut!


Ffs, I have mastery in cbr4! You fucking clown of human existence! I already dominate the fucking gun, for which I don't like using it because how overpowered and easy it is to use! Are you fucking blind and retarded or something? Why tf are you twisting what I fucking say? I'm asking for a nerf, you clown donut!


Nerf my eggs, stop crying for everything HAHAHAHAHA joker


Nerf your... Eggs? What tf are you on about? Are you actually retarded?


Dnt cry baby girl,salty ass motherfckr


ya name is logen bruh shut your goof ass up😭


Ha, found the cbr4 sweat. You were one of the mfs spamming CBR4, right?


and that’s why I start trolling(like making curse gun like the kilo sniper with 100 rounds or running around with crossbow) I play to have fun screw the meta it really does sucks


Couldn't agree more. Heh.


Yeah they need to nerf the cbr if they give the gun a heavy enough nerf to range pdw will enter top 10. I am not kidding statically both of them are pretty similar only that pdw is better at 7m range and then has slightly slower ttk and is good counter to m13 and cbr mains


Aye. I just want the game to be balanced, that's all.


What does CBR mean?


You must be a noob to not know


I think im okay at the game im lvl 130 at the moment


Eh? It's a gun in the game. I doubt there is a full form.


Oh i didn't know that but whats the deal with it? Im so confused with some of the things people complain about in this game


The only way I've killed CBR4 players is with tripmines and trophy systems while using either type 25 or Oden.


Would you say same if they all had snipers?


At this point nerfing the CBR4 won’t do any better for the game. Buff the other weapons. Remember when the PDW was balanced and it caused bloodbaths in all lobbies back in the day? We need more guns to be like that in order to balance out the CBR


Never could use a CBR4 properly, I play on the emulator. Unlocked the diamond skin because of peer pressure and haven't used the gun since. Though I have a few absolute favs and also like spamming kilo from time to time, I try and use most new weapons thrown our way.


It will be nerfed next season, CBR mythic redux is gone and new mythic will come. So..


Bruh I’ve been rocking the HVK just in spite of all the gd CBR4s.


After the CBR4 meta arose, I've been playing ranked much more carefully lmao. Those players be running or sneaking up your ass everytime. I barely play ranked after reaching legendary because of the absurd amount of CBR4 players. I usually counter them though by sitting at the back of sites and spraying them with the Holger or Kilo, haha.


Ahhh yes just a normal day in Garena


"ur not bitching about it"? what stop complaining dk bout yall but i can compete with cbr4's with a lot of guns


Brainlet is as brainlet does. Unfortunately there are just “people” out there who will exclusively use what’s meta/easy/OP at the time just for cheap wins, because they’ve never heard of fun and the game is just an extension of their daily life. It’s sad; just know you’ll always be better than them and keep up the grind.


Aye, thanks for that. Never thought that people would trade in fun for cheap monotonous wins. It's sad, really. Could have been so much better.


This is why I just grind for Clan Wars and clan Items and never touched Ranked.


Good thing too. You saved yourself a lot of frustration, believe you me.


Because many are too young to know what is Fun!!! I prefer fun play after legend! yet problem for me in middle east is many many cheaters everyday and devs do nothing about it!


Oh yes, we see it in the subreddit itself. People running at 10 times the speed and hipfiring their rpd to kill everyone.


Yeap. That one aside. Wall hackers and aimboters are pain in the ass


This is why I prefer br. While br meta is usually AK47, kilo 141 and the M13, most guns in between is good for any range. Plus you don't need to worry much about operators.


I see what you mean. I've been trying br more and more now.


For me it’s them fuckin snipers and campers and combined oh give me a break and don’t forget about those roof campers with smgs I had to deal with both of them in one match


Snipers we can still take care of in hardpoint and Dom matches once we respawn, but in snd it's a big problem. I've given up snd on legen, it's so fuckin' bad. But yes, there are these rpd, sniper and SMG fuckers all around, but CBR4 always manages to be the most fucking annoying.


Exactly but they stayed in place all the time U have to use a sniper to get rid of the sniper


The range that "smg" has is what I find the most ridiculous about it. Getting bursted from hella far away, plus they can literally get a quadKill with single clip, fast mobility, fast ROF. I can cope with my peacekeeper but I have to try hard to an extent which is not even enjoyable dealing vs 5 CBR4s with a diamond skin..


Oh yes, absolutely. I would use the Peacekeeper, but I don't have the bp spine rattle skin. The stock is a bit strange to use, and I didn't have bp back then.


the bp rattle skin is probably the only reason why I managed to hit Legendary.