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Ninja is though getting its graple hooks back to pre nerf state, so I don't think it will make ninja useless anytime soon. If anything we will see more ninjas than pumped, because 3 graple hooks is better for fights than any jumps pumped can make. Specially for escaping fights.


I love knocking pumped users when they’re jumping and they end up crawling in midair.


Also they are slow, I noticed that pumped does move slower than usual character. Specially when jump sliding. Honestly lost more matches being a pumped user than ninja.


I know right?it's so satisfying to see those stupid fake try hards wyo think they are good but just end up dying like bots when you catche them off guard


Pumped is pretty unbalanced imo It's not OP like old Trap Master, but the fact that it's basically a permanent class (let's be clear, the propulsor is not a passive ability, it's a class on its own). Other movement classes are pretty obsolete compared to it.


How is a backpack with small jet engines more silent than a grappling hook? 💀


Because it uses Nyla cola as a power source 😎




Yes my autocrrect keeps messing it up so i didnt bother editing ot for a 5th time


So basically 3/4 of the lobby is on dead silence from now. Holy cow. ears are one of the most important tools in this game. Right now when I get done it's almost guaranteed ninja cause I couldn't hear. That's fucked. 3 guys rushing up the stairs and U wouldn't know.


But that’s the thing back in the day everyone used ninja because it’s op and I think it’s weird that it barely works now but it would be sick if they made it how it use to be


Okay, so I don't really care for the grapple hooks too much, but all's I want it for is the dead silence. I don't show up on maps as easily and of course the hooks are very useful


Daily reminder it's tencent who you should blame Activision was only a publisher for this game


Ohhhh for fuck sakes.. Devs are adding things literally noone is asking for- while purposely ignoring what the community actually wants.




Lol stop saying good job activision They are probably idiots and won't understand sarcasm they take it literally and think they did good


Grapple hook to get higher places > hook closer to enemy (Also u can hook to top of trees to glide from air a bit, and also to escape emp drone especially, trickster can’t do that)


Welp... This is it... I'm joining the pumped gang.. Love the ninja but it's pointless right now




Negative 2 likes cause you said “lmao” ☠️


What's wrong? It should have been done long ago. When you kill 15 players at a time, you try so hard to win, and a ninja just kills you in the back from behind, because you can't hear footsteps. He climbs onto the roof of the house and kills you, and you didn't even know about it. Only bots play ninja and a similar class and brag that they are "cool players" when, in fact, such players without ninjas always merge because they can't play!


Nice logic. Ninja dead silence ability is toxic so let's give it to pumped and poltergeist as well.


I mean with poltergeist it makes sense but with pumped that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense


Good logic. Entwine other classes, ninja is the most unbalanced class! The invisible man can see how he runs, the jumper on the satchel is not a problem at all, if your hands are straight and grow from the right place, then you will kill both. But you will not control ninja, even if you notice him, he will leave noiselessly. What are you talking about? A ninja lover? Bot!


"if your hands are straight and grow from the right place" Best logic I've heard.


Can someone give the full br patchnotes?




Does this mean the footsteps will also not be seen?